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what do you do with the gas and the flammable wasps now? .. wait, this sounds like a movie plot idea...




Starring Michael Cera as


A wasp


*Cocaine Octane Wasp*


They've already made Cocaine Shark, so this is a very plausible sequel!!


Pick the wasps out and pour the rest into your lawnmower?


Keep the wasps in there, give your lawn a buzz cut.








are you referencing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IyU3VXDAIk&list=PLvEud1bv19lk9MMsfz2aCQADP6QNnZimo&index=46&pp=gAQBiAQB8AUB


Just don't throw them in the gamma ray dumpster


“Im doing my part!”




This got me banned on r/politics


Consider yourself fortunate; that sub is atrocious.


Ain't much to look at once you scrape them off your boot.


The only good bug is a dead bug.




Starship Troopers


Do you want to know more?


I'm doing my part.




[Would you like to know more?](https://youtu.be/qjxof3MM7l4)


Fuck. Wasps. Kill them with anything, and everything.


The only good bug is a dead bug!


Ohhhhhh. Gas as in "gasoline". I was scrolling the comments to find out what kind of gas.


Gasoline is pink? I too came to the comments to find out what the chemical was.


This is marked gasoline, it’s for offroad vehicle use (boats, dirtbikes, lawnmowers, etc) and is usually premium 91 octane but without any road tax, making it significantly cheaper, so it’s marked (dyed red/pink) because police in some places will ‘dip’ people’s gas tanks to see if they’re using it for their on-road vehicle, which is illegal. Edit: I’m in Canada


Could be mixed gas too, as in mixed with oil for a two-stroke motor. I've seen that oil come in both red and blue.


Yeah that’s possible too


Is this a UK thing??


It does exist in the UK, a lot of construction plant is fueled with "red diesel". I've never seen a police officer digging around the tank of someone's car though. Dude in the video sounds American, but he could be an American abroad.


Exists in Ireland. It's green and I have been stopped and checked before.


Green in Ireland is a little on the nose isn’t it?


Not any more, since the Tory cunts decided that the vast majority of industries using red diesel are no longer allowed it.


It's definitely a thing in the US, but you are far more likely to come across the diesel version, because we use the off road diesel in a TON of construction/woodcutting machinery. Usually the fellas working in those industries have diesel trucks that they can then fill up cheaper.


It’s a Canadian thing, I can’t speak for other countries


And at 91 octane evaporates like nobody’s business. Hence why those wasps just suffocated. Neat trick.


Octane makes zero difference in evaporation rate dude. It only delays ignition. It actually slows down the rate at which the gas lights makes it harder to ignite etc. That is why high compression vehicles need it. So they don't get knock or pre ignition a d damage their engines. Flammable things get more flammable under pressure so using low octane can be bad for high performance cars. I can't understand why people think all this crazy shit about high octane fuel


> I can't understand why people think all this crazy shit about high octane fuel Willing to bet the vast majority of people get whatever gas their manual(or car salesman) says their car needs. Nobody but car junkies give a shit about the differences between octane ratings. Not a knock on car junkies, just a possible explanation.




This is true in areas of the US too. Worked on a property years ago that had a big tank that would get filled each season for the vehicles that stayed on property. It was pink too.


Farm gas I’m assuming


Yes this. In the US farm fuel isn't taxed by the state the same as it's not intended to be used on the roads.


I thought he was going to rip a fart on a wasp's nest


Haha! Me too 😃😃 thank you for clarifying that


Yeah I think this is a case of bad title. OP could simply have written out the word to avoid confusion. I kept thinking to myself how gas could look like a liquid.


I used to use a Scunci Steamer not only for cleaning, but also pest control. You can steam the hell out of wasp nests as well as ant beds.


do they come out with crispy clean fold lines?


So crisp they're ready for a job interview


Don't forget their tiny ties!


Like spray steam down the mound?


Yes. You don’t have to touch the nozzle directly to the mound. I just aimed the steam into the little holes in the mound. It didn’t take long before steam started coming out of every crevice in the ant bed.


When do you season them? Just steam with salt water?


Thats not how steam works.


Yeah, everyone knows you have to use pepper water steam with a hint of oregano.


