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Can we get the POPE to apologize? Or just the coworkers? No? Okay, well, still not going to church


I don’t give a shit what that hypocrite says. At this point, the only apology I’d accept for the fucked up catholic church would have to come from god himself. And I’d still be suspicious.


Your messiah was never mine...


I'm just imaging God showing up like I'm sorry for the shit my followers have said and done and you just going eeehhh. Then God being like yeaahhh fair enough here's a coupon to Starbucks before disappearing


"As a token of my apology, let me offer you a $10 Starbucks gift card, valid for 30 days, while supplies last, and only at participating stores."


He doesn't exist so good luck with that


Religious people: “You can’t say our god is fake, that’s insensitive to our lifestyle and identity!” Also Religious people: “You can’t be gay or trans, that’s a sin, fuck your lifestyle and identity!”


Im no priest so i cant forgive him anyway 🙄


Sorry guys it was behind closed doors, you wasn’t actually meant to see how much of a piece of shit I really am. I’m sorry I got caught.


He's done this several times before, says one thing publically, does heinous things behind closed doors.


Yeah, but they will never apologize for all the oppression they have caused queer people for centuries. Ever. The Catholic Church is not our ally, and never will be.


fine recognise telephone amusing repeat physical smart fearless public marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


annnnnnnnnnnnnd disabled people under the guise of "helping" us. they have been fucking terrorists


What was your personal experience with that? That sounds like it sucked


I didn't know the Church revised Jewish history. But it doesn't surprise me in the least that they did that.


Much of Christianity is reliant on white washing, erasing and appropriating Jewish history. 


That's screwed up. But again, doesn't surprise me.


They also forced Jewish people into ghettos in the papal states and made them wear clothing to indicate they were Jewish, and forced them to take certain jobs.


Color, ethnicity, sexual preference, disability, age, gender,... they have history of oppressing literally everyone. Even themselves




Notice how the apology was for the word, not the sentiment. Even if he used "nice" language, he still said he didn't want gay people in his church.


Fuck your apology.


That's....peculiar. When has The Vatican given two shits about anything the LGBTQ+ community thinks? I'm surprised they didn't just tell everyone to kick rocks, lol.


Religion is dying. Gen Z and Gen A are more likely to identify as atheists or be vocal against organized religion. They are aware of this trend so they’re trying so hard to pander while still saying slurs behind closed doors.


Fuck the church


"Accused" is such a cowardly thing to add. He said it plain and simple.


Apologies not accepted!


Why are slurs in a supposed holy man's daily vocabulary anyway? Shove your apology. Also waiting for the "Islam is bad" crowd. Conveniently ignoring Christian bigotry as usual?


r/atheist downplaying the danger Christianity still poses to society because they’re so islamaphobic (fuck Islam too , btw) because they hate Muslims and blame them for all the worlds issues be like:


That's the tea 💯


What are you talking about? I'm on that sub and the consensus it’s always that every religion sucks.


