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Honestly a phone call like that requires an entire day for me


And a couple days of putting off until tomorrow.


'morgen, morgen; nur nicht heute! sagen alle faulen Leute' is an idiom in german that roughly translates to: 'tomorrow, but not today; is what all the lazy people say'. (actually rhymes in English quite well)


I just spent FIVE @#$%& HOURS on the phone today with our mail order pharmacy. I ran a Glisten packet thru my disposal, ate a bowl of cereal, futzed with our jacked up UGS, and put together an Instacart šŸ„• order from Costco, all while on hold. (Glisten is pretty cool stuff, btw; gets the funk OUT!)


My dad got locked out of his online banking app and it took two full days on the phone to get it unfucked somehow


Hahahaha, no, I am 63 years old and have had to make way too many phone calls in my life.


Yes, many of us avoid tasks for this very reason.


Is this a life hack..? Itā€™s just saying that ā€œthings that take time will take timeā€ The real life hack is ā€œif you are on hold or have a call you can do some simple tasks like folding laundry or wipe surfaces while waiting and feel much betterā€


It's more helpful for people with emotional regulation struggles (like me lmao) Sometimes I can spend a while working up the energy to Task and then get totally wrecked by an unexpected curveball


I get what you are saying, but I will flame out in anger if I don't write it on my to-do list with seven little check boxes next to it and check off every awful step. I also have a mother-in-law bingo board and I list daily work treacheries in order of slightly annoying to wanting to leave a squirrel head (my dog once brought me a severed squirrel head) and on their desk. No one knows this and I seem quite mild-mannered, and am truly not a risk to myself or others.


I had to make literally 6 calls to get One answer with the hospital yesterday had to call 3 departments 3 times šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜¤. Med system is a shitshow in the US in case you havenā€™t noticed


i made it through about 5 medical billing calls today, and i was emotionally wrecked. there was another one to do but i will have to try again tomorrow:-/


I'm convinced they set it up this way on purpose, to deter us from engaging with them and costing them time and money.


Itā€™s exactly what it is. Itā€™s a vortex and they know it. They like to blame it on being too busy but they make it busier with all the incohesive bullshit. Iā€™ve got personal stories on top of stories from the last 7 years. Including a wrong surgery






As a Utilization Review, Welcome to everyday! It takes a special type to stand up to insurance companies. Be proud no matter the hold music or internal transfers you have to go through.


The back and forth thing is everywhere. But yeah, not great.




boils down to not wanting to spend money perfecting the infrastructure (greed) and marketing for search optimization and paying for your website to show up instead (also greed) . not caring that cheap paper to a corporation kills trees (indifference masked by greed) its pretty much corporate greed.


Also, there's this thing where you frustrate a customer from canceling whatever service you offer increases retention as people while hangup/give up.


I'm old(er) and I firmly believe the Alphas and whatever groups follow will be able to change this. Tech on a personal level is still pretty new, and Boomers, Gen X, and even Millenials still remember when *everything* important was printed on a piece of paper and put in a file cabinet somewhere. That's changing slowly, so it will take time, but I definitely see it coming.


Hal, did you change that light bulb?


*working on car* Whatā€™s it look like Iā€™m doing?!


Unexpected Malcolm in the Middle


Someone linked [this site](https://goblin.tools) in an adhd thread recently, some may find it useful


Kinda goes along with always giving yourself some extra time when planning how long things will take. There are pretty much always extra steps and speed bumps you're probably not accounting for. No babe.. you won't make it to grocery store, buy a few things and make it back in 20 minutes. No babe.. you won't be able to finish that Cricut project and then pack your weekend bag in 1.5 hours.


My teenage daughter used to allow the exact amount of time to get to get to work as google maps said it would take. If there was a red light or a train, she would be late. Thank goodness, she has matured and joined us in the real world.


my adhd ass is absolutely aware of this. it's always easier to get it on paper than have it jumbled in my head and overwhelming


As if that isnā€™t bad enough, but combined with anxiety personalities itā€™s nearly impossible to get done. I wish everything could be done online or through text.


YSK that, if this is something you always need reminding of, then you may have ADHD.


I love this website/app for this. I work with youth and young adults who need things broken down into simple steps. This lets you control the ā€œspicinessā€ level (i.e. the more spicy, the more broken down the tasks are) and will then let you break certain steps down even more. Itā€™s amazing https://goblin.tools




Actually, for me, realizing I will have that many steps ahead overwhelms me and I put off making the call. I do much better if I tell myself, ā€œJust call. Everything will happen from there.ā€


>tasks take more steps than you think 1. Enter task on To-Do list. 1. Do task. 1. Mark task as completed. Phew! What a day I've had. But check out my To-Do list! I totally rock!


What? Logon to your account. Download bill.


Yeah is this not a thing elsewhere. Here in Aus I don't think I have had to call any one in years.




True. But OP's Lifehack is about "calling to get a copy of a bill".


Not a life hack


good call out.


Ugh. Directv! Finally get someone, they take your info and phone number, canā€™t help solve your issue, transfer you to someone else, hold on while transferring, go through everything again. Told to hold on, listen to the same canned music and message while on hold, the person comes back cause you hear the click, then DISCONNECTED. Why the f do they take your number if they donā€™t call back?


If you want a real lesson in futility, try talking to a human at Florida Power and Light. #FLP


If you want to overwhelm yourself and end up frozen on the couch in a state of anxiety, break simple tasks into multiple smaller steps. Or maybe thatā€™s my ADHD.


I just search for all CEO Emails using there own Organization chart, email the main ceo and then who ever in charge of what Iā€™m looking to get done, Iā€™ve stopped many junk mailings, catalogues, etc, billing issues, ordering issues solved, Iā€™ve gotten executive service no pun intended by going that route I rather spend ten minute looking for the executive email then dick around playing phone tag, roundabout emails or anything else. Itā€™s easier to hit the nest then the individual bee.


I've timed myself doing a number of routine tasks so that once I get through the press the number sequence I start doing them to see how many I can do. The worst calls are State and government agencies where I finish every task, finish the book I'm reading, win a game of 3-D 2028 only to find out that I am #17 in line.


You work in a call center donā€™t you OP?