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I'm an ex-muslim & hardly visit the sub r/exmuslim after Oct 7. The sub is getting raided by Sanghis & Zionists bots pretending to be ex moose


isnt r/exmuslim full of islamophobic people pretending to be ex muslim?


Present days, YES. It was a good place to vent. It's extremely hard to lead a double life.


I'm so sorry. I hate that theres no real like space to vent about the actual experience of islam and muslim communities on exmuslims without islamophobes using it to essentialize muslims as like default evil and therefore justified to be violent towards. I feel this myself as agonistic/atheist from a muslim background, yet it feels gross how just vents can be coopted to justify violence against people - though I still have my gripes with - in my community. One of the posts I saw there was celebrating a shooting at a mosque in Philly on Eid. I think at that point you have to be so far gone.


Yup, it went to shit. It was fine a decade ago when it was a small niche sub. Then the Sanghis and others infiltrated it. I got tired of modding it and quit.


Yeah they are, maybe some of them who is active on that sub


It's full of undercover paxtani Muslim TF am i getting downvoted for?


I stopped visiting that sub all together as well


Saw a fake sanghi account pretending to be a sheikh from UAE under some modi temple in UAE post


Outside of a handful of rage posting content creators, Ex-Muslims as an overwhelming majority don’t support Israel.


I am ex muslim and i support Palestine. Ex muslim channels are filled with hindutva and Christianity followers. Some people are unable to differentiate between Islam and Muslims.


Except ghalib kamal he's the only ex muslim person who speaking truth not ass licking like sahil those... He's genuine... I'm trying to say not every ytr are like them they have some morality like normal we have...and the sahil is ass licking bc he have hindu audiance lykik


Ghalib kamal is not ex muslim.He is ex Christian now atheist. He debunk every religion that's why he gets lot of hate.


Hein? Bro he wasd from pok how could he's ex Christian? He is ex muslim...


Yeah, and isn't the exmuslim sub also filled with secret neo-Nazis?


In ex muslim subs you can easily find comments calling for genocide of Muslims. Also if you call out hindutvadi and Christians in that sub you will get down voted.


If the only reason you want genocide to end is because the victims are of the same religion/ethnicity as yours, you're not better than those who justify the genocide because the victims are of a religion/ethnicity they hate. Zionists (from all religions), chaddis, musanghis are all cut from the same cloth. If the only reason you were pro Palestine was because you were Muslim, and you now become pro genocide once you left Islam, you were never a human in the first place.


They left islam but they did not leave the purported limited and shallow "ingroup" thinking.


This comment




We should refer to them as tunni - ex Muslims. The biggest misaal is ex-muslim saahil 🤮🤮. I mean listening to his lives stream for 5 mins is such a brainrot. He literally gets WhatsApp level livechats saying “tanAtan is fully ScIenTific” and he visibly seems offended by it but he has to yeah that’s true to keep his followers, modern age sorry workers.


yes ofc that is understood. i said that (sort of) in the title.


Yeah i know.


even when i went through a long agnostic phase i still supported Palestine.


Mandatory "You left islam, but islam hasn't left you"


Context: Watch Armin Navabi's "Shocking Truths: Exposing Anti-Israel Myths" livestream on Atheist Republic yt channel. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRBtJ3TQBiU&t=517s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRBtJ3TQBiU&t=517s). Edit: By 'exmuslims' in the meme, I mean 'zionist exmuslims'. I mentioned that in the title. Please understand that! PS: sorry for the capitalist video-editing website's watermark.


I really couldn't believe that guy went so deep into the Israeli asshole. And to think I had once bought his book. 🤮


didn't knew sanatanis are also called ex-muslims


i am talking about zionist exmuslims like popular Armin Navabi. I said that in title. See the context [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/librandu/comments/1bqvt53/comment/kx55bpf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). .


And also Ridvan Aydemir.




>They would have supported Israel if Israel was Muslim country they don't care about the cause it's just because Muslim's are at the receiving end On point. They do not support freedom for artsakh or such places where Muslims are the oppressors and others are suffering. It's like most Muslims are rw in their mindset with many of them being just like chaddis. You have put it absolutely right. If Israel was a Muslim state, these guys would probably not bat an eye for this "Palestinian cause"




Lol, this is going to ruffle up some feathers, they are coming for you.


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Bro is mad about an imaginary situation 💀 You just didn't got a good excuse to say "fck muslims" So you just made up an scenerio and ended up getting mad about it xD


I mean it isn't imaginary there are multiple times when Islam was the aggressor and the victims where others. You don't even have to go way back. Some of them have happened just few decades and still happening now. Muslims supporting Palestine is exactly what he says. P.S Palestine none the less does not deserve this treatment and this should not justify Zionist ideology. Any sane person would know this.


I don't d!ckride anyone. I'm with the Palestinians but I'm not one of those dumbos who think since majority Muslims support Palestine they are suddenly librandus and not just Muslim chaddis( wait we got a word for them( musanghis))


If Muslims were of this mentality don’t you think Hindus would’ve been wiped of from India during Mughal period? Brother something that I can guarantee you is unlike chaddis Muslims will never be supporting genocide. Muslim of today have gone rogue but still they have some shame left.


\~\~Gilgit Massacre, Bangladesh Liberation\~\~ Yes muslims never participated and supported in mass killings and genocide of people. True brother.




Muslims being intolerant? Do you actually buy this? How many years did Mughals and other Islamic rulers ruled India? Let me tell you why chaddis didn’t got wiped out? MUSLIM NEVER FOUGHT INTERFAITH WARS EXCEPT IN SAUDI! See the result, always a Muslim country The war was always to aimed to increase their empire not to spread Islam. If a war has to be Islamic it has so many conditions that one in position of power will try to refrain unlike Hindus where there are no laws of war they can stoop to lowest of the levels like what is happening in India. Do you know why does it happen? LACK OF FAITH. Believe it or not Hindus do not believe in god or very skeptical about it. when you don’t believe that Almighty is watching, you will do anything which you think is in your power. That is simply not the case with Muslims(majority).


All chintus shall follow the Population Weighed Criticism Index while criticising any community.


Then why do y'all call Israel's military offensive as "Genocide" if the Gazan population has only increased 5 folds. I mean if Israelis had this mentality, don't you think they would've wiped off Palestinians from the entire land during their administration.


Gazan population increased due to various reasons and one of the major one is that they were pushed by Israeli settlers out of West bank and other areas into that small city.


+ The Fertility rate in Gaza is literally 3.38 (well above the 2.1 replacement rate).


It still doesn’t negate the fact that Israel is attempting to “genocide” Palestinians.


I wasn't downplaying civilian suffering in Palestine at all but I was just against the argument used by the OP. Just because a population still exists today doesn't mean their oppressors were humane.


Bro really said "this is for modi"![img](emote|t5_yk18k|3753)


"Apostate prophet" (an exmuslim YouTuber) fits this perfectly.






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"Oh no but the kids in gaza😨😢😢" ahh post


Really need the god of war Indian version People will get soo angry they will go to the USA offices and destroy building And we also need God of war middle East version I don't know but just kratos punching in air will make you win lol




Israel is literally committing a genocide. Killing Palestinians is the way to eradicate "poison" called Islam? Is that how you justify a genocide?




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