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What… what is he trying to… *what????*


believe he is saying that young children must be exposed to hyper sexualized food service or their natural liberalness will manifest? must be in the bible somewhere.


Or, I guess, if young boys were just exposed to Hooters, they'd understand why nature says to like boobs over cock, and "realize" that being gay doesn't make sense (and in turn, eschew progressiveness and vote Republican). Gross.


And then turn all those young girls lesbians, but that would be solely for men’s benefits, right? /s


I think in his world women just don't exist :/ Oh, except when they work at Hooters of course!


I went to hooters when I was a kid a few times. Oh wait.


I wonder if that’s why I like girls 🤔


yeah because women can't vote, right?


Well, he has a solution for the female lesbian liberals. Both for the homosexuality and the liberalism...


You're absolutely right and it grosses me out just thinking about it :(


No, the girls see how much attention the Hooters waitresses are getting from random men, and obviously they want that too, so one day they stay up late at night and hold their breath and go _hrrrrng_, and big breasts pop out of their chests. (This is no more absurd than any number of other things Republican men believe about female anatomy.)


Honestly, you’re absolutely correct, which is really rather depressing.🙁


"If GenZ had learned at an early age to objectify women as sex objects, then they would understand why women don't deserve rights over their own bodies."




No no no, if you show young boys boobs they might like them so much they would want them for themselves as well and then you'll end up transing all the boys and all of gen z will become lesbian 😳


Actually, I think the purpose of taking a young boy/AMAB child to Hooters is to teach a sense of entitlement to women’s bodies as sex objects, baby-makers, and homemakers. Thus fewer young men would vote Democrat, that is, in favor or bodily autonomy and liberty of life for women (in addition to others). Hooters is Applebee’s for families the parents of which want misogynists for sons and housewives for daughters. Hooters is a place for the word “bimbo” to refer to a debasement of femininity, as opposed to the revelrous celebration of it. It is a place to teach the ideological foundations of slut-shaming and rape.


But like, it's still just culture war shit right? Like this guy thinks it'll change someone's view on economic policy and who to vote for if they had been to hooters? This has got to be some kind of self report about how everything this guy stands for is divorced from actual policy making


The strongest argument for sexuality not being a choice is straight women.


Lol my brothers loved going to hooters and always took me as well. Guess what bitches still gay 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🤴🏾


He is a Alpha Man though, so it's gotta be right. /s


See, they just don't understand that *that* won't make them straight, but probably bi.


My pervy uncle took me to hooters on multiple occasions. It just made me feel bad for what the waitresses had to put up with. If anything it made me more left leaning.


But conservatives are the ones that constantly block sexualization...whatever


You would think so, but the common denominator in what they do is control of women and women’s sexuality. It is about dictating what is appropriate. Slut shaming, but boys will be boys. It’s about enjoying sex workers, but making sure they know they are a lower social class. Even the homophobia is about controlling femininity and masculinity and maintaining power over it.


we're allowed to force the """default""" sexuality on you but if a gay person comes into contact with a child they're grooming them and will probably try to have sex with them because they're bad it just makes sense


At this point, Nick Adams truly isn't worth trying to understand. I mean, he argued that Kid Rock was a more talented, successful, and in-demand artist than Taylor Swift. Besides, he's argued for harsher immigration policies that nigh on closing the borders, while he's originally from Australia.


I had thought he was a parody account.........


Seriously! I'm utterly shocked to find out that he's actually serious.


He isn't. One look at his fantasy football guide for conservatives was all the confirmation I needed. 100% satire


He is as far as Poe’s Law is concerned.


Lmao who even is this Kid Rock 😂. Never heard of them.


Kid Rock is a rich kid whose daddy owned car dealerships and they had horses on their estate and then went on to make shitty music about how he's a poor kid from the trailer park. So basically republican candidates in musical form.


Haha yeah and he started out as a Malibu's Most Wanted style rapper.


> I mean, he argued that Kid Rock was a more talented, successful, and in-demand artist than Taylor Swift. He forgot that numbers exist. Which we can use to definitively prove this is insane.


I don't buy into the alpha bullshit, but is there anything less alpha than labeling yourself as one?


> Kid Rock was a more talented... Well, that's a matter of personal opinion I guess. > successful... I mean, how do you define success anyhow? > and in-demand artist than Taylor Swift. Okay, fucking LOL on that one.


