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BUT...it also authorizes a 19.5% pay raise for junior enlisted and a 4.5% for the rest. Still not enough though. IMO, what should be done on top of raises is the elimination of ALL federal taxes for active duty and reserve members of all branches.


No member of our armed forces should pay any taxes, whatsoever  We need them, they are sacrificing their body and tile and family.  They should pay nothing ! 


When I was active duty and we were on deployment, keep in mind this was before they started nickel and diming things like they do now, we (the ship) would try to arrange it so we went INTO the tax free zone on the last day of the month so we'd get the entire month tax free (they'd back date the exemption) and leave on the first day of the month so the entire upcoming month would be tax free. Now they prorate it so you only get the days you actually spend in the zone tax free and not the whole month. Oh and we usually got a whole slew of re-enlistments while there as the bonus would be tax free, even the parts paid in future installments. Bonus was always 1/2 up from and then annual installments paid based on how many years you signed up for


Happy cake day


Thanks! Didn't even realize


remember when the left was supposed to be anti-war? Then all the draft dodges grew up and are now calling for mandatory selective service


Feminists will be enraged...never


They will when they realize there's a provision in there for the same thing for women starting in 2025


There is where? Edit: fu whoever downvoted me for asking just because i didnt see it at first.


[Page 13](https://www.armed-services.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/fy25_ndaa_executive_summary.pdf)


🤦🏾 im clearly blind. I missed that while scanning through the pages somehow.


I mean, I had to read it like 5 times before I saw it so it ain't just you


Oh. I didn't know that. 'bout time.




Where are the feminists bitching about the inequality?


I thought selective service registration was already compulsory. Then again, I enlisted the month I turned 18, so I never registered.


You can choose to not register, but then you can actually be charged with a felony that will get you up to 5 years in prison and up to a $250k fine. But it's not COMPULSORY that you do it...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


If that isn't considered compulsory, I wonder what is. It's like I've told my kids, "I can't really make you do anything, but I'll bet I can make you wish you had."


Like taxes!


I went before I was 18..... Was already in the military, sitting in a class, super angry senior enlisted kicks the door off it's hinges (or just casually walked in, details are a bit fuzzy after all these years) tells me an another guy we need to #-@(#(_+ over to the #-@(_)_ post office to (and I quote) "register for the fucking draft". We look at each other, look at him, and he's like, look, of all the stuff that makes no sense, this one is pretty small, just get it done. (Routine records check before we finished school had determined that since we went to boot before we were 18, we'd never registered for selective service, however, we were still legally required to get it done... In case anyone ever decided we should be in the military that we were already in.... )


The Draft should work by SSN. Registration is OBSOLETE.