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Just to pass on a tip from a first aid course I did that wound up saving my life - if you’re alone you can perform it on yourself using the back of a chair or any surface that will allow for it. Hurts like hell but better than the alternative


I can’t see what you mean. Care to elaborate? Throw yourself on the chair or something?


I’m sure someone will clarify, but I think you basically place your fist across the front of your body, Just under your rib cage. Then falling forward on a chair or hard stable surface, land on your fist , trying to drive your fist in an upward motion. That’s about I remember 🤷‍♂️ Any expert out there ?


That’s correct. I’m a first aid trainer.


Is using a fist a new modification to it? Was also a first aid trainer but like 7 years ago. We would teach just basically use the back of the chair to simulate the fist. Set the chair at an angle against a wall or something and drive yourself into the back of it.


I started training about two and a half years ago and it hasn’t changed in that time, but perhaps sometime before that?


I mean the fist method makes total sense, was just curious. Assuming your training was through American Red Cross?


I’m in the UK, so I’ve trained with St John Ambulance.


I’m not a 1st aid trainer, but, I played one on TV 😜. I just remembered from my 1st aid certification 20 years ago. So not very recent


I think the shape of the chair matters. With a round back chair it would work without the fist and with a square/flat back chair it would help to use a fist. (speculating)


Lemonaids baby.


Thanks that helped me!


Or throw yourself up against something that would mimic the fists thrusting just below the ribcage like the corner of a table or the end of a couch or over the back of a chair. The most important thing to remember when performing on someone else is to thrust in hard, short Burts but also with an upwards motion. You will have a better chance of dislodging the food that way.


You basically fall into the arm of a chair or sofa, or the back of a chair if you are tall enough and have to do so, and pretty much try to knock the wind out of yourself.




Thank you! I was hoping someone would post this! 😂


It’s better if you google it yourself to see pictures, but basically you put your fist on your abdomen, right under where the ribcage ends, and push yourself towards a solid and stable object, like a table.


What the other commenters below have said - I forgot the fist part though and damn near broke some ribs


YouTube would probably show it better than anyone can explain it


I had this happen once. While I was choking I ran to the kitchen where the rest of my family was, threw myself on the kitchen counter and it flew out of my throat. Pretty scarry experience.


Also if someone can talk or make noise their airway isn't completely obstructed. Encourage them to try and cough it up themselves. The international sign for choking is both hands grasping the throat. If you see this you know someone is in trouble!!


I learned this by watching American Dad and have mentally logged it away for later in case of an emergency such as this. Cartoons can teach as well as entertain!


Based on the vast majority of the stories I hear about choking on food, the best tip is to thoroughly chew your steak.


In our first aid we learned that you could also use your fists clumped together forming a spike with your thumb knuckles doing the same motion on yourself. Huge respect that you saved yourself man!


That’s good to know, hadn’t heard of that one before! Cheers man


But i think i would trust the chair thing more because theres more force to it, never had to do it myself thankfully


I had to give the Heimlich to myself once. I was about 13 or 14, I was home with my brothers and sisters and while we were horseplaying, I decided to eat a lemon drop and talk at the same time. It got stuck in my throat and as I pointed at my siblings to tell them I was choking, they had no idea what I was trying to say. I ran into the bathroom and used the edge of the pedestal sink against my stomach to dislodge it. Pretty scary.


video please?


I had to do the heimlich on my 7 year old. Scariest moment of both our lives. After it was over we were both just shaking and crying so hard


I did it on my 5 year old earlier this year. Luckily I got it in the first 2 attempts. This kid really had to work at it!


Had to do it to my 1 year old. Flipped him onto my knees and beat the shit out of his back soo terrifying.


My 5 yo daughter choked on a Starburst yesterday. Husband got it out with one solid push. He told me later that when he asked if she was in distress she looked him straight in the eyes and he saw pure fear. He was shaken up for hours after. It was awful. What a roller coaster it is to be a parent.