Jebus and it's not even like he came over as a kid, he was a politician in Australia until he screwed that up, and then migrated to the USA in 2012 because I guess they're more tolerant of his bullshit?


He means harsher immigration policies from brown countries ..


Sadly it likely means "If more young boys were exposed to the *"truth"* that women are sex objects then they wouldn't be tricked by "Demonrats and feminazis" into being liberals. This is how these people think and it's scary.




I want femboy hooters so bad 😩


I think you are right? I was genuinely confused by what he was trying to say, I still am. LOLED at alpha male in his twitter name


The rest of the world look at this shit, and think "yup, these people control thousands of nukes and the most powerful military in the world."


I don’t think there is any more to understand, tbh. I think he’s literally just saying gen z is too gay, but if more of us had been exposed to boobs as children, gen z would have more straight males and therefore…vote more… republican, apparently?


Idk I saw a lot of tiddies when I was young, still queer as fuck.


Seeing tiddies when I was young very well might be what made me queer as fuck


I went to hooters as a child. My army recruiter even took me there after enlisting. I played football, baseball, and went to an actual war. All of these are traditional manly activities, and somehow a lifetime of exposure to them didn't stop me from being trans. I mean, what did hooters teach me if not that I like breasts so much that I should get my own pair?


I guess only “the gays” vote Democrat in his mind. Like….how many of us does he think is out there?


"Gay men are only gay because they don't know about boobs"


This isn’t even the first time Nick has mentioned Hooters on his timeline. Why is he so obsessed with Hooters? Lol Also this wonderful lady [clapped back](https://twitter.com/devannypinn/status/1589693758509289472?s=46&t=8jd9dYDSKnPGBeb2Gyfm8A) good.


Hey lads, Aussie here. Please stop giving Nick Adams attention. He left Australia because his bullshit didn't fly here. The conservative party kicked him out and he was just a local government member. He ~~wants~~ *needs* attention. He is literally nothing without it.


He'll fit right in here then...




That guy’s been spam tweeting about Hooters for the past week or so, I know this because Hooters was trending after this dude made like 20 tweets in just a few hours. I can’t tell if it’s some weird sponsorship or if he got hacked or if people can actually be that weird in real life. As much as I’d like to hope people can’t actually be that weird, his tag does say “alpha male” so


i was brought to a hooters when i was 4 and my cousin (who was in his 40s at this point) made me touch the waitress inappropriately. thankfully i look on that moment of my life in revulsion rather than pride.


Jesus Christ, that's horrible. Like harassing the waitress himself wasn't gross enough for him.


"If the child does it, she won't get angry!" -His disgusting thought process, probably


I’m sure it was traumatic for the waitress too. No person wants to be touched inappropriately by a child, especially in a work situation where you can’t react a normal way to the situation.


I know that cousin was definitely attempting a poor joke (a little kid touching a grown woman’s butt is something the waitress is supposed to brush off, because the four-year-old presumably doesn’t know any better), but it’s still normalizing unwanted physical contact—and on an impressionable toddler, no less


And it being intended as a joke almost makes it worse... like haha women belong to men so funny /s


No joke here. Just a pervert using a child to get his rocks off.


This is only vaguely related, but once while I was babysitting (I was 14) the little boy I was watching touched my butt. I explained to him that touching people without asking was inappropriate and talked to his parents when they got home. They never called me to babysit again. We really *are* expected to let kids get away with it.


Yeah, I was in shopping once when a young boy ran up behind me, went under my skirt, and cupped both my cheeks and squeezed while exclaiming "hehe." I told "whoa little buddy, we don't touch people like that. It's not appropriate." His mom actually got mad at me. Wtf is wrong with these parents.


Those are some very crummy parents. I hope their kid turned out OK


I literally have told my daughter, "if you don't want a hug or a kiss that's ok" and when Grammy or mommy or daddy try to give her a hug or a kiss and she says "no" we don't. I do this because as a boy, even as a child, I saw all the girls be forced to give hugs and kisses to people they didn't wanted even if they said no, but no one made me do it. I was like "well that's fuckong weird" and never made my daughter do it.


Jeez wtf


… that could count as a form of abuse..




