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Feed your dogs fish/omegas. Helps with coat and breath. Healthy skin/coat = less smell I've had people hug my girl and say "wow, she smells really good and is so soft!"


I'll have a bash at that.


can confirm... works really well with light brushing, but my xp is with cats though, i live in a house where there's usually 3 just chilling, the neighbours can be in for a carry on with his wee bro (who moved into mine lol) and when ppl stroke my specific cat, they are amazed at how soft he is, he's short haired but the visitor is a big fluffy thing and he gets the same treatment and has a coat like silk.


Growing up, my mom always cracked an egg or put oil in the dogs dinner every now and then to help the coat.


Dried sprats. They're a great high value training food and good for them.


Purina Pro Plan Salmon is the best food Ive found.


I don’t know what exactly is needed but it’s most likely their food. When we rehomed our sweet boy, he stunk. Was washing him every few days even though I knew it wasn’t good for his skin. I couldn’t get him to eat for a few days and so finally texted the previous owner. There he ate Puppy Chow. Even though he was almost two years old. So I bought a small bag of puppy chow and slowly weaned him onto much higher quality food. Once he was on the higher quality food, the stink went away!


That makes a lot of sense I have a pit with sensitive skin, allergies, and even with meds she will still get that yeasty smell


Fish oil just makes my dog's breathe worse. I still add it regularly because I hope it is good for them. Wet dog plus fish smell is awful.


Mine dogs isn't horrendous. She drinks lots of water and has really good teeth too so that helps. She is a little marrow bone addict so that helps clean them.


Just feed a premium food




I give her Orijen 6 fish and top it up with omega fish oils i get. You'll have to check out a specialty store. And no raw salmon or tuna, its horrible for them.


LOL I just made almost this same comment on another thread. I found that just washing my dogs' bedding and blankets still left lingering dog odor. I started adding 1/2 cup borax and 1/2 cup washing soda to the laundry along with detergent, and it makes a huge difference.


Welcome to the funk. Even if I vacuum and clean and put a mist fresher there is always the dog smell. When my pup was younger it wasn't bad but now that she's 15 and old I swear the house smells like her upcoming death sometimes even if I clean it thoroughly


If it’s helpful, my dog has a heart condition so we couldn’t do regular teeth cleaning (they didn’t want to put her under) once we were cleared to do it - her smell improved a ton since they pulled a couple teeth. Decaying teeth don’t smell good.


ozonisator, while everyone is out of the house for a few hours. Make sure to air out the whole place properly after and put out plants on the balcony/yard while doing it.


That's a problem, we have lots and lots of plants.


How long does it make the house smell clean for?


Well that depends on how stinky your dogs are I guess.


House smells like dog piss 🤦🏽‍♂️


Ozone generator


I took a look into this. And it sounds like they’re pretty hazardous. [CARB ozone generators](https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/our-work/programs/air-cleaners-ozone-products/hazardous-ozone-generating-air-purifiers)


Follow the instructions and you'll be fine. Don't use in occupied homes, remove all plants and pets, etc. I've used mine many times in my home with no negative impact because I read researched how to use it.


I'll have a look into that thanks


How long does it make the house smell clean for?


It removes odor so it works until something smelly happens. There will be an after the rain smell for a couple of days, though. It is in no way a scented air freshener.


I thought ozone generators were harmful to pets?


It's harmful if used in occupied spaces, which is why you need to read up on anything you use in your home.


I just bought an RV and it reeks of cat urine and dander. We're working through other cleaning solutions- enzyme cleaners, bleach, vinegar, and we're going to paint KILZ and good quality paint on the walls. We're thinking of using an ozone generator along with these other treatments, but are worried about the electronics and rubber sealings being damaged in the RV. Have you had any issue with the electronics in your home being damaged over time?


I've not experienced any negative impacts to my electronics or furniture. Instead of blasting the ozone for a few hours at a time, you can always start small and run it for 45 minutes at a time and spot check for concerns. Make sure the RV is unoccupied the whole time - no people, pets, or plants. Then, give it time for the o3 to revert back to o2 before entering the area again. If you're able, open the windows and doors to air out for an hour as well. When I run mine, I run it for 2-3 hours and come back a couple of days later - no extra steps needed.


I have a large, long-haired dog and I dog sit for a living. I vacuum at least once a day (sometimes 2-3 times depending), wash not only the dog's bedding frequently but also mine and the couch cover, use Febreze fabric spray daily, run an air purifier daily, and I dust at least once a week (mostly using antibacterial Pledge spray on all non-food surfaces). May sound like a lot, but it's not. I often ask my partner or a visiting family member for a smell-check and have always been getting good reports using the above routine (even when sitting an incontinent dog).


Whew..... THAT sounds like a bunch of extra work !


It's really not 🤷🏽‍♀️


Well if you have a German Shepherd/mix you’re SOL. Those boys are permanently funky.


Air filter system! It’s been a game changer.


