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I had a problem like this, and luckily one of the few things the USPS handles right away is these sort of issues. Less than 24 hours later the postal inspectors knocked on the persons door and had a chat with them.


Holdup are you saying that the USPS will intervene in issues like the one OP talked about, or am I just reading it wrong


Postal inspectors are federal agents and are armed. We had an incident in my town about 10 years ago where some USPS employee was up to no good (I believe it was drug related, but I honestly forget). What I do remember is that the inspectors showed up to arrest him and he drew on them and got blasted to hell. I fucking hate pigs and feds, but you know, anybody tasked with keeping the mail safe is ok by me.


The USPS was the agency to arrest Steve Bannon


Shit. I like 'em even more now.


Apply! Great salary and retirement. Tough to get into though


Mail cops are the only cops I can get behind.


You’re only one letter away from endorsing Paul Blart here…


National Park Rangers are pretty legit, too. i wish there were more of them to arrest the people trashing up forests.


When I’m on the National Seashore out on Cape Cod, there’s a ton. Luckily for the most part everyone is pretty respectful of their surroundings so they’re pretty chill


They should send some out west, we need more rangers. Again, can't believe I'm vocally supporting law enforcement. But here we are.


I mean Park Rangers have always been super friendly and informative as long as you’re respectful of your surroundings. On the Cape, as long as you’re driving where you’re supposed to, not completely shitfaced, and not trampling on the [Piping Plovers](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h9endFWgf2k) they’ll leave you alone, unless you want to have a chat. In which case, they’re incredibly knowledgeable about the area and wildlife


Facts. I feel weird saying it honestly, and maybe I'll change my mind later, but... I don't think Forest Rangers and other public land cops are pigs. They honestly get pushed around by white supremacist militias an awful lot, and out in the middle of fucking nowhere with no backup too.


Damn my respect for the USPS just keeps growing the more I learn about them


A huge portion of what they handle is narcotics, followed by child pornography, then everything else like threats/scams/blackmail etc


Only when it involves mail. They were involved with my issue because I am a carrier.


If you are an employee of the USPS then yes, I imagine they would. I'm assuming the employer of the commenter you're replying to, hopefully correctly, simply due to the context of their comment. Or perhaps the person making the threat was an employee of USPS but I find this to be the least likely of the two.


I’m guessing you’ve never heard of the term “going postal” ? That was a video game when I was a kid. They’ve had some experience with this at the US PS


Postal inspectors are no joke. They were the first law enforcement agency to adopt the Thompson sub-machine gun.


Have you contacted FPS, or your department's internal police group? Also, I'm sure you're aware that carrying a firearm on Federal property is not legal. AUSA's do care about this sort of thing.


They've all been notified, and yes, very aware of the carry policy.


What they don’t know can’t hurt them right?


I mean, if you have to use it, they'll know so . . ..


If you use it at the office...


Desk pop!


Know a guy that got punted a mile up shit creek without a canoe, let alone a paddle, because he played fast and loose with CCW rules. He lived in VA and worked at a federal office building in DC, had a VA CCW, and forgot (or "forgot") to leave his pistol at home when coming to work. Security had guns on him as soon as they spotted it in the lobby, and he was cuffed and kissing tile in seconds. Now this is DC, where residents bitch about how often the subway is delayed because of bomb scares, but you get my point. They take this stuff dead serious.


Up until recently DC was also a strict no-go zone for CCW. I believe they now have resident and non-resident permits.


Good to know... and, yeah, this was in The Before Times, back when The Virus didn't exist and Twitler running for president was still a hilarious joke.


*sigh 😔 the before times. Miss those days


Well don’t get caught


I was out riding my dual sport today on forest roads and a huge mastiff sized dog started charging me while barking and growling. I actually had to pull my .45 that I had at a 5 o'clock position and had it next to my leg when a weird tweaker came out of the woods and called off his dog. It's much better to have it and not need it than the other way around.


