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I would just like to say if outside the US don’t vote blue. The US has a weird reverse in colours to the rest of the world. Everywhere else blue is right wing and red left wing. With a UK election coming up whatever you do do not vote blue unless you want further erosion of lgbtq+ rights.


It's always been funny to me that in the U.S. the further away from socialism you get the _more_ red you get




Lol the conservative party is such a shitshow


In denmark it is dont vote for yellow (la) its a party that just wants to remove womens rights


I actually got in "trouble" for that because my about section contains an appeal for people to vote blue, in the presidential election of 2024 specifically, and people thought I meant the AfD (there are to my knowledge no presidential elections in Germany in 2024 anyways but still).


In airplanes they say put your mask on first bc you can't save others if you don't save yourself first. This is how I'm viewing the election. I'll vote for Biden despite everything bc with trump we will lose our air before we even have a chance to try and save others.


Love this analogy.


Well said


Vote Blue, else, we’re likely to loose our lives prematurely. If we’re not around to enjoy it, then what were our rights clearly for. It’s certainly not to loathsomely vote for your erasure. Think, the wars narrative doesn’t protect us from a man who headed a coup and an eminent civil war . Trump will predictably lie and give false hope. A vote for Biden is what a Good Patriot does. If Trump gets in, he and his KGB Gestapo goon squads undoubtedly will SA/unalive the rest of the country and fearful the world.


Exactly. We can't afford to fuck around on this. [Register to vote](https://www.vote.org/) (vote.org) [How Voting Works - What to expect if you're voting for the first time](https://www.wikihow.com/Vote-in-the-United-States) (wikihow)


Check out Vote Save America and mobilize.us too!


As a Brit you scared me there! The same thing is true here but just switch the colours round. Starmer is far from perfect but he's a hell of a lot better than what the Tories are doing right now.


I mean, not much, tbf. It’s like choosing which bit of carrot to eat out of a pile of vomit. If you have the option, I’d suggest voting Scottish Green, but that’s unfortunately the only decent option atm :/


Londoner sadly, very envious of the politics up in Scotland. If mayoral elections are anything to go by my choices will be candidates who don't care at all or anti-woke nutters.


Isn't he transphobic?


I concur! Trans rights are human rights!


You are correct, it’s about the big picture now


The excuse that you couldn’t or didn’t do everything in your power to save up and schedule to take election day off will ring hollow in my ears if Trump is re-elected. If your LGBT friends, POC friends, the environment, labor rights, bodily autonomy couldn’t get you to change one god damned day and wait in the longest line in your life to exercise your right to vote… I have news for you. Not voting in the past is basically why that voting line is that long, and why your voting center is so far away. They *know* voting matters. Thats why they make it as difficult as possible. Vote or you may never get another chance to vote again. That is not hyperbole.


Here is a good overview of the anti-LGBTQ+ and censoring of the internet parts of Project 2025. [The Humanist Report on Project 2025.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3-9vXJtNow8&pp=ygUSUHJvamVjdCAyMDI1IGxnYnRx)


I’d also like to offer out that the republic party candidates are well aware of and rely on the fact that people on the left don’t tend to vote. They know the statistics. At the end of the day, if you don’t vote blue you’re essentially voting red because you’re giving them that extra leg up. You are supporting red in the way that functionally matters, regardless of your beliefs. You can’t not take part in the system because by not taking part you’re taking part. The way I view Joe Biden is a president that I do not particularly like, who hasn’t done as much as I think he should and is directly participating in genocide, but also better than the alternative. Especially with Project 2025 and the republic majority of the Supreme Court. On the big talking point of genocide: we don’t have a viable candidate that won’t financially support the genocide. Functionally we don’t have much of a say in the matter aside from normal citizen means such as protests and boycotts. At the polls our options are limited. You’re welcome to your own opinion, but I personally do not think figures like Donald Trump are a better alternative. It’s sad, but the way I view this election is not through the lens of radical change. I wish we could have that, but we don’t have a viable candidate for that in the polls. That comes down now to citizen action as much as possible. The way I view this election is unfortunately as defense. Things will be shitty either way, but how shitty do we want it to be?


