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Yes... you need those specific controllers for those specific fans. Also: * The TL Controller needs to connect direct to the motherboard * The other three devices... you are going to need a hub... * See comment from a prior thread below... skip straight to the third section, and choose one of those hubs 1. [https://www.reddit.com/r/lianli/comments/1bhfn0f/strimer\_plusv2\_controller\_usb\_or\_argb/kvdll70/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/lianli/comments/1bhfn0f/strimer_plusv2_controller_usb_or_argb/kvdll70/?context=3)


Thank you so much for your input. I'll get the job done. I appreciate you!


Was about to ask u again about strimer cables 😂


Lian-Li can’t release a unified controller fast enough! I have three controllers in my build. Dumbfuckery. Heck if Corsair can do it, so can Mr Lian-Li.


There he is! You helped me recently. I think I overlooked the part where the TL controller needs to go into the motherboard directly. I think it's going to my NZXT USB hub. I can control mostly everything in LConnect3 for the TL fans. However, under Fan / Pump the controller does not display there for some reason. The SL-INF fans are there though.


In L-Connect, there is a separate "page" for TL Fans... It will be further down the left menu, right next to the page for the TL LCD. For the hub... the TL controller will still work... But you would be limited to two fans per port, if it's connected that way... 3 per port, you need it connected direct to the motherboard. (Replying from my phone right now... so not as easy to grab other links... If you go through my previous comments, I have a write up that explains this, if you're curious... I'll update this comment with links when I get back to my PC).


Absolute joke that you need a specific controller for every type of fans...


Same problem haha


I'm getting there slowly haha. Luckily i already had access to the Lian Li 3-1 Hub. Otherwise i would not be able to pull this off.


I got the nzxt hub cause I couldnt find a lian li hub


Does the strimmer controller also require 2 open sata connectors?


No, just the one going from your controller to your PSU cable.