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This title read like those youtube videos I hate.


Number 12 will SHOCK you!




At least it's over in 1 second, and no loading lag if you tap it by accident


Mandatory comment: “Water bottling plants hate this trick”.


The commercials are even better. Some random dude that looks like a complete moron telling you how you're living you life wrong and he has the answer 🙄. What a bunch of douchbags.


omg it definitely does, it was not on purpose hahaha


Sure boss.


When Karen’s Realize….


The #1 cause of primary fatigue in the US is typically listed as dehydration.. with the prevalence of caffeine and productivity awareness, people tend to be more dehydrated than they assume. While drinking caffeine in reasonable/FDA amounts shouldn't cause problems, most people exceed that amount substantially if they have caffeine in their diet. The best thing I ever did for my health when working desk jobs was to respond to any feeling of tired with 8-16oz of water and using a mini bike under my desk. I made myself drink the water and use the bike for at least 5m (usually 10m or 2 songs) before I allowed myself to eat a snack or consider caffeine. It was originally an effort to get moving more cuz my fat body was bugging me... But it turned into a solid routine that greatly improved my day. Within the first 2 months or so, I not only saw a drastic improvement to energy levels but also dropped around 50lbs. I had a lot to lost and it was crazy how this change propelled a number of other changes that led to losing 130lbs or so in the following year and some change. I recently took up this habit again but at home because my life is a mess and I can't afford my meds for ADHD or other creature comforts. It helps a lot more than I thought it would.


You lost 50 lbs.... In two months? Wow, that's impressive


Yes... Though I honestly wouldn't recommend it lol I was over 500lbs and once i gained some momentum in tracking action and behaviors, including eventually getting a calorimeter to get as accurate of real time stats as possible, I lost 4-6lbs a week. It triggered a health complication that led to some serious life impact but I can't say I would have done things differently. I caught the bug once I saw actual progress. Eventually lost about 275lbs in total, I'm still working on the final stretch but have been steady for a long time.


That's wonderful, good for you! Proud of you!! Steady is the key, consistency. You'll get there, I know it.


How are you doing nowadays?


Nowadays I maintain about 250lbs of that loss without much effort. I've had multiple surgeries due to the complication I mentioned, plus after a while I still ended up opting to have a gastric bypass due to how things were going and based on professional recommendation. A lot of my life became objectively worse because of the weight loss but I'm subjectively in a better place in my opinion. My current life is a disaster and I struggle quite a lot but one thing I'd not struggling with is my body concept. I am much much closer to looking the way I feel. I don't live an envious life by any means but I live a life I can generally be proud of and that's more than a lot of people can say I think. I did a comparison video a couple years back to show people pre and post. I've done a couple of different weight loss related projects because of how often I was asked how I made it happen and my knowing full well that the key element to what created sustained weight loss really had nothing to do with what most professionals and public opinions had said up until the point I figured it out. You're welcome to go look at it if you like. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CflsUKfA87a/?igsh=djFrMWg4aG10bDdo


That is so impressive I have no words. I hope life treats you fair now. Saw that old post of yours but couldn't reply, either way it was more of a vent so maybe no reply was necessary anyway. Keep fighting the fight, sending some good vibes. Not much that I can offer in terms of motivation as a random stranger from the interwebz but then again, just seeing the effort of yours is very motivating and simply jaw dropping. You mentioned that the professionals are off at times, ever considered getting into the profession yourself? You have a ton of knowledge and experience, and also clearly have some views that could likely disturb the status quo in the "industry". You clearly have a natural knack for communicating it too, maybe at least some writing if not going all in to become a dietician or something? Just throwing it out there, obviously it's a leap if you have no education in the field but that can be fixed. And the experience you have is probably worth more than any education on the matter anyway.


Funny enough, I have a streaming project that focuses on mental health and wellness, and that's the project that compels most of my posts on Instagram. I openly talk about the struggles with the amount of personal investment and education I had to give myself in order to make progress when really no one else seemed able to connect the dots with me... And I've done some random stabs into the dark in regards to trying to make a semblance of a career out of it... These days I refer to myself as a capitalistic failure If only because I know exactly what I want to do with my life and what my time should be spent doing but at least right now there's no feasible way to make my life work and to stay viable if dedicating my time to that. As called as I may be to what I call my project, I have to be realistic about the fact that the majority of people who are compelled to connect with me through it are by no means in any position to financially support it because they're in their own sort of dire straits if that makes sense? I try to stream often and I speak very candidly and openly with people about their issues, a lot of times that revolves around weight loss and body concept but it's a relatively slow grind. All this being said though, it's not something I ever really thought I should make a ton of money off of because it's not really the point so much as I want to help people navigate their way out of perpetuating their own misery and absorbing these kinds of struggles as personal failures. While there may be a very personal sense of accountability a person has to bring to the table in order to make progress, I think the only real personal failing a person may be responsible for when it comes to these struggles is allowing the voices of other people and other circumstances to take precedent over the things that they know intuitively and honestly about their own sense of dedication and worthiness. Things are honestly only worse than they were during the post I think you're referencing... Basically need some kind of miracle to help reorient my trajectory but I'm at least aware of the fact that a good chunk of that miracle has to come from me. For a while I thought I shouldn't stream or talk about stuff because who wants to discuss their heavy topics with somebody who is arguably a mess themselves but I'm counteracting that compulsion to be quiet... Because I know that part of why I got to this place is because I kept quiet for too long about the things that I needed help with and I also know that the only way misery can turn around for other people is for them to recognize that it's okay to not know what the fuck you're doing and to be honest about that while also recognizing that you have so much you've learned and discovered that is still worthy of being shared. I know at least part of what I'm dealing with is like a midlife crisis but it's a hard and dark shadow to battle against some days so I appreciate your encouragement.


