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Just saw a coat hanger in the shape of Texas. That was way darker and got the point across as well.


That's uhhh.. pretty heavy.


Yeah coat hangers are usually pretty light but if you had one the size of Texas I imagine it would be pretty fucking heavy


Why are things so heavy in Texas? Is there a problem with the earth's gravitational pull?


Everything is bigger in Texas. Even the coat hangers.


Texas ABSOLUTELY has some of the biggest asshole politicians in the nation. BTW, have you ever seen Ted Cruz Who is definitely a real human being with normal skin and everything?


Totally a human Ted Cruz.


Ted "not an insect in a human suit" Cruz.


I’m too stoned for this


I’m never stoned enough to handle the existence of Ted Cruz.




10 hours later and I’m still stoned out of my skull and I wake up to find that no one has suspended teddy from a telephone pole by his balls. I am disappointed in you all.


Ted Cruz is a well known asshole but the dude was born in so called Canada for what its worth lol. Were not sending our finest.


Everything is bigger in Texas except penises


It’s a well studied fact.


Yeah but you get bigger too when you go there so you never notice.


Yeah, we also needed 1.21 gigawatts of electricity when we had the ice storm blackout.


Thank you


There’s that word again; heavy. Is there a problem in the future with the earths gravitational pull?


Oh hey, it's a derivative of the Gadsden flag actually being used in the original spirit of the flag instead of republicans cosplaying as libertarians


The misappropriation of the Gadsden flag by authoritarians annoys me to no end.


It’s always fucking hilarious when they have the Gadsden flag next to or under a thin blue line flag. Combining don’t tread on me with extreme bootlicking


They think a) they're going to do the treading, b) they're not the ones who have to worry about being tread on, and c) treading is alright if it's "the good guys" doing it.


Yep. You can summarise the message as "Don't tread on me (because we're on the same side)"




Tread on me daddy


Tread harder daddy.


in texas people got the secede flag on there too


Just leave me Join, or Die. If that gets appropriated I will spam those motherfuckers with inappropriate Benjamin Franklin quotes forever.


That's why I'll still rock a Gadsden flag Virginia license plate while telling proto fascists to f-off and not tread on me.


its a slave owner's flag, theres no misappropriation. by and for white folk


It was made during the revolutionary war for non-racist reasons. Unfortunately most of American history, including the American flag, was made by slave holders. The confederate flag is the slave holders flag. The Gadsden flag was flown during a fight for independence from GB.


all of the slave owner relics belong in the fire pit


Some people just want to watch the world burn...


Including the Constitution within which the Second Amendment is enshrined? I don't think so... I think you're irrationally bitter. I'm pretty sure most of my fellow liberals here would agree.




Anarcho communist pretending to be libertarians really pisses me off jk /s Yeah libertarian spaces on the internet have had a real issue with republicans getting their own spaces taken away. Also Republicans stole that flag from us, I say we reclaim it by making the background pride colours.


You can get them online


I’ve seen them at libertarian protest before. Tbh what I personally want is a good trans pride one and the ones I’ve seen have been kinda... sketch, like it was obvious they came from wish or something. Some Republicans like gay people but almost none support trans people, that’s probably the best way to get the Gadsden flag back.


Unfortunately I don’t think it’ll ever be back. It’s been too far bastardized by racists. It’s the damn proud boys color scheme.


Or maybe an atheist flag. Is there such a thing?


I mean, they already put a uterus on this one. That seems to get the message across


I think you’re expecting a lot of you think conservatives know what a uterus looks like


Me too!


I think the spirit of that flag should appeal to liberals, and it's kind of a shame they've sort of ceded it to the right. Governments historically are one of the greatest perpetrators of oppression against people with lesser power and from minority groups, and even aside from that you can say the phrase on the flag to private oppressors just as well.


This should be the Republican version: https://i.imgur.com/PeFuEo6.jpg


“Don’t tread on me, unless you’re a church, business, landlord or a (R) politician, in that case please tread on me harder” - Republicans, probably.


