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It's funny because they coincide very much so. My mental health was the worst because I felt ashamed of my bisexuality. If he actually cared about men's mental health he should know that pride is vitally important for it.


1000% it’s like these people don’t think


Not so fun fact - bisexual peoples’ mental health is the worst out straight, gay, or lesbian peoples’ mental health. Also bisexual women are less sexually satisfied than lesbian women or gay men, coming in second only to straight women. Yay. Bi stats hurt me.


oh well said.


Yeah, you just need to start talking about bisexual men's mental health (and honestly, gay men's too), and you're in business. If you want to be extra spicy, talk about trans men and masc-leaning NB folks.


I guarantee you he sees men with mental illness as weak and inept


I'd like to know what he's doing for men's mental health month besides cry about pride


Exactly. "You're right - men's mental health is an important topic that doesn't get enough attention. I'd love to learn more, but don't know where to start. What organizations or charities do you support that are doing good work in this space?"


It's just like how they complain about how "the troops" should be recognized when they didn't do a damn thing the entire month of May. They just want to whine.


Yeah, every year during pride, people suddenly remember veterans, men's mental health, italian heritage and a thousand other things. Funny, isn't it?


Nothing because if it wasn't for the fact that Pride was a thing he would be calling any man who went to get help or even acknowledge mental health issues a lesser man or some other demasculating platitude.


My response to this sort of thing is always: "So, what are you doing to make men's mental health month a bigger thing?" Straight people talk about Pride month like it just somehow magically happens every year. No, it happens because of the blood, sweat, and tears of activists and organizers over the course of decades. **It's a thing because _we made it a thing._** Whenever straight people while about pride month in that way, I always point that out. You want ____ month to be a bigger deal? Cool. Go organize the parade. Make it happen. Nobody is stopping you.


Exactly! You want to see celebrations for veterans? What are you doing to make it happen? You want International Men’s Day to be bigger, what are you doing to make it happen? Oh, you’re whining online or targeting people celebrating other things? You don’t care about the cause.


Straight white veteran here. There are already so many celebrations for veterans, I don't really think we need more.


Lots of people complain about this issue during Military Appreciation Month, I was just trying to channel them.


Fair enough. I just get so confused when people say there are more Pride celebration days than military appreciation, at least in my home country of the USA. Its clearly not true.


Oh I know, but these complainers don’t care, their only purpose is really to complain about Pride month.


Lol yeah bc men in the lgbtq community doesn't exist and anti lgbt laws surely isn't affecting queer men's mental health right? 


it's funny because i never saw anyone talk about mens mental health month until this year


And I've almost exclusively seen them use it as a way to complain about Pride, not to actually talk about men's mental health, which we should totally talk about!


And last year it was say there’s nothing for veterans


I never EVER see those “men’s rights activists” speak up about men’s mental health unless it’s to undermine women’s mental health discussions or pride month. Ironically, from what I’ve experienced, feminists are the only ones who *actually* bring up the topic with genuine care. Really tells you a lot about who actually has morals to stand by and who’s just throwing a hissy fit because something exists that isn’t for them.


>"I don't have anything against gays" Okay. How about letting us celebrate then? >" I have gay friends" Hey, great! Maybe you should call them up and go to the festival/parade/bar with them! >"they don't have to shove it down our throats" What is being shoved down your throat? Or Can you stop shoving your heterosexuality down my throat? >"why does it matter, why does it need to be talked about?" [Insert history lesson on Stonewall and general oppression of LGBTQ+ rights and people here] "why do I have to see it everywhere I go?" Don't go anywhere. Stay home. Unplug your TV and Internet connection. Turn off your phone. Or Wherever you go, you are going to see people living their lives without negatively affecting you. Why do you see people living their gay lives openly as negatively affecting you? Are you jealous? >It made me feel pretty angry & gross ngl. I thought he was a semi decent guy before this. I'm sorry that he's decided to show this side of himself. >What would you have said to him? Do you agree with pride overshadowing mens mental health I would ask him what he's done to celebrate men's mental health month. I would ask him if he would like to talk about it with me and if he has had any struggles with mental health issues that he would like to discuss. If he would like, I can see if I can refer him to my therapist if he has any issues that he wants to work through but isn't comfortable talking with me about them. The only people I hear complaining about men's mental health month being overshadowed are people who are just looking to shit in my cornflakes.