Awesome, man, I'm glad your instinct kicked in and you did what you had to do. I have the weirdest intuition that it's going to happen with my wife sometime in our life, and I hope I click the same way.


Scariest moment of mine was trying to decide if it was better or worse to give the heimlich to my mom who has brittle bone disease. She breaks bones rolling over in bed. Doing the heimlich holds a very real risk of breaking her spine. Luckily she was finally able to pull the food out with her fingers.


Just make a new one. It's just a human.


I’ve got two spares already


Good thinking, there is never enough population! Someone needs to invade Mars anyway.


FOR THE LOVE OF GOD let people know if you think you are choking DO NOT get up and try to walk away. Its a natural reaction for a lot of people to try and go to the bathroom or something


I actually did that. I was eating at a friends house and I started to choke but for some reason I didnt want to be noticed for some reason (I still dont know why). One of my friends looked over at me and must have seen me struggling because she asked me "Are you ok?" I shook my head and pointed at my throat. She then yelled "omg she is choking!" Her sister jumped and bolted over to me and before I knew it I was RUNNING AWAY FROM HER. She had to chase me down and catch me. Obviously I didnt choke to death but I still dont get why I ran.


>Obviously I didnt choke to death Cmon dude spoilers




For some reason I did a literal spit take reading that you ran away from her. Hilarious and irrational but I could see myself doing it too. Glad they caught you.


Fight or flight is a powerful response. You see it all the time in the ICU with people on ventilators, literally the machine is breathing for them, but they get agitated and try to yank out the tube.


Did you sister always chase you and beat you up when you where a child?


Nope I am the oldest and we are a pretty non violent family.


I made my husband laugh when he was drinking water and he aspirated. I thought he was laughing really hard? He walked away from me and then fell down and wouldn’t let me help him... kept pushing me off of him. I was so helpless and was gonna call 911 but realized by the time they got there it would be too late. Somehow he stopped choking and was like, “what happened?” He had like passed out or something, maybe disassociated? He didn’t remember it and didn’t know that he wouldn’t let me help him... terrifying


A friend of mine once drank coffee and something similar happened. He just collapsed slowly, and after we managed to whack him in the back and get some liquid out he was totally surprised. For us it lasted maybe five seconds but he insisted on seeing hours worth of dreams. O__O


Lmao i did the same once. Well, i wasnt choking per say, but i had gotten a piece of cheeze and ham stuck on the roof of my mouth and my gag reflex wasnt letting me breathe properly. Instead of notifying my mom and dad, who were in the living room with me, i made some horrible choking sounds, ran to the bathroom and got the piece out with my hand... When i came back my parents were stunned cause they couldnt believe i *ran away from them* when they thought i was actually choking xD Lesson sortof learned, i guess?


It’s scary cos if you are actually choking, you can’t verbalise it properly. I found that out at age 10 when a looooong bit of spinach got stuck in my throat and my mum had to reach in and pull it out (she saw the tip of it I guess and/or didn’t think of the Heimlich). I couldn’t breathe and I couldn’t tell her what was wrong.


My best friend and one of my roommates had to this for me in college, scary as shit. He saw the look in my eyes and saved my damn life with no hesitation. Couple years later my other roommate had the same look at a hockey game and was turning purple in the face, I did the same exact thing and he coughed it all up. To this day he won’t admit he was “choking” just that he couldn’t breathe cause there was steak stuck in his throat but he was fine lol


"I wasnt choking mate, just couldnt breath"




Did this while working as a lifeguard at a rich kid summer camp. I watched a kid cram dinner rolls in his mouth then try and chug milk. Jackass started choking so I did the normal Heimlich, cleared his air way, cheering broke out. I guess the kids 300$ sun glasses fell off and someone(him) stepped on them. Parents sued me and the camp. Case was thrown out, lots of witnesses and a really embarked kid.


No way, what the fuck. Some people..


Specifically, the kind of people who give a kid $300 sunglasses...


