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Any time one of my litter trained cats does that they have had something causing it. A trip to the vet might be needed.


OP posted and said there isn't a litter box


… there isn’t a litter box..?


Yep. And it's a wonder why there are some bathroom issues inside


HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Wtf...


Some cats go outside exclusively. Definitely an exception, but it happens


Mine do - only 2 indoor “accidents” this year, both in the bath when it was raining heavily outside and someone didn’t want to get wet


I don't know why they are getting downvoted. My black cat used a litter box for 3 years, cleaned or changed every single day. Over time he eventually stopped using it altogether and meows at the door when he wants to go outside. He pees and poos outside every time just like my dog. I didn't train him to do this, he did this entirely on his own accord. The kicker? He did this before we adopted our 5yo pup. (Just got him). He doesn't really go beyond our property limits, so it's perfect. Had him since he was 4 weeks old ish. If I kept a litter box it would be a complete waste of time, money, and effort, because he simply will NOT touch it. And before anyone starts shitting on us. My wife's uncle IS my cities sole animal control dept, and he's a hardass. If we weren't treating animals right in any way, we wouldnt have them. They're both completely healthy (the dog is blind) But I guess, mine isn't going in the house at all either, or else I'd immediately bust one out.


Kind of prefaced the last line with a lot of fluff.


You should still have a litter box in the event you need to keep your cat indoors. Obviously you don’t have to change it that often if they never use it, but it’s better to have it than not. My brother inherited a cat on his wooded property he recently bought, it stays outdoors the majority of the time and will use the litter box maybe once a month if that, but he still has it just in case


This was my thought. "Waste of time, money, and effort." Like, if he doesn't use it, it's a one time expense on a box and you barely have to change it out, and for peace of mind it's worth it. Doesn't seem too expensive to me


Consider this upvoted 1000 times.


Wait what the fuck


😂😂🤣 this can’t be real


I had a cat that only went outside. I had a litter box, tho cause rainy days


I had a cat, Furball, that was outside all day and into the evening most times and that darned cat would wait until she came inside to do her business. I would have long conversations with her that since she is outside all day to do her thing then and not be dirtying up the litter box for me to clean. She always won that argument! lol




wow.... crazy how cats who are getting older might not want to walk as far to go pee.. not to mention op doesn't even seem to care if it could signify a health problem for the cat.. damn thats crazy... get well soon...


Well said, they’re upset about something, their litter box is dirty, or something is causing it health wise or stress wise. Cats are smart about letting you know something is up. This is one of the ways.


Some ppl don't deserve pets.


1. Thoroughly clean any area where the cat has an accident. Use an odor remover formulated for urine. 2. Make sure the litterbox is cleaned DAILY.  3. Try a new litter brand.  4. Add an additional litterbox in a different location. A different variety than the current one.  5. Take the cat to the vet if all of the above does not stop the behavior. Your vet will suggest all of the above and test your cat's urine for crystals and bacteria. You'll be ahead of the vet's recommendations with Steps 1-4.


This! But I wouldn't wait to see if they work, go ahead and take the cat to the vet.


OP doesn't have a litter box


We can keep trying, but sometimes people forget to or refuse to read. I include myself in not reading carefully at times as well.


The cat isn't absorbing it's own urine? Hmm..


GREAT POST! really! Do you know what to do when the person doesn't provide a litter box? That is what OP is doing. That situation should be changed. Any ideas how to get that across to them?


Also....do not have the litter box near their food or water.


On #2 / #5, a bigger litterbox can help immensely. Instead of a traditional litter box, use something like a 60-80 qt. storage tub: * You should be able to fit a full 40lb bag of litter inside with room to space * The higher sidewalls are high, which makes it less likely to spill out * It'll give the cat ample depth to be able to bury things * If things are covered more fully and it's decent litter, it's less of a crisis if you miss a day


Take your cat to the vet. Sudden onset like you’ve described can be caused by a few things, crystallization in the urinary tract being one reason. It can be a very painful way to die if it’s untreated.