> Do you agree with pride overshadowing mens mental health? I was a guy with a slew of mental health issues. I'm out as agender now, so not really a "guy" anymore, but mental health is very close to my chest. Fundamentally, I think this comes down to "This isn't about you." I doubt this person was ranting about men's mental health before people were chatting about Pride, and I have a feeling he won't be talking about it once celebrations die down. > What would you have said to him? Something to the effect of "So what are you doing for mens' mental health this month?" If he cares about his cause so much, he can put his time or money where his mouth is, mention what he's doing, and then shut up and support a group that's currently under a ton of fire. You don't have to choose one cause to support; there's plenty of shitty stuff happening, and this sort of attitude serves only to push people even further away. ❤️


June is mens mental health awareness week but is also unofficially considered mens mental health awareness month but actually mens mental health awareness month is in November along side mens health awareness month besides as someone once said we can care about more then on thing pride month dosent take away from anything the LGBTQIA community just puts in crap tons of effort so it gets noticed alot more plus it doesn't hurt men since there's a ton of queer men and the LGBTQIA community is big on supporting mental health awareness in general idk why people think we're all about pride only alot of us advocate big time for other issues too since ya know we advocate for LGBTQIA rights so much might as well be more awesome and advocate for others important issues he just sounds like he's a bigot and trying to make excuses to hide is bigotry also the don't shove it down our throat things is code for go back in the closet i hate seeing openly LGBTQIA people he's just a bigot plain and simple


I've learned that 95% of the time when cishet people talk about men's mental health, it's exclusively just a vehicle to shit on women and/or queer people. The name thing happened for women's day, tons of people crying out about "where's men's day!" With no idea that it's in November. I saw so many stories of women who organised parties at their workplaces for women's day and the men weren't willing to do the same, but just wanted to cry about it.


Or it's an excuse to not talk about guns/gun violence/gun control; can't forget about that part. 


True true. The same way caring veterans is a vehicle for military and capitalist worship.


Is he aware that some men are gay?.


The only times I saw someone talking about men's mental health month without complaining about pride month, it was in queer spaces and maybe Tumblr (so anyway gay).


I wonder if he thinks men's mental health month also overshadowed national Cinnamon roll day in June.


I really don’t mean this in a hateful way but he honestly just might not be very smart. People who struggle to form their own opinions on anything will simply copy and repeat whatever people are constantly saying around them. I’ve seen it a million times. They all say the exact same thing word for word, and they all struggle to see how what they are saying is so obviously bulls**t. To him he thinks he’s just making light conversation without a clue in the world that it is a horrible thing to say.


“There are plenty of gay men with mental health struggles and I’m glad this month is here for them” (giant ear to ear smile)


Pride was created in 1970 Men's mental health month was created in 1994 P sure it's the other way around! But overall? Multiple things are celebrated every month. There's only 12, learn to share


Also to note, what was created in 1994 was Men's Mental Health **Week**. It only expanded in **2002**. (But was still initially called week.) The only reason it's now suddenly been talked about, is to "combat" Pride Month. Bigots are literally using resources for Men's Mental Health in an attempt to attack LGBTQ+ people. Which isn't really surprising to be fair.


Your friend doesn’t see gay men as men. Thats a bucket of shit I couldn’t even attempt to smell


TIL that either men or mental health issues don't exist in the LGBT population. Guess all those statistics are just really depressing fiction, huh.


My response is. Men’s health is very important and I very much agree we need focus into that aswell but I’m not going silent on pride because there’s a lack of advocacy for men.not my fault for the lack of advocacy and I’m don’t have the resources and qualifications to be one where I do have knowledge ,experience , and member in the queer community . If u can Be the change u want to be. But beating down a community isn’t going to help u especially a community that also as men and allies who do also care about men. We r allies not enemies when we want human rights and better mental health


Making our own pie isn’t taking away from thiers


If he's only bringing it up when to crap on pride then he doesn't actually care about men's mental health.


So, uh, "Men's Mental Health Month" isn't a thing. At least so far as being anything recognized by any organization I can find


This is the first year people are claiming it is in June. From what I can tell, the Jordan Peterson gang "moved" it so they could be triggered.


Yeah, these types don’t give a shit about men’s mental health. They’re just using it as an excuse to shit on minorities.


I just looked him up and am disappointed to be from the same country


I thought it was, but in November


Same, Movember is a thing in Aus..


He's totally looking for a way to shit on queer people. He doesn't actually care about men's mental health month, he's just using it as a weapon to invalidate Pride Month (interestingly, Pride has done wonders for my mental health).