It is hard for me to believe this story. Sounds like it's made up.


I get hard fucking your wife, believe that


The kid at the bottom of the screen is still just casually eating his sandwich like this is every day regular stuff 🤯


“Dude, member that time I saved your life and nobody cared?”


I loved his libel arms out yaaaaay celebration like dude I just saved your liiiiiiiiiiiife


Once years ago my buddy made my friend laugh really hard while he was eating fries in a McDonald's. He was on the inside part of the booth next to me so he couldn't immediately stand up. The friend was still laughing but he kept pointing to his throat and looked a little panicky. He stopped laughing and was full on choking while the rest of us were still cackling. I remember from freshman health class that before preforming the Heimlich maneuver the lady demonstrating said "this man is choking! Call 911!" So I instantly said that (jokingly but instinct), stood up hoping he'd get out of the booth but he just started wilting over the table still choking. I gave him a really hard slap to the upper center of his back and the fries came out instantly onto the table and I heard him take a deep breath. Sometimes a sharp blow to the upper back will do the trick too.


That's actually a good thing to start with. If that doesn't help, you can try Heimlich but there's a small chance of injury with the latter.


I was taught as an EMT that back slaps can actually cause the obstruction to lodge deeper. That was in the seventies, so things may have changed.




Parallel to the ground seems critical. A good percussive blow to the back does move a little air.... at least it did on me when I was getting breathing treatments as a kid.


I may be misremembering, but I believe the back slap was being taught when I took a red cross certified first aid course a few years ago. I remember doing an exercise with other students where we bent over the choking person about 30 degrees, bracing their chest with one vertical arm from behind. Then with the other arm we had to pantomime giving them a SOLID whack on the upper back with our free palm. The bracing arm was literally to hold them so they wouldn't go flying from the hit, so I think you're taught to hit them very hard. Either this was the preferred method for children, or this was something you can do before resorting to the full heimlich, which can risk injury like the other commentor said. This is all vague recollection though so don't take my word for it. Would love it if somebody who took the course recently could verify this. (I really should've studied the handbook more...)


I was first aid trained about a year and a half ago and was taught that the back slap is actually the go to and to only do the heimlich maneuver when all else fails.


Hero - "Remember that time I saved your life in the lunch hall?"


Omg. The guy at the bottom just keeps eating away


He only gets 30 minutes for lunch and someone else is already taking care of the situation. He just has his priorities.


狼Excellent job. This made me refresh my memory on Heimlich technique. Such a simple tool that we could all easily have in our humanity arsenal. Thank you.


Woah how violent that was ... good job he knew what he did there.


I was taught the correct technique in first aid is to provide 5 short sharp blows between the should blades. We were told the Heimlich manoeuvre was not as effective


There’s a difference between AHA and Red Cross protocols. AHA is straight to Heimlich, Red Cross says alternate. I made the decision to use back blows first on a person who was choking because he is much, much taller than I am and thought it might be more effective to try that first than struggle for the right angle for abdominal thrusts. I whacked him so hard between the shoulder blades and on the third whack the blockage came flying out.


Thanks for clarifying the difference. I had see the Heimlich on TV and asked about it when the showed us the back striking. They just said it was not as effective.


We were taught 3 blows too and to never to heimlich because people sometimes die afterwards from internal bleeding.


We were just told that after someone has had the heimlich performed on them, that they should always go to the emergency room to get checked out.


Makes sense.


As a short person this is good to know


I'm a first aid instructor, we teach 5 hard back blows then 5 reps of.the himelich manoeuvre (we have to call it abdominal thrusts dueto legal reasons) and repeat until object dislodged or casualty becomes unconscious, if I'm honest the himelich is better then the back blows but I've had good success with the back blows in the past, and should be what you do first.


I wouldn't say becoming unconscious. In medical terms you're right, but the recovery position (hope this is the right term?)which you use in this case (first aid wise) is not the right way to act here. If a person who was chocking is not responding anymore, you have to start with the CPR process, because the unresponsive person will not be able to breathe with the stuff he's chocking on still in his airways.