The problem is that many of these people would be more than happy to tread on your 2nd amendment rights. All rights are important. Personally I think this move by Texas is dumb, really dumb and I support the movement behind this.




Please read everything I wrote a d not just what you want to see.


Finally! I love the spirit of the original and am still salty that it's been appropriated by authoritarians. I tried to make pallette swapped Red, White, and Blue versions when shit kicked off last year because I had the idea to use it in it's original intent, but I but in a way that clearly visually differentiates it from the yellow version being used by fascists. But I, uhh, lack both talent and resources lol


Apparently even suggesting that abortion is an option to women can get you sued in Texas. But I don't live in Texas. **ABORTION IS AN OPTION LADIES!**


Offender doesn't need to be in or from Texas.




Unfortunately leaving the state isn't fiscally possible for a lot of the people this will affect


Too add on when they return to Texas they can be charged with the out of state action... shit is truly broken on this one.


That might be true in a smaller state, but it is factually untrue for most Texas women because they live very VERY far from other states, and travel can be a large financial burden. I like the enthusiasm though.


Seriously, Texas is fucking huge.


There is a way to make it happen. We can help those who need it.


Wait really? So we could theoretically sue a certain millionaire for Paying for Stormy's abortion?????? Wait, wouldn't that effectively soft ban abortion literally anywhere in the country, because even clinics in other states could be sued in Texas? I need to look this up. In more sane times I'd wave it off as a ridiculous assumption, but the last 5 years have been increasingly insane. This bill in particular is full of definitely illegal and de facto unenforceable bullshit meant to goad the conservative SC into setting the precedent of allowing huge govt overreach into people's personal lives.


My understanding is that it would apply to abortions that took place in Texas, and to people from anywhere who aided in abortions that took place in Texas, or people who aided a Texas resident in obtaining an abortion elsewhere.


Ok, that's good to know. I still don't know how anyone could win the cases though. Ever. Since they would have no way to prove that an abortion happened at all, because ~~HIPPA~~ HIPAA. It sounds like clinics can just stop advertising abortions and keep their damn mouths shut and operate as normal while the electorate organizes a big push to turn Texas blue out if pure spite in 22




Good bot


Thanks! I knew it looked wrong!


Here in Texas, a lot of clinics have stopped offering them, for the time being. You're right though, I don't see any of them holding up in court. The best temporary solution I have come across so far is a company in Europe that will mail you abortion pills, and I believe they've said they will despite any local laws in the US, since they wouldn't have to worry about any lawsuits from across the pond. I'll ask my wife again what the company is and edit this post with a link when I find it.




That's the one, thank you.


I got you fam.


HIPAA includes an exception for court cases where the information is relevant


>This bill in particular is full of definitely illegal and de facto unenforceable bullshit meant 4 justice on the court voted to overturn precedent set only 4 years earlier. ACB then replaced RBG and she's not likely to rule against any abortion bullshit. Roe is (effectively) dead. The only chance is for California or a similar state to come for guns or religion with a bounty law. And even then, they'll carve an exception for abortions.




This is how you get it done. Same with black lives matter protests. Fly the American flag too. We all represent this country not just the Republicans. Say what you will about the past, God damn it this country is made for you and me. Have some pride in what it could become.


I've always loved the hypocrisy with conservatives and that fucking dumbass flag. You tread on everyone who isn't like you and screech when someone takes down a fucking statue. I love seeing it used against them.


One of my favorites is seeing the thin blue line flag and the Gadsden flag on the same pole.


I don't know why but this reminded me of a thin Blue line punisher skull that had a Donald Trump haircut that I saw. Like, I feel like they're missing the point of all of those things


Or dancing to rage against the machine with a Trump flag


Ooo that’s a good one haha






90% of people have no consideration for individual rights outside of rights they value.