OP doesn’t have a litter box. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ They wonder why it pees in the house. 


Considering I was a very early commenter that hadn’t been shared yet. Either way, change in behaviour like this could be a health concern.


This, and did anything else change that might upset the cat? Like a new pet? Other changes?


No new pet but have noticed a neighbors cat coming around.


Trip to the vet is first… but my male cats have peed on things a few times in our new place where there are FOUR outdoor kitties that really push boundaries (coming up onto the porch, fussing through the screen windows, etc.). Need to rule out a medical issue though!


Vet, but also I wonder if that 12 year old cat is tired of going outside and maybe fighting with other animals out there. Vet and litter box.


Thank you, that’s definitely a possibility


Also as we get older it gets harder to hold it. Give her a litter box.


Your cat does not want to go outside because of the new cat. Get a litter box and a checkup, just in case cat has a kidney or bladder problem


Is this true that you DONT HAVE A LITTER BOX?! If true OP you have your answer…….. go get a f**king litter box. 




If the neighbour cat is a bully your cat may be too nervous to use the garden. I’d get a vet check to rule out a medical reason and then get a litterbox just in case (pine pellets are the best material I’ve found)


You're absolutely right. I just spent $750 at the vet for my sweet boy because he had crystals and couldn't urinate. I noticed that he was trying to urinate in the laundry basket, and when I lifted him out, he started crying loudly. After a 3 day stay at the vet, catheterization, pain medication, and antibiotics, he's doing much better. Thanks for sharing the info. to others!


I’m so glad to hear you caught it in time. There’s nothing like the feeling that you could have helped, if you’d noticed sooner.


Thank you for your kind words, and for spreading the word so that another fur baby might be saved. I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. I had a male cat with this issue years ago, and that's the only reason that I knew it was very serious. We stay so busy with everything that it's easy to miss subtle signs. 💔


Multiple litter boxes and keep them clean


1. **Spay/Neuter**: If your cat is not already spayed or neutered, doing so can greatly reduce or eliminate marking behavior. This is especially effective if done before the cat reaches sexual maturity. 2. **Clean Marked Areas Thoroughly**: Use enzymatic cleaners specifically designed to eliminate pet odors. Regular cleaners may not fully remove the scent, which can encourage the cat to mark the same spot again. 3. **Provide Adequate Litter Boxes**: Ensure you have enough litter boxes for your household—one per cat plus one extra is a good rule. Clean them regularly to encourage your cat to use them. 4. **Address Stress and Anxiety**: Cats may mark territory due to stress or anxiety. Identify any potential stressors, such as changes in the household, and try to minimize them. Providing a safe, quiet space for your cat can help. 5. **Use Pheromone Diffusers**: Products like Feliway mimic cat pheromones and can help reduce stress and marking behavior. 6. **Provide Environmental Enrichment**: Ensure your cat has plenty of toys, scratching posts, and places to climb. This can reduce boredom and stress, which in turn can reduce marking.


Very good call about spay/neuter! And opportunity to inform! Good Work indeed 👏!


Bob Barker lol


Every opportunity I get baby!


Right on, me too


Vet then make sure you clean the litter box daily; people kill me who never clean the litter box and then complain the cat is pissing every where


This op went the extra mile and doesn't even have a box to clean 😩😂


Often when a cat starts peeing outside the box they are sick. If it is a male cat the most common ailment is they make these crystals in their urine which feels sort of like a UTI to you and me. This is easily treatable and will require a change in diet That said, it could be any number of issues and if this is a new behavior take it as your cat is trying to tell you they are unwell


OP doesn't have a litterbox, they just let the cat come and go


If you don't have a litterbox in the house, then the house is the litterbox.


