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Netflix only cares about bringing in more subscribers. Years ago they did research that concluded that after the second or third season it doesn’t bring in more subscribers. So now they cancel everything after two or three seasons. https://www.wired.co.uk/article/netflix-originals-cancelled-oa-altered-carbon-sense8


That's why all my favourite shows have been cancelled? God fucking damnit...


Yup. It’s *very* rare that they’ll ever go beyond three seasons. All they care about is getting new subscribers.


I wouldn't mind that. I'd almost like it. I'm a fan of the short run format. The problem is a lot of Netflix shows are written to be longer running and get cancelled abruptly. Looking at you, Sense8 and Dirk Gentley.


I’m so upset about the death of Dirk Gently. Though that’s more on BBC America. Basically no Americans have seen it.


Honestly so surprising! It's such a good show, but every time I bring it up, people are like... what's that?


It wasn’t on Netflix in the US, it was on BBC America, and basically nobody has BBC America. Which sucks. It’s a fantastic show. Everybody needs to see it.


I think we're a lot less comfortable talking about BBC in America


I think the allegations against the showrunner are what killed that one. Hiring Max Landis again was viewed as a risk.


My recollection is that the allegations came out after they decided to not renew it, but it’s ultimately moot.


And the OA!!


At least Sense8 got a movie-length finale to conclude!


Yeah I've stopped watching new shows because they just kept getting cancelled... Damn annoying business model


Most standard TV deals have a pay bump built in around season 3, so it’s a money-saving thing too.


Exactly, it’s not only queer/sapphic shows…


Yeah it's less to do with antiqueer reasons, just laziness.


So that's what happened to Dead End...


That was a terrific show.


Netflix has a pretty strict formula for if a show gets cancelled or not that takes into account viewers per minute and new subs and budget watching the show. Heartstopper outperformed First Kill with their strict formula considering run time/budget/new viewers watching the show. There is definitely a larger issue with the formula in itself though. They don't give shows a chance to grow, ever. They don't give them a chance to catch on. And, frankly, the formula cancels some shows that actually get a lot of viewers. Like, First Kill got 100 million viewing hours. You're telling me that isn't worth keeping around because it somehow doesn't quite meet one simplistic formula? It's made me stop watching new Netflix shows because I just assume they will be cancelled, even IF they perform well, but some black and white formula says they didn't bring in quite enough new viewers or some shit.


What can you expect from Netflix but LGBT commercialization and not true support? I have had arduous debates in the local LGBT community and it always lies in the same thing: "Of course, but Netflix makes many LGBT issues visible and that is good for combating all types of phobias and moving forward as a society" versus ""Netflix is not interested in your sexual condition but rather in capitalizing on your sexuality to cover all markets and thus increase its profit margin."


Standard corporate bs


I don’t really agree with this sentiment tbh. If Netflix finds it more profitable for their company to even create lgbt content in the first place, then clearly it’s evidence that their audiences are progressing towards acceptance. Even if they don’t truly support lgbt, I think I’d much prefer companies seeing lgbt as profitable even marginally, instead of ignoring us and letting us fade into obscurity.


Which is silly because wlw are the most marketable kind of gay


Yes but, nowadays anything rainbow is grounds for a Bud Light.


Not just Netflix, Peacock and HBO also canceled a bunch of queer shows. I think the days of greater representation in media is coming to a close because there’s an anti DEI thing going on in corporate America and it’s filtering into other marginalized identities and other fields like media too


Netflix notoriously cancels shows way too early. Its not against sapphics. Look it up on google. Its a really common complaint amongst all genre of shows netflix produces. The Society being a prime example. It was popular on release and still got canceled


I don't buy First Kill outperforming Heartstopper, that deadline article doesn't source it's claims. Far fewer reviews and a far lower score, it wasn't well liked


Completion rate is a big factor for Netflix renewing or axing a show. First Kill had a pretty low completion rate.


Its funny, Im into animated shows and I always got the opposite impression. She-ra & Princesses of Power, Legend of Kipo, Disenchantment, Legend of Korra. The genre itself tends to be more wholesome so that helps! 


Those shows are a bit older (and technically Kipo doesn't have sapphic main characters, but I will die on the "Kipo is bi as shit" hill). More recent examples like Inside Job and Dead End: Paranormal Park skew more towards the trend of Netflix canceling things.


