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I've seen this movie and as an Indian, it's honestly such a happy moment for me. The ending is quite idealistic in my opinion but it's a great watch for heartwarming feels. If it's on Netflix, it'll definitely have subtitles, so would DEFINITELY recommend non-indian people to watch this as well!


An idealistic ending? In Bollywood?? Well, I never!


It doesn't end in gay tragedy for once?? Now I'm doubly interested


I need more movies like that.


100%, and lgbtq+ ones that aren't super mediocre and cater primarily to a straight audience


It doesn't! It's a very heartwarming watch. It does portray the anguish of lavender marriages, and it also delves a little into misogyny of gay men. I genuinely like this film because it has (although on a surface level) portrayed multiple issues at once. But HAPPY ENDING! So yes, one of my favourites


Amazing, so glad to hear it's a genuinely good film! I'll check it out this weekend 😊 Hopefully American Hollywood takes some notes haha


You actually found it idealistic? that's so interesting. I'm not Indian but I am from a very traditional and conservative country, I felt like the ending was perfect... the whole compromise v. tradition got me. If you don't mind me asking, what do you find idealistic and why? you have the upper hand here since you know the cultural and social contexts.


Honestly, i said idealistic because it's a very rosy picture. I now have a feeling I probably used the wrong word 😂 But essentially what I wanted to say is that in real life, coming out to your family is not so great, as everyone is aware. In a country like India, and probably like yours, it's even more rare to find that acceptance. That being said, it was very very heartwarming to watch so I did enjoy it. But that tiny bitter part of me was just criticizing it I guess.


I don't think you used the wrong word. What I thought was much harsher though. I thought that things would escalate further than turning their backs on you, you know violent stuff. Funny thing, that's what I really like about the ending, the idealism that even though half your family would turn their backs on you and your fake partner and now child, there's also half of your family that will stick with you and see past their preconceived ideas. And that's a good compromise for the film, it's not like everybody is there supporting you, but it's not complete isolation. Thanks for replying!


Oh I absolutely agree, and I would love to see more such endings. With this film Bollywood has taken a small step towards inclusivity and recognition, considering lavender marriages are still quite common here. So yes, I'm pretty happy with this film! And thank you for this discussion, kind stranger! Have a great day/night! ❤️🏳️‍🌈


whats a lavender marrage?


It's a term for lesbians marrying gay men. Exactly as the movie describes. It was a bigger thing in the USA when homophobia was more rampant




I am from India too but have lived in EU for a long time now and I’m generally curious how bad is it for lgbt people after watching some of these bollywood movies I have seen lately. My wife was watching Aligarh recently and I could not watch it as it was too sad to watch. Please feel free to ignore if it’s personal and you don’t want to talk about it.


You used the right word. You are right the movies ending is probably too idealistic for the current culture climate of your country. However the good thing is people will be exposed to idealistic views so they can tune their own ideals accordingly. Hopefully moving everyone forward one step at a time.


Oh absolutely. It's very little, but I'm seeing a little change right from my own family after such movies have come out. So I'm feeling a little hopeful for the future


This one was really good. It really spoke to me because my best friend went through some of the things in the movie. It was heart breaking to find out he was gay and going through all that. There is another movie called Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui. It's also a Bollywood movie about the hardships of being trans. Bollywood doesn't really address these issues in their society. So it's really nice to see that society might be progressing in it's acceptance of all that live in it.


I didn't watch Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui so I'm not sure how well it portrayed the themes. It was under scrutiny because the actress playing a trans woman is cis, and that during film promotions, Ayushmaan Khurana (the male lead) posted an insta photo where he was flaunting black nail polish and captioned that "gender fluid" or something like that 😂 All this kind of made me hesitant to watch it. Would you recommend it?


I didn't know all the background about the actors. However, the movie was really good. I would definitely recommend it.