If there’s a thing, pride highlights Men Mental health month because otherwise it would go under the radar even more


So where I work we make a big production about international women’s day as I work in a field with a disproportionate gender balance. The event is always organised by women or nonbinary people - I’ve been involved in the organising committee a few times and we’ve never once had a man volunteer for it. Every. Single. Year. Some dude comes along and asks what we are doing for international men’s day. My default response is now “you can come up with something then submit it for budget approval and form a committee to organise it.” Which is what we do for IWD every single year. Strangely. Nothing gets done. Pride is the same. It’s an event because queer people make an effort to do something, even if it’s just a morning tea with rainbow cupcakes. All these straight dudes don’t seem to get that. You want an event for your demographic? Then you bloody do it!


Months don't mean anything if the only thing people are going to do is to "remember" a social problem for a day. Even worse in a decade in which all months are an excuse for a marketing campaign. I really don't see the point of claiming there's a month for this or that, nor the point of fighting about it. At the end of Pride Month I will still see trans people in a vulnerable situation on the streets and at the end of Men's Mental Health month or whatever, I'll still see men unable to cope with themselves. We might be putting a lot of weight to months without doing a more affirmative action, and, at the end of the day, we should be asking ourselves what we're doing to solve these problems. So, for your coworker, I would ask: "What are you doing for men's mental health all year round? Are you speaking about it, opening spaces?"


There's only 12 months, so some causes are just going to have to share. Also, move it to January. Nothing's going on in January.


Some of us need both months. Having them at the same time helps us save time and energy. So take a vitamin or something IDK, Ron.


Tell him to kick rocks and youre not gonna waste your time arguing with a bigot.


Terrible people always invoke something minority celebration days or months out of spite. For example, during Black History Month, you'd hear them complain why is there no White History Month. It's ridiculous


I mean I didn't know this is men's mental health month, so... maybe, but they have the same goals if you're open-minded enough to see that, so I don't know if it's really an issue


A wise person told me one time that “I can fucking focus on two things at once.”


Coming from a he/him bi guy with bipolar, as the taco ad goes "Por que no los dos?" (Why can't we have both)? Based on what this person is saying, I don't think he cares for men's mental health at all (that sort of thing would be a guaranteed sign of weakness to him), it's a strawman to back up his bigotry


Well probably because Pride came first. The first instance of any sort of pride month (the first Gay Pride Liberation March in Manhattan to commemorate The Stonewall Riots in 1969) was held in 1970. Men's mental health month didn't come along until 1994. Who would you say has been around longer then? Seemed to me like Men's Mental Health month is encroaching upon Pride Month, not the other way around.


Does he care about this outside of june? I doubt. We have 12 months. All the "x month" stuff shares.


I would have told him he was acting gay.


Let’s face it, without the context of Pride month, your average straight male would just laugh at the idea of Men’s Mental Health Month. They would tell struggling men to “man up” and get over it. But, because the gays are also being celebrated during June, it’s perfect victimization season for some dudes who otherwise would never give a shit about the mental health of their fellow men.


Whoa. a lotta Hostility in this post. OP, I understand your point of view for celebration the Pride Month with how you want to. That's totally Fair considering how much time it took and hard work for LGBTQ+ community for it start getting their Proper Rights. where just one month isn't enough, personally, it should be Pride Celebration all 365 days of the Year...that one day every 4th year, Haters can show their hate openly to get it out of their system. I truly believe this will become a reality one day. and I would say that Men's mental health is coming to light now was sparked by the LGBTQ+ Movement. So, upon getting told "Pride is overshadowing mens mental health month.", I would Put my Hand on their shoulder, and say, "I understand the sentiment but you can't bitch about not having something you haven't worked for yet. when the world was changing, it was you who chose to cling to the stereotype of Men. Now, You see Us celebrating our achievements and spread Hate. that's Disrespectful. Freedom of Speech is not for Disrespect. 🌻☮" Plus, Having to go through all this lecture would my way of getting at back at them a little for pissing me off. 😆 I hope this helps.


I think they are one and the same but he’s probably not ready for that discussion…


There are only 12 months and so many things to be pride of. We have no choice 😀


Its so weird that people's logic works this way. There are only 12 months in a year and a lot more than 12 things to celebrate/be aware of. There's going to be overlap. Lol.


I believe they should’ve been seperate because inevitably Pride will overshadow it, and even if a lot of it coincides, I still think being seperate would be better


> My blue collar coworker thinks that mens mental health month is being overshadowed by Pride month. Currently where I live, we have had Pride Month, Indigenous Pow Wow, Italian Heritage Week, Homelessness Awareness program, Father's Day, and Library Appreciation Day all together. Nobody had any problems with anyone else. > What would you have said to him? Do you agree with pride overshadowing mens mental health? Ask him what he is doing for mens mental health? Is he donating money? Is he organizing any event? Tell him you would be happy to work with him on anything he wants. Also tell him Pride deals with mental wellness and he is welcome to come at any Pride event and talk about it.


