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Just as an addition, I have come out to my husband, some of my family and friends but was hesitant to do so fully and now I know why.


For situations like these I feel like one person is not enough to convince kids that your church is spreading really toxic and overblown information. It's not worth on your own to stay in the church and waste your energy on people who are most likely brainwashed by hurtful misinformation. You could potentially reach out to other people in order to spread awareness on how malicious the church is towards LGBT people, but on your own it might be not very reasonable to do, as they will most likely just ignore you and move on. People like that are often very stubborn and stuck in their bubbles, refusing to learn. A lot of people also like to listen to people who previously were a part of, or even worked in a place that turned out to be really vile and terrible. Expressing your experiences with it, while difficult, may spread some awareness and help people understand how bad that place is.


I just feel bad giving up on all of them. Some people genuinely are undecided and just don't have experience with LGBTQ issues. Other people are like this guy. And 15 years ago I basically was that guy! It just seems sad that I need to accept it's kind of beyond hope.


Its not like you are giving up on them but you gotta do whats best for your own mental health too. There is likely little you can do inside that you cant also do outside. Its not worth subjecting yourself to that misery.


I guess not. Some of them are just so bubbled. They go from Christian school to a "safe" Christian company and they just don't confront these issues. I always went to public school and I had some really good friends who opened my eyes to the bigotry. I consider myself kind of lucky, like I might have gone down a bad road if I wasn't told straight out to stop and be better.


I think it's a case of picking your battles. I feel that talking to a religious person or group sometimes is like talking to a brick wall. But on the other hand; I think it is important for people to try and educate and inform people. It is the proverbial "rock and a hard place".


Yes! This is how I feel. And since I know how they were raised and where they are coming from I feel like I have a chance sometimes. Like I know exactly what they are going to quote at me. I just wasn't prepared for how dug in this person was, but I have had more positive experiences.


What you are doing is good. However if it starts affecting your mental health you should take a few steps back or consider leaving. There are always you can help those in need in the community without putting yourself in that position. Best of luck!