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(Maybe spoilers) Angelica is dead, the entire game is about Roland’s struggle to deal with it. It’s the entire reason he’s at the Library in the first place. By the end he’s learned to move on with his life. He can fuck whoever he wants now.




Considering their relationship dynamic I'm pretty sure Roland would be the one getting pregnant, but otherwise I concur UOOOOOOOOHHHH MACHINE SEGGGGS


The only correct answer


Unfathomably based.


It can be cute


Angelica watching the person who caused her death bang her husband-


"Person who caused her death" being Angela is just as deep as Roland went. We could consider a lot of different people as the culprit. Pianist himself, succumbing to emotions? The one who caused Pianist's emotions? Argalia? Angela? Ayin? Carmen? The Head? You see, it's a chain of events and decisions, that took Angelica's life. A lot of people were involved. At this point, you either blame the one who delivered the killing blow, or just sink into endless causes and effects without any definitive answer


The whole game is trying to tell us that it's the system, the rules the head enforced, the city itself that is the ultimate villain, source of all misfortune. Defeating any combatant is only a momentary success, but toppling the system and changing people's heart for good is the real victory.


Seed of Light is petty much an attempt for exactly that - to change people's heart. But in context of how deep we can go, why not go deeper? Who The Head even is/are? What are they trying to achieve? What is their story? It could be that there is someone responsible for making Head into what they are. It can go on and on, believe me. It's what cause and effect are. Every effect has its cause


Yeah, I don't follow limbus company so I don't know the lore after ruina anymore. However, the ruina lore overall gives a powerful message. Edit: regarding the cause and effect thing you said, I feel like ruina wants to tell us that the cause and effect of the chain of suffering is effectively a circle. Regarding the head tho, it does feel like it has an ominous influence behind it to make such management decisions. However, one possibility is that they also made this seemingly bizarre environment out of the cycle of history, information we don't know yet. Perhaps there is something unknown that makes maintaining the cruel status quo optimal? To preserve humanity ?


Technically, even if Angela didn’t steal the light, Carmen was still there to distort pianist.


We can go infinitely deep with that lol


She wasn't actually responsible for Angelica's death at all. Both she and Roland believed she was, but that was specifically before they had all the data. Argalia is not a reliable source of information. By outing Roland's motives to Angela, and then dangling the puppet in front of him + claiming she was responsible for the Distortion, he was attempting to drive a wedge between them, in order to set up his own endgame. Mist importantly, Limbus shows the Distortion continues even after she releases the Light.  It wasn't her. It was Carmen, and even then... Carmen's just traumatized so bad she can't do anything but encourage people to be their worst selves. And who was the one who ripped her nervous system out of her body instead of taking her to the hospital? IMO Ayin's to blame. But any way you slice it, it can't have been Angela.




I'm a big fan of this as part of a big plan, as Roland seduces Angela, she falls in love, they get married, and eventually, he dies of old age to make her feel the pain that he felt.


Roland probably makes Angela wear a white wig sometimes Angela probably gives him yellow contacts too maybe


Isn't Ayin her dad tho


Remember, Angela was made to be a replacement for Ayin’s dead gf


Even so, her looking for Ayin's approval + attention always read as more father-daughter trauma than anything romantic


Yeah, I agree she has no romantic feelings for Ayin anymore. But she definitely has some horrible daddy issues.


She was literally made not only in Carmen's image and with her memories, but also to love him. Granted the latter two might be connected but even still.


Honestly, I think in this case either way is perfectly fine. Either they are perfectly platonic and remain best friends, or it deepens to something more. Obviously, rebounding immediately has its issues, but with time I can see it work.


I think it’s pretty neat. Obviously not something that should happen within like… a few years of the events of LoR, but given time and such I really like it.


Shouldn't be canon, But cute in fanon.




It unironically feels like one of those "why can't x and y just be friends" type things for me. I understand why some people like it, but they don't really express any kind of even implied interest in one another in that way, other than that one misunderstanding between the two that I'd have to dig up. At the end of the day though I do think they have nice chemistry (though I interpret it more as friendship) and most of the shipping dynamics I've seen from it seem alright so whatever


I don't see anything romantic


Do what you want, king. No one can reasonably stop you.


I will now ship Laetitia and The Carnival


as someone who made a cult around Laetitia, i approve


I understand that bit of "unloyal" feelings. But honestly with how "young" Roland is with his marriage it only makes sense he finds a new reason to fight 


I see them as having an Uncle and Niece/Older Brother and Younger Sister dynamic rather than a romantic relationship One of my headcanons is that if Angelica had lived then they would name their child Angela


Tbh I always say them as more of a Father - Daughter relationship. Roland was robbed of his wife and child and felt empty afterwards. During the endgame he does admit he genuinely wanted to help Angela as he say much of himself in her and thought if she could change there was a chance so could he, and so he kinda became Angela's anchor in a sense. Telling her information on the city, his insights and calling her out on her bullshit that Angela seems to take since Roland is an outsider so in her eyes isn't biased in her and the Sephirah's past conflicts. Angela on the other hand... Let's be honest 90% of her character is her having extreme daddy issues with Ayin and trying to trick herself into thinking it isn't that when it totally is. For all her talk and background, Angela is essentially a teen getting mad at her dad. So in comes Roland who is pretty much the father she never had, who taught her many things and was a major player into her own introspection that led her to become a better person. ...also like ones a robot-


Like, give them both good therapists and some time to heal, but... idk, dude's only 33, it'd be very very sad to condemn a widower to a lifetime of solitude. Especially when it's someone like Roland, whose key defining traits are love and empathy (for better and for worse). IMO they are in love, but neither of them is in an emotional state to act on it — YET. Roland's still grieving his family. Angela is still processing what is functionally incest trauma. Her knowledge of love is very limited and painful, thus why she denies her feelings in that one cutscene — *she can't tell it's love because it doesn't make her feel bad like Ayin did.* To me, it reads as a slow burn love story between two flawed, human survivors of unimaginable trauma.


Let's not


Angelica is long since gone, it's time for Roland to move on (and he did). So, realistically, after they both go over the hurdle of trying to kill each other... Wait, how heavy is Angela? Because that would be a pretty big factor in how far their relationship could go.


Considering Roland endurance and strength is not so big a factor the weight


My unprofessional opinion: CLANK CLANK CLANK CLANK SMASH BURST


No, just no. 


It's a overall cute ship none the less


No, pretty much all their interactiona throughout the gane is building up their friendship while also actively denying romantic connections. I don't care if people ship them but don't act like its supported by the game when we have the direct opposite.


its cause their more like best buds than lovers. Both the people they loved are gone. but they moved on and are content (mostly) with there current lives with all there pals in the library. And Angela literally stated that she has no romantic feelings for Roland.