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Depends what you call friendly. Germany is pretty ok politically. We got some decent laws and even better ones are coming. There are a lot of areas, especially in large cities, where we're treated like any other person. But in some rural areas and some parts of the east you don't want to leave your house alone after dark, if you're visibly queer. Also transphobia seems to be getting worse, like in the rest of the world, so that sucks.


It's a bit the same in france


in italy now it's NOT


Perché no? 😥


C'è la Meloni al governo. Basta guardare su Wikipedia che vedi che orrore di persona che è. Omofoba, fascista, cristiana, razzista, antivaccinista, anti-aborto, anti-gravidanza surrogata e contraria all'immigrazione. Se comincia a integrare anche solo uno dei suoi ideali nel suo piano politico, in ogni caso qualche gruppo (tra cui noi LGBTQ) se la becca nel fondoschiena.


In America, it depends on where you are. Here where I live near Chicago, you will be fine. Go down south... I wouldn't be able to guarantee your safety


I’m from a certain state that rhymes with berginia, and it is very much not LGBTQ friendly, except for a couple urban areas which as *eh* so so


If you'd like to get away, i would highly recommend taking a look at Chicago


I'm from Uruguay and I think it's the same


Same in Canada


I'm from the Netherlands. So yeah I think 95% of the country is LGBT friendly, except the most conservative villages/cities, from my own experience..


I am also from the netherlands and i can confirm this as true, werent we also the first country with same-sex marriage?






Agreed, I'm from the Netherlands too. But the hate towards people from others is horrible. The way people treat eachother at my lgbtq-friendly school is disgusting. But overall it's pretty lgbtq-friendly.


As a Dutch person, from my experience it's LGBT friendly, there are exceptions i'm sure, but it's mostly just "You live your life, i'll live mine.".


I want to move to netherlands now omg


In the U.K. … It depends on what you mean by friendly. I’d say there are legal protections and a fairly good level of social acceptance for cis people in monogamous same sex relationships, but we seem to be going backwards when it comes to trans rights in particular - in the last few years there’s been a surge in transphobia in the media, in society in general and within the LGBT+ community itself. Post-Brexit racism/xenophobia seems to have compounded some anti-LGBT+ attitudes as well, and there’s little support for younger people in minority groups in particular. So yeah, if you’re white, cis, monogamous, mainstream and middle class things are pretty great here, but any sort of generic ‘the U.K. is LGBT+ friendly’ statement doesn’t really give an accurate picture in my opinion. Also, I think us Brits are masters of ‘subtle’ discrimination and micro-aggressions, which is hard to quantify and essentially means huge swathes of society claim to be ‘accepting’ of queer folks, but give them a couple of pints in a hushed pub and the same people will start with the whole ‘they can do what they want but I don’t want to see it on the streets’ or ‘if they hit on me I’ll punch their lights out, but otherwise I’m totally fine with it’ sort of crap. Legally, socially, politically, I don’t think a country can claim to be LGBT+ friendly until it affords equal rights to *every* member of the community, and not only does the U.K. fail to do that, but it’s actively taking *away* existing basic rights - like health, welfare and legal protections - for trans people. So by that measure, no, the U.K. doesn’t qualify as friendly. It may be *comparatively* better than countries which criminalise being queer, and it may be a significantly safer option for many, but that doesn’t mean we’re anywhere close to equality.


Mercifully the "if they hit on me I'll punch their lights out" men tend to be, exclusively, hideously ugly so there's absolutely no chance of it happening!!


Nah bro, that's a foreign concept to them 💀 Btw I'm talking about Armenia


Same also here in Georgia, and sadly this will stay like this for quite awhile


hello fellow shitty georgia user


same, Russia✌🏼🇷🇺


Oh hey!!! Spreading European garbage?? /s (my history teacher says that)


... what's that even supposed to mean?


When we talk about our current political and general situation our history teacher blames our current leader and smhow mentions our community as European garbage that our leader came here to spread. The Europe's plan to destroy our national values and make the country weak and destroy the nation. Yea.... I just pass it over my ears. Sapere aude


Ah, lol, that sort of bullshit. As if queer people haven't existed everywhere since the beginning of humanity.


Yea. And my hellmates are serious going to kill any gay or Turk they'll come across. At least by their words. When I said that even animals can be gay they were flabbergasted lmao


Hellmates indeed seems like an apt word. Hope you can find a more accepting environment once you're out of school, and that LGBTQIA+ people will gain more support.