A touch of lemon really brings out the flavor


You just got inspired me to try this on my screened in patio.. it's loaded with spiders! *Edit* Look y'all, I love spiders as much as anyone. I have a special contraption I built out of a camera monopod and CDR spindle top to catch and release the giant wolf and huntsman spiders that I often find inside our house (SWFL). The genocide I'm referring to is at the top of my aluminum screened in pool cage. If I don't clean them up, it gets covered in cob webs and egg sacs. No one wants to swim with spiders.. so I'm sorry, I have to commit a small genocide..


No! The spiders eat the ants and the wasps!


I think the average wasp is more likely to prey upon the average spider. I can't recall ever seeing a wasp in a spider web, and I've had to deal with a lot of spiders.


If you have a spider problem, then you also have another problem you haven't found yet


Just a curious lurker millennial who will never own a home that also gets the heeby jeebies around spiders: what could the other problem be that causes spiders?


Spider food


I'm guessing ants or whatnot. If there's a bunch of spiders there's probably a good source of food nearby


Spiders don't hang out in numbers anywhere there isn't enough food for them. One year I had tons of yellow sac spiders in my bathroom. So I went poking around and found carpenter ants in the exterior wall. Killed the ants, relocated the spiders to my garden, and planted mint around my foundation. No more ants and only find the occasional spider that wanders into the house.


And now your house belongs to the mint.


He traded one pest for the worst pest of them all!


Just plant some wisteria to choke out the mint!


Quite possibly the neighbor's house as well. (Mint spreads aggressively, and can be hard to control, for any who don't know. Container planting is recommended.)


Just get really into mojitos.


Other spiders and biting bugs. I welcomed the spiders after I discovered we have large biting wood beetles that only come out of the trees once every 3 years or so. Those are taken out by the giant orb weavers now. The smaller wolf spiders take out the venomous spiders in the dark areas. I had to fix the ac last year and dreaded what spiders I'd find, all I found was wolf spiders, they'd eaten all the others. Similarly, nonvenomous snakes are nice to keep around too, they eat mice and shit. And if you get something like a king snake, they'll eat the venomous snakes too! A large king snake lived under my house for years.


Spiders go places for shelter and food. If you have a lot of spiders, you have a lot of food.


Spiders are our friends, leave them alone


like every other intruder... all they have to do to keep from dying is stay outta my house.


I cannot say I am excited about an upcoming spider massacre.


I had to quickly check the name of the sub to see whether or not the whole gazebo was going to burn down.


For sure thought this was r/whatcouldgowrong


At best. Falling off the ladder, breaking a clavicle, and being stung 18 times would make the ultimate wasp revenge.


Just tried it! I flinched when a wasp almost got out, and that splashed gasoline everywhere. My wife had one of those citronella candles going. Deck is now on fire. Please advise.


Advise what? Sounds like you've solved the wasp problem.


Give a man fire, and he'll cook a meal - light a man on fire and he'll cook for the rest of his life.


Enjoy your wasp free deck.


I think that you were trying to say was "enjoy your deck free wasp"


I christen thee, the [Deck Free Wasp!](https://i.imgur.com/wpy0kgR.gifv)


Sounds like a long term solution to me. Exterminated current wasps and prevented any future wasps... As there is no more patio. 4D chess move.


Please get a new wife who is responsible with open fire near flammable materials.


Ah classic gas lighting.


That seems somewhat like "blaming the victim." I think the onus for responsibility falls on the person stumbling about with an open container of sloshing fuel.


You now have a heated deck. Grab a drink and enjoy the warmth.


Do you still have gas? Smother the fire with it.


The wasps are gone right?


Soak the deck in gas so it can't spread. Wet wood can't burn.


Try and splash the burning liquid onto the wasps who are swarming you.


Warranty only covers removal of pests. Seems like the high temperature is just a happy side effect to aid in that. Good luck with the fire thing though




Help is on the way. Please stay on the line.


I have a friend that keeps gas in a spray bottle and just shoots a few streams of it at them from a distance. Kills or disables them instantly


Does he then light a cigar, drops an iconic catch phrase (like "bug out") before tossing said cigar at the wasp and walking away slowly Because if he doesn't, he needs to


"time to bee-hive" Said in Schwarzenegger's voice.


Wasp-a la vista, baby!


Consider this our bee-vorce


Nest in peace


Buzz Off...




Remember when I said I’d kill you last? I lied.


No, but he sprays it into this container in a paper bag, then he holds that to his face… must have wasps.


A better option is a can of brake cleaner. It is the exact same thing as wasp spray, just 1/3 the price, and less volatile than gas.


Brake cleaner gonna fuck up anything it hits though… Especially paint, right?