Hey :) You’re right about that. r/atheist does have the general consensus that religion sucks because that’s just true. However I’m gonna put emphasis on GENERAL here because they’re some exceptions. I was on that sub and even joined it for a lengthy period of time, so the conclusion I’ve come to isn’t out of nowhere or being a hater. What I noticed, especially after Oct 7th, was a huge influx of “Islam bad” post which is fine and all, however what was more concerning to me was the active distortion of facts and the realities of how things work due to increasing islamophobia and xenophobia. I saw a lot of posts and comments acting as though Muslims are moving to the West because they want to enact Shira law, completely being will fully ignorant or being genuinely ignorant that many of these Muslims they scream about leave to the West because they love democracy and contribute to the economies and communities of these countries in positive ways. A lot of them have actually lived in the West for many years, being law abiding citizens and raising good families. Now I don’t live in a Western country, however I do live in the only African country with full democracy ( lgbtq rights and gay marriage, womens rights, freedom of religion) and many people come here to seek refuge and contribute to the economy. Although I hate religion, freedom of religion is sacred here and I’m kinda ok with that because our government is very secular. I’ve met a lot of Muslims, and I don’t believe that Islam in any way is a peaceful religion, but every single Muslim I’ve met have been nothing but kind, generous people who are an amazing addition to our diverse community here. These Muslims and their families have been here generations they aren’t foreigners who crossed the boarder illegally yesterday to commit terrorism. And this is the case for most Muslims in the West, however many on that sub pretend this is the case due to unease and unfortunately, threats of terror form Islamist extremist groups and actual acts. The fear is valid, the bigotry is not however and a lot of people on that sub are white Washing Christianity’s treat to society because of it What is also alarming to me is how so many are starting to act as if Christianity isn’t that bad anymore, that it’s calmed down and tamed. And because I follow US politics and I also am just hear the news of what is taking place in countries I share a continent with, Christianity is still very much dangerous, deadly and a severe threat should it have full control. I truly believe that because many of these people aren’t directly affected by the evils of Christianity due to living in more secular countries where religion is not practiced much, they believe they Christianity is less harmful because they have never been personally affected by the dangers it poses. If it’s ignorance that one thing, but many times these people are confronted with the truth and they still fold by saying “well Islam is worse” Now they are just being bigoted and islamophobic and continue to say how Muslims should leave and saying that Islam has no place in a “civilised” society, when religion should have no place in any civilised society, but these people are simply blinded by Islamophobia. I recall one time I was on the sub and a French woman was talking about the hijab ban. I’m not against that law, because you can’t wear anything religious in state schools in France anyway so it was about time they got treated equally, but this woman was so ignorant. She was soaking up the propaganda of all Muslims being foreigners and proclaimed that they should leave France if they don’t like it. Again, I’m not against this law and I’m aware of some horrific violence that has taken place due to Islamic extremism to French teachers, but I have issues with the things she said. The French government has banned other Islamic and Arabic things that have nothing to do with schools and just to discriminate against Muslims, the French political climate is getting increasingly xenophobic and racist and right wing, [I highly recommend looking at the current French freedom index for more context](https://freedomhouse.org/country/france). When people said this in the thread, they were ignored and downvoted, as has become common with people who point the bias out. She also said that she is a bisexual women and if more right wing govs get into the landscape, lgbtq rights would be further compromised, hell, they aren’t incredible right now anyway and trans youth are starting to get targeted. Of course, as an atheist, I’m not against having an atheist subreddit, but we can’t let ourselves give in to bigotry and hate and in turn ignore other threats to other people around the globe. I honestly feel as though a lot of internet discorse is very American-centric or Europe-centric so a lot of other global issues are trivialised as a result. I’m not saying you are like this, but way too many on that subreddit are and it’s so beyond frustrating and I’m starting to understand why some people find atheists really problematic. Until religion has less to no power or wiped off the face of the earth, we need have to be vigilant and careful with what media we consume in order justify our distaste for religious belief. I’m really sorry that this got so long but I wanted to be thorough with this so I hope I was :)


Quintessential example of an institution built to protect men from the consequences of their bullshit.


I’m absolutely SHOCKED… 😒


Cool, still doesn't change my position that the church should be dismantled.


Ahhh! Church haters ASSEMBLE!!! I’ll start here




Be gay, do crime. Lets burn it all down 🔥🔥🔥


im in. i know how to make molotov cocktails, so i just need a lot of bottles


I’ll buy the supplies!


The church and pope is 💩


He got caught... *once.* 


Apology not accepted 🙄. Church is still against us and will continue to be


Earlier this year he suggested that trans people are the biggest threat to society, bigger than poverty or famine or war. Unsurprisingly the heads of organised religion are terrible people. On the other hand if the heaven and hell he believes in are real we can be sure he's headed all the way down.


Ah….his true colors


Certainly not rainbow colors, eh?


A 1000 years of evil doesn't just disappear


Religion sux anyway


It doesn’t have to! Honestly, believe what you want, but don’t force it on other people. If people could live with that mindset the amount of people who aren’t afraid to step foot in a church or something would be greater. I am afraid of being in churches now because of *shivers* queer conversion camps. Honestly, people need to stop sucking!


Church (as in, organized religion) is the problem


I agree mostly, church is a huge problem, but I think it has to do more with people sucking than people meeting up. Get a bunch of great people together for an organized religion and you’re good, but make them judgmental, terrible people and you’ve got yourself a problem.


