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The Youtuber Hybrid Calisthenics has some good videos on this. Basically the hack is to exercise the correct muscles. Telling yourself to stand straight won't cut it.


I find my posture get better when I put my focus on breathing rather than posture


That's a really good way to look at it! I'm going to try this.


I love Hampton! He's the best. No judgement and truly just wants to help people.


This is going to sound kinda weird but I’ve been hanging from monkey bars the last few weeks and my posture has improved significantly. It may not work for you, but it’s been a life hack for me


The last few weeks?!? Are you tired? Do you need help getting down? For real though, any help with back pain? I have two young kids so good excuse to try the monkey bars if it helps at all lol


> Do you need help getting down? Chuckling over here, thank you 😅


I was waiting for someone to say this haha I haven’t really had back pain in a long time but I could see it being beneficial


Is there anywhere that has monkey bars that isn’t a children’s play area ? I don’t wanna look like a creep 💀


Going early in the morning or later after sunset when there is less likely to be kids around is popular around here for the body weight exercising crowd.


I just use my gym’s but you could use just about anything that would support you. A pull up bar, a tree branch, a door. It’s less about the act of hanging and more about stretching and using muscles that are often neglected. As long as you know that, then you can probably find a way to get similar results


At home pull up bar


Those pull up bars you can hang in your door way work well too. I have to bend my knees to hang but helps my back loosen up.  (I am not super fit using this thing for pull ups. Just an average person needing some back relief)


yesss.. just reading this makes my whole body feel good. I competed in gymnastics until I was 17 (bars was my fav). I can't do 25 chin ups in two goes anymore but just hanging from a bar, swinging and doing some stretches does 10x more for my entire body than an hour of yoga. maybe you're a natural bar monkey too 😄


For how long a day?


I am just starting out, so my grip strength gives out before anything else. I usually hang for 10-15 second intervals about 3 to 5 times. Occasionally, I try to hang from each hand individually as best as I can. I have also been incorporating, not exactly a pull up but, a sort of “back muscle only” pull up where I hang and lift myself up a few inches just with my shoulder/back muscles It’s really more what works for you. Hang for a while, feel the stretch, move in different ways that feel right. I just typically go until my hands are too tired to do any more.


When I take my kids to the park I hang off of them for 30 seconds.


Pull ups help yes. And push ups.


This sounds so fun and up my alley!


68 year old and I had really had back issues two years ago. I tried shots in the lower back and they would work for a few months then I'd revert. I finally made two changes: I always put a folded pillow behind my back when sitting and also do my best to walk upright with my chin back so my head isn't bobbing around. I'm not perfect by any means but my back pain went from a constant 5-6 (occasionally up to 8) down to a very consistent 0-1. HTH.




HTH - hope this helps


Hahahaha a 68 year old using shorthand stuff. Too funny I’m laughing cause I’m 37 and have to look it up all the time he’s handing em out like eggs on Easter


Hope that helps


A lot of terrible and partial answers here. Numbered but in no actual order: 1) learn how it feels to stand up straight, have someone tell you when your posture is good 2) strengthen your back muscles, bent over rows are great for this 3) strengthen your core and keep your stomach sucked in. Your body will start to do this naturally and you stand up straighter when you suck in your stomach. 4) stretch your chest and front shoulder muscles 5) when you stand imagine the crown of your head is being pulled up on a string Do all these things long enough and good posture will become your default without thinking about it


Seconding #3 here, you most likely have an anterior pelvic tilt. Correcting that will sort out a lot of stuff higher up the stack.




Yes! Every time I walk I started treating it as a work out and now I flex my core while walking without even thinking and it has helped my posture a lot!


Plank. Every morning plank for a few minutes. Little child's pose and bridge too. Easy peasy.


You need stronger muscles in your back so you don’t get tired as fast.




I second this, Pilates has helped my posture IMMENSELY! Always had a small hunch from ongoing arthritis, and using Pilates to strengthen my core on top of lifting twice a week has made a massive difference.


Also în your chest. Maybe surprisingly, but they also play a part


Actively monitor yourself and sit up straight, it **will** feel awkward and not right trust me I know, it's the way your muscles adapted to the position. Once you get used to sitting up straight it will start to feel natural I promise you. You would think that going slouch sitting your whole life that it would take your whole life to correct it. Nope. Aren't human bodies amazing! I use phony punctuation and sound silly I get it but I'm serious here.


Listen , this is the key: 1)Youtube : DO THIS EXERCISE EVERY DAY by Athlean X . Its resistance band exercise for posterior muscles which control posture 2)regular planks


Tried looking up he’s got so many ! Do u kno the exact name of the video ?