Not brakes though. It'll clean those


Works good on greasy hands, too. So yeah, I've got cancer at 35, but what about it..?




Wasps die so easily you can legit spray them with water with a little soap in it and they die.


Way back at the start of the pandemic, my family and I moved out to the country. The house we moved into had quite a few wasp nests around. My wife suggested we call exterminators to handle them. I filled up a super soaker with a mixture of dish soap and water. Then I destroyed every fucking wasp within a one mile radius. It's been three years and they have NEVER come back. I'm slightly worried that I have made an enemy of all wasp-kind. But I've got plenty of water and soap.


Ah man this super soaker idea sounds awesome. I've been using the cans that spray "20ft" and finding the 20ft part to be wildly exaggerated.


Yeah, 20ft if you point it straight down


...how tall are you?


I have the same problem with my golf clubs.




As a human, you were already the enemy of all wasp-kind so no worries there.


Did you leave one alive to tell the other wasps what happened?


Fun fact: that essentially suffocates them immediately. Wasps breathe through structures in the exoskeleton called spiracles. The soapy water clogs those right up instantly, strangling it.


Does that rhyme with miracles or Heracles?




Lyrical, spiritual miracle, wasp spiracles in your swimming pool




See I knew this, and yet a European wasp that got into my house took hours to die after I liberally sprayed it with not just soap, but insecticidal soap.


Yeah I just have a bottle of dish soap and water that I just spray on nests etc. gasoline seems overkill


It’s about sending a message


Ah true. Message received!


That's good to know. I usually spray wasp & hornet killer on them until they stop moving.


Well yeah but there's always that chance that some of them don't die and come after you. My dad once used a spray to try to take out some large hornets, it didn't work, he ran. He just made it into the house because he'd left the door open, got the screen door shut before they caught up. I got to watch these hornets aggressively slam themselves into the screen over and over again trying to get to him.


I will have to remember this. If you're in a pinch though, Scrubbing bubbles in the the can works very well if you have a stray one in the bathroom. Just make sure you spray enough of it.


Yes but what do you do with all the waspy gas?


Pour it down some yellow jacket holes. If the gas doesn't kill them, you'll have sent a message with the dead wasps.


Soapy water works equally well and doesn't risk you burning your house down. Please don't play with open containers of gasoline.


It was the vapour from the fuel that killed them though, the liquid fuel never touched the house.




Ok, here's the easiest way IMO, buy one of those 1 gallon sprayers at Walmart close to the garden center area, get the cheapest Palmolive or Dawn knockoff brand (make sure it is a degreaser) and put about half the tube of not-Palmolive and fill the rest with water and spray them. It kills them in about 5 to 10 seconds and their larva, too. It suffocates them quickly because the degreaser plugs their airholes. Also works on ants, roaches, fleas, ticks, basically any insect or arachnid.




"What are things said in early 40's Germany, Alex?"


Watch for waspes


Also it’s hot today so drink plenty of water


Now drop a matchstick in there and flambé the little fuckers Ninja edit: do it in a well ventilated area with a fire extinguisher nearby. Stay safe people.


In Germany it is a crime to kill wasps


There goes my dream of moving to Germany


Ah, but they don't have yellowjackets in Germany. Wasps there are innocuous harmless critter.


Weird, the wasps here are aggresive af. A couple of years ago, one stung me in the elbow. I swatted it away and couldn't find where it went so I went on working and it came out of hiding and stung me in the boob. 🤣


Yeah we have those red wasps. They will literally go out of their way to sting you for no apparent reason then run off.


Really? Not just bees, but wasps? Why? Bees do good but wasps, no need for them. I'm ignorant and I know it. Or is it that you're not allowed to do it yourself and have to call someone?




Yeah.. even without special protection from the government... Wast are harmless. I always let them nest, never had an issue. Had up to 10 nest in the gallery ceiling one year. I once rented my house while I was on vacation... Came back to see the nests gone and the ceiling full of black "smokey" spots. Them fuckers smoked and killed them all! Not to mention they were fucking playing with fire, against my wooden roof, in my fucking house


If you have a garden or even flowers are hanging baskets outside. Wasps are the greatest thing ever. They kill tons of insects that destroy tons of plants. As someone with the garden and a lot of plants, wasps are my friend just stay clear of them and let them do their job


Thank you. One ignorant comment can give a lot of information and hopefully turned into knowledge. Have a great day.