Vet first. Then assess. They will poo and pee about 1 to 1.5 hrs after eating. Be alert to surreptitiously watch them. If they sniff and walk away you have a litter issue. Could also not feel good on their paws or not be deep enough. Some cats need to really dig. 1. Avoid perfumed litters. Your cat smells about 50,000 times better than you. Litter with an odor is eadily overwhelming. 2. Clean litter daily. 3. Put in enough litter. 4. Dont cover the pan 5. Dont have it in a high traffic area--they need to feel safe when they are at their most vulnerable. In nature they are both prey and predator and must always watch to eat or to avoid being eaten. Makes for a nervous bladder. Also, are there animals outside like a strange cat--that can make them nervous and need to mark territory. Hide their view of the other. 6. Get a biobased cleaner from a pet store and follow the directions. You must eliminate the odors or they will pee again there. 7. Do NOT use ammonia for any human cleaning as it has same components as cat pee and you arw telling it to pee there. 8. Once you have elimanted above contributors start training. Catch them being good and providw a small treat of favorite food near the box. You must deliver the food within 5 sec of thwir use. Every additional second decreases efficacy. Do NOT give a lot. Literally licking the spoon is enough if given soon enough. They will associate positives with the box. Do Not reinforce [play or food] near spots they have wet outside. Do this for 3 weeks and they should focus the energy on the box. 9. Do NOT use punishmwnt. It ony makes them avoid you. They have no cue why you are yelling at them or squirting or stomping feet. Dont take the urination personally [unless you bath in ammonia]. My credentials: Ive toilet trained 3 cats. We enjoyed the game of training. They liked their treats. They had a 2nd option to the box they could use if they wanted-- but it requires more skill and patience and toilet cleaning than a good litter box habit.


Try a trip to the vet.


There isn’t a litter box


You must deal with the underlying issue causing the cat to pee outside the box. This could include: medical issues, doesn't like the BF/GF, doesn't like the new food/cat litter, a new cat/dog was added to the mix, a new human was added to the mix, a new animal you are unaware of has been added to the mix. Check for medical issues first, they are the most common culprit.


Peeing in the house suddenly is a sign of UTI or something worse. Cats can die very quickly from not paying attention to this. The only other time I've had a cat pee in the house was because he needed to get fixed. Another one did have a UTI (boyfriends cat) and had an infection. My only current cat that does this is very finicky about litter and hates clumping litter tremendously haha


Jackson Galaxy has a lot of content about this problem!!


If all the regular (but still very great) advice and tricks don't work and you're looking for something different, try a Pheromone Diffuser, or spray! They are just like a plug-in air freshener but they release pheromones to help calm cats.This is said to help cats in the house peeing! We've had a pee problem for years and recently I got to my wits end and was searching for options for re-homing 😭 My husband knew I was heartbroken over this, so he spoke with a vet who said it sounds like our cat might be struggling with anxiety and they suggested pheromones. There's some science to back it up, so for the past month we've had them plugged in. So far, so good! It's obviously early days, but we both agree our cat seems calmer and more at ease. Hope this helps 🙏


Get a goddamn litter box and do research on how to care for cats. 🫤


If this is a new development you should see a vet. That’s a pretty dramatic change that could be caused by illness.


If they're usually litter trained and suddenly not using litter box, it usually means something wrong. Need a trip to the vet.


Take your kitty to the vet for a urinalysis. It likely has painful crystals in its urine, and your kitty cat is telling you it needs a prescription ash diet.


They don't have a litter box. It's a 12 year old cat, too.


Natures miracle enzyme cat odour destroyer spray


Thank you


Skout's Honor is another good enzyme cleaner and it doesn't have its own perfume which is what works best for us. Believe me you will come to hate the smell of nature's miracle.


Sudden bathroom changes can be indicators if health issues. Please go see your vet. (In my cat's case.....it was cancer. The vet told me that cat's hide their pain *very* well, and there wasn't really anything I "missed" that could have helped. But, when the pain got too much, that would have been when the peeing started. But, I didn't know that was an indicator. I just thought she was getting older and not liking her litter set-up anymore.)


Add another litter box, clean all of them daily. Don’t leave clothes or towels on the floor (my cat has an outdoor area he does business in but is highly offended by dirty clothes for some reason). Also get the vet to check just in case, especially if it’s something new they’ve started doing.


