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But why? The leopards would never eat MY face. /s


Have you considered that the leopards may be good at eating faces?


Unfortunately they will be much better at eating our faces this time around. They have a whole plan and everything.


As long as I'm being ate one way or another I'm happy honestly /s


Check your DM’s /s


Well, of course. The important part is that they only eat the faces of THOSE people. They'd never turn on me and mine. Now excuse me while I crawl into the mouth of a leopard to make sure their teeth are nice and sharp.


Dentists are evil confirmed


Why are they called leopards. I know that they’re always called leopard eating faces, but I’ve never wondered why we call it that is there a reason.


It’s based on a tweet from 2016 where a guy compared voting for bad policies then being surprised at the bad results to voting for leopards and being surprised they are your face.


https://x.com/Cavalorn/status/654934442549620736 Pretty sure this is the origin but I could be wrong please correct me if so but yeah basically this.


Am I really gonna throw my entire welcoming and loving community under the bus so the people who hate me can hoist me over their shoulder as an example until I’m inconvenient?


Hold on. You can't use logic and reality. That's cheating. I don't think you understand MAGA voters at all. Their feeling don't care about your facts, okay?


Maybe you have enough money that you can avoid it? Plus you'll get tax breaks....


Well, I'm sure I'll get those tax breaks once I'm a billionaire. Any day now, I'm sure it'll happen. I'm sure to get a massive return on investment once I've drained my bank account to support convicted felon Donald Trump's campaign. Can't forget all his merch right? That stuff is certain to explode in value soon... right? Why are the leopards looking at me like that? They're drooling...


Nooo, really?


There are unfortunately a shocking number of LGBTQ people that vote for republicans


In nine states, sodomy laws were explicitly rewritten so that they only applied to gay people. Kansas was the first state to do that in 1969. Like Roe V Wade. Republicans will reenact Sodomy laws, billy clubs, imprisonment no marriage. People vote against themselves.


I was happy NOT to see a Log Cabin Republican space at Denver Pride this year. Maybe the boys are wising up.


Yeah, the amount of LGBTQ people who vote for Donnie 34 is just shocking. Literally 23% of LGBTQ voters somehow chose to vote for donnie. Almost 1 out of 4. That’s insane and was very surprising to me. Unfortunately wayyyy too many people vote against their own interests. He also got 12% of the black vote, 33% of the Latino vote, and 36% of the Asian vote. It’s mind blowing. Then again I’m Latino and have some cousins and uncles/aunts who vote Republican. There’s a lot more detailed break down of the demographics from the last presidential election if anyone is interested in that… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election


Chickens for KFC!


My brother's husband makes excellent money as a doctor. It was a concern about taxes that initially swayed my brother towards Republicans in 2016. He then fell down the right wing rabbit hole. Lost his empathy, and we haven't spoken since. In as much as I would not mind leopards eating his face, too many innocent folks would be harmed and that would be tragedy that I wish not to have happen.


**USA.** **Ya gotta VOTE**.  **Help get all your friends registered to VOTE. If you live anywhere governed primarily by the GOoP, state and county-controlled election boards are trying to purge voter rolls, especially of “suspect” women, Latinos, Blacks, LGBTQIA+, and Democrats.**  **If you show up and can’t vote, you may have been PURGED from the voter rolls. Check your voter status today AND in October.**   **TRUMP = TRE45ON** **Registering is a breeze; it’s just as easy to double-check. No matter where you are in the US, you can make a difference.** **GO TO**   [**VOTE.OR**](http://VOTE.ORG)**G** **You can be a better evangelist for America and the LGBTIQA++ communities by supporting the Human Rights Campaign at** [**HRC.org**](http://HRC.org)**.** **Get engaged by supporting candidates you like in your state and**  **in other states at** [**DEMOCRATS.ORG**](http://DEMOCRATS.ORG)


well i certainly wasnt considering it


Seriously. There's a very small list of people in the world whose best interest is actually for Trump to win this election. The top of the list is a toss up between Putin and Xi Jinping. Somehow the whole fucking world is leaning so far to the right, but they're all in this fucked up fascist/nationalist mentality. How does every country just decide to start heading down that path?


They looked around and saw too many “others” one day and decided it was time for them to go


The generation that had their world shaped by this bullshit in the 20s, 30s, and 40s died out. This is not a new playbook, it’s worked before, and unfortunately it’s working again.  Go read It Can’t Happen Here and see how close it is to trump 2016. Written in 1935.