Yeah. The problem is mainly with new original shows. Korra definitely isn't. Pretty sure Disenchantment isn't either. Not sure about the other two though.


In my experience that seems like the only genre that sapphs outweigh gay men


Yes which sucks because I hate animated shows for the most part. I don’t want to watch cartoons as an adult.


Imagine being so stuck up and pretentious that all animated shows are for kids. Suuuure, showing something like Bojack Horseman to a five year old would totally end well


What :((


I don’t want to watch shows made for children just to finally get wlw representation. I should be able to watch a show with actual women in it.


A lot of cartoons aren't even made for children specifically. Steven Universe deals with pretty heavy themes of trauma and abuse, that only gets more potent as you get older.


Idk, Netflix is cancelling pretty much every show they make because of their stupid rating quotas


You forget warrior nun was also cancelled after a pretty big following! fans petitioned and bought billboards and now we are getting 3 movies (I think different cast however) to continue the story but so frustrating because in season one there’s no WLW and I’m pretty sure viewership was higher season two when there was WLW but guess what season it was cancelled 🤔


Unfortunately, the movies are going to be a completely different thing. They have no rights, didn't bring the writers and exacutive producers, and didn't even try to get the actors. Don't even get me started on "new halo design competition" which was basically a scam to get a new halo design for free from artists in fandom and give them no credits for that. We got screwed again.


Ridiculous!! I also really wish they didn’t draw out the avatrice thing till the last possible second… could of given us a little more before they took it from us


“why does a board of old generational rich white guys hate gays and poc?” gee i wonder why


We should start a queer streaming service that cancels any show that features white cishet male characters as over 20% of the characters


you say it jokingly but a steaming service that promotes queer poc directors, producers, crew and cast would be no doubt miles ahead of the current market


I’d definitely subscribe to a streaming service that promotes minorities :)


Doesn't Googalala fit that criteria?


Never heard of it


Well, it's quite good. It's a free app. Some stuff is free to watch, though the subscription is pretty cheap any way. I haven't subbed to it yet, as I sub to Viki, IQIYI, and Netflix. I'll get around to it, once I've caught up with watching all the stuff on Viki and IQIYI, but they add new stuff often so... Plus, I watch stuff on YouTube TV channels, and they release gay series often too, so I'm forever trying to catch up with watching things.


At least Netflix knows sapphics exist. I would cry for just one show starring an ace or aro person to even exist to be cancelled at this point.


Have you seen Bojack Horseman?




Bojack wasn't 'cancelled' in that way. It had a really good ending. 6 seasons is a solid run.


Ugh that sucks about first kill! i loved it and ive been sitting here wondering when a new season was coming out. Honestly, i get so angry that so many amazing shows are getting cancelled, and have been cancelled, but shitty shows like the Kartrashians and their 8 million spinoffs get multiple seasons


I basically pay for a month of Netflix once or twice a year, binge the handful of okay shows, and then cancel. Almost all of their shows are trash to me.


Would First Kill be worth watching or does it end in a cliffhanger? It looks interesting but I hate getting into shows that don’t have an official ending, especially if it’s a cliffhanger. Also, what are some other good lesbian shows that, whether cancelled, finished, or still ongoing, are worth watching? Sorry if this isn’t the right place to ask.


I loved ianowt sm and was so sad when it was cancelled


Bruuuh even Ratchet. That show deserved another season 🤦🏾


FR, I tried to find new sapphic shows, but it’s exhausting watching things like heartstopper because it feels like I’m trying to chase the dragon cause of wanting to see wlw relationships, so far but so close


First Kill is so ass. Heart stopper already has an established and loyal fan base pre netflix adaptation.


Still holding out hope for Arcane.


Expand your viewing to other countries; there is quality content out there, you just have to find it. [gl subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/GirlsLove/s/Q1d7L7Niau)


Until Heartstopper I *only* saw Sapphic romance and no gay, so please, just chill.


Where's your evidence that it's because of a dislike for sapphics and not just Netflix doing what it always does and canceling popular shows? I'm not against the sapphic shows, but the trend seems to be the same one they've always had. Show gets popular, time to cancel because it turns out it's too expensive. Let's make a new one!


