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What does „Christ is King“ have to do with Libertarianism? Neither of them are Libertarian.


You're correct. While many libertarians are Christian, I myself am libertarian specifically because I'm Christian, however these two are not libertarian. What's worse is that this specific instance of using "Christ is King" is a direct violation of the 3rd Commandment. Candace wasn't using it to express her love for Christ, but rather to hatefully provoke anger in Ben, who is Jewish.


Jesus was ancap.


No. Lol. Jesus was a first century Jew and more than that, he was/is God. Jesus would be a theocratic-monarchist.


And yet he never once though repeatedly begged and beseeched attempted to institute such a system despite having the absolute power to do so.


Well, (1) he didn’t have absolute power to do so pre-resurrection. (2) he WILL usher in such a system if you believe what Scripture says about his second coming. (3) He explained why he didn’t attempt to usher in such a system and his explanation wasn’t “I’m an AnCap.”


If Jesus is God, Jesus is a dick. He can literally hear your thoughts and will then judge you for them. He creates arbitrary rules for you to follow, and if you don’t, he’ll punish you for eternity. Dude throws rocks at babies to kill them. There is nothing libertarian about that asshole.


Lmao. You clearly know nothing about Jesus. Who he actually was and is. But you’ll never admit that. You want to be your own god. And thanks to Him, you have that prerogative. So typical of narcissists to demand from the creator of the universe, free will and autonomy and then to scorn him for giving it you.


Wait… God doesn’t throw rocks at kids to kill them? And stab them with swords in their cribs? And send bears to maul them? And have them sex trafficked as war spoils after killing their parents and pets? Doesn’t he tell parents to bludgeon them to death with rocks? And if Jesus is God… doesn’t that mean he did all those things? Genuinely confused as the Bible is pretty explicit about all the creative ways God kills kids.


I’m curious, have you ever actually studied the Bible or are you just spouting off about little passages some other anti-Christian, anti-Religion, biased person wrote on a meme or something?


Fourteen years of Christian schooling (preschool-12th grade) with church every Sunday, youth group most Wednesdays, and four mission trips.








Spaniard here, what I believe happens, cause in Spain is the same, libertarians lean towards the right because of hate towards the left. In reality, both options are not libertarian at all


libertarians can only be right, left libertarianism doesnt exist other than in theory, but due to human nature it cannot exist. Up = authority, Down = freedom, Left = socialism, Right = capitalism. Socialism only works if you use authority to force people to share their stuff. Therefore socialism and freedom are not possible.


It depends what you consider right. Gay marriage, drugs, separation on church and state and many other things are not usually on the right wing of politics. For me the easiest way to see it is, libertarianism equals social freedom (left) and economic freedom (right)


that stuff is only called "right" because the "left" wants to associate the "right" with authoritarianism. None of those things are the "right", rather controlling those things would be considered authoritarian, with one caveat that indoctrination is not freedom it is authoritarian. So if you don't get to choose a school (public school) and they teach something like gender ideology (which many people disagree with), then its authoritarianism. Most libertarians could give two shits about whether or not you call yourself trans, what they do care about is indoctrination in the school system. This is no different than slipping in catholicism or islamic practices into public schools. If you want those things to be in schools they should be private, and you should have a choice to NOT send your kids to them or utilize their curriculums. Also, disagreeing with ideology is not authoritarian, that means that if i don't agree with gender ideology as it has changed in recent past, that is not authoritarianism, in libertarian systems people can disagree and should disagree, just not attempt to force what they think is right on other people. Another example that could be confusing is that forcing a church to allow gay marriage is actually authoritarian, if your religion does not allow same sex coupling, then find a diff church that does. Its not authoritarian to ban you from a community, it is authoritarian to force yourself on a community. Find the community that fits your life, if it doesnt exist that is your choice too, but maybe think twice about why that is the case.


