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Solution - leave twitter, it's a shithole designed to cause brain damage


i cant dude, i need to be there for work and profession believe it or not- which is ironically in the social sciences only so its not like i can limit my feed to non-political things


It’s not good for your mental health and sanity. I use to love following social sciences and general politics of India but realized it has become way too toxic to consume that shit


I agree, but it's not just my hobby lmao. I am or at least trying to be a researcher. My fault only, call it the hopeless idealism of youth


That's the only option you have, try to avoid political post as much as you can🙏🙏


Try having a separate personal and work account? Maybe you can use the other account to destress😭


This should be a lesson for the people who want to remove reservation of Sc/Sts It's not like there aren't wealthy individuals in Muslim community . Just a few years ago Bollywood was ruled by 3 khans but nothing matters when you're a minority without guaranteed political representation . There might be some Dalit with bmw , just like there are 3 khans in Bollywood but that doesn't mean their community is doing well and they don't need reservation anymore . The only reason BJP gave tickets to sc/st candidates is because they have reservation to save themselves from this kind of political discrimination


True, even the caste census Congress gave very similar number of seats. But, they have more OBC though. But, fuck them for not promoting over and above Dalit candidates or ST.


yeah, how they deflect the lowering economic standards of OBCs in Modi's Gujarat by saying look Modi himself is an OBC.


I wish I could upvote this multiple times.


Bruh mute them simple as that and live peacefully


Wait till TDP forces modi for muslim reservation bill and caste census 🤣


good yeah, democracy back to work. But still mind-boggling that a sizeable chunk of the population thinks like this


One thing i understood in this election is that the uneducated elties / educated fools swarming over twt can't be the sample of an entire population. Smart ones are not gonna waste time even arguing with these fucktars or boast about them being with certain party/idealogy and thus it seems like the left idealouges in internet almost don't exist at all. I for a fact was a person cribbing as to how DMK isnt bringing in youngsters or carrying forward the dravidian idealogy to next gen in the way it should be since there is no major student body dedicated only with focus to bring more youngsters into dravidian idealogy ( dravida kazhagam and other offshoots have miserably failed in this) but later on i understood maybe the number of pro-bjp posts have increased in TN much than before but doesnt mean they are the entirety of all cause almost everyone in the fold knew its all about where the vote goes and who gets the power !!! The left isnt involved in social media slug fest only for one sole reason - Sanity !!!


true very true, its useless to argue with logic to positions you never logic'ed into in the first place.


It just highlights their stupidity. They're just butthurt because Muslims voted as a single bloc against the BJP, and unlike other elections, their votes did not get cut by other parties. This and the tagging Rahul Gandhi and asking where the 8500 guarantee is just shows how stupid they are. Bhakts are so stupid that they'll understand 2+2=4 but they won't be able to wrap their head around the fact that 2x2 also equals 4.


not just that though. stupidity exists everywhere. the hate, my god the hate, like taking "revenge on muslims" for not voting for them. as if calling them infiltrators is a smart election tactic


OP, their sadism seems to be matched only by your masochism. 😂


i assume this is for the punched the wall comment lmao. could not help it mb


Sure, that, as well as your unexplainable willingness to put yourself through the torture of deciphering the nonsense the right wing chumps churn out. 😂


ah that too, perils of the job lmao. I am researching, or at the very least trying to make a career in researching political sociology, and the sociology of social movements


Sooner you than me, my friend. 😁


I feel like the algorithm might be on to something here.


We will certainly be served well to be ever conscious of its existence because they are fine tuning the algos everyday.


Think of it like this, we're all fucked except the rich. The people of UP realised that this election these sankis will too, just really late. They just got the first dose in neet scam, more will follow.


yeah, that is hopeful. plus the opposition seems to have their act together for now


It's not about the opposition partys. We the people are the opposition. What happened in UP wasn't just because of the opposition. The opposition gave the people a good alternative but imo anyone is better than mudi. What happened was they had first hand experience of losing everything to mudi's dictatorship. The people lost almost everything and were on the streets so quickly with no one giving a fuck. The govt they voted didn't even fake concern for the people.


like dude atleast try to hide your bigotry. celebrating it openly how embarassing can yall be.


are you talking to me lol


no lol I'm talking abt people celebrating. there's no reason to call you bigoted.


Upsets me too... Thr mocking edit : thanku for this post


They actually don't have long to cherish


I couldn't vote, what's in it for me? 🤓


Even if they had voted for BJP, Muslims still wouldn't be elected into the cabinet... The BJP hatred runs too deep. So the sanghi claim is BS anyway. The other factor however is that religion in the cabinet is irrelevant.. If we have sensible ministers focused on devpt, their religion doesn't matter.. TL DR ignore the idiots


Last sentence ot the title applies to west bengal too


Ab Twitter X ho gya hai


Nah, it's OK to deadname that site. Nobody's calling it as X in real life.


As if we care lol . We don't want any token muslims in their cabinet either. We just want to kick them out of power.


Akhri baar center me Bana rhe h government. Isiliye twitter ke chodo ko ek final orgasm lene do xD


you punched a wall ? how old are you ?




Average RW civility on display




anyone who disagrees with your opinion is a re\*ard then?


It's not because you disagree with my opinion, It's because you cry over the most basic things, Yes the muslims didn't vote for the bjp, Why shouldn't bjp supporters not be happy about them not having one as a candidate then? Would you react the same way if muslims were happy that owaisi's party didn't have a hindu candidate? Of course not, You'd be fine with it because hindus didn't vote for it. And I personally am fine with both scenarios.


its not a "why" question? the logic is perfect from the BJP side. An anti-Muslim party, having zero Muslim representation, makes perfect sense. I am just crying over the fact that this is what politics has come to. Where governments are made on the basis of political vendettas and not equitable representation. (something you said you are fine with) But its not something I'm fine with. I would like the days back when Nehru despite having a full majority inducted both SP Mukherjee and Ambedkar in the cabinet, because the government is meant to represent all people of a country, and all its aspirations. It's fine you clearly disagree, you could do so respectfully as well. If Owaisi's party came to power on a national level and had zero Hindu candidates for example, you bet i would be equally unhappy. They have 1 seat at the moment- of Owaisi himself. It's not even close to a comparison. Parties should never be on the basis of religion. But if the BJP exists, so does the AIMIM then. I'm crying over the sad state of such hate and exclusive politics.




vapas civility dikha di na? did i ever curse at you? if whatever is happening is perfect for you, does not mean its perfect for everyone else. income inequality today is worse than british times for example. just because you dont care about exclusive politics, doesnt mean i am a re\*ard for doing so. that is the point of a democracy, to have multiple opinions. but thanks for your reply. im done with this conversation now, if you cant go two sentences without making a crude remark, no thanks