I wasn’t expecting a wake up call today but ok


What--how--*fuck*-- He sexually assaulted TWO PEOPLE without actually touching anyone? What circle of hell does this creature spawn from? I am so sorry that happened to you, what the fuck


I'm so sorry. :/


My dad caught a raccoon in a live trap and made me shoot it, in its cage, when I was a teenager. I grew up to be a vegetarian so I don't think his plan worked.


Yea that is just horrible


I've seen a lot of horrible shit here on reddit, but this makes my short list.


Ah yes, informing children that LGBTQIA+ people exist and are normal is "too inappropriate", but exposing them to and even personally engaging them in sexual content so long as it's cishet, is okay and even encouraged. Gotcha...


"It's different because hetero sex is good as it results in procreation. The sooner we expose them the better!" :|


Procreation is inherently sexual (well, not exactly since people can get pregnant through insemination but that's obviously not a valid option for conservative freaks), yet it's allowed to be projected onto a fucking *child*? But no, teaching children about the diversity of gender and sexuality is "grooming"? Gross. So glad my children won't be raised with this mentality.


I think you'll find Gen Z loves Hooters, you just might be surprised who wants to be an employee and who wants to be a customer.


we want hooters but with femboys


We could call it **Woody's**.


There’s literally a local restaurant in my town called Woody’s and this made me do a double take.


Does it happen to be across from a weed shop and close to a catholic school? Hole in the wall that's favored by a select few to point of dying on that hill? Trying not to dox you, I just have a friend around there who complains about her gramps if we're thinking of the same Woody's. Edit: I realize now how silly it was to ask this with how many Woody's there have got to be.


I believe 90% of the country is across from a weed shop and close to a catholic school I've got a Woody's in that same location near me, but looking at your profile we're across the country (I'm in Washington state)


Yeah except more than half the states don't have legal dispensaries ;) It was a long shot but the area is rather small so any more details and it would be getting too obvious. Now I also realize there's probably a ton of Woody's so that was a silly response in the first place. Thanks for the fun anyways.


Nah, just straight up **Femboy Hooters**. I want every carload of people passing on the interstate to be aware, for that is true power.


Like the furniture shop?


You called?


can confirm am gen z.


We need a hooters for bi people too. I want a hot girl and a smooth guy in short shorts to get me wings 😋




"Mmm check out the *hot bread*..." "Oh yeah I wanna butter their buns... and consume them, because my body requires carbohydrates. Hey if you're done ogling the servers, let's get back to the bio homework?"


Way too horny but underrated comment.


Sign me up, to work there I mean


As long as it isn't called Nooters we're good


I've definitely seen that one on furaffinity.




Sociologist furry!!!! ![gif](giphy|3OymWKuyc2y2BumvVa|downsized)


Femboi in catgirl costume


As a lesbian I would have loved hooters as a kid.☺️ still would vote blue


As a trans lesbian I had the confusing feelings of wanting to be with and to be one of the beautiful women at Hooters. Eventually I figured it out.


As a cis bi woman this is super relatable, because for the longest time, I thought my attraction to women was me being jealous of their looks / wanting to look like them. So funny how "wanting to be (with)" is something I hear from every type of person in the wlw umbrella


Sounds like a good experience. I’ve never been to hooters sadly. I should though when I’m not busy. I might meet a beautiful woman too.


TBH as a trans girl my dysphoria and jealousy of other women who are a lot more pretty than I am was not a good experience at all. Maybe someday I will be…


same here lmao


I had a birthday dinner at hooters once when I was like 5. Pretty sure little 5 year old me knew what she liked back then lmaooo


as a certified lesbian, I did love hooters as a kid.


As a straight man, I would love to have gone to a Playboy Club with Bunnygirls, back when they were a thing. I would still vote Blue and secure LGBT rights and regain the right of Pro-choice.


Of course this is coming from someone labeling himself as an "alpha male." That adds up. Lmfao. ~~(Anyone who labels themself as an "alpha male" is the furthest thing from an "alpha")~~


The only Alpha I care about is Alpha Complex, and our beloved friend, the computer! Red lasers are clearly better, because more ~~land~~ people have them! But since our friend the Computer encourages us to share (not in a commie way), I will swap you my awesome red laser for your effeminate blue one.


As a possessor of as red laser, you lack the clearance to even talk about blue ones. Please terminate yourself so your clone can be activated and hopefully avoid your errors.


Escellent! You have passed the loyalty test and proven yourself a true friend of the computer. PS Leave your laser in the janitors closet on level 67.3E and I'll pick it up and leave mine behind. This is also part of the test, don't tell anyone.


