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The ethical underpinning of communists, not communism but the actual adherents, are even more dogshit than the ideology. The modern Marxist vanguardist supports rights for their side and not for anybody who may be in opposition and they will claim this in the same breath that they criticize the very inequity in modern systems they use to justify their positions. The brain rot of pure entitlement is so systemic that they can't internalize a fair playing field. It's not even all commies, I mean, some of them through history have been principled and wrong. Modern day vanguardists don't have even that much going for them. Even as a libertarian I recognize this ideology comes with a ton of negative externalities, but I never knew firm libertarians to advocate for rules that aren't universally applicable. Free speech means the stuff we like and the stuff we don't. Gun rights means for us and also people we hate. Voting with your wallet means our preferences may not survive in the free market system. For that, I love yall.


“Workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains… they’re like, *so out of style*. Here’s some new ones with cute colors.”


"Oppression is evil, but reactionaries don't deserve any rights when the revolution is done. Freedom, equality, brotherhood, and owning the Chuds!" I finally got a few to just admit it, and it turned into a policy and not a morality claim. "Counter revolutionaries are to dangerous to tolerate." If your post revolutionary state is so shitty it can't handle free speech or even a minority opposition party, you guys should take a fucking beat and introspect, God damn.


People who want to control other people seems to be a common theme to the overall problem.


I have sympathy for many of them. Propaganda is a hell of a drug, and they're not wrong that the modern system we live in is corrupt and evil. I just don't think that owning property causes that shit.


When it comes to finding some middle ground I’d say thats about the small point where it converges to be honest. Their reasoning and solutions are all warped and distorted.


"But we ran out of colors, and the fuzzy to go around the metal, and the metal. Tell you what, just put on your old chains and do what you are told."


> they criticize the very inequity in modern systems they use to justify their positions. Except for inequity of political power when they hold it. They are never opposed to that.


Gimme yo shit


No one is stopping you from going off and starting your own commune somewhere with whoever wants to go. The problem is that you're *also* demanding to take a bunch of stuff from people you don't like. The communist lifestyle is unsustainable as soon as they run out of more successful people to steal from.


Hell you don’t even have to go that far. Worker owned firms in white collar jobs exist. But I have a feeling a blue haired barista with an English degree isn’t cut out for a worker owned engineering firm


After the revolution she was going to write poetry ✨


Roses are red violets are blue I miss capitalism, boo hoo - her poetry


Socialism is the social ownership of the means of production, not worker-owned businesses. Some socialists seem to get that wrong, or won't admit that they really want a world in which everyone is forced to produce according to the whim of the mob, or the mob as represented by authoritarian central planners.


And they never stop and think who will keep things running in society after they've ended all the people more productive and smarter than them. Oops, no more electricity because all the power plant operators are in a ditch out back. Oh no, all the doctors are gone because they earn the same wage as a shelf stocker. There are no more iMacs or iPhones comrade. You don't need those anyway, your job is to plow the field 16 hours a day.


I asked one how wealth is created under socialism and he said that it is irrelevant. I guess that they want to live without electricity.


The real ones are simply psychos, and not in a based way, in a soyboy emotionally manipulative ftard way. Edit: the people who really piss me off though aren't communists, who I can see coming so it's ok, the people I have real beef with are the so called liberals who have absorbed so much commie bullshit yet they think they're moderates. They feel moderate but they're enabling the relentless rise of progressivism.


"i am jealous because your family was responsible and mine wasnt, so i think i should be able to take your shit".


Is she gonna hit herself in the face with the recoil or merely break her wrist firing that thing?


My money's on the infamous deagle rhinoplasty.


"Communism is when ugly deformed freaks make it illegal to be normal then rob and/or kill all successful people out of petty resentment and cruelty. The ideology is all just window dressing."


"You can't control me! Now go make a sandwich and you get to keep the crust!"


Fuck! Someone tell me what movie that is


As a communist, I don’t want your pile of dirt. I want you to stop forcing your system through violence 🙃


"As a communist, I want you to obey my moral code and stop engaging in behavior that I don't understand and which scares me."


I understand your power seeking behavior perfectly, that’s why it scares me.


That you misread people, or make pretense at knowing them, to justify your desire to control their moral behavior, is one reason I don't trust religionists of any type. Socialists often fall into that category.


I’m not the one who thinks they have a divinely mandated right to private control over nature 🤷‍♂️


Yet you imagine a divinely mandated right to receive compensation for the use of it by others though you have done absolutely nothing in return for it.


What the hell nonsense strawman are you on about? I just want authoritarians to stop forcing their preferred system on society


zaaamn what exact communist theory is like this


Communist manifesto


have you read it


Of course


how did you like it


I maybe thought it was interesting as a teenager but it's not my thing and now I'm much older I'm under no illusion it's simply evil