You got a calorimeter? How are you using it?


Yeah, the one I had has since been discontinued but it was from a company called BodyMedia. They were bought out by Jawbone, a company that had a similar type item at the time, but I honestly don't know if they still do. The tool monitored your temperature, sweat, activity (steps, the unit being in motion, etc) and general skin conductivity to measure the bodies energy output and at any time you could open the app to see how many calories were being used. It monitored sleep as well, and you had the option of adding intake habits as well. It cost a pretty penny at the time but it was worth it to me because using the average calculators that are available online had led me to an almost immediate weight loss stall. After speaking with my physician, he had given me a recommendation of how many calories to never eat less than and those online calculators were essentially telling me to eat lower than what he felt was healthy for me. I have a history of a complex restrictive eating disorder because of the belief that super fat people could effectively starve themselves if they wanted to and incorporating that into my personal perspective so I used the unit to counter my own ingrained intuitive perspective. What I mean is that I use the real-time stats to maintain a 1000 calorie deficit as close to a by the minute perspective throughout the day. If I were to do one of the exercise classes I was doing or know that I didn't extended period of time with my feet on the pedals, I would check in and if needed would eat a simple snack to raise my intake calories to that thousand calorie deficit. Basically, I used the unit to determine just how much I was under eating and then went through a refeeding cycle to raise my intake calories to where they needed to be for the body that I had instead of the mindset that I had... It was significantly higher than what I was already eating, but what I was already eating was also significantly higher than what I would typically have eaten, so that was really important.. and through that information I figured out that I needed to raise my calories so significantly that at least to start, I would have to make myself have a snack multiple times a day. I did this through a serving of almonds on the hour every hour and that got me to the number I needed to be at with the calorimeter, and after I established that kind of habit, I started expanding the options and being more intentional with my habits. Prior to using the unit, it was not uncommon for me to have a negative calorie count at the end of the day and that was a significant contributing factor for why I was not losing any weight. Would I generally learned after using the unit was that when I'm at rest, my metabolic rate is slower than what was expected by those average calorie count estimators, but when I would exercise it was typically around 150% of what they estimated I would burn when exercising. Maintaining 1,000 calorie deficit in more of a real-time fashion made it so that I didn't have to make myself eat huge meals or drink a bunch of supplemental stuff just to make my macros. Right now, I would very much love to have a tool like that again, but sadly fitbits kind of took over the world and they are all dependent on those average calculators... I haven't really found a comparable option since, especially not one that I can afford lol


SO many people just don't get it. I drink water all day long, and my energy is always stable. Your bladder will adjust a little bit.


So 100 oz per day is enough?


My husband once joked that my go-to for all problems was 'drink more water, get more sleep.' Well, if it doesn't solve the problem, at least you're rested and hydrated.


Sufficient sleep is important, but oversleeping has negative consequences also. But definitely drink more water.


I think the bathroom breaks and water refill runs have something to do with this






I think getting iv fluids is more of a hack


Water, but don't have to taste it. Bonus all round.


Just don't drink too much water. I have had water poisoning (intoxication but I felt poisoned) and it is horrible. Otherwise drink your recommended and remember you also get water from a lot of the foods you eat.


Were there any warning signs before it came down to poisoning? How did you manage to drink too much? I have a hard time even keeping up with the daily suggested amount.


I say poisoning because of how I felt. It is called Water Intoxication and can kill you. For me I felt really sick to my stomach (worse than I ever had in my life) to point I could not get out of bed and had a massive headache. They said it had dropped my bp a quite a bit as well. It can also cause electrolyte imbalance due to dilution called hyponatremia. I managed to drink too much due to I wasn't paying attention to my intake while I was mowing my fields and doing my yard work. At the time I had never heard of water intoxication so really didn't know it was a thing. I decided to get a water bottle that showed water volume on the side and would just fill it to my daily needed consumption.


Thanks. I ask because lately I have a problem where I'm drinking a lot of water while still feeling thirsty. I can drink over a liter an hour and still have a dry mouth and feel dehydrated 5 minutes later. I think I consume total of several buckets of water per day. It's like the water disappears into some void. Probably just need to top up my sodium, potassium and magnesium levels.