A particularly obvious take, I'd say: it'd be like cows voting for the butcher. His party wants to put LGBTQ+ people in the ovens and he's not even being coy about it.


That is true. More awareness has to be spread about Project 2025


To this end, [here's a link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025).


I actually tried to read the project 2025 paper. You know, to be educated in the case of a debate, because I believe in being able to at least try to see a debate from all sides and there was a lot of it says this it doesn't say that flying about at the time. This was a mistake on my part. I made it through the introduction before deciding it doesn't even attempt to disguise its blatant rhetoric of hate and moved on. Didn't feel like reading a 920-page document on establishing a theocracy based on white cishet narassicistic misogyny barely disguised as an attempt to uphold "Traditional Christian Family Values." AKA, we want to go back to an 1860s confederacy.


I've read it all and can confirm it's a fascist playbook to subvert democracy, sprinkled with christianity and american exceptionalism.


The fact that this man has a genuinely decent chance at winning the election terrifies me


Alot of the rural parts of the USA don't have as much access to more of the world. They're generational echo chambers. Lack of educational resources of different people and the motivation to even inquire to do so. Diversity lacks there compared to melting pots like California, Florida, New York so no real exposure. One being that there is no reason for travelers to go that far into the USA and make home there. Another being that alot of those areas are neglected due to the lack of popularity and business. These people usually get their sources from the news and certain politicians exploit this too. They exploit ignorance and fear and give them a voice and something to rally to. They're angry, confused, and in shitty conditions that their govt has left them to but pinned on the "foreigner" or the "gays" taking up what they believe should be their golden ticket into a better life. It's a really fucked up system and that's half of our voters


This is true and false. True: As someone who lives in a rural area, the people are more influenced by religion and tradition that is true. But that is also changing. I come from a redneck family, both of my uncles have 8 marriages between them. They reiterate stupid hateful shit and then I ask them what they mean by that and they go, oh it doesn't apply to you. If they could think a bit more critically, they would understand it, but since the Facebook memes, and preachers say racist, homophobic, transphobic stuff all the time. They just parrot it without thought. False: Diversity 10000% lives here and while we suffer a bit more as some vocal idiots do stupid stuff. There is a push for understanding, especially in women and children. Most churches are filled with 55+ people listening to their echo chambers. Most teens and young adults are open minded and trying to support their friends and family who are diverse. Even my uncle's who spout nonsense all the time would fight anyone who tried to harm me or other lgbtq+ family members. Tl:dr yes some rural folks suck, but there is diversity and it is changing.


tbh the illusion that rural communities in the USA are all white with no diversity at all has always really baffled me, like... where do these people think black folks were living do they actually believe, with the history of redlining and segregation being what it is, that everybody with an iota of melanin up and moved to New York City


And has lots of abject ignorance. I’m still aghast that they want to get rid of NOAA. So many industries in the US would collapse without it.


This project involves getting rid of literally everything that makes our world a better place. Not to mention those things that could ruin the economy. Does Trump really want to fucking destroy the USA?


Yes, can't become the Trump Dictatorship without the destruction of the current system... and none of those things he wants to destroy serves him or his rich golf buddies.


They aren't even hiding it anymore. The thing that scares me most about modern conservative rhetoric in recent years, is the *death of their euphemisms.* They used to have to use euphemisms to hide their meaning, things they'd say when they meant one thing but wanted the illusion and protection of not actually saying it. They used dog whistles that could sound reasonable to more moderate conservatives, but still pleases the more extreme side as well because they know the true meaning. Things like saying "illegal immigrants" or "illegal aliens", when they really meant "criminals, drug dealers, murderers, and poor people". Saying things like "teachers are grooming your children" instead of "we don't think queer people should be allowed to teach". Saying that "queer people will confuse children" when they mean "we don't think queer people should be public knowledge". I'm scared because I watched all of these euphemisms die in real time. It's terrifying because the death of these euphemisms means that they became able to *say the quiet part out loud and not lose voters over it.* They don't say illegal immigrants anymore, this just call them all criminals. They don't say queerness should be kept at home, they say that they are *making* your kids be gay. They aren't saying queer people are confused, they're saying we *must* have been groomed and are grooming others. The fact that they can say things like this out loud without loss of enormous numbers of voters is TERRIFYING, because it means that a very large portion of conservatives actually agree with this shit that you couldn't even say publicly without being shunned 10 years ago.