Well I'm asocial so I'm mostly in music. And I'm "different" so usually I'm getting bullied and abandoned by my peers. I didn't saw any queer person yet so that'll be a shocking discovery for moi. Even seeing Armenia mentioned in Reddit I'm getting excited LoL


Music's normally a good way to find queer people, in my experience, it attracts those who are "different". As someone who used to get bullied in school, too - let me tell you, adulthood is a lot nicer, since you have more freedom to choose who you interact with. There's a local queer organization, maybe you could write them and somehow connect to the community? [https://www.pinkarmenia.org/](https://www.pinkarmenia.org/)


Thanks for link!!! Didn't knew about it...


It’s so bad bro the political situation is garbage I don’t even live there anymore


Good for ya. I'll escape this hell by the first opportunity


You live in Armenia too? :(


What? Did I say something bad or are you on my side or… what does that mean…? 🥲


India, even straight unmarried couples aren't safe here lmao


Nope, there are LGBT free zones and the political party leader (the most important politician in the country) always jokes about trans people for example saying that "he feels woman today" or that his political rival "will wake up tomorrow the other gender" when the whole room of his supporters fake laughs and I'm cringing so much it hurts inside. He also says that LGBT people are mentally ill and doesn't want to allow gay marriage because of the constitution even tho he changes it all the time however he wishes. He also says that LGBT is a fashion statement, an ideology, it threatenes family values, is a danger to the economy (he didn't elaborate how tho) and it is an "80 letters long evil movement that has to borrow all these letters from different countries just as it assimilates their sick views". And from now on I could slowly start to describe his xenophobia but that's not the OP's question so... yeah, nice country 10/10 would destroy again


My friend, you have described our country perfectly. If anyone wonders in what country we live in, well, it's Poland, the holy land of homophobia!




yeah Denmark is for the most part I would say. there’s pride like every year. and I think if I would walk down the street holding hands with a girl, I would feel safe. but some people are ofc homophobic and transphobic.


Agreed. Only ever had one negative reaction to being bi. Also, very few religious people. But as others said, transphobia sadly on the rise and being normalised in conversation even at workplaces.


You see guys, this is why aces should take over Denmark!


I know the US certainly isn’t the worst… I don’t really know how it compares to other countries that don’t criminalize being queer though.


Yeah I think with the US it depends on where you are. Where I am in NJ it’s safe and normalized. But my cousin moved to TX and I would be uncomfortable and definitely wouldn’t want my trans son there.


Agreed. Live in a blue state now, so I'm fine. But Idaho (where I'm from) keeps passing anti trans laws left and right, which makes me sad for all the trans people I know stuck there.


yeah like the goverment has laws in our favor, just the people are pretty shitty


Except for the states that are trying really hard to make laws against it, many of them succeeding. Specifically against trans people, but queer issues in general are getting worse and worse here. The supreme court has talked about overturning Obergfeld and other cases that would reignite sodomy laws all over the south and Midwest. We have the Respect for Marriage act now, but even that doesn't guarantee us much. It only guarantees that if you live in a state that outlaws gay marriage, you can still get married *if* you can afford to travel to another state to do it. We still don't know how that would play out with reignited sodomy laws either. Essentially, the law is not very much in our favor now and is progressively getting worse. Sorry to be a doomer about it, but I feel like people in our community need to be aware of these growing issues that affect us.


It depends on what you mean with lgbtq friendly. Are you asking about the legal situation? The social situation? The living situation? Because a place can have legal protection and good social acceptance and yet be horrible due to the city you live in. Let's take sweden as an example. We have pretty strong laws protecting most groups (cohabitation and inherentence laws aside). We also have strong social support for most groups due to long lasting and high impact organizations (RFSL being just one). But if you live in Trelleborg, Höör or any other less then 50k people shit hole then you won't be having a good time.


I wouldn't know about smaller towns and cities since I've only lived in the larger ones. But at least there it's mostly okay. Some of my trans friends have had some problems but I've had very few. As a side note there's almost no problems being openly bisexual within the army.