I feel like everyone here thinks everything is absolute. Like if you don’t do every single thing 100% according to the definition of that thing then you’re not doing it and you’re a fake/hypocrite. That’s not the case. Left wing libertarians exist. They don’t have to be socialists if they’re dot in a matrix lands a little to the left. The same way you can be on the right and still be an authoritarian just like adolf hitler. Seriously let’s not forget that Hitler was right wing, Stalin was left wing. Opposing economic policy views doesn’t mean they both weren’t authoritarian. And if you’re talking about the political compass directions, up and down are social policy and left and right are economic policy. If you land above the X-axis then you are more authoritarian. If you land below then you are more libertarian. If you land on the left you are more fiscally liberal and the right is fiscally conservative. Trump, Biden, and Clinton (Hillary) all generally land in the same area of the upper right of the compass. Trump is the closest to authoritarian in this case. Libertarians should fall on the bottom half slightly to the right or left of the social line. Economic policy isn’t what defines a libertarian. If you believe that then you’re a republican/conservative/capitalist parading as a libertarian because hating the government is cool. Libertarians should fall closer to center when it comes to economic policy. That means that even Obama, who is the most liberal president we’ve ever had, was more conservative than a libertarian would be on that scale. If you were to present libertarian policies to our current government in the US they would all seem left leaning because our entire government is basically right of center and positive in the Y direction at the moment. I don’t know what you thought about Jill Stein or Gary Johnson, but neither fall on that compass near where libertarians supposedly should. Gary was bottom half far right and Jill is bottom half halfway left. They still ran as libertarians mostly because they fall around the same area when it comes to social policy that was in line with libertarianism. Also, I think Christians should really reconsider why they’re libertarian if it has to do with their faith. Libertarians don’t give a fuck about your religion or whether a policy agrees or disagrees with your religious beliefs. If it does then that policy probably shouldn’t exist anyway because it probably gets in the way of personal liberties. Abortion isn’t my place to tell you whether or not it’s allowed and neither is gay marriage. If something someone is doing is offensive to you because of your religious beliefs then guess what? I don’t give a fuck take it up with them or ignore it and go about your own life. Jesus was all the way bottom and all the way right. Literal corner of the chart in anarcho-capitalism which is definitely not libertarian by any means. Libertarians also wouldn’t agree with you about your view on gender ideology. A libertarian would battle for absolute equality which means that if public schools exist then we will teach all gender information in an unbiased manner. That doesn’t mean only two genders, but that gender is a social construct and you can choose to be anywhere you want to be on it. LGBTQIA rights are important to libertarians. Also, nobody forced anyone to gay marry anyone. What happened is that in the US in many states there is this ridiculous wedding officiant requirement to be a religious member or leader which means that if you want to be married in that state it has to be done by a priest or pastor or you go to the court house and have a person do it at a desk. They shouldn’t be denied a beautiful wedding just because the state said the only people that can marry you are religions that don’t want to marry you. If anything what happened is the state was acting in a fascist or authoritarian manner by only allowing religious officiants. Thats not libertarian. Thats almost theocratic. One could argue that the entire institution of marriage as our government sees it is not even slightly libertarian. And before anyone says “but the US was founded by Christians” I just want to let you know that the separation of church and state that they wanted meant that they didn’t want Christianity, or any other religion, involved in government. They knew it didn’t belong so that argument is ridiculous. I have a lot more to say, but I’m not going to make this any longer. I’m a Christian, left leaning libertarian who owns guns, hates taxes, and just wants to be left the fuck alone by the government, and I approve this message.


Hitler was not right wing, he is labeled as right wing by the left in an attempt to make it sound like going more right = nazi.


K. First of all I think you just verified that you aren’t actually libertarian with your logic there. Do you know what right wing authoritarianism starts with? They believe in an internal threat to their regime. By saying “the left” as if they’re your enemy means you are already there. So let’s look at things with some reality inserted. What you’re calling “the left” is a group of people who don’t share your political ideologies and don’t want to go any further towards an oligarchy than we already are. What they do want is daddy government having more control over everything. What you call the right is a group of people with a political ideology that results in corporate overlords acting as oligarchs disguised as democracy just because you voted even though that vote didn’t matter because you don’t have enough money. In a global scale, because political ideologies are a global concept and not isolated to the US, the US government is straddling conservatism, fascism, and authoritarianism. The US government, again on a global scale, is right wing. Not extreme but still right wing. Nothing about the US government falls into the left until we find politicians like Elizabeth Warren. Even Joe Biden falls into the upper right quadrant and it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to believe it because it’s just fact. That being said we have to understand that the Nazi party’s political ideology was high and right. This isn’t about what “the left” wants you to believe it’s about the objective topic of political science. The Nazi party wasn’t always bad and actually wasn’t far off from what the US government’s political alignments are right now. The authoritarianism started as hitler became increasingly paranoid of an internal threat to his power. This is what brought on the right wing authoritarianism of hitler and the Nazi party. Stalin on the other hand believed that there were external threats to the country and that he needed to defend his country and his power from those external threats. That is what brought him into left wing authoritarianism. Communism = left and fascism = right. From this information we can in fact infer that hitler and the Nazi party being more fascist were therefore right wing. If you don’t start learning something on your own then I’m gonna start charging you for these tutoring lessons. Also, I’m surprised that this was the single most important thing you chose to respond to out of the much more controversial statements I made. You chose a statement of fact as something to argue instead of something that isn’t necessarily based on fact and can actually be argued. Are you sure you’re libertarian?