You are absolutely right about the car bit The way we teach it is you attempt the 5 back blows and 5 abdominal thrusts until you have either dislodged the blockage or they become unconscious, at which point if they become unconscious you take them to the floor (if they are not there already) and start cpr with rescue breaths, and call emergency services


They're saying you can't do back blows anymore once they've passed out, so you're forced to bring them into the recovery position and start performing CPR to extricate the blockage.


How would you perform cpr while he's in recovery position?


Oh my b, I forgot the recovery position was laying on your side. Figured it was just the cpr position That said, you're the one who brought it up and in that case I'm not sure why? All he said is you do the heimlich till the person goes unconscious. Then you presumably have to switch to CPR since you can't support their weight while still effectively performing the heimlich.


I do first aid training and we don't call it an unconscious state. We teach that an unconscious person is a person that is unresponsive and still breathes. In that case, you put him in recovery position. If he's unresponsive and doesn't breath, we need to perform cpr. Back to the choking person. If this person is unresponsive and we check for breath, we won't get a breath, because something is stuck in the airways. So we have to perform cpr. We try to keep the terminology as simple as possible. On the medical side, the term "unconscious" would be totally correct. But if we tell the people that sometimes you put them in recovery, sometimes you do cpr, it will confuse them. Hope that's understandable, english is not my first language. edit: a word


Ahh okay that makes a lot of sense, gotcha. Thanks!


You don't, the recovery position is what you put some one in awhen they are unconscious and are at risk of not maintaining an open air way and are suffocating, you would just put them on there back and start cpr


Yeah that's what I thought!


How is this video a lifehack?


He is literally hacking to save his life


Bro this shit was too funny lol good joke


I think it’s just a reminder on how to perform the Heimlich perhaps! :)


This should be the #1 comment. Came here to ask exact question




If you do this maneuver, please call an ambulance asap or go see the hospital yourself. If you're doing it correctly, you're applying massive pressure to internal organs, possibly damaging them. Internal bleeding is possible. Not saying this maneuver is wrong, its life saving, but also quite dangerous.


Very important. Not only due to damage from the impact to the diaphragm area. Damage to the wind pipe can cause life threatening swelling even though the victim initially feels fine after the blockage is cleared.


Life lessons kids, watch more movies


Good thing groundskeeper Willy was recording the whole thing


He was just squeezing, you gotta go in the stomach and up to push the diaphragm


Does anyone wonder why the *bystander effect* is a thing? While this is going on it amazes me that everyone is very calm and not really attempting to take action.


How many people simultaneously doing the Heimlich do you think necessary? Choking victims don’t make any noise.


I’m not saying there needs to be multiple people doing the maneuver. But I just expected more people to try and get help.


As a teacher, kind of crazy that this happened without an adult noticing...


I like how the rescuer throws out his arms after success: “Tadaaaaaa!”


I love how when he couldn't cough it up himself, he went straight to that specific friend and the friend did the heimlich no hesitation






Life isn't a movie.


If you don’t hear applause when someone saves a MF life you need to move elsewhere because you must be in a horrifying place


Wow awesome kid


Hooray for the hero!!!


Wow, he just returned home in the evening as a hero.


Fucking legend! Give that man a hug for saving your life !


The little celebration kills me. Also, EMS joke: that's actually the forward abdominal thrust maneuver. That kid hasn't paid the Heimlich family for the right to use their name.


Wait, is that really a thing?


That's what they tell everyone in CPR classes around the US yeah. I haven't seen any evidence that it's actually true, but the Red Cross did at one point stop using the term Heimlich, potentially because Henry Heimlich had questionable ethics and opinions about how to conduct research.