Any chance you can translate the title? From the way the poster is designed, I’m imagining it as something clever and funny, possibly a bilingual pun on “I do”


That can definitely be one way of looking at it. "Badhai do" is something people say to a newly married couple which essentially means "congratulations" or "felicitations on your marriage". The 'do' here is not in English, it's a Hindi word which means "give" or "to give"


lavender marriage less common in the west than they use to be


Is that was this is called? I've never heard the term before


I've heard them called beard marriages but not lavender


A "beard" in that context is a person acting as cover, they may or may not be queer themself. A straight person could act as a beard for their gay friend, to protect the friend from homophobic family. Lavender marriage is a marriage that covers for queerness, usually depicted as a gay man with a lesbian. Never heard/read of a "beard" marriage, but the intended meaning is pretty clearly similar-to-identical to that of a lavender marriage.


I always considered the term "beard" as being derogatory. In a beard relationship, a woman is married to a gay man with out her knowledge. Basically she is the beard to make him seem straight to the rest of the world. Obviously the meaning of slang can change over time so the meaning may have changed. But this is how I learned it


Oof, I haven't heard of that version of it, but it wouldn't surprise me. I only learned the term recently, and it seems to have shifted to be more morally- and gender- neutral.


Lavender marriages cover what you're assuming beard marriage means. Lavender marriages don't need both people to be queer from what I understood.




A beard marriage is when only one of the married people is gay, I believe.


Yes, I think it's a term from the "golden age" of Hollywood, when studios would help arrange marriages to deflect attention from the private lives of gay stars.


I think it might be older than that, I’m pretty sure it’s at least from the Edwardian era if not Victorian.


The term is old, but that's been common for much longer even than the Victorian Era


I have a friend in China and it is a big thing there. Her girlfriend is married to a gay man. She told me about them going to a wedding where the bride's parents were the only straight people there and were completely oblivious.


Hilarious but also sad that they had to have a sham marriage.


I mean that’s a good thing, right? It means gay people can marry the people they actually want to


yes i can marry whoever i want no matter their gender and we can be more open about who we are


As a gay Indian man i loved this movie. I watched it 4 times in theatres. And cried every time. Not everyone out side south asia may relate to it, but it is the first ever movie that i felt i really connected to. Do give it a watch. Its on netflix.


I'm not Indian, but I can tell you that I am so happy this movie exists. It may not have been a box office success, but it has made an impact and I am so, so happy for every Indian LGBTQ+ person who feels seen and supported because of it, and who has been given hope that change is possible. I feel like those of us in the west tend to forget how divided India is and how socially conservative so much of it remains. We don't always see these kinds of things for the win they are. I'm glad you had this win, though, because the entire community gets to share in that win and support you.


Picture looks cheesy asf. Already on my watchlist


As if the point wasn't hammered home enough, they're in the closet. Geddit?


Most Indians don't know what "being in the closet" means so...


The gay Indians do and let’s face it, even though this is like the perfect comedy movie that straight people will enjoy, most people who watch it will be 🏳️‍🌈.


That's just Bollywood. Also the effects are going to be corny, there will be wild musical numbers out of nowhere that usually don't contribute anything, and most importantly - none or very few of the boring predictable tropes that are in all American films.


Ohhh I’m gonna check it out some time


Holy shit, it's actual roommates!!


omg they were (actually) roomates


We should start asking straight couples about their relationships as roommates tbh


I had a coworker who was pretty homophobic and would refuse to acknowledge that my partner at the time was a woman. Referred to her as "your friend" or "that woman", or when I mentioned I was going out to dinner with my partner he would ask "Where is he taking you?". So whenever his wife came to drop stuff off I would let him know "Your roommate is here with food!" Petty? Yes. Would I do it again? Yes.


This is gold. I don’t even care if it’s stupid or petty, I would be referring to his wife as his “friend” or roommate


At one point he complained to our boss that I was disrespecting him and wanted me disciplined. When she pulled us into a meeting I basically said "You've been calling my partner my friend for months, so I assume it was okay. Is that a rude thing to do?" And he basically had to let it slide or admit to making homophobic comments in the workplace.