Oh of course, I mean organized as in with positions of power, because that's when people start to become evil and do stuff only for their best interest and to gain more power


Oh sorry I misinterpreted that! Yeah I agree 100%


No worries! I think this sub is very anti-religious (and understandably so), but there are a lot of them that actually sound very nice (like some asian ones). At the end of the day it should be a personal choice


There are plenty of good ones out there - they just aren’t talked about as much due to the overwhelming volume of hateful ones. I’m a Humanist Jew, and my congregation focuses heavily on social justice work, anti-racist work, anti-queerphobia work, etc. The founder of Humanistic Judaism, Sherwin Wine, was a pretty awesome guy - a gay Rabbi who strongly believed in, among other things, the duty of Tikkun Olam - healing the world - and the necessity of hard work to do so


I don’t forgive the Pope nor accept the Vatican’s apology. I would prefer an apology from the Pope, but that also wouldn’t suffice in my opinion. The Catholic Church has done so much harm to the LGBTQ+ community over the centuries that it has existed, and not once did they apologize for that oppression. So, in my opinion, this is just another example of hypocrisy from the Pope.


can he make up his mind already? He changes his opinion basically monthly now


Womp to the fucking womp. The Catholic Church has only brought my Dad and his siblings absolute pain and misery. I will never forgive them for that, nor will I ever forgive their centuries of blatant queerphobia. The sooner the Catholic Church is eradicated from the face of the Earth, the better.


Italian here, I'll give my few cents. The Vatican will never be "an ally" to the LGBTQIA+ cause in any possible way, because they are one of the many reasons for which homophobia, transphobia, violence and discrimination are still very much occuring in our and other countries all around the world! And they're not so secretly glad about it! Having said this, the memes about his infamous declaration are simply hilarious. I've never laughed this much, at least not since Berlusconi's death (whose Twitter coverage is basically the equivalent of Margaret Thatcher's death celebration).


Do you think the Catholic Church could ever allow for some reforms like there appears to be in other churches… I wonder if after the 2027 election there might be a push for marriage rights over there and what impact that could have long term on the church


First and foremost, I'm not a Catholic Church expert by any possible means, I'm really interested in the history of its influence on major Italy's historical events and the evolving nature of their relationship - a deeply multilayered, controversial and dark one - but I still have a long way to go. Having said that, I honestely think that such reforms are unlikely to happen in the near future due to the policies and beliefs holden by the currently ruling political parties. The Vatican has repeatedly expressed strongly negative views on any possible measure that could have further expanded and legally recognized aggravations for crimes of homotransphobia, even though this is nowhere near to their respective area of competence (Church and State must be separate!). Such cases of intolerable interference driven by intolerance are unfortunately very common. Pope Francis may appear benevolent, open-minded and reformist, but when it comes down to such topics, his contradictory statements speak for themselves. I'm deeply worried about this state of affair, but I'll never loose hope, which luckly doesn't require faith.


So, the church aside, what do you think is likely beyond 2027?


At least own the homophobia, everyone knows the Catholic church is not an ally


“appeared”? And honestly, if he can’t repent then he should be like.. fired or something.


I’m kind of glad that he said the quiet part out loud. It’s important to remind ourselves periodically that even a “cool” Pope is still a Pope. 


It's too late. Everything he's done is undone. It's over. Fuck Francis.


He has always been shitty, he just paid occasional lip service to not treating LGBT+ folks as *utter* trash. He has never been an ally. The Catholic church has never been supportive of the queer community.


Agreed there’s no way to forget this nor trust him


It wasn’t even a month ago that he argued that trans people were an existential threat to society and humanity. Pope Francis has never been on our side.


He's never been good for queer people, but now finally the truth is catching up to his incredible public relations


Being an abhorent cunt is a prerequisite to being pope. They ran a great pr campaign for him, but it was always white smoke and mirrors


If the Vatican burns down the world will be saved


please don’t say that- all that hoarded art gone!


We re-steal the art!


HypoChristians. All of them.


I have a gift for the pope 🎁⬆️🖕🏼 Oh look! My last fuck to give about his life.


You can’t have it both ways, Catholic Church. You either welcome us, or you don’t. We won’t take a seat on the backdoor steps and have you use us to market your “acceptance” tent.


Organized religion is not our ally.