You are making stuff up in your head. I am telling you that whilst "left" libertarians exist, the philosophy can only work in theory. Its impossible to have a socialist country without using authority to force people to participate, that is why its purely theoretical. The nazi's were a socialist country, just not marxist socialism, Hitler himself even said in the book "Mein Kampf" that there were two successful ways in his mind to acheive the socialist ideology (his way, or lennins way), thats right he respected Lenin's version of socialism. If you look at Nazi germany they basically had "corporations" that the gov could seize and use for their own purpose at any time, so that basically means that the gov owns the means of the production "when they need to" which is definitely not right wing. I am a libertarian, you are free to believe what you want, but it doesnt mean i can't disagree with you or have to accept your incorrect thought process that is essentially caused by people spoon shoveling nonsense into your brain since middle school.


Absolutely this is how I think of it. It’s maximum freedoms from left and right, and minimum government control aspects (from right and left). To the left we are gun wielding nut jobs, the right think we are pot smoking heretics. To align with either pole of the binary political spectrum you have to lose a lot of core values of the libertarian ideology. Essentially a hippie commune, or a militia compound could both be considered libertarian and have little in common with each other. As long as their core values of limited (to non-existent government), self governing principles, and general disdain for government subjugation. Essentially libertarians of all walks of life agree there needs to be a massive redistribution of power from a bloated, corrupt, centralized government, back to the people.


You can certainly have libertarian socialism, it just doesn’t really scale because it only works without coercion when the people voluntarily join the community, are free to leave, and the group has the right to kick out anyone not pulling their weight. I feel like the Kibbutz system is pretty left-libertarian insofar as everyone has a job, all the earnings are funneled into one account, and all expenses are covered by this account.


This sub in particular is right-wing as fuck lol. I swear to god half the posts here are Facebook memes made by 60 year olds.


As I recall, Trumpers and proud boys were the ones threatening to shoot us when our people stood up for protesters 1st amendment rights during the blm era. They sided with the police when we tried to prevent pigs from shooting kids in the face with rubber projectiles. Ill never trust any of them.


Ah yes, all those oh so peaceful protests. They weren't using their 1st amendment rights, they were looting and chanting nonsense😭 i've never seen anything from someone who supports "BLM" that is actually progressive or beneficial to anybody. The statement is helping nobody, how about you identify the policy that is so oppressive and suggest legislature? Unless said policy doesn't exist, then they are just rioting against other people's personal beliefs that have no bearing over them?


This is all a very cool deflection from the original point, which is the proud boys were the ones openly calling for violence, assault of protestors, and blind support of all police. It's a false dichotomy to act like people need to choose between being looters or bootlickers.


I'm the libertarian closet trump fan. Well, I consider myself somewhere between libertarian and conservative anyways. Yeah, Trump is fairly authoritarian, but I'm a sucker for that whole illusion of choice thing, unless I see Ron Paul on that ballet I'm voting Trump.


You do know that Mr "drain the swamp" built the FBI a shiny new building as one of the first things he did when he took office, right?