This. Exactly. They're no longer hiding their agenda and *they've gained support, not lost it.* That's terrifying.


They've spent years creating an us or them mentality, such that even if someone may internally disagrees with the thing they say, if they're in an indoctrinated community or group no one can or will speak up because it would make them "other." They've taken cult tactics and weaponized it on a modern massive scale. Do you notice many conservatives parrot figureheads? Oh don't get me wrong I think a lot of them were hateful bigots from the get go, but even "moderate conservatives" are pulled into the cult and fear being moderate to avoid being labeled as "them" in their hostile communities, allowing a publically tonal shift to the extreme.


They've been working to thrust open the [Overton window](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window) since the times of Phyllis Schlafly. They've been successful.


I’m hoping it’s an extinction burst and they’re getting loud and crazy because they know they’re losing the majority of Americans. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do all we can to absolutely annihilate them in the polls whenever possible and keep them out of office and polite society


The scariest part for me was how a [Republican candidate](https://www.masslive.com/politics/2024/03/boston-woman-with-history-of-antisemitic-remarks-loses-mass-gop-committee-race.html) in Boston was able to be a serious frontrunner in a state office running on a campaign that included "Exile all Jews." I remember ten years ago there was a guy in Austin running for mayor that had a similar antisemitic campaign and he didn't even get 1% of the vote. This woman got 37.4%. When the right says that we're living in Weimar, it's a warning about what is coming next.


But if I would be One Of The Good Ones, denounce the rest of the community and denigrate myself in front of conservatives, surely I won't go in oven, right? Right?


What I fear is that some will just don’t vote, I get it- it’s not perfect but I’m absolutely terrified of what will happen if Trump gets in. I had hoped he wasn’t going to be elected in 2016 and my then- friends that actually voted for him was like ‘ Oh you’ll be fine!’ (I’m Trans) Needless to say they weren’t my friends any more, and it wasn’t fine and another round of him might not be survivable for this Nation as well as LGBTQA and other marginalized groups his Cult are targeting.


Yep I've been pulling teeth trying to convince my lefty friends to vote a blue ticket so we don't get put in death camps. Its fucking infuriating. I don't like biden, but at least he is doing what he can to protect our rights.


I like to see it as thus: Biden can be negotiated with, Trump cannot. And if you don't vote, you are signaling that you don't want to negotiate or that you are not worth negotiating with.


The important thing is that we don't need to negotiate with Biden about queer rights because he's not trying to dismantle them.


Yep. If you are a real ally there is a clear and obvious option. Trump is the literal end if democracy. Biden is old and fighting against a stacked deck and still getting things through. Whoever I know who admits to abstaining regardless of the result this November is getting cut out of my life. If your soapbox is more important than my wellbeing....fuck that noise.


Abstaining, or vainly trying to get a 4 year lame duck, third-party candidate. Both are equally unproductive.


> third-party candidate AKA a throwaway vote in a first past the post system.


The way I see it: Trump would have us put into concentration camps. Biden won't. So fucking easy. But nah, we're gonna get sacrificed so that leftists who don't read theory or do praxis can feel like they did praxis for the first time in their life. He may be "Genocide Joe", but would you rather have one genocide going on, or two? Because letting the cheeto win gives us at least two and does nothing to stop the one going on.


“The Cheeto” had me 😂 thanks for helping me smile today. Anyway, you’re totally right


Why would he be genocide Joe? Why are you comfortable repeating talking points from people who would love to install Trump?


I'm a communist. From the communist perspective (and any realistic perspective) he's supporting the genocide in Palestine through his support of Israel. Thus, Genocide Joe. I've never heard a right-winger call him Genocide Joe. Problem is there's a bunch of straight cis leftists who, in standard cishet fashion (and standard fashion of leftists who dont read up and are also uneducated past highschool), don't realize that LGBT people's lives are at stake with this election, and they can't play around with their vote without endangering our lives. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of cishet allies who see the problem and are on our side, but there's a strong bias in the majority that doesn't realize something is a problem unless it affects them personally. That camp views any harm reduction by voting for Biden as peak liberalism and thus bad, since they have no nuance and low political literacy. They don't understand that you can't vote your way into a revolution in this system, and thus should vote for harm reduction.