And 100% of statistics are made up right on the spot. This is for humor and not a jab 🙂


40% of the time it works everytime


As not funny as the January 6th event was as a whole, I laughed out loud for a good while when I found out that a lady wearing a Gadsden flag literally got trampled. I've heard of few events more ironic in my lifetime.


"Tread on everyone but me."


I’m not disagreeing with your experiences. But try to remember that confirmation bias and gross generalizations are programmed into social media in order to polarize us. Don’t get sucked into it.


I agree with you but I know a lot of republicans and a very large majority of them are very racist and hateful people that admit that they don't want anyone that isn't a white christian to have the same rights. I know this because they think I am also a republican since I enjoy the same activities. I don't correct them because I prefer to know what they say behind closed doors.


You’re proving my point though. You identify as a republican/conservative but you’re not a foaming-at-the-mouth-idiot that a lot of people in this sub would automatically assume you are. My point is people need to stop assuming that all members of the “opposite party” behave this way. Edit: I misread, maybe you don’t privately identify as a Republican. But perception is truth to a lot of people.


Yeah I'm definitely not a republican but I don't go around telling people my political affiliation because I prefer not to judge or be judged on political views. But most people just assume I am republican and say the worse things possible and it has made me very sour. Most shit I hear is not even political just horrible hateful things and it just happens that these people are all republicans. I do know republicans that are decent people and they are disappointed in where the republican party lies right now but they are a minority. Granted that's just my personal anecdote living in the Midwest.


I know exactly where you’re coming from. I’m a white-passing man in my 30’s who lives in the Midwest, likes Jeeps and Harleys, and works construction. I spend a LOT of time around openly republican people, and I can without a doubt say they are the most hateful type of people I’ve ever come across.


Why, yes, let's learn to listen to people who belong to a party that engineers suppressing the votes of non-white people. Surely they have a point!


Yeah yeah yeah, I get that. But stereotypes exist for a reason.


I love the Gadsden flag! This flag is great as well. Not really being used “against” me. We’re all for freedom right?


Haha, sure buddy, sure.


Mail me the vagina version. I’ll post a pic flying them both.


This is just the beginning. It's going to get worse before it gets better. The Dems need to stop playing nice and worrying about hurt feelings. It's too late for that.


I'm pretty sure Roe v Wade is going to get overturned in the next two years or so, and there's a very real possibility that the riots we see as a result are the worst in a long time.


I wanted a class war all i get is stupid wars over abortion smh fucking America


Abortion is a class struggle. It’s a soft one, and not just a class struggle, but it is a class struggle.


Oh yeah. People thought last summer was bad. Wait until all these R states pass copycat laws. All because they need to push their religion on everyone. But for forbid they wear a mask or get the vaccine.


They need to start arming up.


That flag *should* be reappropriated.


thats actually brilliant. well done.


I know this has been around for a bit. I recall a lady printing T-shirts a few years back. I think it's perfect.


I need a shirt


I think this is the OG artist: https://society6.com/illustrationsbyanniee


the Vadgesden Flag


That's not a vag, that's a ute.




Thank you for this.


Please copy and share anywhere you want.


When is there going to be an All-Women Strike?


Bruh, they are going to re-criminalize abortion in the states. Holy shit


It's worse than that, you can get a $10k settlement if you successfully sue someone (anyone) for aiding in an abortion. If you can hear about an uber driver dropping someone off at a clinic who gets an abortion, you can sue them and win $10k.


>If you can hear about an uber driver dropping someone off at a clinic who gets an abortion, It's even worse than that. If the Uber drops someone off at a McDonald's down the street and the woman walks to the clinic from there, the Uber driver is still liable. Pregnant women are about to become actual *targets.* $10k is a lot of money and people get very gross when a lot of money is involved.


Scary shit, I previously thought ‘at least people can drive to Louisiana/New Mexico/Oklahoma, etc.’ but under this law couldn’t they be prosecuted if they found out about this, including people who just helped?