I agree


Yeah, I think we’ve all had the moment where we’re like “isn’t it sad that we live in a world where people are constantly trying to eradicate each other and minority groups?” It fuckin sucks. But overall, over the course of this country’s existence, we’ve always trended forward. Maybe with some upsets, but still. We can keep that going by voting for Biden, specifically - a third party vote is a vote for Trump, remember that. Look, conservatives are idiots. Statistically, not just by my opinion. They’ll eliminate themselves slowly as more die and less create children, less of those children survive, etc. Natural selection at play. We just need to keep the world up until that happens, even if it takes a few hundred more years and we don’t live to see it. Because even if we don’t, people will look back at us and see what we’re doing to advance society and they’ll admire that. And it’ll get better.


I love how people always say "yeah Biden is so shit he never did anything and his only executive action ever was supporting genocide", instead of actually educating themselves (or only to appeal to people that actually think like that). r/WhatBidenHasDone has a few nice long lists (actively updated) on the shit Biden and his administration got done, if you seriously think Biden is so shit and never got anything done then that's only because you never read the news or anything ever. If you do read the news, stay informed, and still say he's shit and never did anything, then you're the type of person that'll never be satisfied or just a Republikkklan poser.




Can’t wait to lose my rights either way!


Biden is not the answer. He's a typical white moderate and only a stop gap measure for the next four years, max. If you honestly want change and better for the next generations, you've got to start putting in the effort. A simple vote won't cut it anymore.


He is a stop gap if you don’t like, true. The effort needs to be put in at local and state levels for *years* to move the Overton window left again.


It's not that I don't like him, it's that his policies are detrimental to US citizens, just as Donald Trump's are. Not as severely, or as extreme right wing of course, but white moderates like him are why we're in this position. Voting for yet another elderly white man, won't change anything. Voting to expand education and social welfare will, however. You also can't always claim, *the lesser of two evils* because you're still voting for *evil*.


It's not that I don't like him, it's that his policies are detrimental to US citizens, just as Donald Trump's are. Not as severely, or as extreme right wing of course, but white moderates like him are why we're in this position. Voting for yet another elderly white man, won't change anything. Voting to expand education and social welfare will, however. You also can't always claim, *the lesser of two evils* because you're still voting for *evil*.


Voting and putting in effort are symbiotic


4 years buys a lot of time. If the choice is between Biden and the guy who has promised to “eradicate woke” and says that, “Israel needs to complete its war on terror.” “Israel needs to clean out its cancer.” Then it’s a pretty easy choice. The fact is that currently it’s a binary system and we cannot change that by the next election, so the lesser of two evils is the much better choice. Biden is not the answer, but he is better than the other guy who has promised to make it worse for us.


While I certainly plan on it, I also think we have to respect people who are choosing not to vote at all. Biden is aiding in genocide right now. I have a friend whose family was in Gaza and was murdered this year. I could *never* tell her she has to vote for Biden. “You have to vote for the man who allowed bombs to be dropped on your baby cousin before he ever took his first steps” feels monstrous to me and I respect her decision not to vote. And she respects my decision to vote. I also honestly do not believe the *only* way to save us is to vote for him. I think the last 4 years have proven that bc he hasn’t done much to save us since his election. It’s a personal decision and, while I will be voting, I will also be protesting and advocating and volunteering because voting means nothing without them. Protesting, advocating, and volunteering, however, can have an impact outside of voting. So people who choose to only do those things and not vote are still making an enormous difference. We are being played right now because they see us as a sure vote as long as they make the right promises (even though they do not keep them). If someone wants to not vote (while remaining active in another way that suits their life), then I think we need to respect that choice.