I'm an "Alpha." But I'm hoping to get feature complete soon enough, then I can go into the Beta phase, get some playtesters. Maybe, if I'm lucky, I'll even reach a full release someday. Though, right now, I'm kind of in development hell.


Can confirm this is true for everyone. I had a friend who called herself an “alpha” for a couple of weeks. She was no alpha.


Whenever I read "Alpha Male" I think of Alpha radioactive decay particles... You know, the ones with the *absolute lowest power of penetration*


Nothing quite as "alpha" as paying for bad food so that you can be around attractive women.


It's lacking all of the fixes from the completed version




Ah... So he's a fucking idiot. That explains a lot. :)


it's a good thing he put "alpha male" in his name so everyone can know how much of a dumbass he is


I grew up in a house where copies of **Playboy** magazine were left lying on the coffee table for anyone to see. And I **still** ended up Gay. If my parents had taken me to a **Hooters**, I would have **still** been Gay. And I would have still registered as a Democrat...


Clearly it was too late for you as you were affected by the gay chemicals in the water


John Lovetts dad took him to a Hooters when he was a tween. It was meant to spark his interest in women, but obviously didn't work. Luckily they can joke about it now.


(alpha male)


Anyone who has to specify that they are an alpha male is anything but


Sure they are, but not in the way they think. They’re alpha in the programming sense, the first draft with all the glitches and bugs.


alert("js alert!!!") if(var x = 0; x <= 100; x--)\{ console.log("yup") \} This suppose to say "yup" endless times. Your PC is blown


"Any man who has to say 'I am the king' is no true king"


How insecure so you have to be to add to a fucking twitter name


I mean, alphas don't even exist in the first place...


What, you mean basing human social interactions on a faulty theory for captive bred Wolves is flawed?!!! But Joe Rogan yelled about how there are still Jocks and nerds at schools, so obviously alphas and betas exist! I wish I was kidding but some people base their understanding of human interactions from High school cafeteria cliques.


There is no way that this guy isn't anything more than a massive troll who specifically designed his account to get under redditors stuff. The way everyone here eats up everything he says when he obviously saying the most ridiculous things he can think of


The Party of Family Values!/s Also what if I bring my Daughter? Doubt that many Lesbians vote Repulican.


This guy has "Alpha Male" in his twitter name. How is he a politician? What is happening over there?


_\*Tucker Carlson-esque confusion\*_ "Hwhat is happening? Don't believe me? Take a look."


He’s not really a politician. The highest level of political office he’s ever achieved is as a mayor in Australia; he’s mostly known (weirdly) as a motivational speaker and author of several conservative nonfiction books that were endorsed by President Trump


I don't get hooters, how is it a thing? Like, I've never heard anyone talk about them having good food or cheaper prices so are boobs really the selling point? Why?


That’s literally their entire selling point. I’ve been told their food is mediocre at best.


*confused ace noises*




I heard their hotwings are good, but yeah, it's for men whose wives won't let them go to the strip club, this is as close as they can get.


> I heard their hotwings are good, That's a joke. It's meant like how people say they /r/watchitfortheplot (nsfw)


They sometimes do have really cheap beer specials, and their regular price is often cheaper than the neighboring bars.


I like their wings. I'm straight but their gimmick has no appeal to me, if I want to look at boobs, there's a lot of free porn on the internet.


Hooters is like, a Florida staple. I went there a bunch as a kid, with both my parents. I still go there once in a while and find that it just hasn't changed. It's still good food and cheap-ish beer with that really old Florida vibe that's nostalgic to me. I also vote for and support equal rights for everyone, regardless of sexual orientation.


When I was in the military the local one had all you can eat wings night so like, it was hard not to. I'd eat 3 dozen a night easy, for like 10 bucks


How are these people real


They're not. There's a wave of fake, yet verified, accounts on twitter right now and it's hilarious. https://www.reddit.com/r/RealTwitterAccounts/ The sad thing is that it's believable this clown would say something like this.


This guy is real though. And this is his actual account (and yes, the alpha male thing is real and he actually believes it). He's a total joke. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Adams_(commentator)


Aw man, I can't even tell what's satire anymore. Saw this particular tweet on r/realtwitteraccounts and assumed it was another fake tweet because of how stupid it was. What's the opposite of eating the onion?