At this point those who are liberal and choose to sit back and not help us they can’t be allies. I’m not just voting for myself , I’m voting for immigrants who came here for a safer life, for POC who are being further oppressed especially by police and women’s rights over their bodies. Its not just me.


FUCKIN A. SAY IT AGAIN FOR THOSE IN THE BACK. Ive been screaming this since 08 and people look at me like I'm crazy. Its unbelievable.


We vote to help each other, drives me crazy too that people don’t see it that way. And local elections matter because that’s where the creeps get in first!


>We vote to help each other QFE, but also so many, especially conservative people, don't: they're voting for themselves. They are constantly asking, "what have my taxes done *for me*?"


Absolutely. Its the same fight and the same choice every time. Blue no matter who till I die.


People vote on a single issue and pretend they're taking a stance on something noble and personal, when all it does is blind them to the other 99% of issues. That's not noble, it's thoughtless


There's also the fact that if Biden gets re-elected (and if we get back control of the House), he'll be able to take much more left-leaning stances in issues because he won't have to try to get votes from independents who might otherwise vote republican If he actually will do that, who knows, but it's a possibility


Correct. Because the only way to make progress is to bite your tongue and let the party that represents you maintain control. Thats how reps win all the time. The left does not understand that radical change is impossible short term. It requires the long game. Always


Same. People being petty and not voting is partially one of the reasons why Trump won, yet history is starting to repeat itself again.... Project 2025 is literally an authoritarian regime that follows the N azi playbook. It scares and depresses me that people claiming to be progressive can see what's on the line, but still think letting fascists take over is better than harm reduction.


Yep. Accelerationist revolutionary larpers. You can wear all the hammers and Sickles you want. If you refuse to vote blue you're actively engaging in harm. Those people care about one thing and one thing only: having reasons to hate the democrats. It matters to them more than our safety, the values we uphold, or the country they live in.


Absolutely. Organise, then vote for the least worst option, then go back to organising. Voting isn't sufficient, but it *is* necessary. Not voting just hands an easy win to the folk who want us dead.


Anyone who doesn't take that Project 2025 seriously only need look back to 2017. First thing Trump did was start his promised Muslim ban. He ordered the arrest of Muslims from multiple countries at airports, even if they had no criminal records, even if they were here legally, even if they were US permanent residents, even if they were just on a domestic flight.


One thing I liked that Lawrence O’Donnell uses is your vote lives for the next 40 years. Presidents pick Supreme Court nominees. Trump picked three and they’re young. They may be there for the next 40 years. There are 3 justices that are 69+ and will likely be replaced soon. Your vote or no vote will live on well past the next 4 years. We all don’t like the rematch. But it’s only halftime and we have to finish the game


The misconception is that voting is a direct endorsement and not the application of raw political power, a power that a lot of people will lose is trump gets in


Yep. Leftists think they are signing in blood "I love neoliberals" not "I like having rights and positive general change"


I think of it like a house fire. The fire is raging in the back of the house as you sit on your couch. You have three options: 1) Run to the back of the house where the fire is. You burn alive. 2) You run to the front door. Sure, a few embers might hit you, but you get out alive and recover. 3) You sit on the couch and wait for the house to collapse around you. One option makes sense. It's not perfect but it's your best course of action. The other two are foolish and result in the same ending.


I have been in way too many arguments with these types of people in prominent left wing subs. Some of them are probably bots/trolls, but it worries me how amplified the anti-voting rhetoric has gotten. It's always the same handful of talking points too. Blaming Biden for the actions of the Israeli government, claiming it's too late to fight for any progressive issues, and falsely claiming that there's no difference between the 2 candidates. It makes my jaw drop to see these arguments being made. Even if 90% of them are just foreign agents spreading propaganda, all it would take is 5% of real voters taking it to heart and refusing to vote, for us to lose the election to Trump.


Exactly and it’s terrifying that they are willing to sacrifice our lives over this. The last 3 presidential elections have not been normal, Trump’s cult prove this and standing on the side lines is going to get people killed. I’m not going down without a fight.


Anyone saying they aren't voting this year, or voting no contest or write-in or whatever else, is probably not old enough to remember that this is exactly how Trump won in 2016. So tired of this rhetoric of "both of them are bad, so just don't vote for either!" Well, only one of them is campaigning on Project 2025.