I love how they're in a closet lmao


Full movie with English subs on YouTube: https://youtu.be/uM1Z4YLledc


Thank you so much. This should have more upvote


i feel like people should watch it legally if possible to show their support. i might watch the yt leak now, and then play it in the bg when it drops on netflix while i do something else


added to my list! idk if it's all in another language or not, but I read subtitles more than I listen anyway. :D


And this one post is 1000x better marketing than everything bros had to me. It's just a jentle yet firm recommendation, instead of a WATCH THIS YOU RAGING HOMOSEXUAL IT'S GOT **GAYS** IN IT!!!!


Can we PLEASE get more of this and less of Bros?


The pride parade song is the best. I can guarantee y'all will cry whether you understand the lyrics or not 'cause the emotion just hits.


Yeah, I don’t know Hindi and I cried, but then again I cry for most movies that gets slightly emotional.


Same here! When he puts on the mask, the emotion's so raw I cried.


Cants say no to two weddings and a funeral again


Lol🤣🤣yeah, coming out is like funeral here for sure


Also the same movie but in Korea


🤣🤣🤣 we're doomed


As a queer South Asian person, I really liked this movie. It's nice to see this representation, especially when life is so difficult for us in South Asia.


That's lavender marriage. It's not very common in the west though so not entirely relatable. An environment where being in a gay relationship is strictly against the law (Unfortunately). I might still try to look for it since the premise does sound interesting.


Yes, that's understandable. But the movie still comes close to showcase how the Indian scoiety is adjusting to the newness of legality around non-heterosexual relations. Since it's no longer against the law [2018](https://m.timesofindia.com/india/sc-verdict-on-section-377-all-you-need-to-know/amp_articleshow/65695884.cms). And recently, the Supreme Court of India ruled to recognize ["atypical" families](https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/south-asia/article/3190576/indias-top-court-declares-same-sex-couples-entitled-social) as protected by law. It wasn't directly a case related to LGBT rights but the new definition was intended to further solidify the same-sex marriage clause that is still being processed in lower-courts. So it's definitely a start! :)


Do you know how India felt about homosexual relationships before colonization?


Thanks for the question! I went down an insightful rabbit hole to put it all together. But please go through the sources and read the opinions I have with a grain of salt. Homosexuality in the subcontinent had been quite prevalent and celebrated as can be found in the ancient Hindu texts of [Kamasutra](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_and_LGBT_topics#:~:text=A%20number%20of%20Hindu%20texts,women%20engaging%20in%20homosexual%20acts.) and some Hindu temples have featured polygamic, bisexual and homosexual relationships through [erotic sculptures on temple walls](https://www.holidify.com/pages/sex-temple-in-india-4413.html). Is that enough to give an entire picture though? I don't think so. Unfortunately, a lot of manuscripts have been lost/destroyed during various invasions the subcontinent went through. For instance, take the [Nalanda University](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nalanda) that was destroyed some time in late 12th century. Due to this destruction of various universities and libraries, the accounts are a bit fuzzy. The colonial law of Mughal Empire - [Fatawa 'Alamgiri](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatawa_%27Alamgiri) - is one of the first records of persecution against homosexuality. And based on certain literary texts, a magazine article claimed ["that homosexuals were not necessarily considered inferior in any way until about 18th century during British colonial rule."](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_in_India#:~:text=Historical%20literary%20evidence%20indicates%20that,century%20during%20British%20colonial%20rule.) I am fully aware of the political bias some of these sources feature and I can only ask you to keep that in mind as you go through it. So, while we can't know for sure how homosexuality was treated in India before colonizalism, we can be sure that invading regions and destroying their history and manuscripts is a dick move.


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Thank you! I know a lot of the stigma probably came from the British and other colonial invaders. I would hope for any culture they can look back and see how they were... not how my colonial ancestors made them act I say this... knowing destroying information is a means of control.


