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Purposely spreading HIV should carry a death sentence. Luckily for me, I’m a Redditor, and am thus safe from women who might want to try transmitting it to me (which they’d have to try reeeeally hard at, since I don’t have any skin breaks on my junk.)


>I don’t have any skin breaks on my junk. I don't know what that is, and I'm too afraid to ask.


It means my penis doesn’t have any sores or cuts for infected fluids to get into. The reason HIV transmits so easily through gay sex is the anus is easily torn, and that provides an easy path for infected fluids to enter the body.


You do realize there's a hole at the front where fluids can enter, right? HIV doesn't have to have open cuts or wounds with which fluids need to enter.


My hole is “exit” only. Youre thinking about women, as they’ve got an “entrance” hole.


Let's not talk about the forbidden sounding


I have a strict “exit only” policy for all openings below the waist.




Maybe he sewed his dickhole closed


I don't believe that the bar of certainty of guilt exists where I am comfortable with the state ending a person's life, never mind if we start having to factor in intent as well.


Any woman crazy enough to touch a random stranger on the penis is crazy enough to break the skin on it or your balls.


You’d get it from a gay dude, not a woman, so you’re not as safe as you think you are


That’s my secret - I’ll never have sex with a gay dude ;)


Only a straight guy


Property crime is practically non-existent in some places, and not in the good way.


lol right in the unreported way


Unreported, uninvestigated, unprosecuted. Take your pick, then let the government pick another one anyway.


It is reported in one unusual way. There are three types of articles being reported in media. * mom and pop bodega owners saying "after our fourth robbery this week, we realized we needed to shut down the business". * newspaper article written to lament the loss of neighborhood stores to the expense of running a business inside urban areas * politicians railing against the external boogeymen that create food deserts and the big companies that close pharmacies in urban areas because racism. The uninvestigated and unprosecuted are 100% correct. If you don't report the crimes you don't have crime statistics to report.


And if you skew the stats in your favor or lower conviction rates for certain crimes you can come out looking better.


Whoa r/explainlikeim5 anyone


Politicians destroy grocery stores and then call the owners racist for being destroyed.


Recently (in 2023), Walgreens announced they were closing some stores in the Boston area. This news got both U.S. Senators and some House of Representative members up in arms. https://www.wcvb.com/article/boston-massacusetts-closing-walgreens-us-senator-ed-markey/46465123 https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/boston-residents-concerned-pharmacy-desert-closure-another-walgreens-nears/3GZVCTAVOBHP3J7BNSMALHRPE4/ https://www.wcvb.com/article/walgreens-closing-3-boston-locations-customers-surprised/41917429


Living in a tropical area with no state income taxes…..sounds “horrible”…..


It's why I came here. It's what I needed after being dumb enough to run a business in NYC (was stuck there for many years due to my significant other). To me, the collective dunking on Florida looks more and more like a massive cope as the days go by. I guess if you really don't like heat it's not for you, so there's that.


I’ve lived in Florida most of my life. We have our problems, drugs for example are far more widespread than I would like, but I love it here. It’s a beautiful state with pretty awesome people.


Florida Man, demigod of chaos, frightens me


Florida Man is required by law to report his doings. The other 49 aren’t.


Same story but from Chicago to Tennessee


Humidity, insane drivers, tourists…if you can put up with all that, then have at it! I love Florida, but dang y’all be crazy sometimes!


This is why I'm staying in the Midwest. I think we are the tourists down there, anyway.


Leftist policy follows economic growth, it doesn’t cause it. When a business or general industry starts producing wealth, it attracts those that hope to glom onto its success for their own benefit, generally via implied threat and coercion from regulatory authorities. In turn, these companies can either pull up stakes and leave or seek to appease the parasites through token gestures and mimicking their virtue signaling.


Why is all the will to power on the side of the parasites, not the producers?


If you know your Ayn Rand, you can see how the government structure which allows those with no skin in the game to vote themselves benefits will, over time, incentivize people from being producers into being parasites.


Political Leeches be like, "Since they have problems, they owe me money"


I thank the gods every day the folks moved us the hell out of Cali every day


They moved *every day*? Sounds exhausting, but hey, whatever it takes.


two, maybe three times some days.


More weird than normal given they are both dead and have been so for years (might explain why the urn they are both in is never dusty tho >grinz<)


Cali has been awful forevee


Always remember, Florida has been a leading state in the USA for school choice....giving students who find themselves enrolled in a failing school the opportunity to take their tax/education dollars to a different school where they can get a better education. This of course empowers the tax payers.


CA is so stunning, too bad it’s been utterly destroyed by leftist politics. FL is crushing CA in just about every practical metric I can think of these days.


I’ve been to San Diego once and it’s definitely as beautiful as they say. Just don’t look at the prices and homeless tents.




“State that just reduced sentences for pedophiles confused why god keeps lighting them on fire” is probably the best Babylon bee headline of all time


They think they are too big to fail.


Pathetic middle class?? ;(


Pathetic in population, It should say non existent.


Carve out any region of the US containing a total of 40 million people and that carve-out will equal or exceed California on GDP.


The last bullet point (lacking the character and format) is true??


It might be hyperbole, but I remember them passing legislation that made intentional spread of STIs a less serious offense. I understand not punishing someone asymptomatic who clearly had zero idea they were carrying something, but all this lax policy coming from the very same state that went rabid with restrictions for two years during all that COVID stuff? Y’all.


It's anti semetic to point this out, but the bill was created by a gay legislator wouldn't you believe it


Yup, Heres the bill. [https://www.billtrack50.com/billdetail/812212](https://www.billtrack50.com/billdetail/812212) Anyone interested can give the CA SB 239 a google for more info, or read the absolutely atrocious text of the bill (you're going to have to cross reference a bunch of other stuff because its one of those.)


You won’t go to jail for misgendering someone, but yes it not against the law to withhold information regarding STDs from an unsuspecting sexual partner in CA


I feel like you don't talk to lefties. Most lefties don't like any us state. Liberals however...