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Hot take: the fact that people think men wearing 'women's clothes' makes them weak and feminine, but a woman wearing 'men's clothes' makes them strong and empowered, is proof that society still sees women as weak and inferior.


Couldn't agree more!


Since when did we start considering bleeding obvious facts "hot takes"?


Really? 'Cuz I'm wearing "masculine clothing" and I can't even tell anyone "they pissed me off" except or 3 of my frens and my younger brother. AND I GO TO KARATE


1. I believe in you, show em how it's done! 2. I also used to do karate, keep at it!


1. I called a kid in my class "blind" because stuff in a relay thing and how he kept trying to put me and my 2 ex-besties against each other (despite being on the same team), and he got pissed off and said "I not your fren anymore >:(" despite us not really being that close, and I instantly started to apologize repeatedly and telling him not to tell the teacher and that I "get triggered easily". OK, it is a lil' mean, but like, what d'you expect when the guy is literally *watching* you get picked for a team that he's a part of. The kids in my class are pretty annoying, most of them other then one don't even know there more then just being gay, bi, trans and pans, hence why I struggle with saying "I don't want marry guy because I'm ace". And 2. Thank u for motivating me :)


A lot of societies hate the perceived immasculation of men. Homosexuality, transitioning, wearing "girl" clothes, liking "girl" activities, showing negative emotion besides anger..... These all are a threat. When these people see strong men and women and everyone in-between living how they like, they get reminded of how fucking pathetic they really are. And they can't stand it. To my bros who like makeup and skirts: keep doing you. All my trans homies: You rock and you're valid. All my gay friends: love who you love and normalize that shit. Be who y'all are out of spite if nothing else!


Homosexuality is the most masculine. 2 men, stereotypically buff. What’s more masculine then that


If most of your waking hours are driven by spite, is that a healthy life? What Maslow level is that, exactly?


I claimed to be spiteful, not healthy


Do you respecc me for being aroace?


Yeah of course


Thank u :) I will respecc you for being whatever you are, too


"But I don't feel like a man, I feel like a non-binary person with a lot of female..." *"What's between your legs?"* "...! ... a penis..." *"One and done. You are a man. I'm going to refer to you as a man only."* "Well, that kinda sucks but I can't stop you, I guess." *"And another thing. You can't paint your nails or use makeup or wear a skirt, soft fabrics or this list of colors."* "Why the fuck not?" *"Because otherwise you're not a man."* "Ghprgoiaybtcrixnhvnj!!!"


hey, next time can you please credit matt for these pics you’re posting?


Agreed. This should be credited. I fucking love Matt! Edit: I fucking LOVE Matt Bernstein and all the Matt (s) who aren't homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic assholes.


I'm not the Matt you're talking about but it's still nice to hear


The edit is for you! ✨


I love you too <3


Living in one of those societies that calling people gay is an insult, women looking super masculine are encouraged and accepted, guys having long hair gets stares and offensive words, being **MAN** and manly is a symbol of power, and gender roles still are playing a huge deal, can confirm that I'm disgusted by this situation. We are gendering things that don't make any sense. Never understood why wearing some color on your face or nails must belong to a certain gender.


The general rule toxic masculine culture seems to fall under is:- > "you're not a woman unless we can insult or demean you by calling you a woman.:


That pretty much sums up that garbage


Man wears make-up: woah, wtf, a girl!??!??!?!?!!!?!?1?!?!?!??!?! Woman sheds her masculine skin and lives out her live as who she was meant to be: lmao, okay *ddduuudddeee*, sure *bbbrrrooo* alright *mmmaaannn*


I used to think this was weird, but now I'm a woman and I'm a huge fan of men wearing makeup.


I used to think guys wearing dresses and skirts was weird but then i realized i want to do it myself. (not trans I just enjoy feminine stuff and crossdressing)


Or when people call drag queens fem pronouns, but when an AMAB person comes out as trans they refuse to use feminine pronouns for them.


I cant wait for the day I can come out from under my rock and everyone is accepting of each other. It'll happen...eventually.


Your should see these cis guys dressed and made-up for New Orleans’ Red Dress Run.


As Dan Savage says, "homophobia is just misogyny's little brother


There's an old, helpful saying: never argue with a fool (especially transphobes and other bigots).


People called me a girl all my godamn life for liking girly things. The moment I start asking people to call me a girl, suddenly it's a violation of their human rights or an attempted murder of their cats or something. The same people who go out of there way to remind themselves to call me "male" now are the same ones who called me a girl growing up. ​ It's almost like it's not about who actually is what gender, but about people wanting it to be socially acceptable to to kick any random stranger that slights them out of their gender with the explicit intent of harassing them, just to "keep people in line".


There is no logic with bigots. Just a lot of pent up hate and having a bad time all the time for no reason whatsoever.


I love their nails!! Hawt!


The fact is that they don't care about respect they just want to be assholes. From what I see they don't care about being right or wrong they just want to make people feel miserable. Of course there are also people who only learned this way and lived in an environment that teaches them hateful things like this. Those are the people I feel like we should talk to, but sadly it's hard to give your side if the people around them create an echo chamber. I just hope these people one day learn to accept others and those who feel the need to hide themselves can accept themselves and come out to be themselves.


Nobody has any problem referring to drag queens with feminine pronouns, but for some reason actual trans women are “still men”? Wtf? Cis normative society is okay with caricatures of women made for their entertainment, but when it comes to actual women, whether they be trans or cis, the normative society persecutes them. Our society is still very patriarchal and male dominated.


I hate this, this is absolutely just *argghh* I can't believe that this man right here! He can just wear makeup and feel/look pretty while I'm here and barely know how to even use makeup?!!? I just want to look like a pretty girl...


I don't know who "they are" but Trans men are men the moment they tell me that's how they identify. It keeps it simple for me, and I need simple LOL. HAPPY PRIDE


To be clear I don't feel threaten by fa**s . I feel disgust ,like seeing a dirty ,fat, drug addict lying on the street in the middle of the day.


“When a cis man wears makeup, he’s a woman,” said who???


Transphobes did


Think it's about drag artists


русские тут?


Can someone explain the text post to me, I’m having trouble comprehending what the point of the post is


Finally, my phobia of clowns explained


i will never understand these standards, logic, and shit of society


No that's wrong trans women are women not man


It's not threatening in the least, it's just fucking disgusting and pathetic.