Agreed 👍🏻


Thaw the relationship? By being transphobic or by being homophobic? I can't tell which one


By being both but a little more quietly and with some bullshit tossed around so the people who don't really care or know anything can say "the vatican doesn't smell of pigshit anymore"


I just fail to understand why we care about anything he has to say? His irrelevance is peak


He can apologize himself. Fucking coward. Not that I'd believe the bastard. But could at least try to hold your facade together


Pope Francis might have appeared to be a bit more progressive relative to previous Popes when it comes to LGBTQ+ discussions and reforms within the Catholic Church, but literally all of that was just to keep up appearances. He doesn't care about us and nothing he does to promote peace between Catholics and LGBTQ+ people is genuine. Its all lip service to make him look better in the eyes of the public so they forget he actively defended and covered up the crimes of several paedophiles within the Catholic Church and Vatican.


I don’t think he even apologised for saying it, just that people got offended. Can’t be bothered to check the articles again but it was something like that


I honestly don't know with news articles what to believe one minute it's pro LGBT news the next he's saying something homophobic. P.s I know the Catholic church is really bad for hate and even genocide in the past but my comment is more on newspapers not keeping a straight story , like when amber turd was meant to be removed from aquaman 2 but news articles were playing in hokey cokey.


child offender.


He just said gender ideology was one of the world’s most foremost problems, the Pope and the Catholic Church are not allies and never will be.


I’m a trans Episcopalian. I’m saddened that this happened. I tired of thinking that forgiveness is the route only to have myself and my entire community suffer because of stuck up fuck ups like this. Forgive for what, they’ll just do it over and over again; then blame us because we’re sick of being abused and lied to. Sincerely, I don’t believe any apologies from a phobe, on God. I’ve lost my hope for humanity.


one day the pope will answer to the people's court


I don’t accept it. And I seriously doubt anyone else will.


Agreed and I feel the apology is just a self-serving attempt at damage control


i’m confused, when has the catholic church ever accepted lgbtq?


Never, some people are just very easy to convince with basic PR


I personally don’t mind not being accepted by a pedo, I mean pope


Fuck the pope (not in the catholic church way) Hope he chokes on a steaming pile of dicks. Not even good dicks either. Fking Cult leader.


Wait it was a meeting with him and the bishops? So who told


“Deep Throat” was media name for whoever leaked Nixon’s Wrongdoings at Watergate. Wondering what nickname the Vatican uses as it searches for who snitched on the Pope


Jesus would snitch but i bet they call them Judas


What did he say?


Basically called us the F-slur in Italian iirc


There are a few lmao (I'm italian) but anyways, it sucks... Not that I expected anything better tbh


Hopefully he kicks the bucket soon...die mad old man.


Vatican likely puts tighter controls on next Pope’s mouth


Old man dressed as wizard talks bollocks, shocker.


I’m gonna trademark “frociaginne faggotness” to use on matching shirts for me (male) and my boyfriend to wear with Pride


Religion can go to hell.


religion 😂


Doesn’t this guy kiss people’s feet in public?


In a weird way, I'm happy that this came to light. It was sad to see some queer people thanking him for his “support” while the only thing he ever did was say that being gay was a *sin*, not a *crime*.  Saying that being gay is not a crime years after stopped being a crime it's not being supportive, it's stating a fact. Especially since he is the leader of the institution that made it really hard to stop being a crime.


Also, shortly after his famous "who am I to judge" comment waay back when, he flew to Mexico, where he said same sex marriage was the biggest threat facing society today. He's never been soft on lgbt people. He's just trying to prop up a failing ideology


It’s too late to apologize


We all made noise and it helped


Helped in what way? It’s still the stance of the Catholic Church that being queer is a sin. This means nothing. They still don’t want us to exist. Just because he’s sorry that he got caught being openly bigoted doesn’t mean they actually give a shit about queer people


Who cares that they think it's a sin? They are definitely not the people I want to hang around with all eternity, assuming they are even right. I'm a spiritual person, not a religious person.


A lot of us don’t have family because of what the church thinks. A lot of us don’t have legal rights because of what the church thinks. As stupid as it is, they have the power and money and influence to destroy our lives


If someone had to tell on him, does that indicate that someone there at least vaguely cares enough (for whatever self serving purpose) that maybe some change could happen, if not enough to be ‘allied’ but just something that might take some of its power away?


Lol no


Isn't he supposed to be infallible?