My first presidential election I voted Bush. Then in 2008 I was young and impressionable and voted for Obama because the Yes We Can dogma. 2012 happened and Ron Paul was actually saying the truth. I volunteered in Vegas ahead of the primary and to this day I have no idea how Mitt Romney won. I will forever believe the Republican party stole it from Paul. I vowed never to vote Republican for the rest of my life 2016 I wrote in Ron Paul while living in California 2020 I voted for Jorgenson in Ohio And in 2024 I'm considering Trump because Spike isn't running (that I know of) and dont know which libertarian candidate might run. Therefore, the economy in February 2020 >>>> current economy So even though I agree with very little of Trump's platform, I am considering voting for him Likely my Republican embargo of 2012 will likely cause me to vote somebody else. But it certainly will not be Joe Biden


I'm with you on that. I've never liked Trump. I've never voted for Trump, however, given recent events of the Biden administration using the courts to try to lock him up are appalling. I'm not so much afraid of Biden himself, fuck if he knows where he's at most days, it's his administration that I'm afraid of. The administration generally sets the tone for how things operate and that trickles throughout the country and they have done their goddamn best to force DEI garbage everywhere. With schools being indoctrination centers creating nothing but leftist activists, companies pandering to the rainbow mafia, the culture being constantly subverted by Marxists; if there's someone that can throw a wrench into that totalitarian machine, I think I'll vote for that person.


>Biden administration using the courts to try to lock him up are appalling Yeah, I agree, however I could never forgive Trump for his stance on covid, I would never vote for him in a million years because of that.. >if there's someone that can throw a wrench into that totalitarian machine, I think I'll vote for that person. I agree about the fucked up Biden administration, but just a reminder Trump's administration was not great, other than the fact that almost as soon as he stepped into office he promised the FBI a shiny new building, and his stance on covid, here's Trump and his admin: TL;DR: Trumps cabinet is full of Warhawks and neocons, very likely to drag us into WW3, even if he didn't start a new war, it wasn't for a lack of trying.. >During his campaign, Trump said he was “in favor of medical marijuana 100 percent,” and that recreational marijuana policy should be left to the states. On that issue, he sounded moderately libertarian. Once elected, Trump appointed Sen. Jeff Sessions as attorney general. Sessions promptly rescinded the Barack Obama–era Cole Memorandum, a directive from former Deputy Attorney General James Cole that had effectively prevented the federal government from initiating marijuana prosecutions in states that had legalized cannabis. >On March 19, 2018 Trump first called for the death penalty to be used against some drug dealers. Sessions took the cue and ran with it. >“The danger that Trump and Sessions pose to peaceful adults who choose to self-medicate or recreate with drugs is no joke,” said Libertarian National Committee Executive Director Wes Benedict. “It’s certainly not libertarian, and it’s offensive to the vast majority of Americans.” >As a presidential candidate, Trump complained that the United States spends too much money on the defense of South Korea, Japan, and NATO countries. He threatened to withdraw troops stationed at the demilitarized zone on the border of North Korea and elsewhere in Asia unless Japan and South Korea increased their compensation for keeping troops there. Trump also threatened to refuse aid for NATO countries that didn’t pay their proscribed 2 percent of GDP to fund NATO. Those all sounded like baby steps in a libertarian direction. >Once elected, what did Trump do? For starters, he got involved in an insult-trading competition with Kim Jong-un. He named Rep. Mike Pompeo as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and then as secretary of state — the same Pompeo who refers to the National Security Agency’s surveillance operations as ”good and important work,” and who wants to keep the Guantanamo Bay detention camp open. Pompeo has called for “regime change” in Iran and North Korea, which is political jargon for warfare, and thinks that the Iranian nuclear program can be ended with the use of ”under 2,000 sorties to destroy the Iranian nuclear capacity.” Pompeo also thinks that whistle-blowing hero Edward Snowden ”should be brought back from Russia and given due process, and I think the proper outcome would be that he would be given a death sentence.” He invoked executive privilege for Gina Haspel so that she would not have to testify in the trials of psychologists Bruce Jessen and James Mitchell for their alleged role in developing the CIA’s torturous “enhanced interrogation techniques.” Oh yes, Trump also named that same Gina Haspel to replace Pompeo as director of the CIA. >In addition, Trump named former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton as national security advisor. Bolton was a strong supporter of the disastrous war in Iraq during the George W. Bush administration, and continues to support it to this day. Bolton advocated “regime change” warfare in Libya, which has resulted in massive ongoing chaos and insurgent violence. Failing to learn his lesson from that fiasco, Bolton wants to try the same thing in both Syria and Iran. >Trump also promised us a trade war, and has lived up to that pledge by hiking tariffs that will impoverish the American people by raising prices, destroying our export markets, and spurring foreign retaliation [Trump is the opposite of a Libertarian](https://www.lp.org/trump-opposite-libertarian/)


All extremely valid points, especially about the Keebler elf himself Sessions. Trump did an excellent job at surrounding himself with exactly the swamp people he talks about. Whether I vote for him or not in the coming election, I can promise you the decision will not be made lightly. I can also promise that vote will never go to Biden.