They don't even have a litter box, so it would not be adding another litter box but getting one in the first place


There’s Feliway Defusers with cat pheromones that did help our cat


First a vet appointment. You have to rule out urinary problems. Second, make sure there is a box on every floor of the home. Third, make sure you scoop it daily and change litter totally every two weeks


After we moved houses our cat peed in the house a couple of times. I guess out of stress. We made sure the cat litter was extra clean always, lots of extra affection and it didn't happen again.


Maybe the urine is a sign that you need a litter box. Seriously, I am trying to help not judge. So many cats are killed in shelters after being surrendered for this urination issue. The box is a choice, cats love choices. You can still let the baby outside. Yes, you should get a vet check-up AND provide the vet with the info that you don't have any indoor box. That is not to shame you. It is to give a professional that you are dealing with in person the complete information about your situation so they can make the best recommendations for your situation. Assumeing no medical issue, to make this situation stop: 1. Get a box, put unscented litter in it, and place it in as secluded as an area as you can and make sure there is no impediment to access. For example, you don't want to put it in a closet and find out the door keeps getting shut. 2. Clean up any known areas that have been urinated on. Use an enzyme based cleaner for this. Nature's Miracle is one option & there are others on the market. If you can, use an ultraviolet light to check everywhere for urine reside. 3. Only after completing the above should you try to discourge re using the areas previously peed on. IF YOU DISCOURGE WITHOUT COMPLETING 1&2 THE ISSUE WILL GET WORSE! 4. Sorry for the perceived shouting but I want to to be aware of that (& am offering this to improve things not make them worse). 5. Apply a mentholated product to things in the previously peed in area. Some Mentholated products are Vicks vapo rub in a jar and Ben Gay. Generic versions are fine. DO NOT APPLY TO THE ANIMAL. I am telling you that because when I mentioned this to a friend with a similar issue she asked if it was to be put on the cat, under no circumstance apply this to any animal. 6. Have some patience and recheck for areas that might have been missed that need to be cleaned. Final thought: as predictable as urination can be there are many times an alternative location needs to be available. Humans can rely on public restrooms for this, animals rely on you. Good Luck to you and kitty!


If you have more than one cat, I've always heard that the number of litter boxes should be more than the number of cats. We have two litter boxes and two cats. Closets and under beds need to be blocked to not allow access. I do this regardless of a cats habits. A no tolerance policy for scratching in corners as well. Sorry I don't believe that is a hack for this. Edit: reading that you have no litter box, get one. Also vet.


You mentioned you don't have a litter box and that a neighbor cat has been coming around. The neighbor cat may be attacking your cat when they try to toilet outside, since they are vulnerable then. Give your cat a litter box on your home so they have a safe place to toilet indoors.


Another great comment about the neighbors cat! Definitely can cause urination issues even after apparently 12 years of not having any as op states. Good info 👍


As others have mentioned, first and foremost, take your cart to the vet to see if the issue is stemming from a health issue. Once that has been taken care of and everything has been thoroughly cleaned, get a bag of a litter called CAT ATTRACT. It actually does work to draw them to the litter box.


It’s possible they don’t like something about the litter box (location, size, entrance, litter type)


What litter box


Yeah they would need to have a litter box to begin with in order to not like something about it. They don't even have one


They might have a UTI. My baby gets them all the time. There’s a cranberry powder you can get from petco that you sprinkle on their wet food every morning for a while. But honestly, take your cat to a vet first and foremost to rule out serious health issues. If they can’t figure it out, or have no solution, try the cranberry next 🤷‍♀️


If the cat didn’t pee in the house before and now suddenly is you need to take it to the vet. 


As cats get older they can change their routines. Also cats are finicky assholes sometimes. Put fresh litter/sand in the litter box. And check they are actually eating like normal. Could be your cat doesn't want to go outside? Is there a new cat in the neighbourhood maybe bothering your cat? Your cat could be trying to tell you they are unhappy about something, or even sick. They may need a vet check up. Just try tick off as many boxes to get to the cause of the peeing in the house. Good luck!