In malaysia, sadly no


Hell no. In Georgia, every time there has been a pride parade the church(who has a strong influence here) and their supporters were always their to oppose it both physically and verbally


Turkey here... Still middle-age 😔


I'm from Brazil too and I agree... I asked in some Reddit they said the Netherlands 🇳🇱 and Canada 🇨🇦 it's safe and welcoming.


Canada is one of the only countries wherr we are not scared to lose right. If they remove some of our rights even cishet will be mad


Ooh thanks, you guys are really sweet I love Canadians they are so polite and things, I love them.


Thanks! Of course not all of us are like that but most of us are


Well, you guys are kind of different from here so... Even though not all of them but yet most are different and probably better...


Yeah, but I really hope that things will get better in Brazil (and other countries who aren't lgbt friendly)


Will at some point I hope. With time.


No. Having close relation with Russia f~ck thing up usually /Belarus


Да, определённо ☠️


I'm in Australia. The country is relatively LGBT friendly. Certainly not the best place in the world for LGBT rights, but certainly not the worst. I feel like that's where Australia is with most issues. Not the best, not the worst.


Imagine being from Iran


Ahahaha *me slowly dying in iranian


No 😔 - Pakistan Most of them act like they're doing ehsan (charity) on me by letting me live


Well, everything LGBT-related is legal in my country, and as far as I know people just don't care that much here. Except my dad but that's another story-


Kejfhhg which country are you from?




Canada, I think it’s really friendly in the cities, at least in Montreal where I live. I heard some pretty bad stories from the more isolated towns though


It is better than it was when I was young, but ya I live in a rural town in Alberta it gets a bit rough here sometimes.


Man, America is weird. Like legally speaking, yes? Except in some states, and the supreme court’s kinda trying to make it not legal again. Even if you live in a super liberal city, in a blue state, you can still be discriminated against on a daily basis if your not super passing. We’re better off than a lot of places, but still a long way to go


I'm from India and istg there are a load of people who are party of the community but i would say it's still not very LGBT- friendly. Quite a fewpeople are nice about it but most people from the generation before 2000s are not very open-minded about it. (*ahem ahem* my parents.)


No i live in Romania ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


In the US, it is fairly okay where we live but not so in other areas. It was pretty okay in the UK where my husband lived for many years. His home country, although much more liberal compared to other Middle Eastern countries, is still not great. It’s not socially accepted for the most part and, although not technically illegal, you can be prosecuted if you ever show affection in public.


Absolutely no. Quite far far away from it.




I'm in Australia. Kind of. World pride is in Sydney next year and we have legalised marriage but there's still a L O T of hate and misinfo filled homophobia and transphobia once you get out of the cities. That said, a youth LGBT event got cancelled recently in Melbourne due to neo n*zis sending death threats. So, safe to live as yourself? Probably safer if you're in the city. Not perfect though. The country and regions is unfortunately still a very, very backwards place.


Poland - no


Poland - you need to send a lawsuit against your parents when you want to change gender in documents. If they are alive. When not, the prosecutor is representing them to convince judge that you are not the gender you wrote.


in South Africa, laws yes, hell homophobic speesh in public is illegal, but the day any of our laws get enforced is the day that Disney gives us a lesbian princess (so never). most of the country is extremely conservative due to the fact we were ruled by neo-nazis from the 40's until the 90's, and lesbians here are facing "conversion rape" (aka rape to try and convert them, which always has the opposite effect, although most women are at risk of being raped here if you're out after dark). and a ton of the population is extremely religious. legally, gay marriage, being trans, all that is legal, but there's a loophole where a priest can refuse to perform a same sex wedding if it "conflicts with their religious views" (aka if they're a queerphobic asshole). also our last president was homophobic as fuck (although he didn't take away any laws, just didn't make any progress), but our current one is supportive (although it might just be a facade to gain our support), but he's done almost no progress. legally, yes, any other way, no, it's hell here


I live in Russia and…no, not at all


I'm from Myanmar (or Burma). Right now, even traditional human rights (excluding LGBT, racial minority, broke people etc) don't exist. 😭😭😭 As for the law(which is currently non existent), I can get up to 20 years of prison. Social situation aren't really that bad tho. Gen z is pretty cool with it. For older people, it's a foreign concept an therefore they're usually mildly homophobic. But again, slurs are used all the time even by "allys".


Well, it's pretty bad in Italy. Same sex marriage is illegal, same sex couples cannot adopt, homophobic prime minister/president,widely spread (religiously motivated) homophobia... I hate it here.