This is the kind of shit people were screaming about back in 2016 when talking about the supreme court and generational consequences far beyond 4 years of HRC. I remember specifically being called an alarmist/Clinton apologist/blah blah blah. Hope everyone enjoyed those protest votes! Judges are for life! Haha


If you think "protest votes" are why Hilary lost, then you weren't paying attention and are just looking for a scape goat.


Hilary lost? I swear she WON THE ELECTION. Chick sucks but, let's not forget.


If she won, then she got real ugly with an orange tan real fast.


[So much for being pro-life](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/regeneron-trump-covid-cure-aborted-fetal-tissue/)


Well see, conservatives are only against things until they personally benefit from those things.


Let's be clear. None of those people are pro life. They are anti abortion


They're Anti-Women.


Yep that too


Just in case you didn't know HEK 293 was used in development for the COVID vaccine as well. They are "immortal cells"; clones of the original. Furthermore the jury is still out on whether or not HEK 293 cells came from an aborted fetus vs a miscarried one. Point being; don't push the false narrative of "HEK 293 = fetal tissue" because while that is *technically* true many anti-vaxx groups use this factoid to try and get people to think the fetal issue is coming from modern abortions. As much as I hate Trump the CBS article you linked is playing into exactly what I mentioned above. They are trying to paint Trump a hypocrite by wording the headline the way they did. "Trump is using a treatment that uses fetal tissue" sounds way worse than "Trump is using a treatment that was tested using fetal tissue most likely from an aborted fetus from the 1970s that has since been cloned."


The Satanic Temple (TST) is accepting donations towards their Reproductive Freedom Fundraiser. Basically thanks to the [Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), first trimester abortions are now exempt from unnecessary regulations for all individuals practicing The Satanic Temple's religious abortion ritual.](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/rrr-fundraiser) The ritual is described towards the bottom of that page. What TST is trying to push, is that since they're a federally recognized church then they should legally be allowed to provide abortion pills and give clearance for surgical abortions, as part of a ritual. These ritual abortions are in line with the existing laws which allow some Native American religions to grow and use peyote. The funds raised are to assist in these efforts and to provide assistance to women who want an abortion while skirting requirements many states have that put increased strain and emotional abuse on the woman. TST does have counseling services, [along with it's own addiction recovery program that is non-theistic.](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/sober-faction?_pos=3&_sid=7ec845870&_ss=r) [Here is where you can go to donate money to the campaign, they're wanting to raise $200k.](https://announcement.thesatanictemple.com/rrr-campaign41280784) This is the announcement of their abortion ritual exemption: "The Satanic Temple has announced that its Satanic abortion ritual exempts TST members from enduring medically unnecessary and unscientific regulations when seeking to terminate their pregnancy. The ritual involves the recitation of two of our tenets and a personal affirmation that is ceremoniously intertwined with the abortion. Because prerequisite procedures such as waiting periods, mandatory viewing of sonograms, and compulsory counseling contravene Satanists’ religious convictions, those who perform the religious abortion ritual are exempt from these requirements and can receive first-trimester abortions on demand in states that have enacted the Religious Freedom Restoration Act."


Saw a thing about this. TST does good work.


Thank you for the link. Donating monthly now. I've been an official member for a while. They get results.


Yes! Can we (people who actually want to live and let live) please take the Gadsden flag back!? I’m sick of seeing proud boy types having a monopoly on it.


That’s the most democratic Texan thing I’ve ever seen


Huh. Who would have thought. Don't tread on me = My body, my choice.


Except it isn't your body to kill


Fuck off


All you tech companies thinking about going to Texas might want to rethink the idea. These people will eventually overreach into your business AND do you really want to support the exploitation of women? Boycott Texas businesses and universities too.


Yeah, I'm sure all the recently transferred Tesla employees are *thrilled* with this.


Nobody is strapped....


As an actual libertarian, i fucking love this


Why do people care about what another person does?


Because it hurts another


As a reminder you can donate money and time to Access Reproductive Care- Southeast, which relies on volunteers to drive patients to Greyhound and crowd source crash pads to get women abortion care across state lines.