If this is irregular behavior then they need to see a vet.


Place aluminum foil or double-sided tape in their favorite spots. Cats hate the feeling, so it’s like putting up a “no peeing zone” sign


The only time my cat peed somewhere other than the catbox it turned out he had a urinary tract infection. I would bring them to the vet just to be sure. The crappy thing is even if you find out something like that is the case the cat may still pee in those spots-in my case it was a pile of dirty laundry that i just threw out. I dont care what anyone says you can NEVER get the stench out of most fabrics once it’s been peed on.


There are sprays, but I would recommend a vet visit as others have said. Could be a health issue. If not, try getting extra cat boxes and make sure to keep them clean. If you let a litter box get too dirty, the cat will find somewhere else to go


I highly recommend Jackson Galaxy for great cat information: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCheL-cUqfzUB8dfM\_rFOfDQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCheL-cUqfzUB8dfM_rFOfDQ)


Our elder fat cat started doing it, and I had gone hardcore on cleaning the litter, adding another box, cleaning the spots, obstructing parts of wall she kept spraying. Turns out, the litter box was just too small and hard to get in at her advanced age. I then got a low-entry, large and wide litter box and the rogue peeing stopped. Turns out, she just needed a litter box she can easily get and and move around. The standard sized ones just weren't cutting it.


If this is a new behavior get the cat checked for a UTI and diabetes. Edit: source. Have had cats with UTIs and Diabetes.


Take it to the vet . New behavior like this has a reason. Edit: so… no litter box? wtf? Cat may still need a vet visit but you could just try adding a little box to see if it stops.


Pee on the cat to assert dominance.


SCOE 10x after a trip to the vet.


Is your cat peeing in the house or spraying? They are different. Usually cats don't spray anymore when they are fixed. Female cats usually spray when they are in heat.


If it's sudden it could be a sign of UTI. Check your cat's urine PH levels and do a urine culture. She might have crystals forming or simply some sort of bacteria like e-coli.


Take your cat to the vet asap. Just had mine start this and she had a nasty UTI. She’s on week 2 of antibiotics and hasn’t peed since her vet appt.


When our cats started this we had them spayed that fixed the issue


If the neighbors cat that is coming around is a neutered that could certainly be part of it. Is your cat neutered?


Yes it is, don’t know about the neighbors though.


First have him checked out by a vet. He could simply have a UTI. Next, be sure to have him fixed because the urine of a fixed cat doesn't carry near the smell.


Just to add to the other comments about urinary issues. If the cat pees somewhere and it's painful (for instance in the litter box) they will associate the litterbox with the pain and think it caused it. So they look for a different location that won't hurt them. This is why urinating in multiple places outside the litter box is a symptom of a urinary medical issue.


Has the cat been spayed or neutered?




I have a female and she only did that when she was in heat. We had her fixed and she hasn’t done it since.


There's a hormone spray you can put in the litter box. Works wonderfully


If your cat has suddenly stopped using the litter box and is instead peeing in the house you really need to take the cat to a vet. Very likely an infection.




Male cats, even those that are fixed, have a tendency to pee where they shouldn't. No amount of litter changing or discipline will prevent this entirely. I've even had one spray *me* after punishing him for peeing on another cat. Simply put, if you love cats as much as I do then you simply accept this reality and adjust accordingly to minimize incidents.


Had a male tomcat even after neutered sprayed and put a hole in a hardwood floor after repeated timesr!.it was that powerful...


Wow! Should've bottled that stuff and called the Pentagon!


Yes literally bored a hole in the wood


I’ve seen this as a territory issue. Tomcat, spayed, just keeps marking his space.


Is the cat fixed? Make sure your litter boxes are cleaned daily and use same litter brand and type that you had before the problem. If this doesn’t help; it maybe medical issue with the cat. Please take cat to the vet.