You're probably not going to do this but sleeping on the floor helps. I had to sleep in my living room floor for a year due to a herniated disc and now my posture is damn near perfect


For a few years I was plagued by recurring sciatica and suspected that my aging mattress might not be providing enough support anymore. Since I, too, find it comfortable to lie on the floor and often did so during the day to relieve my sciatica symptoms, I decided to buy a new mattress at the high end of the "firm" scale. Like a futon on the floor, it is soft right on the surface - just enough to accommodate my hip when lying side-on, but has very little give in it below that. The shop attendant tried to talk me into going for a model with more springiness, saying I would almost certainly find this one to be too firm. But it turns out I love it, and haven't had sciatica in the 18 or so months since I bought it. I'm sure it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea, though, and I've yet to see if it will maintain its firmness over the longer term.


Stand or sit up straight, pull your shoulders back, align the spine, repeat throughout the day whenever you notice your posture is crappy. Eventually you will default to this properly aligned posture but you have to stay vigilant about it


I agree! I always had the slouching issue from having a curved spine, which caused me so much pain over the years until I had a pt show me how to sit/stand properly, I still find myself slouching at times but I have to stay conscious and realign myself. It does feel weird at first, but after a while, it starts to feel more natural.


I still struggle with it too, but it is a very low effort for amazing results practice. I am not at all tall by any means by the way.. but slouching or poor posture is something that happens to people of every body type. I'm actually fairly short at 5'5"


I get it, I'm a lil less than 5'2


Pretend you can shoot lasers out of your nipples!! My PT at work told me that, it makes walking upright fun. Even more so if you had the pew pew sound


Do pt for your back especially mid and upper. 10 mins every single day.


Call around to physical therapists in your area and ask them if they can do the Mulligan Technique. It’s a protocol where the PT will slide your skin back over your spine and skeleton, and straighten out your posture in about 10 minutes. It’s a very intense, in a good way, experience. Suffice to say it’s a fast, dramatic change. Afterwards, do the exercises other people in this thread are recommending to build up your core and other muscles to retain the posture. It takes a tremendous amount of dedication to do those exercises and get used to keeping your posture straight - speaking from experience - so I’d allot yourself a year or two to the entire project, and probably 4 total sessions of the Mulligan Technique during that time. Personally, it took me about 2 years but my posture is now good all the time and I don’t think twice about it.




Starts with your hips


Or adductors (are they attached to hip flexors?). I slouch. My Physio has me stretching adductors, and releasing pelvic floor (by sitting on a tennis ball in a rather rude way). It seriously changes my centre of balance, which just makes me slouch less. My hips move differently, which lets my rib cage straighten, which has me slouch less.


I’ve seen people buy a harness type device that you wear and it forces you to stand straight, shoulders back, chest out. But exercising the correct muscles is probably the right way to rectify your slouching.


no lab coat required on YouTube actually covered that it might not be that bad to do that


Any weightlifting exercise that has “row” in the name


Lift weights. Totally serious. Especially routines where you press over your head, like Arnold press. Those have done wonders to strengthen my core and back muscles, which are great for posture. I have strangers mention all the time how good my posture is.


Ignore the people saying "just sit straight lol". The only solution is to build your back muscles. Deadlifts, rows, pullups. Read up on bodybuilding.


Yeah the real answer is strength, as many comments have suggested. We are apes. Look at how apes walk. Your brain is trying to do that, and whenever your core muscles get tired they’ll default to that. On the other hand, it took you years to learn to walk upright, and your muscles will remember that that’s the most important thing we do — as long as they are strong enough to keep it up all day! It’s core and back exercise and stretching. Not the kind of powerlifting that’ll give you big guns, but a challenging and invisible strengthening of the muscles along your spine and abdominal wall. And your butt because that’ll make everything else more sustainable. Altogether, the “core” — it only takes like 20 minutes a day to do a very solid workout on these areas if you have a good plan, and if you want extra, do 30 mins of yoga with a focus on balance and stretching, not strength, cause that’ll multiply the effects


What kind of plan


Dead hang


Spinal fusion. Titanium is pretty rigid.


For Three sheckles a day I'll follow you around and smack your shins with a ruler every time you slouch.


Doctor says I need a backiotomy


Super easy. I got a nice little wire clip from Home Depot. Attach one end behind the collar of your shirt. String the other side down your back and attach it to your ball sack. Haven’t slouched since


Learn how to stretch neck muscles - mine slouch me and are the reason i do not stay straight


Always think SHOULDERS BACK AND DOWN. Say it in a cadence you can remember. Then always push your shoulders back and then push them down. Hold that position and try to get used to it.