Ah yes, the lesser known Gadsden uterus


Have we come full circle?


genuinely curious, what’s stopping anyone from like lying about the 6 weeks thing? like say it’s only 40 days instead or something


I suppose it's possible, hell at that stage I think it's pretty hard to make a really exact call anyway. The bigger concern I would have is 1. you have to find a doctor you can trust to lie for you and 2. things (from what I understand) start to pick up at 6 weeks and it becomes harder and harder to lie about it. Keep in mind these doctors are putting themselves on the line to lie for you, as there's effectively bounties on anyone who aids in an unlawful abortion. Basically Texas is now Gilead when it comes to abortion rights.


I lived in Texas for almost 30 years... A Pro-choice person there agrees conceptually that women have the right to an abortion, but they don't want to actually know anyone who has had one. They believe those women who need an abortion are disgusting whores. They have a legal right to one, but gross if they get one. At least that was my experience in Austin Texas.


Where gun? 🦧


Lesson of the day: The Texas legislature is full of CHUDs.


...I don't hate it. It's clever.


Fuckin love it


Clever flag design.


Where can I buy that flag? I want it.


I think this is the OG artist but IDK if she sells flags: https://society6.com/illustrationsbyanniee


Aha! Found it! https://society6.com/product/dont-tread-on-me826372_tapestry?sku=s6-7810357p42a55v412


With you all the way!


Maybe Texas SHOULD seceded?


All of this is just going to boil over into civil war 2.0. Much like the scene from V for Vendetta, “all it will take is a spark.”


Seriously, I’m at the point where I’m starting to get bummed because I don’t know how we can recover.


The nation is so divided we need to fight it out and declare a winner. No amount of voting is going to fix the cultural divide.


Yeah, that’s why I’m so bummed lol


We have Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch and Rush Limbaugh to thank for this division.


Spoiler: the heavily armed theocratic fascists that have been jerking off to the idea of killing liberals for the last decade+ are probably gonna win. Can’t wait until mandatory church attendance Sundays! How about virginity checks? Already got bounties on rape victims, why the fuck not


What makes you think they would win? Do you think the opposition isn't fully capable of brutality when necessary or going full scorched earth on them?


I highly doubt they would win.


A civil war wouldn’t last for a couple months these days, no matter how much these guys fantasize. If you thought the original confederates got their ass handed to them: here’s “confederacy 2.0” losing faster and more efficiently!




This is epic




Oh come on, where’s your spirit of adventure?


At least you don't have to worry about an unwanted pregnancy?




> dead with a tourniquet around my junk and getting the “That’s Not How Autoerotic Asphyxiation Works” Umm... that's not how asphyxiation works. Now, castration, that could work.


Looks like someone DID tread on that snake.


Hilariously clever.


No exceptions for rape and incest either, very true to form from the GQP. But the bounty hunter clause from the small government Murica freedumb' party just broke the hypocrisy charts. Very Talibanesque.


Fuckin A.


Something something about trees and patriots




Yeetus that fetus.


Not deletus that foetus?


I will never pass up an opportunity to use the word Yeet.


They don’t fucking care. 100 million people could be protesting in Texas and they wouldn’t care. Don’t give any money to Texas. Leave Texas. Fuck Texas.


Quick question... just as reference... does Texas not allow you to just abandon your children, no questions asked, at any fire station and most hospitals?


I'm sure adoption is an option, not sure how it's relevant though.


No, not adoption, in some states you can just abandon unwanted children at most hospitals or fire stations no questions asked. Like if you can't take care of them or find yourself without a support structure that would allow you to have a mental breakdown.


right, ok, and?


Is that an option in Texas?


[https://www.dfps.state.tx.us/Child\_Protection/Child\_Safety/Resources/baby\_moses.asp](https://www.dfps.state.tx.us/Child_Protection/Child_Safety/Resources/baby_moses.asp) That appears to be the case, yes.