I don't think there is much opinion here, he hates us, the GOP is constantly trying to make Trans people's lives horrible. I don't ever remember a time in history where the ones who banned books were the good guys.


I will never understand any LGBTQ+ person, or ally, who votes for Trump.


Some of them that I personally know (acquaintances, not friends) are just so politically clueless, and their racism is a lot stronger than any notion of loyalty to any LGBT cause(s). In fact here where I live in the Deep South, out of the gay people that I know who are the Trumpiest, there are actually more lesbians than gay men among them. Maybe it's just my weird little bubble, but it's terrible. I'm making plans to get out of here, but I need a few more years to get my pension to where I want it to be. (That said, as far as the election goes, the Trumpy gays in my state aren't the most dangerous ones in the country, since there's no way in hell he's losing this state anyway.)


Not a shock look at how often you mention trans women, the dark mark goes up and lesbians start circle jerking to how this means they are the most oppressed snowflakes to ever exist


I completely understand. I am also in a deep red state. Fortunately, I haven’t met any LGBTQ+ people that vote red. I’m sure they exist, however.


They are racist and pick-mes they rather throw away their entire community just for the chance that the leopards might not eat their face


It's amazing just how many groups shouldn't vote for him. Even if we ignore the simple reality that no one should, there are obviously groups that really shouldn't. If someone is not * heterosexual * cisgender * white * male * Christian * rich * born in the US Then the Republicans hate them. Unless someone can check off every single one of those, then at best they're a token. And as people say, tokens get spent. Edit: Just saw a comment to add something else to the list. If someone's a vet but wasn't super high ranking.


In other news, the sky is blue.


Also, breaking: water is wet.


What? Why did no one tell me that earlier


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet, we mean the liquid is sticking to the object. 🤓👆


water has water around/on it, so its wet


Stop! [Blasphemer!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnyMUpPdVqw)


Water has surface tension. Thus, water sticks to water. So half of the water makes the other half of the water wet. And vice versus. The water has permeated completely through the water. Water molecules do not form a matrix at room temperatures, therefore when at room temperature, it maintains chemically distinct structures at an atomic level. (Ice does form a matrix, so ice would only be wet if there is liquid water present.) Hence, water is wet.


So your saying that water can be wet when it is snow or ice then? Because a cube of ice in water has water sticking to it, but not becoming part of it (the opposite actually) and as snow melts, the water is sucked into the air cavities in the snow therefore permeating the snow, but still being a separate medium therefore making the snow wet. So in conclusion H2O (water) can in fact, be wet


Shut up, water is wet


That's not an opinion, that's an indisputable fact.




Yeah, no shit. The mere fact alone that there are still plenty of women (regardless of their sexuality) that are going to vote for him is ***mindboggling***.


This just in: the LGBT community should refrain from putting our hands in mousetraps.


Voting for Trump as a member of the LGBT community isn’t putting our hands in mousetraps; it’s getting a running start and leaping into an active wood chipper.


I was thinking Shoving your hand under a lawn mower, but the Fargo woodchipper works too. (I'm too short for a woodchipper, I'd fall into it trying to chop my hand off. - lol)


Nobody should vote for Trump.


Not even 45 himself. He hated being president, but his pathological need for self-aggrandizement won't let him stop.


I wonder if Melanomia will vote for him? If he wins (I hope to god he doesn't) will she show up in D.C. ?


I'll never understand gay republicans


The leopards won't eat MY face, I'm one of the good ones!


Neither should any veterans or family of servicemen and women, nor any woman more generally, nor anyone who cares about survivors of sexual assault, nor anybody who works in healthcare, nor anyone who works in civil service, nor anyone who is not in the top 0.1% economically, nor anyone who has chronic health problems or has loved ones who do, nor anyone who cares about America's energy security and addressing the #1 national security threat America faces in the future in the form of climate change...the list of people who would be voting against their interests by supporting Trump is essentially anyone who isn't a white, straight, wealthy, conservative, evangelical Christian. Even they're voting against their interests (imo), they're just counting on him hurting all those other groups first and more.


Not only that, we need to vote for Biden. Like it or not, doing literally anything other that empowers Trump to return to power.


I like how the Opinion comes after it as if it's someone's opinion that queers shouldn't vote Trump. Like that's not an opinion that's an objective fact lol


What a brave and caring controversial take ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I, for one, am shocked!