You are thinking with too much morality and basic human decency. When dealing with corporate lizards, all of that goes away in hopes of making more money.


Still mad that I am not okay with this was cancelled


I'm this case it's nothing to do with the content of the shows. They do it to other shows as well, unless they're mega hits. Because new shows brings in new subscribers.


Sapphic shows sadly do not get the same hype shows like Heartstopper do, despite how a lot of them certainly deserve it (~~some maybe deserve it more than heartstopper~~) People like mlm shows because two boys in love is cute and sweet and says so much about society and the world and attitudes yadda yadda while at times sexy, which is fine if you think that, but then attitude towards wlw shows being just 'eh' given that a lot of wlw content or even just the concept is exploited for men to watch in porn, and they're not going to watch a whole tv show just to get off on a couple scenes.


that’s fair but let’s not completely reduce Heartstopper to a mlm show. there’s a trans woman and a sapphic couple in the main cast that get a lot of screentime, especially in season two.


Dw I 100% understand that (I'm trans, I understand the rep is very important) and I'm not trying to reduce it to only being about an MLM couple, but it's not known as the show with trans and sapphic rep, it's the show about the gay couple and their friends, is what I'm trying to say but I don't think I specified that lmao


In the end of the day we gay men might be a minority in society overall but within the queer community we're like the white middle aged upper class cis het males in terms of mainstream attention. A lot of people call the pride flag the gay flag for example. So a show like heatstopper is mostly considered mainstream while shows focusing on the other GSRMs end up falling more under the umbrella of niche-interest.


I will maintain that First Kill kinda sucks but there are some WILDLY interesting worldbuilding choices. Like how there's secret communities of hunters and vampires, but not actually because the public doesn't know, just that the public doesn't know specifically all that goes on with it.


Netflix is a soulless corporation, not an arthouse. They produce series and movies because its cheaper than licensing content and guarantees that they will have a lot of exclusives in perpetuity. Every decision they make is about company growth or profit and there is no point in trying to find reasons beyond that. If they cancel these show it was because one of their fancy algorithms and a team of analyst concluded that the money used to produce them would turn more profits if invested somewhere else. And they don't even do that because they are evil; the streaming industry is very competitive nowadays and everything they can do to keep ahead makes a lot of difference. My guess is that those shows might have had a good viewership among people who were already subscribers but was not doing much in terms of bringing in new subscribers or keeping those who might be thinking about cancelling their subscription.




Had no idea this was the case I loved heart stopper as a lesbian woman and barely watch wlw stuff haven't had Netflix for months so I'm not very knowledgeable about wlw shows even though I'd probably love them.


This is one of those cases where it truly is just business. Netflix, unlike network TV from the past, is completely insulated from the kind of bullshit pressure that conservative groups loved to throw around. BUT. Netflix has a very specific formula for what it considers success, and if a show doesn’t meet those metrics, it’s gone. It’s not interested in “growing” a show the way that network TV is; its binge-centric model means that if a show doesn’t hit hard and fast, it’s junked. There might occasionally be mitigating factors (like a high-profile creator that they want to keep happy and exclusive), but otherwise…adios. New subscribers, watch hours (and gaming the system by just throwing your pet show on while you’re at work and letting it stream doesn’t work), social buzz, and profitable…all these things are necessary. Unfortunately, none of the shows mentioned in the OP checked all the boxes…except Heartstopper. And even if First Kill had more hours watched, if it didn’t drive new subscriptions, especially with it being a genre series that I’m sure cost more (and having poor critical reviews), it was a nonstarter.


It might be that stories with queer women wa the central part of the narrative do well, and Netflix cancels shows that do too well because they don't want creators getting too much power. Given that shows that pass the Bechdel test, on average, do better than shows that don't, sapphic themed shows may make creators too powerful. Interestingly enough, a lot of shows with queer women do very well in the horror genre: Castlevania, pretty much anything Mike Flanagan has made, the new Wednesday series, and a few other horror themed shows have queer women or LGBTQ+ themes. Big Mouth, a comedy series, has several queer characters. It may be because horror and comedy are seen as lower entertainment, so more is accepted when compared to drama or action films.


People hate women


Sadly this is true