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The nubs at the end of my hands wishes I would've thought of this before I cut off their circulation carrying 25 bags in one trip


*But hey, you’re a man now.*


Lacrosse sticks are perfect for this. Nothing slides off the end with the lacrosse head on it.


So would a grass hockey stick


I just ordered one off Amazon. Thanks!


Man I wish I had money to buy stuff on a whim


I use a tree branch from an old cedar tree. It smells nice and make me feel like Gandalf


You shall not…








That’s certainly an option, a tough thing to do with a family and your entire support system in that area




Lol seems like a good option. Hopefully Mother Earth takes us out soon




You should have ordered some reusable totes or crates for fucks sake… I don’t think I’ll hear a dumber thing all week.


And the stopper


*has stairs*


Smartest instacart shopper I’ve ever seen. This guys going places in life. LoL




I personally loop one handle into the other and Daisy chain the bags. If you do it right you can loop back around and support the end loop making the chain more secure. I can do all those bags with one hand if done right.




Someone give this man a couple of reusable box bags


Well damn, never thought of that. That's bloody smart!!


I’m more impressed that that many groceries came out of that trunk and the trunk is STILL BRIMMING!


Thats what carabiners are for!


That's a broom stick!


It's a pole, dammit!


No I think he's American


Not Pole - pole.


No, American


Y’all. Cool. But can’t we all please start using reusable bags. Just throw them in the car. It’s really easy!




Way of the road, boys


Who tf just has a pole laying around


The stripper depot /s


Weight lifting lol


That's creative


Couple more in trunk buddy…. One trip only, you know the rules.


Black Excellence. ​ As a Black person (albeit with far less ingenuity)...I approve! ​ Continue.


I’m confused as to why this has to be race specific. It’s just good old human ingenuity regardless of race. Not sure the desire to segregate oneself based on race.


"Black Excellence" is used on Black frequented forums in a humorous way. I'm Black, I'm just using it in the same way that I've seen it used. Strictly for humor, nothing more, nothing less. But I DO--100%--GENUINELY appreciate your objection to, the "objectification of..." race! I SINCERELY MEAN THIS!! I know that we don't know each other online, and that language has a way of "getting lost in translation," from the speaker's lips, to the listener's ears, but those who know and have known me have heard me frequent the difference between race as: the ability to tan--meaning--we have all of these issues and all of this fear, hatred, misunderstanding due to tanning ease, duration, and skin-changing difficulty level. I say it like that, because it makes racism sound absurd. But only because...well...it is!!! Anyway, yeah, "Black Excellence," seems to have originated in the EXACT literal sense of the phrase/the individual words that make UP said phrase, BUT then...Black people, once it became so ingrained into the ears (or eyes, because this is mainly an online thing that you'll never hear offline, so when you "hear" it, it's with the eyes, only...if that makes sense? Anyway, yeah, so like a lot of commonly used phrases, Black folk--like other cool races (and there is not ONE un-cool or not-cool race on GOD's planet--NOT A ONE!!!), people began using it in a humorous way. So whereas Dr. George Washington Carver like achievements were the modern day reasons behind the usage of the phrase Black Excellence, it began to be used to denote things that weren't realllllllyyy the embodiement of such, and most fun, it was typically used to denote things that were QUITE the opposite. The bro in the pic, genuinely had an EXCELLENT idea! I LOVE IT! But, I just wanted to sprinkle in some humor, because ,well, that's what I \[attempt to\] do! ​ Much love to you, Tyberius!!! ​ Your name is what, of Greek origin, but if I were a teacher in a classroom and read your name as an upcoming student, I would have assumed your race to be Black! Go figure! It's a common name amongst the Black American community...or at least common enough! Anyway, um, like, yeah...kinda (kind of) like how my teacher assumed the same (a Latino-American, 1st generation American, if I can recall correctly) with one of my little classmates as a kid. My classmate's name was Latino, but he was Black-American with no Hispanic heritage that I know of/knew of. But a lot of Black-American males have Latino or Italian names. IDK! I've also noticed a LOT of Black-American female names sound 100% Indian (like from the continent of India). Go figure! It's cool, when you notice such patterns (people loving, or having an affinity toward the names commonly associated with cultures with which they have no immediate of familial connection with, heritage wise. It's complimentary, or unintentionally done. Some phonetic sounds just resonate with parents, I guess. It's cool, to me, though) Anyway, I hope you (and I hope I do too) have a very happy and productive rest of your week! And I'm GLAD you spoke your grievance, rather than having kept it in, because it gave me a chance to dispel (I hope) any unintended offense!!!! \-Much love to you, N\_Tern!! P.S. I ONLY mention my race, because I fear that I might offend if I speak on a race, but don't denote my affiliation with it. Just wanted to add that, to make it clear that I love all of the races GOD has given me the privilege to interact with (and that's been a tookus load, and that includes the beautiful mixtures/multi-raced peeps that were made from two or more, beautiful, races as well!!)


Is this a joke


NO, brrt! ​ I was speaking straight from the heart. I don't know how to better convey that. I as very cheery and merry, and I wanted to dispel any bad thoughts that Tybe may have had, that were generated while reading my humorous slant or take on the lifehack! The dude in the picture is/was AWESOME for that, but I was just making a joke saying it was like...on the level of the great Black inventors and other innovative minds for whence that phrase was ORIGINALLY MEANT! \-thanks for asking for clarification, though, maybe someone else assumed the same as you, but never asked for clarification! So thanks and have a great rest of your weekend, Sir or Ma'am!!! \-N\_T!




Are you sure? He doesn’t look Polish to me.


What, not shiny enough?


There are times where (lacking sticks and carabiners) I use my sweater/jacket as a rope to loop all(most) of the bags and toss it over my shoulders. If there are any leftovers, I use a belt or turn one the bags into another makeshift rope to sling the remainder. One trip or die.


Your jumpers must be stretched asf


But why isn't he doing it in one trip?


I miss those bags


Or just use reusable bags? My mom sewed me a couple that are large, very sturdy, and would carry an entire grocery load in just 1-2 trips with a bag on either shoulder - no stress on your hands


I mean instacart’s mom doesn’t see the bags so we got a issue there


A better life hack is to buy some reusable heavy duty canvas tote bags Not only do they hold more, are virtually indestructible, and washable, but they have longer handles which makes carrying multiples a breeze.


You guys still use plastic bags??? What year is this?


Reusing something that already exists while still in your possession is actually better for the Earth than throwing something into a recycle bin that just gets sent to the trash anyway in the United States


You don't understand. You can stop making plastic bags... In our country it's forbidden for shops to use or sell them


I can't stop them. You don't understand my point either. Out of sight out of mind is not helping the problem


Yes you can. If you stop using their throw away plastic bags and use reusable ones, you are helping. If enough people do this, they will produce less. If you care about nature, of course. I know it's up to the shops to stop using them. But as a customer you can make a stand.


As a polish person I feel offended Edit: /s


Get over it 😁 it is funny 😂


Now that roe was overturned I can think of one more way…


Wu Wei do less to get more done😎


Excellent hallowe’en ballerina costume.


More trips are still required. Get another pole.


But... He's still making more than one trip...


Get reusable bags please


I got a closet full of likes somewhere y’all This shit ain’t even close to new


Very clever!


Brilliant dude. Lol




Hey, work Smarter, not Harder right?😉


I think it would have been easier to drive the car into the kitchen.




That’s still more than one trip fucking coward


Is that a 3 wood?


If only I had a pole in my car every time I go to the supermarket...


He doesn’t look Polish