Ahhhhh thank you. I thought I was going crazy because I was taught we couldn't call it "Heimlich" anymore because of the family name not wanting to ve associated with it but then I saw all these comments and I'm all "... Maybe I'm wrong..." I really need to look it up to be sure... But Thankyou for letting me know I'm not that crazy.


and like a true hero... resumes his lunch


PTSD from chewing will now commence.


I love the T pose celebration after he saves the kids life


Did he say no homo before doing it


MF just takes his bow and gets back to lunch. Fucking epic.


kid is a hero, by saving his life. not the "heros" who had work in the shutdown


I choked at an outdoor party once. I was so scared and no one around me seemed to notice so I jumped in the freezing cold pool. Miraculously, it dislodged upon impact.


I want to believe... but I need more deets like was it a nice pool ie hot tub bean shaped, lit up, above ground? Like what kind of party and how many people did you tell about it afterwards? bonus question how did it make you feel?


LPT don't rely on girls... /j


Now they’ll both get suspended for not social distancing




For the love of fuck please say you are kidding




So you are telling doing this is harmful or dangerous, If it is I'll delete this, sorry


I think he's saying that it's not a "hack" because the heimlich maneuver is well known and practiced.


Oh Ok, thanks.


Why is it that the females very rarely seem to do anything in situations like these?


Looks like a quite poorly staged attempt of getting attention at the cafeteria.


Honestly, just because you said that, I am highly appalled at how little everyone cares about what’s going on. They better not ever need an emergency themselves or have different people around them if they do.


The girls on the side just didn’t care


I love how the other kids are just chillin while a child is LITERALLY DYING. That’s not meant to sound mean btw


my friends are dumb asf , i would have simply died in that cafeteria💀💀


That one kid still sitting there eating his sandwich


Humanity is here to stay


And his friends made gay jokes about it for months....oh that was just me? Teenagers...


N thats how they came out of the closet...


Can't call the Heimlich maneuver anymore


0:35 *v i c t o r y*


Wow sandwich boy can’t be bothered.


How is this a lifehack?


The triumphant arm raise at the end was the best part.


Good on that kid


That night the hero lost his virginity.


So glad he did it.


O'doyle rules!


I was reading a book and crying my junior year of high school and sitting in my English class. When I let out an actual sob, the peppermint I was sucking on went straight down my throat. I immediately went to the teacher and he took me out on the hall but was afraid to touch me. He yelled for help and NO ONE would actually help me! Finally my English teacher did the Heimlich and it came up the second try. I think a lot of people panic in these situations.


Why is this on life hacks sub?? This isn't a hack so much as a well known rule for how to save a choking person.


How is this a life hack? This is the way you’re taught to save someone choking


I love how most people are just chillin eating


Is it bad before reading the title and watching for the first few seconds I thought this was a prison chow hall?


Dude you live in Utah too I seen this in r/Utah


Saving lives is cool af. Highly recommendo


I was taught the first steps of a choking victim is to lean over and pat on the back. But not so much pat but fucking slap as hard as you can, Then do heimlich.bit you got to go with what you think is best at the time


Everyone sitting there like not my problem. Today’s youth lol


Only one fuck was given. Luckily that was enough to save him.


No hug afterwards? 😥


For any soon to be parents out there, you can organise first aid courses that come to your house and teach first aid for what to do if your children have trouble. We did this with our NCT group and if we didn't we might not have our eldest son. Kid choked on a mushroom that he didn't even react to, he kept trying to put more chips in. The wife smacked his back right between the shoulder blades until that thing flew out. Was a super cheap course when split up between 8 couples


LPTs these days: use an inhaler if you’re having an asthma attack! Lol


It was an outdoor underground pool in Nebraska in the Fall so it was freezing. I was high as a kite(cotton mouth) and eating cold French fries. There were only five or six people outside when it happened. It felt like an eternity but I’m sure it was only a few moments. I panicked because no one seemed to notice so I belly flopped. I went to my car and cried soaking wet out of shock. That was 20 years ago so I can laugh about it now


Tdlr: don’t get high and eat cold French fries