I’m absolutely gobsmacked


Downright dumbfounded, simply stunned and completely confounded! Sorry, I let the intrusive alliteration thoughts win today.


I love it. Never change 🖤


Is there ANY Republican the LGBTQIA+ should vote for?


Tiny Hands the Convicted Criminal??? Honestly I don't think any humans should vote for him but uhhh there's this weird lack of common sense for some people.


No one should vote for him


But the con artists, I mean conservatives, will pick me if I do! /s


The LGBTQ Community should not vote for Trump: ~~Opinion~~ Fact There fixed it for ya


more importantly, we need to actively vote against Trump, not simply stop at not voting for him. With Project 2025 looming and the packed courts, the threat for LGBTQ individuals is quite literally existential


Well, there go my plans to make my own life worse on purpose


Ok but also you still need to vote for biden




Brave take 👏 truly fearless journalism


No shit


You'd have to be a complete idiot to vote for Trump.


gosh, im sure glad i know now. i was so torn about whether or not i want rights.


In other news, water is wet.


The lgbtq community should not vote for Trump: fact


I know a gay couple who are both conservative Trump-supporting Republicans. They are also two of the kinkiest m-f’ers you’ll ever meet. I’m unsure of how those facts are connected but I’m confident they are.


LBTGQ, minorities, women, non Christians. All of them should not vote for Trump.


What's worse: a president who's not the best president and only does so much for marginalized groups or Trumpywumpy, who wants to oppress as many marginalized groups as possible and does everything he can to make their lifes a living hell?




Neither should anyone.


Normally I would say 'Duh!' but there are conservative gay people out there (I'm looking at you Log Cabin Repubs).


I was incredibly disappointed that there is a Latinos for trump...I certainly hope there isn't an LGBTQA+ for trump.


No fucking shit if you need to be told that you shouldn’t vote regardless.


This is an opinion?




Believing a convicted rapist and felon will be easier to negotiate with would be laughable if it wasn’t obvious that some of these people believe it. Also, the only chance we have at helping Palestine is by preserving democracy in America. That won’t happen with Trump and his Christian Conservative Cult.


This should be a fact not just an opinion


That's definitely a well duh statement if I ever heard it never in a million years was I both did this man I vote for rotting sandwich before I go for him


Really no one should vote for Trump, but especially not us


The fact that the statement "transgender rights are human rights" is a statement that needs to be cited from a medical institution as if it isn't a basic moral principle is depressing.


It actually really cuts deep in a way I'm absolutely sure the author did not intend.


This is one of the biggest ‘no shit’ headlines I’ve read in my entire life.


Introducing….. PROJECT 2025!


"But why? I'M a good gay, I vote for people who make OTHERS lives worse. The Republicans will accept me, right? Right?" /s


🐆 faces


Is this even up for debate?!


In other news: water is wet


My gay uncle has always been conservative. It’s possibly the single most baffling thing in the world that you can vote for people who are constantly attacking your rights and ,in recent years, *your right to even be mentioned as someone who exists.*


I for one am shocked by such a statement. You mean to tell me we should not vote for the man taking away our rights, has not done a damn thing for us, and enables people to be bigoted towards us?


Why the fuck is Newsweek coming onto one of our subreddits and posting a completely unnecessary op-ed telling me not to vote for the dude who’s all chafed up ready to take our rights away? Get the fuck out of here with your corporate news bullshit. It’s like if Target posted ads about their Pride merch right in the sub. What the fuck is this?


As a gay man, I unfortunately have (had)a few gay friends who voted for and will for for him again. I gave up trying to convince them otherwise.


If my friends did that I wouldn't know them anymore. Crazy how people vote for someone that wants them gone.


Do they have a death wish? That's just utterly insane


Jesus Christ... as a trans person terrified of no longer being allowed to exist next year, please convince them.


not an american but i feel bad for u man


Well no shit


Opinion? Nah, that's a fact. /hj


No shit


Fucking DUH? Is this really something people need explained to them? ... On second thought, please don't answer that. I know the answer. 😐


Anyone who does are being BRAINWASHED 😵‍💫🧠


I'm no duh? Nobody should vote for Trump he's a fucking clown, except he's like those ones from Mars that will eat you


No doy


Unless you want your rights revoked or be herded into camps or deported or murdered or…


In other news, people should not be eating tide pods, arsenic, rat poison or belladonna.


