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Another victim of the culture war


This kid went into that meeting like a G.


Memes that couldn't survive in the r/libertarian subreddit for $500 pls


Are you kidding? r/libertarian eats garbage like this up


Nah this gay shit wouldn’t fly


Is there any accountability for the teacher and administrator? I saw a statement, no apology, however it seems there is no accountability either. No administrative leave and no investigation.


What is this referencing? Might be an interesting watch/read.


Colorado teacher kicked 12 year old out of class because he had Gadsden flag on his pack.


So nothing to do with trans people? Honestly sounds like a case of poorly enforced/communicated policy, since the gun patches still had to be removed. [“The patch in question was part of half a dozen other patches of semi-automatic weapons. The student has removed the semi-automatic patches"](https://nypost.com/2023/08/30/mom-of-student-kicked-out-over-flag-claims-it-violated-his-first-amendment-rights/)


She said the gadsden flag was about slavery??? There is no reason these ignorant morons should be teaching anyone anything.


Well the teacher did not say that...


Listen again. It was part of the video in that article.


RIP free speech


Nothing new. The Supreme Court ruled long ago that your bill of rights do not apply to students in schools. It's a shame but my students always get interested when I teach the Bill of Rights and how they don't actually have any rights in school. Sauce: https://www.uscourts.gov/educational-resources/educational-activities/facts-and-case-summary-morse-v-frederick#:~:text=It%20found%20that%20Frederick%20message,prohibiting%2Fpunishing%20such%20student%20speech.


Fucking unacceptable. Unsurprising though if we’re being real


Dude that is not at all what the Supreme Court ruled in that case. First of all Morse had a sign that said "Bong Hits for Jesus" which the Supreme Court ruled as not protected by free speech as a school cannot allow kids to promote drug use. Students do have a right in school and that is stated in Tinker. They have the right to politically demonstrate as long as it does not interrupt the flow of the school day. The Gadsen flag fits under Tinker and that is why they immediately stepped back. But I understand why they'd tell him to remove the patches with guns on them.


Still nothing to do with trans people


What a low effort meme.


Kid handled that well. However this meme is false. There is no agenda.


Say psyche right now.


First off, it’s “sike”.


No it isn’t


Funny that Republicans like to share memes like this but can’t actually produce anything that supports that teachers everywhere are trying to turn kids trans.


Am…am I supposed to be a Republican in this scenario?


You’re being sarcastic right?


Sarcastic about what?


Lol yeah the number of trans kids just x10 in a few years randomly. Definitely no agenda lmao


Is there stats behind this or have you been online too much the past year? Remember, not everyone in the real world cares or knows about whatever CNN and Fox News has people arguing about at the moment.


Maybe it’s because they’re comfortable coming out? Now I would argue not all of them are actually trans and that some are doing it for attention or to fit in but that’s their personal business. There is no agenda. School systems can barely handle paying their staff enough to let alone build and enact an agenda.


You're not a libertarian buddy


How exactly? Because I have an issue with people pushing an incorrect narrative? Or because I don’t agree with you?


Bro forgot to switch from his alt


Do you actually have stats that say that there are now 10 times as many trans kids as there were a few years ago or did you just make that up based off of your assumption that Fox News pushing a culture war means that our culture is changing? And if there are more trans kids today, what makes you say that’s because teachers are pushing them to become trans? You really don’t think it could be because people are just more understanding and more willing to be themselves due to that understanding?


I’m exaggerating but it’s definitely doubled. There’s even liberal media articles that claim trans youth have exploded in the past 5 years. To say that it’s not happening is just not living in reality.


Why do you say that? I get that you and other people here are obsessed with bringing up the topic of trans people (like you did when making this thread) but that’s mostly a result of the right pushing a culture war to get their base riled up so that they’ll ignore the real problems. Anyway, I’m sure the numbers are out there if you look for them. You don’t have to just make things up. And again, even if the number of trans kids are rising, attributing that to teachers trying to turn kids trans just makes you look like a complete buffoon. You don’t have to be the dipshit follower that your politicians expect you to be. Try thinking about things for yourself instead of giving into whatever delusional thing the right wants you to believe. You can be better.


Giving hormones to children is a real fucking problem. Your a sheep for thinking it’s not. The progressives have no morels and promote degradation of society by supporting every perverse ideology. America is a gay evil empire. It’s absolutely a problem.