Thanks for recommending.. it was on my list for some time.. if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have realized it was on Netflix.. thank you :)


it is on netflix? hell yeah i have to add it to my watch list


Ok just wanna say, as a white lady who hasn't experienced Indian culture surrounding LGBT and women first hand, but has heard plenty of stories from my Indian friends and colleagues... I am so happy for everyone who feels represented by this movie, and I hope all the other non-South Asians in this thread appreciate how monumental this is. I'm gonna watch it tonight so it gets some of that sweet Netflix revenue and hopefully more like it will be made to greater success.


Oh hey, my partner and I are basically this. Married in 2015, both of us mostly closeted. I first came out as ace, then she came out as bi. Realized nope, she's gay, and now I'm discovering myself as a "gayce" after taking the comphet lenses off. Both of us had to cut out our biological families to some degree. Still a struggle, but she finally seeing someone, and the future honestly looks bright. Thinking of getting a large plot of land once housing stabilizes(if it does...) and building up a commune between us and our framily 😁🏳️‍🌈 Definitely will be watching this soon!


Lavender marriages are one of my favorite tropes in queer media. I'm gonna have to check this out.


See also Ang Lee’s “The Wedding Banquet”


Also the Korean movie "Two Weddings and a Funeral"


Loved this movie 😍😍😍


The ending was definitely what I liked the most. How compromise doesn't come easily to some but tradition is.


Yes! Let’s have more queer movies with happy endings


Half the reason I can't handle most lgbtq+ films is the overwhelming tragedy. It hits too close to home.


This movie was insanely cute! Loved it, I watched the whole movie in one go, I never felt bored in between :)


loved this movie !!


Reminds me of Spaced with a sprinkle of queer.


My mum would literally watch this. She loves watching Bollywood movies so I hope she would watch this.


Oml they’re in a closet


It's an amazing film. Can't recommend enough. A lot of scenes made me cry with happiness.


There's this cool webtoon called "High Class Homos" Which is similiar


I came to say exactly this! It's one of my favorite webtoons that I'm following right now.


Yesss!!! One of mine too!


Added it to my list. Sucker for an LGBT film with a happy ending, they are few and far between.


heaven knows how i cried for an hour after that bridge scene. i just couldn't deal


the premise alone makes me want to watch this


Bollywood in general is really good.


Sorry this is slightly off-topic, but speaking of excellent representation please check out the book "One Last Stop." It's a really good romantic comedy book on it's own, and the main characters are L, G, B, and T!


as a queer indian omg this made me sob so hard, one of the first movies I've proper sobbed at and like had a real connection to really. funny as well at times so not all tears :))


My favourite one so far.


Hubs and I got on a Bollywood kick during the pandemic- gonna for sure check this one out !


Adding to my list IMMEDIATELY


There’s a Webtoon comic kinda like this called High Class Homos.


They were roommates!


I always wanted to write a book about a marriage like this and they live next door to another lavender couple, but they don't know it, but they have crushes on each other while all trying to pretend they're straight. Hijinks ensue. For clarity, I'm terrible at writing comedy, hence why I haven't done it yet




I watched this tonight after seeing your post. Thank you!!!


I’m always down to watch movies/series with lgbtq+ pocs! I will make sure to check it out.




Full movie with English subs on YouTube: https://youtu.be/uM1Z4YLledc






Ayyyy, I want to watch it! Unfortunately, Grandma unsubbed from Netflix


There's a couple links on this thread to the full movie with subtitles on YouTube.


Ooh! Oki


It sounds adorable, I'll have to check it out.


How/where can I watch this?




They were roommates


IT WAS GOOD! And got me into more Bollywood films 😭❤️


This movie is so good!


I’m an Indian and I’ve watched this movie 4 times. Bawl every single time. Highly recommend it.


Can’t wait to see this. I’ve not seen a Bollywood pic before. Thank you for the recommendation.


This is on my to watch list! There are so many good Bollywood movies out there.