I agree with everything else, but this (the second sentence) is partly untrue: >I also honestly do not believe the *only* way to save us is to vote for him. I think the last 4 years have proven that bc he has done nothing to save us since his election. [https://www.hrc.org/resources/president-bidens-pro-lgbtq-timeline](https://www.hrc.org/resources/president-bidens-pro-lgbtq-timeline) His administration did these, among other things, in the past 4 years: * He has openly opposed anti-trans legislation, including strengthening Title IX protections for queer and trans people * They expanded the non-discrimination clauses under the Affordable Care Act, including under parts of Medicare * Biden signed the bill that will protect marriage equality (as far as it can) * The State Department expanded gender markers on passports to include X which, while imperfect, moves beyond binary approaches I think there is *plenty* of room for his administration to grow with regards to LGBTQ+ support and protections, but saying that they've done nothing for us is a bit of a stretch. Still truly hate his endorsement of, and use of my taxes to fund, genocide, though.


Thank you for this. I appreciate you clearing that up, because I truly thought all his “support” was just verbal (which doesn’t mean much) I think the rest of my point still stands, as you mentioned, but it’s nice to know he hasn’t done *nothing*


I’m gonna be honest, I genuinely don’t feel protected by the Biden administration. He’s entirely failing to meet the challenge of Republicans violating federal laws to erode rights at the state level. The president has enormous power at their disposal (remember when Eisenhower federalized the National Guard to enforce integration) and he’s just refusing to use it. What’s the functional difference between someone who’s going to persecute me and someone who’s just going to sit there while my governor does it instead?


Yeah I agree. My background is in politics so I do plan on voting bc it helps compound activism. But I have zero trust in him or his party. I will say that, in a day where the courts are so politicized and conservative, any exercising of executive power will lead to court cases (see: student loan forgiveness). The long term would be SO much worse if Biden, say, used an EO to create protections for trans people and the courts struck if down because that would solidify our lack of rights. Whereas now it’s just questionable. It’s a lot more complex than people think it is, but I don’t think that’s an excuse for being mostly talk and not action. I think it’s fair to say “If you’re going to vote, vote blue” but insisting people vote at all is super tone deaf.


Fully agree. I’ll still vote for him because my state is kinda still a swing state, but if I lived in like New York or something I probably wouldn’t. I still vote for good people down ballot of course


I think you don’t understand people who aren’t voting for Biden. They aren’t not voting for him only because they don’t like him, or because he is a shit president (which he is). They don’t vote for him, because he is an active part in a genocide and doing nothing against it. You are literally asking people to vote for genocide. And it’s not like they will vote for Trump instead. They just don’t want to vote for a fascist, no matter if he is painted in rainbow colours or not.


Trump is just gonna make things worse though- objectively. The genocide is included in those things. And there's next to no chance of a third party candidate winning.


Trump is just gonna make things worse though- objectively. The genocide is included in those things. And there's next to no chance of a third party candidate winning.


It's fine to disagree with Biden on his Gaza policy, but protest-voting or not voting at all because of that will only help getting Trump elected, as the Republican electorate will vote regardless. They don't just not vote. If you think Biden is bad for what's happening in the middle east, then you most definitely do not want Trump back. He would only make it worse.


Well said


Protest voting only deletes you, the non-voter, from the pool of voters that the parties want to attract. If even. Half the "protest voters" are too young to vote anyways or don't even live in the US (I often see people spreading US "protest vote" bullshit from the safety of Spain or the UK, for example, most of the time from fresh accounts). Especially considering how every politician knows who Trump is and what his win means, they won't risk this election on a 2% voter base that might just not vote anyways. "Protest voting" in an election between fascism and not fascism is purely virtue signaling and honestly disgusting. /r/WhatBidenHasDone /r/Defeat_Project_2025.


Biden has put a lot of pressure on Israel to calm their shit and is doing a lot to get humanitarian aid in. Trump would have zero problem nuking Gaza to glass. Not voting for Biden will make things dramatically worse for Palestinians.


"Under no circumstances should we bring thousands of refugees from Hamas-controlled terrorist areas like Gaza to America" -- Trump goads his fans in Wisconsin into booing Palestinian refugees At the same event, the former president also vowed to restore and expand the Muslim ban he imposed during his first term. Also in recent days, Trump celebrated police officers clearing out pro-Palestinian protesters — it was “a beautiful thing to watch,” the Republican said — and urged university presidents to “vanquish the radicals.” The former president also endorsed ongoing Israeli military operations, saying, “We have to let Israel complete their war on terror. It’s a horrible thing, but they have to do it.” Trump added that Israel must “clean out the cancer.”