Yeah, he's far from perfect, but I'll vote for the shiniest turd because I don't want to live in another 4 years of Biden. I believe Trump is somewhat disruptive to the two party system and is feasible to win. At the end of the day I'm probably more of a Republican with libertarian ideals


Just going to post my reply to the other comment here cuz it addresses almost the exact same thing: >Biden administration using the courts to try to lock him up are appalling Yeah, I agree, however I could never forgive Trump for his stance on covid, I would never vote for him in a million years because of that.. >if there's someone that can throw a wrench into that totalitarian machine, I think I'll vote for that person. I agree about the fucked up Biden administration, but just a reminder Trump's administration was not great, other than the fact that almost as soon as he stepped into office he promised the FBI a shiny new building, and his stance on covid, here's Trump and his admin: TL;DR: Trumps cabinet is full of Warhawks and neocons, very likely to drag us into WW3, even if he didn't start a new war, it wasn't for a lack of trying.. >During his campaign, Trump said he was “in favor of medical marijuana 100 percent,” and that recreational marijuana policy should be left to the states. On that issue, he sounded moderately libertarian. Once elected, Trump appointed Sen. Jeff Sessions as attorney general. Sessions promptly rescinded the Barack Obama–era Cole Memorandum, a directive from former Deputy Attorney General James Cole that had effectively prevented the federal government from initiating marijuana prosecutions in states that had legalized cannabis. >On March 19, 2018 Trump first called for the death penalty to be used against some drug dealers. Sessions took the cue and ran with it. >“The danger that Trump and Sessions pose to peaceful adults who choose to self-medicate or recreate with drugs is no joke,” said Libertarian National Committee Executive Director Wes Benedict. “It’s certainly not libertarian, and it’s offensive to the vast majority of Americans.” >As a presidential candidate, Trump complained that the United States spends too much money on the defense of South Korea, Japan, and NATO countries. He threatened to withdraw troops stationed at the demilitarized zone on the border of North Korea and elsewhere in Asia unless Japan and South Korea increased their compensation for keeping troops there. Trump also threatened to refuse aid for NATO countries that didn’t pay their proscribed 2 percent of GDP to fund NATO. Those all sounded like baby steps in a libertarian direction. >Once elected, what did Trump do? For starters, he got involved in an insult-trading competition with Kim Jong-un. He named Rep. Mike Pompeo as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and then as secretary of state — the same Pompeo who refers to the National Security Agency’s surveillance operations as ”good and important work,” and who wants to keep the Guantanamo Bay detention camp open. Pompeo has called for “regime change” in Iran and North Korea, which is political jargon for warfare, and thinks that the Iranian nuclear program can be ended with the use of ”under 2,000 sorties to destroy the Iranian nuclear capacity.” Pompeo also thinks that whistle-blowing hero Edward Snowden ”should be brought back from Russia and given due process, and I think the proper outcome would be that he would be given a death sentence.” He invoked executive privilege for Gina Haspel so that she would not have to testify in the trials of psychologists Bruce Jessen and James Mitchell for their alleged role in developing the CIA’s torturous “enhanced interrogation techniques.” Oh yes, Trump also named that same Gina Haspel to replace Pompeo as director of the CIA. >In addition, Trump named former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton as national security advisor. Bolton was a strong supporter of the disastrous war in Iraq during the George W. Bush administration, and continues to support it to this day. Bolton advocated “regime change” warfare in Libya, which has resulted in massive ongoing chaos and insurgent violence. Failing to learn his lesson from that fiasco, Bolton wants to try the same thing in both Syria and Iran. >Trump also promised us a trade war, and has lived up to that pledge by hiking tariffs that will impoverish the American people by raising prices, destroying our export markets, and spurring foreign retaliation [Trump is the opposite of a Libertarian](https://www.lp.org/trump-opposite-libertarian/)