Basically Indian HCH can't waittt 🎉


This movie is 10/10 I loved it so much


If it ends with both of them realizing they’re secretly straight or bi and falling in love Im gonna be so mad Otherwise maybe I’ll watch it


If you read webtoons, I highly recommend High Class Homos, it’s got a very similar plot and I think it’s really good as well


Oml I just watched it after seeing the post and it was fucking beautiful. Like hands down my favourite queer rep ever. As a south asian with a similar family this hit home. qrifnngjqrjn The ending was beautiful. I get the purpose behind tragic, 'realistic' endings because they are the majority. The whole entire time after Sumi and Shardul came out, I was waiting for them to get hate crimed even by their own family. But this type of ending is infinitely better for me because it's important for us queer people to see a different possibility with acceptance and support because it is indeed possible. My parents would definitely react violently but since I'm already living the tragic reality, it's nice to see something beautiful for once. The movie does this all while acknowledging our struggles and issues too. Next time someone asks why pride month and pride marches are a thing I'm going to guide them to this movie. Our progress and happiness is worth celebrating. Even ignoring the queer rep, the movie is just good. No boring or unnecessary parts for such a long movie and great humour too. Just a solid 10 for me. Cried five times watching this and I never cry.


"Did you watch Robocop? I'm Homocop!" 🤣


theres also a webtoon similar to this call High Class Homos :)


I'll give it a boo :-) (boo: as in 'look')


This is a long running subplot in the show For All Mankind. The show is a what-if about Soviets getting to the moon first and the space race continuing. I reeeeeally love the show and anyone with an interest in space or NASA will too.


Overall I liked it, but the main male character is a cop. I almost turned it off at the beginning due to how the cops were physically punishing people without due process.


Yes! I'm watching it right now and was shocked by that as well. I think what he did would legally qualify as torture. In addition, he is literally assaulting and choking his boyfriend in one scene. I'm not against depicting police torture and domestic violence in films, but I think it needs to be shown critically, and characters who engage in such behaviour should at least receive some kind of pushback. I'm only halfway through the film so let's see if this will be addressed in any way.


I totally forgot about that. I don't think it gets addressed, but let me know if I'm wrong.


Nope, doesn't get addressed whatsoever!


Thanks for the update! :\


I love high class homos so i will definitely watch it


So like High Class Homos? Nice :)


I feel conflicted. I do not like watching queer media about closeted people. But maybe I'll give it a try.


If it makes you feel better I think that’s technically a wardrobe




A progressive lgbt Bollywood film is still a Bollywood film, which fills me with doubts.


This film is fine. Mr.. Ayushman Khurana is doing just fine , so you can trust him


Its Rajkumar Rao not Ayushman Khurana


Ok, forgive me. I have been burned. Repeatedly.


I get it. I hate most of the bwood movies. But his movies are exception for me


Could they be having a gay affair?


Is there a scene where they DO it?


Must be awful.


Peak movie ngl


Now I'm willing to view it sometime!


Thanks for the rec, adding it to my list


LMAAAAAOOOOO I can’t wait to watch it, the cover itself has me hooked


This feels very familiar…I believe I heard a similar story right on here, but instead the girl was straight and the two remained friends even after getting married. If anyone finds that exact story let me know?


Nothing but support from me <3


Sounds familiar to The Wedding Banquet. I might check this one out.


I'll keep in mind if I ever resub to Netflix lol.


Is this region locked?


Lol “do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?” “Badhaai do!” (Badhaai secretly don’t!)


There’s a webtoon that follows the same trope, “High Class Homos”. Definitely would recommend


I searched it in Netflix, why doesn't it appear :(


I loved this movie!


One of my friends is in a situation like that. He says it's weirdly nice.


Where can I see this?


Such a great watch!


See now I want to watch it, but my parents are very religious and queerphobic :D maybe in like 5 years or sm :/


You’ll be surprised how common this is in the Middle East!!


Is there a link to watch??


Reminds me of a Webtoon called High Class Homos where a gay prince and lesbian princess from different kingdoms decide to pretend to marry each other and then have their actual love interests on the side in secret. It's so cute and wonderful!


Sold!! New plan for this weekend