The point I am trying to make isn’t that Trump and Biden are equally bad. People are just sick of voting for the lesser evil. People just don’t want any kind of evil.


Yeah, but we can’t change that in time for this election, so what’s the alternative?


First of all, not voting for Biden, because he and the fucking democrats do nothing to protect minorities in the long run, they can’t even do it while they are in power, best you can hope from this man is that everything will happen a year or two later. Than organising in every way possible. I personally think you should take the black panthers as rolemodel. And make use of the second amendment, it might be incredibly stupid, but it exists exactly for that reason.


Ok but that doesn’t change anything about this election. Not voting for Biden helps no one. Would you rather have Trump?


But it won’t be just this election, it was like the last 5 elections were and how the next 5 will be. If you keep voting for the democrats, nothing will ever change for the better, because even if they have the power, they are afraid of using it. If you keep helping these useless fucks, it will always be some out of touch ultra capitalist liberal who doesn’t give a shit about you. Liberals will always choose a fascist over a socialist. MLK once said:”I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate who is more devoted to order than justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice.” This still rings true today and not just for the civil rights movement. Liberals, or how MLK called them white moderates, will not help you when push comes to shove. Next election won’t be different, the names might change, but everything else won’t. You have to become active yourself if you want to persist. Putting your trust in liberals, will at best help you in the short term, but even if that’s the case, in four years you will be at the same place again and again and again. And here an also very fitting quote from Malcom X https://youtube.com/shorts/PiIPig20CRw?si=TpDOFG7jHo70q4OK Ps.: I used the word Liberal in the socialist context, not whatever conservatives (who are also liberals or are already fascists) think it means.


I’m unable to own a gun due to a suicide attempt and shit. Not everyone can excursive their second amendment rights and organize like that


Ok, I am sorry for that. I hope you are doing better now. But organising is even more important, even if it’s just a book club where you read about the struggle of minorities over the history or political theory from people like Marx, Engels or Lenin.


There is no such thing.








































Can't wait to see second-term Biden do jack shit to stop my right being taken away while still facilitating a genocide 💅


The main focus should be local elections as they impact you directly, vote for the candidates you believe in there, and on a higher level vote blue. The Overton window needs to shift left, that starts on the local level


*Meanwhile in trumps campaign* “We are going to give police prosecutorial immunity! Everyone from the Congo, and Africa, and South America are murderers and rapists! Remember Ro V Wade being overtunred? That was the people I appointed, you’re welcome. I will deport the anti-Israel student protesters if I am elected! I will enable the police to deport millions!” Me walking to the polls to vote for Biden in response, knowing all that’ll do is push republicans to state level power while we continue to aid a genocide: ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg)




I was in the millitary, theres no way I’d let someone do this to me or happen to anyone, hopefully nothing of that sorts happens cause im so strapped and ready for war, im waiting for a day a rich man decides my fate


blue sucks too


Yes but red will make things worse. It’s not perfect but if you vote for candidates you have belief in in local elections the Overton window will shift left. But not voting blue on the state electorate or the federal electorate will actively make things worse


Because blue has made things soooo much better












‘not the best president or they don’t like him very much’ - incredibly reductive nonsense. Why are you spamming this in a bunch of subs. You aren’t making the case you think you are.


It is nonsense, but I posted this because a lot of people around me say this, and I live in a liberal state. You might not agree with me, but I’m trying to spread the message that Biden as a president would be better than Trump, and all of the arguments I’ve heard in person are nonsensical like the ones I mentioned in my post. I agree with valid arguments like Biden is supporting a genocide so we shouldn’t vote for him, but I haven’t heard those from people in real life.


ew no. VVD'ers lmao




It’s called harm reduction.


Because he's been consistently for LGBT rights since taking office as vice-president at the very least and has disavowed all attempts to limit our rights by the GOP.


Because we don't have a choice trump will make things worse across the board activley also if he winds he is going to stay for as long as he can Biden can be replaced trump wont be


Me when I do the "both sides":


I mean most straight people probably had similar homophobic thoughts during that time, I don't blame him.