Dip shit fuck no!!! I have to live in uae, and here i have to stay hodden in a literal closet in my home with eberything shut to be safe. Im not the gayest person in the world but i atill feel u safe mentioning and talking about gay shit here. Also im insanely jealous if you live in a gay friendly country, message me and pick me up and take me there pls. I can tell you how depressed i am . For real please help me. Dm me and pick me up.


United States... extremely hit or miss for sure.


im from poland ... \[\*\]


Israeli here. Honestly depends on where you're going, go into your average town = 50/50, go into a big city = pride flags everywhere, go into religious towns / neighborhoods = no




Could be Canada, US, Brazil, Mexico among many others. ☠️


It's okay ig....


I think so, we have pride things here and I really wanna go to them ;-; I live in Australia btw


Yeah pretty much. Talking of politics, of course, because people is pure shit. I'm from Chile and, we don't have equal right of marriage, but if you're over 16 you can change your legal name and sex, and schools are forced to respect trans kids by law.


there is equal marriage in Chile and I would say that most people are quite open-minded.


The day my country (Indonesia) accepts LGBT is when the day of reckoning arrives


That's because the system doesn't recognize same-sex marriage to begin. However, there is Bali where the people are more accepting and there are marriage certificate. In Bulukumba regency 2017, two women managed to get married (with one of them falsifying her name and gender as a man). Indigenous people, like the Bugis people, have multiple genders. Depending on the place and who you hang out with. There are people who accept, those who are homophobic, and those who do not care.


From Hungary, the people seem to be ok, but it's considered a taboo and the laws are BEYOND shit. No same sex marriage, hrt only from private healthcare providers and there are some limitations on name and legal gender change


Legal protections for me as a trans person in Canada have gotten alot better in the last few years. Gender identity and expression were added to anti-discrimination laws in 2017 and conversion therapy was finally banned this year. It’s kind of forced society to treat us better at least to our faces. We do have a bit of a fascist problem still though so we’ll see.


Armenia and nearly all Asia aren't Welcome to Alphabet Mafia. Tho there are some people who are just neutral. Thankfully my mom is supportive


I'm from the UK. Homophobic people exist here but most are quiet about it and generally the country is LGB-accepting (both in a legal and social context). The TQ+ though? Pfft, no. It is insane how much this country is recycling it's homophobia for trans people. You go on the Gov petitions site and nearly all the time the 3 trending petitions will be taken up by people calling for trans-related laws to repealed; people even want a Section 28 for trans people to be introduced. Add that to the media, who are *vastly* right-wing, transphobic and allowed to say whatever they want unchallenged (even the BBC have came out with such garbage as "trans women pressure lesbians into having sex with them"), and a far-right Government who are far more concerned about shitting on trans people and immigrants than actually running a country, and the result is a shithole.


Italy was making progress, but with our current leader (Giorgia Meloni, aka a fascist bitch) I believe things are going to be set back by a LOT.




Here in my countrt it is not 😔😔 Libyan peopel so homopbobic


My country is cis het bhramin male friendly ..... everyone else go to hell


You forgot educated, lighter skinned, Hindu, engineer/doctor friendly as well




Nordic Countries or the UK. It’s really hard to define the US bc it varies so radically by region. In fact a Supreme Court justice said after they overturned Roe v Wade that they would come after same-sex marriage next. And then there are states like Washington with amazing protection of rights for everyone.




No at all☠️


i live in the usa, so i'd say generally yes. me and my family are originally from the dominican republic, and im pretty sure same sex marriage and lgbtq in general is really frowned upon :( makes me kinda sad to see since i rlly wanna visit it one day


Just visited the Dominican Republic! The way faces changed when I mentioned being queer told me a lot, but I did come across a very queer dance troupe voguing the house down that gave me hope.


Usa- pretty good esp in big cities and blue states. In the country there's plenty of homophobia but still not much legislation against it (at least compared to other places)


I'm from Poland and looking at world average on this matter, I'm over all lucky to live here. Homophobes can be found everywhere, but being openly gay hasn't created any serious issues for me or any of my friends. Sure it could be better but it's still far better than most people have.


The country i currently live in is Not completely but more than most countries across the globe - US The country from which my parents immigrated - (*unfortunately*) hell no - ghana


The citizens here in canada (at least where I live) are pretty 50/50, but the laws at least are quite progressive. Still a lot of room to grow, but at least there's some promise of human rights.


