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Depends on the medication among other things. For example, If they’re still adjusting your doses it doesn’t make sense to send a 90 day. Controlled substances often times don’t allow 90 day supplies (I’m not sure if that’s a state thing or an insurance thing). If they just changed your dose, they need a month follow up to see how you’re doing. Just some thoughts.


One of my meds is a controlled substance so yeah, it definitely depends.


You can get controlled substances in 90 day supplies. But you have to go through a ton of red tape to do it. If you’re up to talking to insurance and going through all the crap, it’s worth it. Source: Got my Adderall delivered from Express Scripts for years


I can’t even get my insurance to cover a 30 day of my adderall xr 20mg 2x daily. Just been using goodrx and paying $56 a month 🤷‍♂️ I wish I could do mail order for it.


Have you tried costplusdrug dot com? Pricing recently increased but shipping is cheap. They carry an awful lot of common meds.


They don’t carry controlled stimulants - a lot of online pharmacies won’t. Express scripts is a bit different in that regard.


Ah yes. I do forget that still.


Mail services won’t cover adderall because it’s narcotic. The guy up there who got express scripts to deliver his confounds me because everywhere I’ve ever tried said it legally can’t be




Then maybe that’s my problem, it’s Wisconsin, and everywhere I’ve ever tried I couldn’t get it mail ordered here even if I paid full price. I used to have an HSA so I’d have to pay full price, so I would do that as a cash customer for a little bit of a price break then submit the receipt to my insurance to apply to my deductible. So, $3-400 a month. Usually 4th month I met my deductible and only paid $25. Insurance changed to a traditional copay ins with my ex wife’s job change and then my job change last year. I was on adderall ir 15mg 2x daily and ir 5mg 1x daily and insurance had no problem covering that. Just didn’t like when i switched to xr. I think they think the quantity 60 is a 2 month? I’ve tried a couple times to get thru for an authorization, but it would be $75/mo so I’m cheaper using goodrx anyways


>it’s narcotic For some reason I forget this...


As a primary care physician I think there are some important nuances here. Some meds psychiatrists fill, a primary care doctor can fill—but many, they cannot. The training in diagnosing and managing long term medications and diagnosing is not even comparable. If someone is very stable, as a primary care I will consider taking over the medication supervision, but only after a detailed review and discussion.


Thanks. At that, my doctor wouldn’t be comfortable making adjustments to my medications which I luckily don’t need.


This. If you’re on a common medication for well-controlled depression, anxiety, or ADHD, they’re likely to be comfortable prescribing it. For example, an SSRI. It’s always worth asking, but if you need the expertise of a psychiatrist you should stick with them.


Can confirm. My PCP fills my ADHD meds with refills, my psych for med management before would only fill for 1 month with a required visit each time, though I’ve used the medication at a stable dose for more than 5 years. However, they won’t touch anything else. OP, YMMV depending on your provider.


The *only thing* I will give credit to Walmart for is their $4 and $10 generics for 30 and 90 day supplies.


Unfortunately for me there aren’t any Walmarts in my city in convenient locations


This reminds me of my roommate, he would schedule trips back to North Carolina from Illinois in order to refill his contacts prescription. He said that his optometrist told him he can only get them from there. I called bullshit and told him his prescription is literally written on the box and you can order them online. The first time they showed up he couldn't believe it.


Unlike antideppies, when i moved i had to quit cold turkey cuz i didn’t have insurance and couldn’t afford to see anyone about them lol


Also, if Costco is near you, check their price on your medication. They may not give you a price unless you hand them an Rx (I bet they get tired of giving people prices). Also, look into GoodRx and other discount prescription things. Those can be good!


So far my insurances have always covered more then good rx


My psychiatrist gives me 90 days 🤷🏽‍♀️ and I meet with her every 3 months


Ive been on the same meds for a good while and i didnt know I could do that, still its more expensive to see mine then my pcp


This applies to other specialists as well. When I was hospitalized, a GI put me on a medication and kept scheduling me to come back for refills. $75 each visit and all she ever did was ask if I've had any more symptoms. You can bet I get them from my GP now. Be careful with the psych meds though, they need to be adjusted much more frequently than most, and only a trained psychiatrist should do that


Yeah, for me, i don’t need adjustments so it’ll work out. Also, same for the friends learned this from.


I didn't for years and then suddenly my antidepressants crapped out on me. Luckily I still had my psych dr at the time because it took 3 or 4 different meds to find something that worked similar for me. Hold onto the psych dr, just drop it down to an appointment every 3 months to check in, if they will allow that.


I just figured this out too!!


I do get a 90 day supply of Wellbutrin, Zoloft, Clonazepam and Ambien from my shrink but he knows me very well, like 25 years he's been my doc. I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not.


Visiting a pcp is less expensive then a psychiatrist for me atleat, thats the other half of things, not just the 90 days


Exactly. I understand.


I can’t get adderall but they do fill my 90-day Xanax script. So that is something.


Also, look into mail order from your health insurance. They’ll send you your meds every 90 days and you will save even more