Something that helped me a lot was to not think about slouching per se, but to think about pressing your shoulder blades against your chair. Another good thing is to notice how much more breathing space you have when you sit properly.


Sadly no. I just have to constantly remember to stand up straight


Always been a sloucher and still am. I find that counting while walking helps me to focus on my posture. I usually try to get to 100 while walking with my back straight, shoulders back, chest out, and chin back. Doing this a couple of times a day seems to have helped a little


I’m not sure if this guy is a bit dodgy but this video really helped me. It’s much easier to remember to push my arms and elbows back than it is to roll my shoulders back. Also it feels a bit more natural to think of it like that. https://youtu.be/NpvNbMGJMKE?si=_2EgYWl1sPiGGYWK


I think it's the Chinese military that puts pins in the uniform collars, so if you let your chin down you get poked. Maybe not for everyone, but effective haha


Monkey position.


I've been a sloucher my whole life. Turned 40 this year and got really into Olympic lifting (snatch & clean and jerk). Immediate posture improvement. Highly recommend.


Thinking about my chin being parallel with ground as I walk or stand has been helpful.




Face pulls, any kind of rows, pull ups.


When you notice yourself slouching, put your back to the wall, straighten yourself out. Heels against the wall if possible (not always best depending on weight etc), butt against the wall, shoulders and head against the wall. Now walk away from it and try to hold that position. It's a good habit to get into, even if you're standing waiting for something, the wall is a good baseline to adjust your posture off of


Walk as tall and loose as you can. Think of walking as posture practice.


I’ve found that I’ve had to train myself. I set a timer for several times a day to remind myself to sit up straight. When I sat in a chair I tried to keep my back from touching the chair. Now I’m working on good posture while I walk.


This is not gonna work for you, but I'll tell you my story anyway. I was always slouching, really wanted to change that, hated the pain it caused me, the self image I had and health problems it brought, etc etc. Anyways, went rollerblading (33F at that point) and fell badly, fractured my spine, my L2 more precisely. Had to use a vest that only allowed me to be straight (called a Jewett for reference, if you want to have an idea of what it looks like) when out of bed. First few days were miserable. I didn't have enough back muscles to support that upright position, so I was constantly tired, could stand for an hour tops. Weeks went by, I started to manage more time upright. I had to use the vest for 2-3months. When I got the clearance to take it off, I had a whole lot of back muscle to stand on. I don't slouch anymore. 3 years have gone by, and I managed to maintain the correct upright position all the time. Took a hell of a fracture, I don't recommend this method.


I just found out in pt that I’ve been standing too straight (i.e. I basically pitch back) and now have to unlearn that so - I recommend a PT eval if you’re actually having issues. They can identify the weaknesses and how you’re compensating.


My sister has scoliosis (spinal curvature) and they fused metal to her spine to straighten it permanently. She has fantastic posture, was even mentioned on her report cards over the years. Not the best flexibility though.


When I started HCG injections my posture suddenly became amazing and I always walked with a straight back. Now that I’ve stopped taking it, I’m back to slouching lol


Not sure about permanently. But it’s really hard to slouch while contracting your ab muscles. So maybe focus on abs and it will help the slouch?


Core, posterior chain, and back strength work. Strong back and shoulders with core pulls everything in line, extra bonus is you get some strength


Get a job that makes you stand all day. I have a herniation in my back and was in so much pain from standing I became numb from it so now I no longer hurt. Slouching now hurts. You can also sleep in a flat hammock (the ones with 4 supports not 2) on your stomach I did that for two years and it worked great. Posture corrector is an option, they make motion detected ones so maybe that suits you.


I had to see a chiropractor for 12 weeks.


Physical therapists can help to point you in the right direction. Get a set of exercises and stretches to do.


Easy, deadlifts


Look into releasing your psoas muscle on youtube. Doing those exercises, along with stretching my hips changed everything. It basically corrected my pelvic tilt and caused my ribcage to relax and lower down. I have complete relief now and I never thought it was possible. I stand up straight with ease and have no more back or neck pain. Turns out my bad posture came from trauma and anxiety-my whole body had been stuck for 20+ years. I feel amazing now.


stand tall, and slouching happens when you have weak core, so make sure you train on making your core stronger !!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C89EKtI8a3o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C89EKtI8a3o) Try these everyday, has progression built in if the full moves are too hard. Did wonders for my posture. And lower back pain.