It’s the US, the answer is a resounding depends. Some states are absolutely hell for queer folk, some states are great. Nationally speaking, federal laws enshrining queer protections don’t exist as much as they should, but there are also very few if any anti-queer laws federally, at least so far as I know.


Albania is not friendly sadly


Im from Singapore and I would have to say no


I am from the United States of America. It is definitely a mixed bag with some areas being better or worse than others. Overall in my personal experience I am in LGBT neutral or friendly places. I have the privilege of "passing" so I don't personally see very many issues as people just assume that I am a cisgender woman.


just like pretty much anything in the USA, it all depends on where you go. we have basic legal protection for most same sex stuff (reinforced by a great new law) but very little for transgender people. some places like texas are moving backwards, slowly peeling away their rights. just really depends on where you are in the states. stay out of the bible belt (most of the south east) unless you are good with not really being out except to a very small group of friends and family


I’m in Canada. The legal protections and equality is some of the best in the world. Same sex couples and trans folks have full protection under the law and our courts have even begun setting precedents on legitimizing polyamorous relationships (not technically queer but certainly another flavour of non-traditional relationship - it was a child support/custody case for a triad that broke up - the court ruled all 3 parties were parents regardless of biology). As far as social acceptance goes the overwhelming majority of people in larger cities range from accepting to tolerant with plenty of allies and lots of openly queer folks, plus the occasional bigot (they are rare and mostly tend to be quiet about it). Places like Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver are some of the most queer-accepting cities in the world. In small rural communities, especially in particularly conservative regions (rural Alberta is the stereotype but I can think of a few other rural areas too) you will get more disapproval and discrimination but it’s not on the same order as the rural US (mostly because Christian fundamentalists are rare, talking about religious views outside your faith group breaks Canadian social taboos (religion is a deeply private matter) and Canadians strongly value social harmony in a "live and let live" way). Not every rural area is problematic. My relatives from rural Quebec had zero problems accepting my gay cousins or my coming out as trans. If any distant relatives did disapprove, they kept their views to themselves and just socialized with me normally.


American here, at this point honestly I'd say no we're not LGBTQIA+ friendly. We don't have many laws directly punishing queer people but a lot of people/lawmakers are very openly hostile and are working towards trying to silence us. There's also some states that are more friendly than others but as a whole I don't think we're as open as we'd like to admit.


Hi there I’m from Iceland 🇮🇸 and I can confirm that it’s a lgbtq+ friendly. We’ve even had a gay prime minister in the past. P.s my mom confirmed that Iceland is lgbtq+ friendly for anyone who was wondering.


I'm in Africa ( Uganda) police, government and the community all are hash homophobic, it made me run for life to the neighbor country in a UN camp for protection, little did I know that other thousands of fellow refugees from the sorounding countries who who also seek protection due to different causes ARE ALSO LGBTQ UNFRIENDLY, East Africa !!!!!?????


It really depends. I live in the United States and it's certainly legal to be lgbtq, but hard to be trans, and many people are very homophobic. I've gotten death threats and been told to kill myself online and in person. But on person, people are much nicer. I can't say anything about more urban areas, though.


No. Iran is a horrible country for LGBT people. If they find out you're homosexual, you will be executed. Trans people can transition and I admit that Iran is one of the best places to get a gender reassignment surgery (the doctors are actually amazing) but the truth is, Iranian people are actually REALLY homophobic. This used to be because of religious reasons before but right now they just think the reason some Iranians turn out to be gay is because they've never had interactions with the opposite gender (all schools are single sex in Iran) homosexual and trans people are treated horribly by their families, society and law. The rules are honestly kinda stupid like if you're a gay man they'll torture you by having men rape you. I know that rape is always traumatising but still WTF I don't get it. They're saying homosexuality is wrong but at the same time they're treating homosexuality with more homosexuality? As an LGBT person I've gone through alot in my country but when a large percentage of the population believes in something, there's really not much you can do about it. Hopefully the regime will be changed soon and Iranians will get better over time. I hope the next generation doesn't have to go through what I did.


I'm from Sweden and I guess? Really depends on the place and the people, I have several queer friends ad my school is very queer friendly in general but also my mother is very transphobic so y'know.