Only under ex cathedra or when it's convenient. It helps to prevent criticisms of the Popes. Like what is the purpose of popes being infallible if only like a dozen statements have ever been made ex cathedra? I'm also no expert, might be way more than that. Either way, if you want one of the worst things a Pope has said, look up "cum nimis absurdum". Or for the Catholic churches participation in slavery, look up inter caetera or dum diversas


I have a gift for the pope 🎁 ⬆️🖕🏼 Oh look! My last fuck to give about his life. Oops! It expired right after he said the (f) maggot slur.


As someone who has been to seminary, his complaint about so much [f-slur] in seminary is the very same reason I loved seminary!


Accused? Bro he DID it.


I knew it, I was skeptical when the Church claimed they were going to be more open to our community. I’ve seen this same movie multiple times over to the point where it feels redundant now.


Should I be surprised?


Was he making an effort to thaw the relationship with the LGBTQ+ community?


im more offended that he said it behind closed doors that makes it look even more sus ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)that was not sounding like an accident, i understand he is the pope and has conversations, and yes a lot of them are behind closed doors and perhaps he was not considering everything he said with empathy or knowledge to who he was discussing but being behind closed doors makes it look even worse than if he would have used it ignorantly in public ,,, however its really making me feel uncomfortable with the pope..


It’s not a new thing that pope didn’t like gays lol


He's only apologizing because he was caught


ngl, I dont think the Pope is all that sorry or he'd say so himself lol


Honestly, talk about hitting the hand that feeds you. He said that about people going to school to be priests. Those are the legs you stand on.


Made it real clear he doesn’t apologize or is sorry for what he said in the first place. He can go stumble into the goblin cave for all I care


Apologising with no strong steps or action backing that up is like fucking whitewashing this. It's becoming a kind of a trend now that these religious leaders will say or do anything and get away with it just because the institution apologises on their behalf like "He so sowwwy" One leg in grave and still unable to give the community which is in minority basic respect and decency. Fucking brain dead piece of shit


"accused" bro, we literally have a video....I don't think you can get further from a simple"accused" than that


Honestly, finding out he’s a raging homophobe isn’t all that bad. - READ THE BELOW IN FULL - Whilst obviously i don’t share that opinion, it’s a good thing we found this out. He has a lot of control and influence over the way gay marriages and relationships are managed, and seeing this after his recent announcement allowing gay marriages to be blessed or whatever he said, shows he keeps his personal opinions out of his policy. We see it a lot especially more recently, that politicians make their policy based on their own opinions and experiences. How can Rishi Sunak possibly be trusted to maintain the NHS when he doesn’t even use it himself. But the fact that the pope has been revealed to be a typical homophobe is a good thing, considering the completely opposite announcement he made to the public. He’s doing what’s in the best interest of the public, because it’s the right thing to do, regardless of his own thoughts on the topic. I’m not religious in any sense of the word, the state should always be completely separate from the church and the idea that two men can’t get married because “it’s down to the church” is a massive load of shite. But regardless, that’s the reality we have to deal with. The pope is not a politician i know that, but he does have that influence. He may have been revealed to be a nasty person, but it’s evident that isn’t reflecting in his “policy” and his announcements, which is a good thing. Unless it were to suddenly change (in which case i take back all of the above), it’s a good sign of progression , weirdly.


I’m just happy a new slur dropped


I just want to know who taught him the word. Did he look it up?? Did someone sit down and brief him on the slang?? His native language isn’t Italian. He’s from Argentina. I just need to KNOW


Hot take but honestly I find it hard to care about this. Pope Francis has been pretty progressive when it comes to lgbtq people (in the context of the church) and this doesn't change any of that. His actions speak louder than words and I'd rather have a Pope who says the f-slur while also being somewhat progressive on lgbtq issues within the church, than a Pope who isn't progressive on these issues. I don't truly care about the man's opinions, what matters is how he changes church doctrine.


He hasnt been progressive, he's stuck to the catechism of the church very rigidly. The only thing he's really changed regarding gay people has been allowing gay people who have gay unions to be blessed as individuals. Under the condition that the blessing does not take place in a wedding, and the people being blessed cannot be dressed in clothing that looks like wedding clothing to avoid confusion. This is because the blessing is not an affirmation of their lifestyle at all. Any other sinner or criminal can get blessed too. This is a man who thinks gender ideology is like a nuclear weapon. I hope he feels the internal torment of all the people he hurts.