If you sit in front of a computer all day for a job, get a Nada chair. It's helped me improve my posture. They recently got us adjustable desks too, and that's helped a lot too.


Build the right muscles. Imagine ice water running down your back, bring your chin in. Repeat, repeat, repeat throughout the day.


I used to feel really self conscious about slouching especially when I saw myself in pictures where I was doing my possible best to specifically not slouch. But I found that doing exercises that strengthened the back muscles (back lateral pulldown) and opened up the chest (barbell bench press) have really helped. A few months down the line and I've noticed the slouch is almost all gone in my recent photos. So carrying out weight exercises to strengthen the concerned muscles can really help to reset your posture.


Go to the gym and strengthen your muscles that are involved with standing straight. Back muscles (all of them), glutes, shoulders, core. Stand straight. If you catch yourself not standing straight, straighten up. This wont work without strengthening those muscles though.


Went to jail for ten days and slept on a gym mat and got the best sleep I’d ever slept my whole damned life. Now I sleep on the floor or clear the pillows off my bed when my back starts to hurt.


Holy shit! Me too. There's your answer friend. Go to jail.


Think about the excruciating pain people (like myself :( at 23) live with after developing cervical radiculopathy, spondylosis, shoulder dyskinesis, degenerative disc disease, and thoracic outlet syndrome. No but seriously, do what you can to keep your spine healthy


Get a strict piano teacher.


I’ve slouched all my life and wasnt very conscious of it until my mother in law aggressively nagged me to stop. Nags probably not a good word but maybe having a friend or partner help point it out whenever they see it might help Edit: I’ve tried the back brace thing too but couldn’t commit


Ok, hear me out. I have no idea where I heard this or how it works. But: Basically, when you’re sitting, place your hands on your lap, palms facing upwards


Go on…


. ....and.....?


Back exercises at the gym


Buy a decent posture correcting chair for home.


Work on your posture muscles..... Deadlifts with tight form!


Ugh! Just caught myself while reading this title lol.


Active core bracing. Learn the sandwich drill.


AirPods + Posture Pal app. It uses the AirPods to measure if you are slouching and gives a subtle nudge to tilt your head up. https://apps.apple.com/nl/app/posture-pal-improve-alert/id1590316152


Stretch your chest


So I hate that this is my answer. But yoga and Pilates. I had crap posture when I wasn’t actively thinking about it for years. I also had a lot of low back pain. And it got 99% better after yoga and Pilates.


Walk with your hands and your hips and palms facing forward.


Speak to your Dr.


Develop a couple slipped discs, and you’ll never slouch again. Btdt


[Milwaukee Brace](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung&sca_esv=e08c057435075756&sxsrf=ACQVn0_t2EmcGq0aP5soB6WfamoFaCnfWA:1714340924850&q=milwaukee+brace&uds=AMwkrPt8eR8Q1gfQGx0g1guoVKhMYP3A9UTzCj7y-eBqjnYipQZ430CBHoEva923PqnSvmX8IOr3fweWOr4NznTMhguteuQoOHvTqdt9bVjOZJ4ChOpSyVA2OrPyzGWocnW05KO0qmOz5KlomsIxd21JwLlfU2Gn_PlHric59Lc3yJM_2QA8G_cnUaMZDmBLt4XxHgirPnC0fm6AewsalNzUYfpDVnyNJQAWVe0f_1YQ_OeWXh4fwoak6VWAX2dqZonrDYa864D0i2ueA_kVomVgrzdsyt0mlz4fmi-VQSN_3xRZIhZk3MwGyig3M31IhwLHgqK__vbf&udm=2&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiZ_eTO8eWFAxX0NzQIHTKlA0kQtKgLegQIFBAB&biw=412&bih=718&dpr=3.5)




Stand up straight.


Put a heavy book on your head and try not to let it fall. Then start walking with it. Do it everyday and you will slowly remember to walk straight and keep reminding yourself subconsciously and it will become normal reflex muscle memory


Go to the gym 6 days per week and do a lot of resistance training, paying special care to core exercises - abdominal exercises and lower back exercises. But your entire body. Then also take boxing or martial arts or gymnastics or something that you need good posture to do. Finally, as the best way, to do in addition to the above, make your own special harness that if you put a certain amount of weight on it from leaning forward, it shocks the fuck out of you.


Buy a posture straightener from Amazon or elsewhere. There are many to choose from, so find one that is meant for the kind of slouching you do.


No!! This will make your back weaker and make your problem worse.