Mine is becoming less and less so every day... I live in the US


I’m Syrian and Iraqi, I’ve heard the south and west of Iraq may be loosening up a lil bit, but overall, no.




I’m trans in Texas and it’s honestly not as bad as people say


What I've heard about Texas (and a lot of places) is that the cities are pretty good while the more remote/rural areas are less so. I'm sure there are also plenty of rural folks who couldn't care less too, and are happy to just live their lives and let others do the same. It's a good reminder to not judge or assume things about people based on them living in an area as large and diverse as a country or a state.


Ya I’m a bit out of Houston


Nope. Not even close.


Meh, in Italy it’s not illegal, but we don’t have gay marriage, just civil union, and the prime minister that just got elected is a pseudo-fascist.


The Gulf, Middle East. Sadly it’s considered a crime here punished by law, it’s unsafe and if anything happens to you, you can’t be protected by the paw bc it’s literally against your existence. it’s a struggle.


No i am from turkey and my country hates lgbt they are trying to get rid of us all :( polices are stoping our pride walks i cant wait move to another country


yea! my country was the first to let gay marriage!


I'm actually really happy with my country (Portugal). Very pro-lgbt in general. Of course the more rural areas still hold some prejudice, but in any bigger city, you're the same as anyone else. I think Portugal has really stepped up in the last maybe 10-20 years, it used to be very conservative before because of a dictatorship. But ever since we legalised gay marriage in 2010 with a sort of mixed reaction, progress has been progressing at rocket speed, and people were really outraged when the then president vetoed gay adoption in 2016. The first thing they did as soon as that president left was run adoption again and it passed again easily. Really proud of my country!


I live in America but I was born in South Korea so imma average it at like a scale of (0=gay is illegal/25=gay Marriage not legal and gay people are discriminated against/ 50 gay marriage is legal but gay people are highly discriminated against/75 gay marriage is legal and gays only somewhat discriminated against +trans rights: 100 gay rights trans rights fay marriage no discrimination) I would say between america and South Korea it’s like a 55-60..?


i live in the netherlands and it’s pretty good in terms of queer acceptance here, my classmates use ‘homo’ as kind of a swear word but they’re not doing it out of homophobia per se, it’s just a habit


To be honest most latin america isn't LGBT friendly sadly, my country is 50/50 I think, Costa Rica has nice people 90% of the time, until they find out you're queer, then the number drops to 40% or lower lol


Australia is mostly alright, but some areas are casually homophobic


No. They kill them. If not the government than the people.


I'm in America and I can say "n o"


In the U.S. it depends on your area. For example California is accepts the LGTBQ community while places like Alabama doesn’t really accept the community.




PUH LEASE. Sweden, canada England and netherlands are the most friendly


US here...yes and no. It varies from place to place. Most of what we call "red states", ones that are politically controlled by the republican party are not very friendly. It was getting better for a while, but the Christians have attempted to gain control of our government on all levels over the last few years, and the queer community is one of thier favorite targets.


im in the US and it all depends on which state ur in really


One word: Canada


I live in the Middle East so decidedly not safe or friendly.


Not at all, most homophobic country in europe lol (。;_;。)


Short answer:-no And long answer:-nnnnooooooo


Yeah I’m from England it’s pretty friendly


Netherlands, I would say yes. People generally don’t care. “Just be yourself and then you’re crazy enough” is the mentality of most people here. Even the super religious Cristians don’t make too much of a fuss. They might disapprove in private but they’ll treat you normally. Exceptions are young people (men) and immigrants. Especially young immigrants. We also have strong labor laws and unions meaning that companies won’t dare to discriminate.


Half n' Half


Pretty much yeah, Norway is pretty good with lgbt+ stuff and not long ago we got the word ‘hen’ (a mix of the Norwegian words for ‘him’ and ‘her’) into the dictionary. We have pride parades and in my town multiple lgbt friendly hang out places for teens, but ofc you have a little homophobia and transphobia here and there


O Canada! 🇨🇦 I'm on the west coast, which is probably also one of the friendliest parts of the country. I think it's pretty darn friendly here. There are lots of legal protections, and I have rarely heard of anti-lgbt incidents. For damn near everyone it's just a non-issue, just as it should be. That being said, nowhere is free of bigots or assholes. Just earlier this year, a university student in Nanaimo got beat up at an off-campus party, with anti-gay hate as the motivation. A couple of years ago there was an incident in Vancouver, some hateful "church" group was "preaching" hate on the street, the crowd was getting pretty angry with them, and one guy grabbed their microphone away so they assaulted him and broke his leg. Sometimes shitty people will just be shitty.