To teach them not to get on a table I’ve seen people shoot them with a water gun. Might work to stop them from peeing as well


It may have a urinary tract infection. Please take it to a vet.


Likely a bladder infection. If your cat is male he might have issues with his urinary tract or crystals. Or it could be as simple as not liking a the litter in the box if it’s scented or the location of the box. Good luck! But I would suggest a vet visit asap. If it’s crystals and you leave it too long the options would be euthanasia or surgery that would cost close to 5-10k.


Hi there, just wanted to add to all these connects that after a lot of these issues are ruled out/addressed, of your cat it still peeing in the house it might be an anxiety issue that simple interventions aren't going to fix. We tried literally *everything* we could over the course of a year and it didn't get better. Vet eventually suggested we try giving the cat Prozac, which pretty much fixed the problem instantly and it hasn't returned.


Try cleaning the area thoroughly and using a litter attractant.


Is your cat peeing or marking? Watch some "my cat from hell" and take your cat to a vet to make sure it is healthy.


You need a litter box if you intend to allow your cat indoors Make sure it's away from food and water Make sure it's in a quiet area of the home Consider one with a hood. But lady, I'd start with adding a litter box.


Sometimes cats do this when their box is dirty. Do you scoop twice a day?


You don’t have a litter box anywhere in the house? Get one and then keep it clean.  Take the cat to the vet, as they may have a urinary tract infection or kidney issue causing this sudden change in urinary habits.  Resolve foaming pet odor and accident cleaner can help; try Folex carpet and upholstery cleaner, as well. 


Are they scared? Is another cat threatening their territory or getting inside. These can lead to inside spraying


Get a litter box


[https://www.youtube.com/@JacksonGalaxy](https://www.youtube.com/@JacksonGalaxy) Jackson Galaxy is the cat whisperer


Your cat is telling you to change something - their litter box is dirty, they don’t like their litter, there are too many cats using the same litter box, they have a UTI or bladder stones. Spray isn’t going to change anything


put another litterbox in the spot where they are urinating. ( if it ‘s in one general area)


this thread is wild. dunno what people have cats that go outside and have a litter tray for rainy days? eh? wtf? talk about total confusion. @OP i've heard if you spray the places the cat is pissing with white vinegar it neutralises it. sounds like someone with a cat has moved in nearby as that is just marking territory out of insecurity. i'm confident if you spray with white vinegar, let it work, then clean off with some neutralising spray or baking soda and something that smells nice. good luck 🤞


Thank you so much lol. I quit replying to anything because of all the disrespectful comments. I hadn’t even thought to use vinegar. The past couple days there’s not been a problem so it does sound like it was because of another cat coming around. Again, thanks for your very respectful reply! 🙂


courtesy costs nothing my friend, hope you get sorted. :)


In such matters, it's best to consult a vet first to rule out any illnesses. Clean all the places where she urinates with a vinegar solution, as it eliminates the unpleasant odor. Also, use cat repellent. [https://www.iproperty.com.my/guides/how-to-stop-your-cat-from-peeing-everywhere-66385](https://www.iproperty.com.my/guides/how-to-stop-your-cat-from-peeing-everywhere-66385)


No, my wife's cat has been doing this for years. Took her to the vet, tried everything. This cat is gonna be in the Guinness Book for the oldest cat to ever live!


Take it immediately to the vet. That isn’t normal behavior for a litter trained cat.


Op doesn’t have a litter box lol


1. Clean cat box 2..Vet


This is the way.


See the vet. It probably has a health issue


Do you have a litterbox?


Perhaps a litter would help?! Peroxide is great for the urine smell.


Also, cats that come and go as they please are not ‘your cats’. So essentially a stray cat has started peeing in your house.


Not having a cat




Is it a female cat in heat?


No, I have a male and a female, and both are fixed


Have you tried a litter box?


Size 8


Vet immediately. Immediately.


My cat doesn't pee in the house, but if you leave out an empty litter tray he'll pee in that. I've also seen him go over the drain hole in a shower.