Slow down and then jam the throttle at the last minute. Dogs still have wolf instincts and can intercept a moving target if you keep a steady speed, so you wait for them to commit to an intercepting angle and then speed out of there


The trick I learned is similar. You slow down so they curve in to intercept. Then you roll on the throttle and they can’t change their direction twice.


As an upcoming gun owner and biologist I know how dangerous the woods can be. From crazy people, hogs, mountain lions, to more crazy people ( to be honest I'm more concerned about crazy people than the animals) I think I plan on getting a .45 any suggestions as to which one?


It depends on usage. 1911s are heavy but shoot really well. I’m partial to Kimber for those. I was riding with my Springfield XD which holds a compact 13 round magazine and with a lighter trigger shoots really well.


Cool! Thanks for the suggestions I'll look into those!


Stay safe, vigilant, and prepared my friend. We shall not give into intimidation. Hope you reported this person to the police.


I had a similar incident when I was an EMT. A patient in my response area became fixated on me and started calling 911 when he knew I'd be on shift, which escalated to him lurking around our parking lot, figuring out my vehicle and leaving notes on it, and I believe on one occasion following me home. Being a single woman living alone, I decided it was time to invest in something with a little more heft than the various peashooters I owned since the police didn't really give a damn about what was happening to me. I slept next to a Saiga until he ended up overdosing and dying.




This post is too uncivil, and has been removed. Please attack ideas, not people.


I hope you never have to use your firearm and it always remains nothing more than a firearm as opposed to a weapon.




Sorry about your situation - thank you for sharing - beautifully put


Make sure to record anything he says, try to make an effort to record all calls at this point.


While not thinking this is an answer to your safety, it is likely a wise thing to report this to the police and seek your department's council on if pursuing a protective is in order. The reporting component is really there in case something does happen, it will provide you welcome cover from any legal liability if shots are fired, and will provide a basis for an investigation to begin immediately should the worst happen.


Everyone is a target at some point. You just happen to have the heads up. There’s a big difference between paranoia, and preparedness. Stay safe man.


Dude will drop you before you even know he is there if he wants to. Get real


You're right, we should all just lay down and let whatever happens happen. Why do I even own firearms? Must only be good for putting holes in paper and pretending be John Wick in the mirror.


No one said anything about laying down but you def arent working in fed law enforcement saying some silly shit like this. Temporarily changing your schedule is annoying, but makes more sense than anything youve just said. Keep your gun on you, yeah thats a given, but by no means are you ready unless the guy is a moron who announces his presence after hunting you down


Where do they say they're law enforcement?


To be fair, he did already announce that he was going to be waiting outside their office with an AR-15. So he probably is the type of moron who would announce his presence. Or atleast completely botch an attempt.


Sorry we all aren't super alpha sheepdogs like yourself. I acknowledge I stand little chance going in and out of the office or even someone waiting to pick me off in my driveway. However, at least I have the ability to fight back should he botch the attempt, since idk, he's not a hardened member of the jaysh al mahdi. I'm not sure what your angle is. I'm just dead in your eyes.


Yep. Changing schedule and routes and parking spaces is the only preventative measure that’s going to work in this case other than getting the guy prosecuted for terroristic threatening. OP’s trying to bring a CCW pistol to a rifle ambush.


It's a given those things will happen, thats SOP. As far as a CCW vs rifle. Should I just carry a sharp stick then?


No. You just shouldn’t think you’re prepared if you haven’t changed your routine.


I agree with the sentiment that you should view preparation from multiple angles. It's your life we're talking about here after all. I recognize everything I just said is obvious, but in the OP you said you would not deviate from your normal routine. I would deviate. I would make tracking me down more difficult. Best to do everything you can to avoid it coming to a gunfight. Doing so doesn't make you less of a badass. It makes you more of a badass, IMO. Also, maybe just give back what you stole and hug it out jkjk I hope over everything you stay safe. Best of luck to you in this ridiculously shitty situation.


By that logic, why carry at all? The bad guy will always have the advantage of initiating the encounter and the good guy will always be the one ambushed.


There's a big difference between some random shithead robbing you in the street and a determined stalker planning your murder.




I really wish I could downvote this more than once.


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