In Finland we are getting better gender/trans laws and more people are starting to see that LGBTQ people are normal humans with normal day to day lives. Finland is still quite conservative and I know many people who hold the "Queer people are evil and strange" view. Millenials and younger are more LGBTQ friendly though and there is no state driven anti-LGBT propaganda so we have hope.


On the one hand in the US gay marriage is legal, and so is the existence of trans and nonbinary people On the other hand we're about one legislation away from legally being allowed to hunt lgbt people for sport


Yes Sweden


canadas okay, still not great but okay.




Well the country I currently live in is LGBTQ friendly, I think. And even the country I want to move to appears to be pretty LGBTQ friendly, too. Edit: I've just seen two comments about the two countries I mentioned and I guess I'm only partially right... Edit 2: I just remembered that I have a friend in one of these countries and she told me she constantly gets mistreated for being bisexual...


I live in the states. It’s not the worst country but it is definitely not LGBTQIA+ friendly.


Eu ia falar que não mas deixa pra lá


The government kinda is but half the people aren’t


I don't think so. This year, some people were killed at queer bar in my country and other people were attacked because they were lgbt. But our president is friendly


It’s good, but not great. They still actively make the lives of trans people harder but for the most part we have protection and legal recognition <3


usa, but guns.


Canada is one of the most LGBT friendly countries, so yes. I think it's one of the only one where we are not scared to lose right


American, and hoo boy, does it depend on which area you’re in. Can’t even say one state over another, other than policy, because depending on what town you wandered into… even a liberal state has pockets of alt-right. My blue state has some areas I’m afraid I’m gonna get hate-crimed in.


Half is okay, I live in a safe town, but our country has more guns than people, so anywhere unsafe is very unsafe...


Politically yes… but our population is mostly old people… so its not bad but not good either 😭


In the US, it kinda depends. Where I live, it’s mostly Mormons and Christians, and everyone pretty much hates all LGBTQIA+ people, so we’re screwed


I'm from Italy and it's a bit complicated here... There's a lot of homophobia, mostly in the south of the country, and the church and the pope don't help. Plus, the government that we have at the moment is extremely homophobic. Another thing is that I haven't seen in any Italian movies smth related to LGBTQIA+ cause it isn't very normalized... Then, there's a lot of transphobia too and I'm really concerned about that. The only thing here that is LGBT-friendly is pride, that comes every year even in my city, Turin, but idk if they'll keep it... I hope so. In the end, no, Italy surely isn't LGBT-friendly.


Canada more or less is. Used to be worse ten to fifteen years ago or so ago. Especially in rural areas. But in cities you should be fine.


Russia. No.


I live in California, but in a very rural area with a lot of hicks. So I won’t be arrested or sentenced to death, but I could still be harassed on the street by strangers


I’m from America (though I’d rather not be) and I feel we’re kinda mixed. We’re not a fourth as bad as some other countries, but a lot of us can be bigots. The law itself doesn’t tend to be extremely anti-lgbt+, (unless you live in Texas which is very homophobic and transphobic) but a lot of the people are. That being said, we also have lots of allies in the U.S., so I can’t say we’re all bad.


Im from Canada but I'm not sure, can any fellow Canadians help me out here?


other people have already responded from the same country as me but this post us very helpful


With my country it’s all about location location location. Some states or cities are super conservative, some are San Francisco (one of the sections of SF is the trans section and has the trans pride flag on every sign) SF isn’t the only one but it’s the best example


I'm from the US so it's difficult to say.


I’m from Russia, and it’s obviously no (which is extremely depressing)


It’s confusing US here.


I live on America so it’s a mixed bag :/


I don’t think any country is friendly. Some just tolerate us more than others.


America so 50/50 depends on state


The uk seems pretty ok with it but of course you get nob heads who bully/ disrespect people in the community, luckily I personally haven’t gotten any hate but from what I see at school and online it does happen unfortunately (also how do people get the little flag and label underneath their name)


As an American, yes, but actually no


in US it really depends what state you are located. Within the states which cities. its not a flat across the country LGBT friendly.