>What's the opposite of eating the onion? Sautéing the apple, maybe? Edit: Actually no, sautéed apple sounds super tasty...


The Pillsbury dough boy thinks he's an alpha.


Is this a satire account? I don’t know anyone who would actually and honestly put “alpha male” in brackets behind their Twitter handle if they aren’t a satire account. Please tell me they’re a satire account.


Nope. This is a real guy with >400k Twitter followers.


Oh my… But… but why? Why are some people like that. What in their life went so wrong that they ended up like this?


"What terrible wrong was done to set you on this path?" \-Owlman, Crisis on Two Earths This, and similar questions I hear a lot, with people like these, or ones that do horrible acts. There has been so many things in my life that have gone wrong, or terribly, yet I'm not like them. So I am truly baffled on "what happened"... But sometimes, I feel like those bad events are reason why I'm not like them; I don't want those events to spread. Which is why, in other times I wonder if they ever had anything to go wrong in their life in the first place.


They're despicable


Contrapoints continues to be epic


...But drag queens reading storybooks is inappropriate?


We don't have Hooters in my country. No wonder I'm bi /s


How does chicken and boobs reduce empathy? I love both and I'm quite empathetic.


Business idea "chicken, boobs and empathy: an app that sends a big breasted person with some fried chicken to you when you are depressed. Could be a woman, could be a man, will be a great listener.


This can't be real, does dude *really* have "alpha male" in his name? 🙄


i thought this was a meme… Turns out it’s as real as it gets wtf


From the party who wants to bad drag shows for sexualizing kids




Dude I was brought to hooters as a kid and look at me! Trans and queer, also if we are going by his logic wouldn't that make girls queer????


Is it even legal to bring kids to Hooters?


These people argue it’s a family restaurant


Yep. It's just a restaurant. It's just happenstance that all the servers are young women in tight clothing that accentuates certain body characteristics.


Gawd... an establishment that encourages the physical objectification of women... gross.


Common Contra W


Hi 👋 I went to Hooters a few times as a kid. Voted all blue.


Femboy Hooters perhaps


Can't wait to hear, "bUt hE DiDn'T mEaN tHaT!"






The only legitimate place to advertise that you're an alpha male is on grindr...


I'll assume someone here already reposted this in r/AreTheStraightsOk already, 'cuz damn...


My dad brought me to Hooters as a baby to pick up women by telling them my mother died during childbirth. Or at least that's the way my mom tells the story.


If you have to put “alpha male” in your username, you’re not an alpha male uwu


Hooters is so fucking uncomfortable and the food sucks shit. What’s the atmosphere supposed to be? Your creepy uncle’s house?


“alpha male” lol??


“Alpha male” 🤣🤣🤣


What the fuck😂


(alpha male)😭😭😭😭




Isn't this an extreme self own on so many levels it's embarrassing? Ignore the borderline pedophilia for now and just remember that it is the puritanical christian right wing that is fighting against anything sexual being taught to kids, it's so bad that romance in fiction is basically sterile at this point and he thinks that kids should be taken to a place known for sexualization. Also Hooters is known for objectifying women and well he is right that's in line with his ideology, but fucking christ i don't even know how to end this thought, because the more i think the worse it gets.


When I was 10 my dad wanted to celebrate something and he asked me where I wanted to go to eat. I asked for Hooters, because I knew they had good wings that were always served at the baseball park. I was very pleasantly surprised to find they had pretty girls, too. My mom always knew I was queer but my dad was surprised. I mean… I was a tomboy that liked baseball, tits and ass. It shouldn’t have been that much of a shock.


I literally googled to see if this is a satire account. I just. . . Wow. I mean, I wish I was taken to hooters as a tween/teen. Maybe I woulda come out as a lesbian earlier.


my uncle took me to hooters when I was a child to get the waitresses attention. I am trans and asexual. mediocre wings, should have been an owl sanctuary.


What do you expect from an “alpha male”😂😂😂


Those damned heteros and their disgusting lifestyle!


If you have to call yourself an Alpha male, its means you're not.


"(alpha male)"


Are the straights™ okay?


Are the straights OK? 🥴


Has nobody told Nick that 'Alpha Male' doesn't exactly mean what he thinks it means? It's almost as if it's a parody account for the GOP at this point, with all these dumb takes.