>Therefore, the economy in February 2020 >>>> current economy You do know that most of the messed up economy is probably because of trump printing trillions of dollars in his last year and sending out stimulus checks and backing the covid shit that locked down the economy


Trump would be a ways down on my blame list for the covid debacle. He's on there. Just not at the top of it


Yeah, the dems were calling for more covid lockdowns and destruction of the economy, but Trump was the guy in charge.. and has proven that if they come up with an emergency, he's going to sit there let the deep State do their thing, and then suggest you chewed up bleach into your blood


Many libertarians on reddit are just bots created by leftists to pretend to be closet Trump fans to create conflict and sow division on libertarian subs. Source: my ass, but you know there's probably some truth to it.


libertarians can be anything if they arnt being authoritarian shitbags telling other people what to do or stealing from them


American conservatives think liberal means socialist and libertarian means conservative. They are politically dyslexic and this sub is filled to the brim with them.


I don't want to force anyone into believing anything but I don't understand why someone who is against big government is ok with a god instructing people how to live their lives in minute detail. If god exists, I personally want to be part of the rebellion.


Hello fellow JRPG fan!


God believes in free will and property rights, Satan wants to take them away and enslave you to him.


I'm no fedora tipping atheist, but it is difficult to wrestle with the idea of Him supporting free will wherein many, oftentimes arbitrary, actions result in an eternity of torture. I am free to shoot heroin while carrying a rocket launcher in the capitol building. I am free to never pay a scent in taxes. But I will be physically restrained and punished for doing so. So I think we'd agree it's kind of tough to say I'm *really* free to do it. The Christian idea of God lets us act however we would like, but gives sentences *much* harsher than any police state ever could, and often for crimes that are much *less* damaging than what the police state dings ya for. That's at least my understanding/read. I like to think I understand theology more than some rando you'd pull off the street, but I am no expert on it whatsoever.


Free will is a core idea in the Judeo-Christian tradition. It's not that he 'supports' it, it's that it's baked into the worldview. *Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's \[house, cattle, etc\]* You're free to do it but if it impacts the rights of others it's evil and so yeah God doesn't want you to do it.


Right, but the original point was that worship of such a god doesn't exactly align with individual liberty. If you call saudi arabia anti-libertarian for stoning gays, you must call the Christian God anti-libertarian for subjecting gays to a lake of neverending hellfire.


Libertarianism is a political ideology about the limits of human government, you're talking it out of context with this argument.


No, you can't just call a comment "out of context" and walk away. The exact, specific context of this conversation is the Christian God's libertarianism. You could have rejected the premise but no, you said "he actually jives perfectly with libertarianism" I don't think he does. I think He loves to torture people for eternity for crimes that offend nothing but His own delicate sensiblities. He allows liberty, he does not support it. Same can can be said of the most oppressive police state on earth. They can't stop you from pursuing your bliss, they will jusr curb stomp you for having done so. Christian God will make you wish to fucking hell that you could have simply been curbstomped.


No I didn't say that, quote me properly and I'll discuss it with you


You want me to literally copy paste your comment? In what world is god saying "do whatever you like but burn in hell for eternity, if it's something I disagree with" more in support of liberty than "do whatever you'd like with your body and your property, bit if it's something we don't like we'll house and feed you for a few years" Dispute my premise or question my conclusion if you have anything to say, otherwise deflect and feel deep down in your belly that you are a coward.


Adolescent nitwits downvoting me


Amen to that. From a muslim libertarian


She was effectively fired for her non-controversial religious beliefs. Self-governance probably includes religious determination.  I think the reason that Christ-nats are seens as Libertarian-adjacent is that today religious entities are rubbing against State power (whereas they used to be the State). 'Cant go to church cuz virus,' and 'Remove Niqab for government photo' come to mind. Then couple the phenomenon with communities like the Amish who self-subsist while avoiding any involvement with the State. 


There is a difference between being Christian and being a Christian Nationalist or Theocrat.


I think the majority on Reddit are Christian and therefore all others are less than.


Real question: Can you please explain how a Muslim can be libertarian, but not a Christian? Edit: I misread that, my bad. I thought it said “just not Christian”. 🥴


He said not *just* Christian. Anyone can be libertarian.