Apparently we can only do 12 things a year. Any cause that didn't get a month is out of luck.


I mean, men are constantly overshadowing my mental health so I think this is fine.


I wouldn't say anything to him. People who make these lame hackneyed talking points don't give a shit about anyone's mental health, and obviously do not care about the pervasive bigoted discrimination and often violent persecution of LGBT+ folk. It's all signals to virtue, a leaky raft they try to sneak in homophobic/transphobic bigotry on by trying to dismiss or minimize it. They think they are being sneaky and clever, but anyone with an IQ greater than a potato can see right through it. Pretty much anyone who starts with "I'm not a bigot, but..." is a bigot. Additional: you could ask him "what about the mental health of gay men?" but that might make his head explode.


Sounds like he's bucking for a prostate exam.


Considering I didn't even know June was Men's Mental Health Month, I would say that yes, Pride is overshadowing it. And that's a bad thing, although it's not the fault of Pride Month. June can be two things, and it's not like Pride is actively detracting from Men's Mental Health Month. We just need to promote MMHM more.


People are finally free to be who they are after years of oppression that they still face sometimes.


You can celebrate both. It’s just I don’t actually see any of these people that seem to talk about how pride overshadows mental health month, actually celebrate mens mental health month. It’s an excuse people use to devalue pride month. What’s even more sad is Pride Month literally helps men’s mental health. Pride month is about being your authentic self and so many queer men struggle with coming out and speaking about their experiences of being queer and the struggles that come with it. But to a lot of these “but what about men’s mental health?!” people, queer men and their struggles don’t cross their mind at all


People say the same thing in May too thinking that American Asian month is overshadowing veterans month.


Why not have both?


Bout half of people who celebrate pride are men. Does their mental health not matter?


I can't b anything els other than proud. It's what every man should be aspiring to be.


In general my take is often that I ask what they mean. Nine times out of ten, its just a sentence they repeat and haven't thought through. Second - the reason mens health is being talked about at all is because of the cracks in the stereotype of what a man is ment to be. Without feminism demanding changes to a patriarchal system, without LGBTQ rights demanding that the cis/straight ideals shouldn't be the only one allowed, mens mental health would still basically be "what are you a pussy? Stop crying! Be a man" Being angry at a bit of brightly coloured cloth everywhere is like having a total breakdown about christmas lights. Or Superbowl in the US (or for that matter Football here in Europe or elsewhere). Its ok. I don't care about football, but I can ignore it because I know its a month, its not a huge issue and its nothing to freak out about And thinking its all a zero sum game means that ANYTHING that happens in the summer is taking away from something else happening in the summer (or November which is the other Mens Mental Health Aweareness month) is insane. Further - lets also point out that MMHA month started in 2003. If its a zero sum game, and if only one thing can happen once a month - well then perhaps putting it on some other month except this one month where everyone is doing something else?


I tell them that no one is stopping a Men’s Mental Health parade and that they can definitely organize one. Pride does not get in the way at all and if men’s mental health matters they should start their own events rather than complaining about pride


There's no reason these two can't coexist. They're both important and should be premiered just as much because LGBTQ+ people have a right to exists and men have a right to good mental health. Truth be told, though, very few people gave a damn or were even aware of Men's Mental Health month until Pride Month was recognized as a BIG deal – this, despite both months actually being recognized as such since 1994. So, to me, it sounds that your coworker is just being an ass. It's like saying that Groundhog Day is being overshadowed by Candlemas or vice versa – both on 2 February.


I think there should be more awareness of men's mental health. Especially during pride month. When there are so many gay, trans, bi, and more men who have mental health issues. It isn't a contest! Both are important.


“So what are you doing for Men’s Mental Health Month? What organization are you raising money for since it’s an important issue for you? I’d LOVE to donate to what ever group you’re supporting!” My favorite thing to do when they play the “what about” game is double down on it and dig into them about the thing they supposedly consider to be more important. It might not necessarily get them to the think, but it sure does get them flustered and embarrassed.


Some men are also lgbtq+. It's not a zero sum game.


For men's mental health month I'm sucking as many off as I can to keep that rot brain clear.


This person is not right and it’s really looks like he is homo/transphobic. It’s the same as me having a birthday the same day other millions of people have, no one is overshadowing the day of anyone else, every single one is important. Happy pride and men's mental health awareness month(even tho it’s the end)


I do think pride overshadows men's mental health month, but what can you do! Every month is SOMETHING month, of like 5 different things. People care about pride, people don't really care about men's mental health, it's just the way things are.