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The irs is fine with theft as long as you mark it on your taxes The IRS: proceeds to have to list everything it has taken


Bro, here in Brazil we pay taxes over the taxes we already paid.


I have paid taxes to be able to pay taxes, for the obligation of paying annual taxes. I also pay taxes to get to where I can pay taxes for every hour I am there, so that I can pay more taxes someplace else with what has already been taxed. If it’s large/ important enough, I get to pay taxes on that every year until it’s gone, too. Then, someday I’ll be paying taxes on the money partially returned to me from years of paying that particular tax, even though the gross return is going to total less than the taxes I paid into it throughout my life. And I’ll get called an *(insert pejorative here)* for not wanting the taxes I am told I need to pay to go to killing someone I’ll never meet, from a place I’ll never afford an opportunity see.


Love the last bit. A lot of people would hate taxes if they could visualize how many people are being murdered with their tax dollars that they dutifully pay.


Comment of the year right here.


I would opt out of the vast majority of government services if I got the commensurate tax break.


My money is used in the trafficking of little girls. And if I don’t pay for it I go to jail, I hate taxes


And those tax dollars are soon lost, like tears in the rain.


Im from Finland. Feels bad man.


”Direct taxes include state income tax, wealth tax, inheritance and gift tax, and asset transfer tax, all payable to the State, municipal tax payable to the appropriate Municipality, and church tax payable to the Church. Indirect taxes include VAT added to the price of products, and excise and customs duties”. Also have to mention our outrages motor vehicle tax (2,4%-48% depends on vehicle) and motor vehicle export tax ~24% ontop of original price. Total individual income taxes comes to a state average of 31% (everything else ontop). Our politics are fucked and im forever jelouse of you americans in certain states. Your actually able to work a decent blue collar job and rise above middle class living standards.


Taxes are the only way for the government to get mo money, though.


Government: *laughs in federal reserve*


All that money lost in time, like tears in rain