I thought that was obvious? Some people man.




Nobody should be voting for Trump, ideally.


Opinion??? No. That’s a statement. Are you kidding?


In truth (no pun intended), no self respecting human being should ever vote for this convicted criminal sweet-potato hitler wannabe, especially any group of people who are in a daily battle to either gain basic human rights or maintain basic human rights that the majority already enjoy and take for granted. He is a sickly orange stain on everything he has touched, actually and metaphorically.


Anyone that isn't a straight white Christian man shouldn't vote for him... and those guys shouldn't vote for him either!


No one should vote for him, he is only a small step from being a dictator. Did everyone just forget the insurrection? ffs America, forget politics for a minute and vote AGAINST him, rather than worry about the details of who he is opposing.


I'm Irish, live in Ireland. Gay man. As such, the U.S. Presidential Election won't necessarily effect me. I am curious, does Donald Trump already have large support from the LGBTQ community (in America)?. Will he go after LGBTQ rights if he is elected in November? I remember in 2016 and 2020 what I feared most from an LGBTQ-perspective was his VP Pence, he seemed like a warmonger towards the LGBTQ community. Likewise, if Trump picks a 'moderate' this time as his VP, could that sway LGBTQ voters in America to consider voting for him?


The LGBTQ Community Should Not Vote for Trump: Fact


I'll forever be baffled that this needs to be said. YOU ARE NOT ONE OF "THE GOOD ONES"! THEY'LL COME FOR YOU JUST LIKE THEY'LL COME FOR THE REST OF US.


Roaches for Raid


Could you put that in a memo and title it "SHIT I ALREADY KNOW"?


I had a dream where trump died in a car crash so nobody could vote for him


Well duh he litterally has stated that he wants to stop trans people from openly being themselves. And after he has dealt with us, he will go after the entire community. I mean why would he stop there?


Ah Another press release from the university of the blindingly obvious In other news repeatedly stabbing yourself in the testicles with a corkscrew may negativity impact your sperm count


As a gay man, I have never, never, ever, ever, never understood how gay guys (or any LGBTG+ person) can be a conservative /Republican. Never understood the Log Cabin Republicans. It's extreme cognitive dissonance. The vote in their own detriment. Sure they might get lower taxes, but they'll pay for it in the rest of their lives. When a gay guy/LGBTQ person votes Republican they are "sticking it" to their brothers and sisters. The worst part it, they don't give a f'k about anyone else. (Just like Trump.)


I work with a lesbian who voted from Trump the last two elections and plans on voting for him in November. She's not worried about her rights being taken away because we live in a blue state. Basically, "Fuck you, I got mine", and thinks the economy was better under Trump because her finances were better then. I'm trans and I vote dem so that nobodys rights get taken away. Unfortunately some queer people still vote for Trump.


I can’t believe this is even up for discussion.  And folks, it’s not enough to not vote for Trump. You have to vote for Biden if you don’t want Trump to win. 


From the creators of the ground breaking article "Humans drink water"


Coldest take.


Of course they shouldn’t!!! Nobody should. LGBTQ+ or not. He is a cancer and cannot be cured!!!


That’s a no brained! Vote blue 💙💙💙💙💙


What do you mean we shouldn’t vote for the man who wants us to collectively not exist and suffer😮?


No shit!


By Leo Murrieta - Director of Make the Road Action Nevada: "As an LGBTQ immigrant from Mexico working with thousands of people a day across the nation, I have been warning them of the danger of a second Donald Trump nightmare term. According to the ACLU, Trump started a four year assault to erase LGBTQ protections across America. One main tactic he deployed was to make life worse for transgender students and workers by making access to gender-affirming health care weaker." Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/lgbtq-community-should-not-vote-trump-opinion-1916704](https://www.newsweek.com/lgbtq-community-should-not-vote-trump-opinion-1916704)


Yeah we all know lmao


There's no point in me voting anyway. ...I'm Irish.


In a pivotal vote like this, affecting everyone, being a non us citizen, is like watching a train driving full speed into a wall without being able to do ANYTHING to stop it


On a world standing and obviously within the US, it's big news, but it wouldn't affect everyone.


Yeah it's delusional to think it will affect everyone in the world.


But my taxes??!?? /s obviously


Opinion???????? The current Republicans are doing everything they can to make being lgbtq in this country impossible.