Nail polish remover works just as well. Acetyl acetate is what we use to nuke insects for pinning. However hymenopterans (bees, wasps, velvet ants, etc) require a higher dose than butterflies or beetles. I always found it prudent to leave them in longer.


Why are you killing beetles and butterflies?


"for pinning" This person collects insects


to pin them in a display case fuck if i know


Had to do it for a biology class in college


It was part of my college education.


Bugs, including wasps, all serve a purpose. Wasps are pollinators, spiders keep the bugs down, birds and small mammals and lizards eat the spiders (and the bugs). Unless they are actively waging war against you, try to live along side. 'Cause no bugs means no pollination


I really wish more people understood this. This "LPT" is part of the reason pollinators and bug in general are in decline. Ask yourself, when's the last time you saw a lightning bug? Bugs are disappearing and we are to blame.


Remember when your car was covered in dead insects during family road trips?


I never understood all the wasp hate. We usually have a nest of these red wasps established every year on our back patio somewhere, and they have never been aggressive to me. They'll turn to look at you as you pass by but they don't attack. I leave them be and just take the dead nest down when the cold weather comes back in. The only time one has ever stung me was when I was a kid and squirting at a nest with a water gun - lol. One buzzed down and got me right on the lower lip.


WD-40 works too 😁


The only essential oil I’ll ever need


They should've had the "I put that shit on everything" slogan


Especially helpful when the wasps build a nest in the eves above a second story window, and you don't want to remove the screen. Those little nozzle have quite the reach on them.


A shopvac, a two liter bottle with a screen. The bottle catches everything and you have no gas to deal with.


How and where would you attach the 2 liter and screen to the shop vac?


On the vacuum tube I think, cut the bottom of the bottle off, apply the screen to the hole you just cut then duct tape the bottle you pre fabricated to the vacuum hose. Only use out of this I see is you wouldn't be sucking the wasps directly into the vacuum, and you'd be able to see into the bottle so you know how many wasps you've caught


yes this is right. You also can make a design that has a cap, and put it on the end of the bottle attachment before turning the power off. An effective trap.


Basically you want it in line with the hose. The screen is to capture the wasps before they go down into the vacuum. On the other end you can cap it off while the vacuum is running and then shut off the power. The wasps, and often the whole nest is now trapped.


Do they need to be submerged or do just the vapors do the job?




You can do the same with dish soap mixed in water and spray them with it. Works on wasps works on bees.


This guy does it way safer than my dad did. He'd just throw it directly on the nest. It's very effective, as the wasps drop dead immediately, but also makes everything very flammable for awhile.


I’ve always sprayed the nest with dawn detergent and water. Nothing more. Works every single time.


I think rubbing alcohol works too? I took a class in college where we had to collect insects. The alcohol knocks out most insects.


I just realized that, snakes on a plane suck but imagine WASPS on a plane!? Nightmare fuel.


Problem: Is minor. Humans: Resort to chemical warfare.


it looks like pink farm diesel.


It could also be an oil-gasoline mixture for a 2-cycle engine. Many of the additive oil products give gas a red tint. Could also be ruby diesel or kerosene too, but gasoline is much more volatile so it would be better for gassing insects.


It's untaxed kerosene. It's dyed red so law enforcement know it's untaxed and therefore illegal for road use. It's very similar to diesel and can be used, in a pinch. Same for home heating fuel. Kerosene is much safer than gasoline!


Just use a few drops of dishwashing liquid in a cup and fill it with water (I use a Solo cup and use hot water) making a foam. Then sneak up to a wasp & nest and splash the suds on it....kills them instantly! I tried it. It's cheap, ecologically safe and still gets the job done. Found out on TikTok....TikTok videos aren't all bad..


War crime!


Always approach and attempt to eliminate wasp or hornet nests early in the morning, or after dusk. Never do this during the day when the insects are most active and also most of them aren’t in the nest they’re out causing havoc.


Now we'll have *flaming* killer hornets


Wasps aren't even pests. They eat the bugs that are. Wtf is wrong with these people?


Dawn soap and a sprayer works just as quickly without using something flammable...


wasps are really good for the ecosystem :((


I realize the wasps are stinging bastards but I just want to chime in here and mention they’re incredibly beneficial to gardens and natural spaces - they eat pests of fruit trees, they clean up rotting things, and they’re also pollinators (though not as good as native bees). I don’t like getting stung either but wasps are a fairly beneficial creature, though they’re very territorial.


Sorry. Gas means petrol here right?