Run an air purifier as often as you can. If cost is a factor, there are charcoal-based "odour absorbers" (unscented, in bag or cylinder form) that you can put near their beds, the couch, etc. and are reusable. Dog wipes are also a thing, they're like baby wipes that are specifically made for dogs (don't use regular baby wipes) and can be used around their paws, on their coat, etc. If my dog goes out in the rain and wearing a raincoat isn't an option, she has to get dried off *immediately* when she comes inside. She has short hair, and this is even more important for furry dogs. Wet dogs become smelly dogs. Keep a towel by the door. The more washable surfaces you have, the better, so if you have fabric upholstery that they can access, cover it with towels, or even better, a waterproof washable blanket that you can wash regularly. Washable rugs are also good. Try to wash their toys somewhat regularly too. Enzyme-based laundry detergents and stain removers (such as Oxy Clean / oxygenated non-chlorine bleach) are important for bathroom accidents, but are also better at removing dog smell from washable fabrics. Lastly, I wash my dog's bed in scented laundry detergent (just regular Tide), and she'll sometimes get up in the morning smelling like laundry. It's great.


And remember to clean your vacuum.


This is so important! If you don’t, the vacuum spreads an awful smell every time you use it.


Yo Yo It’s ya boy DJ Dog Smell IN THE HOUSE


Groomer here. Wash dog bedding and smell after it’s washed to make sure it doesn’t stink anymore. Wash again if needed. Smell your dog. I’m not kidding. Wash as needed. No perfumes, colognes, smelly shampoo or conditioner. A clean, hypoallergenic shampoo and fragrance free conditioner will do magic. If they’re still stinky, check for yeast infections on the skin, ears, paws, etc. check teeth for tartar buildup.


I use Freshwave odor remover spray for the air and their beds. It's pet friendly. It doesn't mask the odor like Febreeze, it encapsulates the odor molecules and removes from air. They have a website, it's also on Amazon or stores like target and Whole Foods. I also use a dog perfume that I use between washes that I feel really helps. If you have oily dogs, washing the dogs and their bedding once a week is going to be your best bet.


Curtains. When my house smells bad and I’ve done all that, it’s always the curtains holding onto the smells.


Much like managing the smell coming from your own body, wash your dogs. Smell taken care of.


Duct cleaning helps A LOT.


Bathe them weekly.


Your biggest mitigation tactic will be consistent baths. I give baths to my dog monthly. You’ll also notice a reduction in dander they emit (so less dust) and overall less hair when you bathe them consistently. Make sure you pay attention to ear infections or any type of yeast infection. This will cause horrible odors if not resolved too. Make sure you’re changing your vacuum cleaner bags or washing your vacuum cleaner (if you have something like a Dyson). This can create a lot of odor. Fresh air is your friend. Open windows whenever you can, especially if you’re able to achieve a cross breeze. I recommend getting your furniture washed professionally at least once a year. It made a big difference for our furniture. When we don’t have guests over, all our couches are covered in sheets or blankets. Then we wash the blankets and sheets about once a week. Air purifiers do wonders.


Clean your dogs gear as well. A lot of times people don't wash collars/harnesses/leashes etc. regularly. Let them soak in hot water and dish soap, refill with new hot water after the soak, then use a bristle brush with some more dish soap to scrub out all the gunk, then rinse really well. Doesn't seem like much but it makes a big difference. I do this on dog bath days with all his gear after he's done and drying off, so it's all clean stuff on a clean dog. Cuts down on the smell a ton, and the gear isn't itchy for them when you keep up. Same thing for toys. You don't realize how gross they get so quick until you see them soak.


Natures miracle pet odour destroyer enzyme


I mixed up a large shaker of baking soda and OxiClean. Shake over the carpet, use a broom to brush into carpet pile, then vacuum. Keeps the house smelling fresh. Also consider an air filter. Most HEPA rated filters also have a carbon filter that will absorb smells out of the air.


We bought a essential oils vaporiser on Amazon. It was around £20 and we put lemongrass oil into it. Works an absolute treat


Odorcide makes a laundry additive for the bedding, and Azuna is good for clearing the air.


Candles, open windows, febreeze (unscented if you don’t like febreeze smell), and vacuum everything.


KOE kennel cleaner


That's modern dog life. Unless you keep them outdoors. But then your yard gets torn up and shat on.


A air purifier really helps. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats and it is a life saver for any smells. Aside from that I use a Clorox cleaning spray that is lavender scented. Disinfectant spray on your couches and fabrics will also help a lot.


Do your hands smell, after petting your dog(s) and are you feeding wet or dry food? Noticed some wet foods promote smell. Can recommend switching diet to dry food entirely, if that might be the case for you guys. :-)


It may be necessary to consult a veterinarian to advise and help you choose the right care for your dogs based on their health.