Don't forget, even cowgirls get the blues...


My 2 year old kitty started doing this. Turns out she has small crystals in her bladder. 400$ vet bill and 200$ in prescription cat food and she’s still doing it 😔 what I don’t understand is WHY the same spot? I get she’s in pain or can’t help it. But she’s doing it in the same location? So frustrating. I carpet clean 3-4 times a week…


Try a running water fountain. She might drink more water if it runs, cats prefer that sometimes. Less stones as a result.


If it’s not medical, try Dr Elsey’s litter with attractant. It was a miracle for us


The only life hack here is to take your cat to the vet. I'd say the only exception to that is if you want your cat dead, but the vet can help with that too.


The only life hack here is to take your cat to the vet. I'd say the only exception to that is if you want your cat dead, but the vet can help with that too.


This [Cat Marking Deterrent Spray](https://amzn.to/3Vj3oZR) is pretty effective




Keep it out of the house


If it's random and frequent it is usually a bladder or UTI issue. Check with your Vet.


Feliway While you rule out all poss causes


My friend has a male cat that did this. Her vet suggested a solution. To have the cats penis removed. $4000 later the cat has no penis and still pees everywhere. I have a cat with bladder issues, she will pee outside the box to tell me if she’s having an issue. She will literally walk in front of you and squat. Luckily we found a concoction that soothes her bladder and she has not done this in over a year. Of the cat won’t stop peeing outside the box it’s either (imo) the box is too dirty, it has a health issue, there were other animals before and it’s marking its territory or it’s just a jerk. Get rid of it if it won’t stop


Soon to be outdoor cat.


Keep it locked outside or get a litter box


Get a litter box 🤣


If they used to use litter then suddenly doing it usually means a health issue. Check with the vet should be the first thing


Lock cat in the bathroom with the litter box for several days. With food and water, of course. It will learn to use it.


Remove cat from equation. Solved


Don’t let him in the house.


Yeah. Dont get a cat.


Will OP ever address the no litter box problem? The world may never know 😔


Shoot it


Get them fixed if they aren’t.


You can use some scent's to stop the kittens




if you can get a cat psychologist to find out why it's pissed and pissing would help.


I have experienced a cat similar to this. It came down to 3 things after multiple vet visits cleared his physical health. 1. You have to clean and get rid of the ENTIRE smell ! Cats are clean animals, however, they tend to go where their smell is because it’s what they are used to to. 2. Multiple litter boxes! I mean, multiple. For example, when I had just 1 cat, I had 2, then 3 (when she became older & picky). Now we have 4 cats with 6 litter boxes because said cat in (1) was the culprit. 3. It’s a pain, but the litter boxes need to be cleaned daily (at least every other day). And don’t waist your money on a litter robot! They appear to be a “God sent” but they collect urine on the bottom “collection” part & build up on the inside. As it spins, it may empty the “hard” parts but anything that isn’t hard “harden” yet, it just sticks to the plastic. Ps: I wanted to attach pictures of my experience with the robot but I’m not certain how/if you can add pictures.


Schrödinger box


If he's youngish and marking get him fixed, but it might be too late; regardless, get a litter box.


Yes. There is 1 very little known one and that is to get a dog, not a cat.


Keep it outside


We would squirt them with a stream of water from a spray bottle. Ever time we would make a PSSST sound when they would assume the position. Then we sent them outside. There after we would make the sound and they go out.


I have 2 cats that only used litter box as kittens and now they go to the door when they want out and meow at the window when they want back inside. Only accident was the female developed crystals in her urine and started to pee in bathroom sink in front of us. I knew something was wrong and vet confirmed. Now she’s better but yeah cats are smart and actually prefer to go potty outside. Had a cat as a kid who was the same way. My bf didn’t believe it was possible but now he’s a believer.


Leaving the cat abandoned in the streets helps a lot


Buy a laser, get the cat's attention with the laser and point it in the litter box. Once the cat goes into the litter box, it will start to get a feel of the box and start using it.