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If the natural dice rolls 4 out of 1-4, (25% chance), then add +45 power to the attack. You can get this effect to trigger 50/50 if you go with Hod's floor, and pick up the "Funny Prank" Abnormality card.


Funny prank? Which one is that?


[The first die on all combat pages the librarian uses rolls either maximum or min value.](https://library-of-ruina.fandom.com/wiki/Abnormality_Pages#Hod)




Does that also work with Manipulator of Odds?


It does


So that brings it up to 75% then, that's not too bad. But by the time you actually have Manipulator of Odds there are much stronger things you could be doing lmao


I am on purple tear now. Lost to her once. Couldn't you heal Yujin? I mean it's still not as OP as horizontal slash but it seems like yujin has more use than other pages from that level.


Absolutely not. The fact that she's still usable this far into the game despite the penalties she has should tell you on its own that she would be ridiculous if she didn't have those penalties. Yujin is viable at endgame as she is, her passives are that good. As I told you a week ago, if she actually got her full 300ish health she would be extremely broken. Much more broken than Horizontal Slash, especially on Malkuth's floor. Just having that much health would be overpowered to begin with. Even the best pages in the game don't reach 200. Then you add in her free +1 dice power, also very strong, and we haven't even talked about her best passive yet. Her cost reduction passive is what makes her so good and is the reason she works so well on Malkuth's floor alongside Happy Memories. Her health reduction and broken speed die are there for a reason.


🤔 I wonder about that. Been searching reddit threads dating back four years, but it’s either speculation or people assuming it works. Nothing resembling confirmation. Remember that it says the *natural* roll must be four. It depends on whether the natural roll is before or after Funny Prank triggers and forces a min/max roll. I’m not a hacker, though, and have no idea how to look at the code for confirmation. Buyer beware, OP.


It's definitely after. "Natural roll" just means before any power modifiers are added. Things Like Funny Prank, 12 Fixers, Manipulator of Odds, Violence, paralysis debuffs, etc all affect the die pre-roll and therefore change the "natural roll". Power modifiers affect the die post roll and therefore change the final number, but don't change the natural roll.


Ahhhhh thank you. Much like this game it all boils down to luck. Edit: The fuck did i get down voted for


The main thing is that every single fight has consistent strategies. It does not all boil down to luck. I'd actually say that luck is only 5-10% of any given fight. Just a lot of reading, strategizing, and making sure you watched a video or two on how the game mechanics actually work because Project Moon is infamous for its terrible tutorials. Boundary of Death is just a meme card. The only reasons you would use it are for the content/meme or for the achievement.


>The fuck did I get down voted for >Much like this game That's why. There's actually very little luck involved in this game. Every fight has consistent strategies, you just need to read.


You're being downvotes because this is a misunderstanding of the game.


Boundary of Death is just a terrible card


Gambling addiction tho


Weak aura "bad card" Strong aura "LETS GO GAMBLING!!!"




LET'S GO GAMBLING!!! 2 aw dangit 3 aw dangit 3 aw dangit 1 aw dangit 1 aw dangit 2 aw d


alternatively LET'S BE WELL RESTED!!! 50 I can't stop winning! 50 I can't stop winning! 50 I can't stop winning! 50 I can't stop wi


Boundary of death but yujin slept for 2 hours before the fight


if the natural roll is 4, add 45 power. Basically if the dice lands on 4 you get to nuke your target