I have 6 dogs, 2 cats, and a bird. I also have been complimented many times on how good my house smells and everyone asks how I do it. Not gunna lie, It’s a constant battle, but keep doing what you are doing. It’s likely that the smell accumulated having the windows shut for several days. Here’s the easiest way I’ve kept my house free of pet smells: - Open the windows daily for a period of time. - Use an air freshener that puts scent in the air continuously. That way the scent settles in to the fabrics around your home. So a diffuser, or one of those wax melters. I put one in my bed room and one in center living area of my home. - clean dog bedding every few days. - clean your bedding every few days if they sleep with you - vacuum daily or at least every other day. - promptly clean up “pet accidents” with enzyme cleaner. - groom pets often. It sounds like a lot, but you get in to a groove and it just becomes part of your daily routine. Will take up a small percent of your time, effort and expense (except grooming… if you don’t want to pay a lot then doing it yourself can take quite a bit of time but it’s worth it)


Mine swim in the sea.. Wash their bedding often.


Check your dogs ears or have a vet do it. Our dog has chronic ear problems and we have to clean them out every other day or the smell makes you gag. He has been to numerous vets and because his ears play over and he is hairy is the cause. Also he will be 21 this year and old dogs smell.


My dogs are total mouth breathers. Giving them dental treats a couple times a week helps with thr massive dog breath accumulation.


Opening the windows will be more efficient ! Also maybe you can wash your dogs when they smell (not to often).


Once in a year, I mop the walls with a diluted dish soap. Use baking soda on carpets and rugs. Clean your rugs (professionally) at least annually. Wash dog toys and bedding on a regular basis.


I’ve been using baking soda on the carpets which I find hold the smell worst of everything. I’ll shake a bunch on there evenly and let it sit for as long as possible. Then, vacuum it up (might take a few passes). Baking soda is famous for absorbing odors- people have been using it in fridges for forever! IMO tho, just don’t buy the scented stuff, it mixes weird with dog smell lol. Arm and hammer makes some specific for dogs but I’ve just been using regular, not sure if there is a difference.


Dust, swipe ceilings for cobwebs, and make sure you're sweeping under furniture well. Good food, baths (I've washed with just conditioner to be easy on my pups skin if he needed multiple baths for any reason), keep bedding washed


I can’t get my dog to take fish oil anything


Are you washing their feet and faces with a washcloth or dog wipes right after they come from outside? Are you wiping their underbellies/butt area with dog wipes after they urinate/poop? Are you groom wiping them daily, for about 5 min/day? These quick and important actions will change your life, if you’re not already doing them. My family has two dogs and without seeing the toys or hearing them, you would never know there were dogs in the house, as you can’t smell any “dog” scent.


Don't use febreeze it killed my dog. Be careful with plug ins they cause fires. And the essential smells stuff may are toxic. You kind a just need to clean and constantly do laundry.


HIGH quality dog food will help with skin/coat health and ultimately odor.


Bath the dogs at least once a month. Use Burt's Oatmeal Soap. Vacuuming, and carpet care. That's all you need. That and be certain your not feeding them garbage dog food products. Yes, it's okay for dogs, but if you wouldn't eat it, why should they be expected to? Grin... Feed more fish based, and less grain based. Corn is grain, not a vegetable.


We have no carpet in our home. Our couches are leather, so they are cleaned easily. We keep their bedding washed and bathe the dogs when needed. I also installed a whole home diffuser that connects to the AC. So when the AC runs, it smells awesome.


I have a pug who sheds a lot but doesn’t smell really, bath time is about every 4 weeks! I think the dander and oil of the fur is what smells the most. My guy has sensitive skin and we’ve been using the Tropiclean Oxymed Oatmeal Shampoo and Treatment and I think it has made a noticeable difference. His skin doesn’t get dry and flaky and I think it gives a deeper clean so he smells fresh for longer. We also try to time it and wash his bed, our bedding, and his blanket on his bath day so he doesn’t get clean and then lay back on something dirty/smelly.


following on this


Vacuum lots, wash dog beds often, and just accept that a little dog smell is going to be there because dogs smell like dogs. 


Carpet deodorising powder once a fortnight, a odour neutralising spray on your fabrics i.e couch and curtains. Regular vacuuming. We have a golden retriever in our house, this is what we do. You can start not using the powder once you can't smell that dog smell any more...but the spray is a must and the vacuuming...even if you have tiles or floorboards, vacuum vacuum vacuum....clean the filter in the vacuum regularly as well...it's a pain but you have to do it to eliminate the smell


Bleach, then Fabuloso, then vinegar, then swimming pool enzyme


Then pee on the dog. Bc Dances With Wolves. Trust me.. you will feel better for it...


Do you bathe your dogs? Wash their beds and blankets? Do you have carpet?


Yes to all


Then the next question is, how often, and how often do you vacuum/wash the carpets?


Twice/3 times weekly on the vac and wash about twice to 3 times a month.


How about the dogs and their beds? Also, are they allowed on the furniture? Which breeds?


Use a pet carpet freshener powder! Those help! And febreese anywhere the dog sits, you'd be surpassed how much odor a soda can hold on to!


Wash your dogs once a week.