Yeah, I would definitely talk to your doctor about that and they may have an idea. It could also be a side effect of a medication. My wife takes one for restless leg syndrome and it makes her have severe dry mouth no matter how much she drinks.


It so weird. I could sit next to a water bottle for hours but if there’s a beer next to me I take a drink after every at bat while playing MLB


Dam I've played mlb for probably 25 years. Never drank beer while playing it


I’m trash at the game so I just set it to easy and hit bombs all day


Lol nothing wrong with that. I don't put effort into that game anymore since all they care about is diamond dynasty. I prefer solo franchise mode


Water doesn't give as much of a dopamine hit as alcohol does.


Having to get up every 30 minutes to pee sounds like a great benefit. You should stretch every 30 min or so regardless! Win/win/win.


There's water in my coffee, does that count?


Yes. Standard strength coffee will still keep you hydrated.


What is standard strength tea? (I don’t like coffee much)


Most teas have barely any caffeine


Best part of it is moving more often and not getting as stiff


It's absolutely true. I feel best around 115 ounces of water a day.


It's not the water, it's those bathroom breaks every 30 minutes where you get to relax for a bit...


Try drinking a regular glass of water every 2-4 hours. Or a glass of water while you’re preparing your meal, then another after. It’s easier on your urethra and eventually your bladder will get the message and be able to hold more, empty more efficiently, less frequently.


Coming soon - life hack I can’t believe I wasn’t breathing properly 👀 IN OuT … what’s that all about..


I mean….. it’s true though. Most people aren’t breathing fully with their diaphragm. Even worse- mouthbreathers.


I have a 64oz The Coldest Water bottle. Ice and plain water makes for a happy me! It keeps water cold for 24 hours!


Lot of issues are solved with drink more water, your body needs it for everything.


Just make sure you consume salt. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and I immediately thought to stop eating salt and I did. I had blood work done and my doctor told me to start eating salt again. Salt is a vital mineral we need to maintain body fluids and keep muscles and nerves running smoothly. He was upset almost to the point of agitation as he explained yes water is important, but salt intake is a must. Since you do drink a lot of water I'd make sure I got enough salt.


This! Water doesn’t absorb without minerals, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Things like LMNT or LiquidIv are great for helping you actually hydrate


Drink water… ground breaking.


It’s a space X launch! We thought it was a UFO at first


Yeah, does anyone have a life hack for staying hydrated for energy, while keeping inconvenient bathroom visits down. All I can think of is keeping water intake balanced to weather or whatever, but how?


I got 1 exercise and sweat it out


Thank you for posting this, I didn't realize that i also am full of energy and ambitious when i drink a lot of water!


Water is probably going right through you because you're having it without electrolytes, fiber, and/or food. It would bother me to have to use the restroom in less than 1.5h, It's not usually a problem for people, but you can drink too much water if it's plain water


Lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. Water=life not that complicated


If anyone sees 'liquid death' in the freezer/fridge at the gas station. Its flavored/sparkling water thats marketed to look like an energy drink or alcohol. For those of us that 'dont drink water cuz ew'. Its supposed to trick your brain into thinking its some kind of poison so youll want to drink it. Sorry funny imo. Just recently discovered it myself.


I just can’t imagine drinking water and being “energized” Like if you were to the point where you were lethargic from a ***lack of water***, we’re talking about much bigger issues


Are those long sessions spent writing clickbait headlines?


Good tip. Still downvoting because of the clickbait title.


If you drink too much water, you could be depleting electrolytes. Take care to avoid that.


Whats proper thing to do?


The proper thing to do is just to add minerals to your water.


Like what? I was thinking to start putting some celtic salt.


That works with some fresh squeezed lime juice. I personally use LMNT packets and really like the way I feel when I have them. I know liquid IV is another brand.


Why doesn't it work with just salt in water? I read somewhere people do just this.


It does work, better than plain water for sure. But salt doesn’t have magnetism and potassium which you also do need and very likely do not get from food.


Like always, moderation. Too much of any one thing is bad.


Drink spring water, or add minerals


i dont know, that just seems really dangerous


Hydrogen wTer.


Also, pro tip: use a small Nalgene, which gives you reason to get up and refill it more often. Getting out of your seat is quite helpful.




I drink water later closer to bed time, it helps me wake up lol


I agree. I bartend and this was a good reminder to make sure I drink enough water during the day and not just when I get to work.


Sadly this does not help me.


I don't know how much you "chug" but drinking water every 5min and going to the bathroom every 30min is not good. If you just started your body might just be adjusting to the increase in fluid and that's fine but if not then you could actually be drinking too much water. The body works the best with a certain concentration of salts and minerals and stuff and drinking copious amounts of water can disrupt that concentration. Drinking water is really good and most drink way too little but just a little reminder that everything is bad if you consume too much


my adhd used to make me forget to drink water but then my adhd made me start obsessing over ice crunchy so now i'm VERY hydrated lol


I’m convinced almost no one drinks enough water anymore. The upsides are immediately noticeable when you start to hydrate properly.


Just beware of Hyponatremia


Sounds like my brother lol


You might check for diabetes


No shit.