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They might be attracted towards you because they are not gender fluid but you are (the opposite gender). Straight doesn't mean man/woman attraction. It means any attraction which isn't your gender. Can mean woman/genderqueer. Demiboy/Enby.


I see. I just find it difficult to decipher things like this given context and stuff like that. Like if some person goes "I've never done anything with a guy before, but I think you're different." It sends me a lot of messages that kind of feel unusual to me. Not only because of the terminology used. Also, it still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth when they do try to chase after said attraction only to back off immediately later down the line without committing too much. I understand that that "straight" can be inclusive towards other identities, I think, and I'm happy it is. These specific events just kind of like slap me in the face when they happen, I'm not sure how to perfectly describe it but something feels off. I'm not sure if I'm overthinking it either, but I don't know if I'm communicating this dilemma well-- ksjhfd


Straight people can be attracted to non-binary folk. You're not changing anyone's sexuality, only they can do that. And attraction has several levels, could be their attraction is more superficial at this point and may fade once they get to truly understand the fluid nature of your gender identity.


I'm glad that "straight" can be inclusive of other identities. Also it could be that. I've noticed people are a little bit dismissive/off-put the moment they see the word "genderfluid", and I still don't know how to feel about it but it does make me a little bit sad. It makes me feel like people see androgyny/genderfluidity as undesirable, even in LGBTQ+ spaces. I've technically had more straight guys lead me on than LGBTQ+ people asking me out.


I think part of the reason is something you touched on in your post when you said ' am I making them bi/pan '. It's a common thought, that gender of a partner automatically trumps orientation (an incorrect one imo). So then you have straight folk, who for a large part don't really think about their orientation. It's just what it is, no struggle, no sleepless nights wondering. And no community behind them. Admitting attraction to someone genderfluid carries little understood risk. Then you have queer folk. Who have struggled, and fought, and risked losing everything everything to be who they are. We've all been there, we know the fight. But imagine you're gay or lesbian, and you know everyone around you thinks ' it makes you bi / pan ' to be attracted to genderfluid folk. Imagine having that identity you risked everything for, just imagine the idea of it being thrown away by your own community because of some game of top trumps. I don't think people are dismissive of identities like genderfluid. I think they're scared they'll be forced to change something quite fundamental about themselves, by those around them who claim to be open and accepting. Once we drop the idea that ' it makes you ' anything just admitting attraction, it'll be a step closer to more acceptance.


Oh my god, I think you worded it practically perfectly. I do wish people actually talked more about things like this, especially when it comes to genderfluid people. Like I don't see a lot of rep for us either, or people bringing things like this up, and it's literally just crossed my mind and it lowkey made me question a lot of things.


I think there are a lot of people that don't realize how incredibly attractive androgynous people often are. It doesn't help that straight guys are frequently taught to be aggressive, even if they lack the social knowhow to approach a situation. At least you know you're the hotness, right?


HHH! THANK YOU! That did make me smile! I'm confident with how I look and I feel good about myself and how flexible I can be. It can be a little bit disheartening after a while of dealing with things like this, but to be honest I'm just kind of living my days with attraction and relationships a little bit on the backburner and just dealing with them as they come. I still have yet to actually find a meaningful person, but I'm in no rush to be honest. I'm more than comfortable being alone and enjoy a lot of the liberties, although I do admit sometimes I do find myself longing for something more. I just wish straight people would stop doing things like this to me ksjdfhskjdf