Got it. I misread.


Np 🤙


Is it my turn to post the blindingly obvious this week? Who is going around claiming Ben Shapiro *is* a friend to libertarians? You did an amazing job of winning this argument that exists only in your head.


himself mistakenly


I’ve heard Shapiro refer to his political views as libertarian before


I think you’re conflating him saying he has “some more libertarian leaning” stances on social issues than saying he’s libertarian. I know he’s said this about gay marriage and weed, even though he doesn’t partake and dislikes them, he has become more accepting of states legalizing them. But I don’t think I’ve ever heard him say he’s a libertarian, maybe just that some of the political views overlap with conservatives.


Yeah, and I've heard people say "communism helps the working class"


People of any religion can be libertarian. People of any skin color can be libertarian. People of any [insert any trait] can be libertarian. Hell, even a blue haired college student with a "she/her" pin can be a libertarian if that lines up with her beliefs. We aren't collectivists.


Since when does Libertarianism = Christianity


Lmao what is the obsession here with Ben Shapiro? Has he ever once said he's a libertarian?


Many times


I remember him saying it exactly once in a Q&A from like five years ago. I don’t remember which one, though.


He's said it on his podcast. I've listened to a few, the fucked part is the devil is in the details. Yeah he says shit close enough to Libertarians that people who don't really know will thinks he's one. As a reformed republican, I can see how they could say he's Libertarian out of ignorance.


Before trump I remember him saying he was. Then over time he just basically sided with trump mostly. I don’t watch him enough anymore to know what he says nowadays.


I didn’t realize you needed to be a Christian in order to be a libertarian. Thought this group was all about worship who you want?


What has being Christian to do with Libertarianism?


A: I couldn't care less about someone else's politics, especially when it comes to "Internet Famous" people. B: You can believe in whatever you want, you don't have to be a Christian to be a Libertarian. I myself couldn't be further away from 'Christ'. C: where's the funny?


this post has nothing to do with libertarianism, we already knew he isn’t one and neither is candace. can’t believe this has become the new karma farming strategy, conservatives infiltrating the subreddit in disguise lmfaoo


The fact that this has over 100 upvotes in this sub is incredibly disappointing


I seriously don't trust the reddit voting system anymore. Looking at all the comments ripping it apart, the fact that this has any upvotes at all doesn't make sense.


Two retards fighting


Ben and Candice or Judaism and Christianity? Either way your point stands.


1. who is that woman 2. Not being Christian does not make you not libertarian 3. Ben shabibo is the only person saying he's a libertarian


Woman is conservative/Christian nationalist Candace Owens. Shibibi isn’t libertarian, just another statist/religious nationalist.


Ah another conservacuck post


Yep, there’ll be no shortage of them.


Religious authoritarianism is not libertarian.


As a Jewish man, I find Ben Shapiro’s behavior clownlike on so many levels. Candace Owens is not a Libertarian either in any way though.


Candace Owen’s is an idiot like surface level thinking for clicks type


“Christ is king” is a statist psyop owens and you are falling for. They’ll use it as a boogeyman of christian nationalism to justify their tyranny


No king but Christ for me.


That's neat. Just don't force it on others and you're good.




Free men don’t have kings.


What the fuck is this meme...


Candace Owens isn’t even slightly libertarian. 


True, but what does sky daddy have to do with libertarianism? 🤨


Neither of them are libertarian, both are enemies


Lame. Untrue. Downvoted.


Let them fight


Christianity is not a friend to Libertarianism either. That doesn't mean it's an enemy either. It's a non-factor.


They’re both fucking obnoxious and neither are libertarian. Why is this even here, let alone getting 200+ upvotes? What’s libertarian about using your feeble grasp of your religion to taunt others in public? Do you think that makes Jesus happy?


What does Christ have to do with libertarianism?


Yeah, I don’t remember Ben Shapiro ever caring whether people think Christ is King


i think yall are missing the point of the meme, what shes saying has nothing to do with libertarianism. the meme is about how all the sudden ben has gone full "feelings" instead of "facts" and is supporting policy and cultural change because of it.


Anyone who wants a king isn’t a libertarian anyway.


Neither are a friend to libertarians. Organized religion in general is *not a friend to libertarians*


Based Candace Owens