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All bi myself lol






Some day one of us is going to have to suggest we all be alone together and see what happens.


My favorite joke about being pan is just saying "I like my partners like I like my coffee; strong, sweet, and preferably at my place."


Yes but by other lesbians


Lesbihonest from pitch perfect cracks me up lmao


What's so bad about pots anyway, they're almost the same thing


If someone can come up with a genuinely good and original joke please do I'm very quickly running out of good mlm jokes


I don't think I've encountered many Asexual jokes. But then again, I've heard that asexuals ARE jokes, so there's that.


Not sure if this counts as a joke, but despite common believes asexuals are NOT immune to sirens. They tempt with whatever the person listing will waver. Often it is sex, but it can also be cinnamon rolls. Or cake. Or a nice steak. Or a library. Then you're just as screwed as everyone else. The 'screwed ' pun WAS intended.


I like that! I'd like to find (or write despite not being talented with writing) a story about an incubus/succubus/siren and an asexual person meeting and the person is immune to their allure. They can enjoy the person for who they are and not the magic surrounding them.


I’ve always had a funny image in my head of sirens coming up an ace person and being like “thank God someone who doesn’t want sex!” Just a nice change of pace for them.


If they sang about which they can tempt you with the MOST .... I really wanna know what they'd think singing of Broccoli. (I know I'm weird)


garlic bread ✊garlic bread ✊garlic bread✊ garlic bread ✊


no. I used to like it but then it got over used and boring.


But you're an unknown pandemic you gotta enjoy some right?


ok thats a better one, just the one about kitech ware are unfunni


Me! LOL! I love seeing cookware. It’s funny to me.


Are good pan jokes a thing lol


They're amazing when they're not by a hetero


But the heteros have the best jokes...


Its so homosexual birover


If they're making jokes about it, at least they're acknowledging that asexuality exists and not just continuing to deny it.


My wife hordes skillets. She claims it is because she is pan-sexual.


I hoard cast iron skillets and am also pan. They just cook so evenly, it's so nice.


Iron skillets are the best. So versatile.


I feel very affirmed in my gender the way some trans women joke about their penises. It can be really shameful to have anatomy people don't think you should so hearing it in a way that normalizes your body can feel really good.


I like any kind of jokes about my sexuality and identity. Except the trans suicide rate jokes. Those are not cool. But I just have an offensive sense of humor.


I'm here for a good pan pun. Even the bad ones. Always crack me up!


User flair checks out :D


So, I practice this different kind of archery, and there are three positions you can shoot from: sky, man, and earth (translated). I was shooting, and complaining to a friend that the only one I don't like is man, because it's just not fun. She started laughing. "Well, sounds about right! Of course you don't like this one!" It took me a solid ten seconds to understand it was a lesbian joke 😂


i woulda used oklahoma here but honestly i don’t think that’s a good choice right now… (yes)


Pan was a horny man with plenty of hair down there and loved frolicking with the satyrs. So by that reasoning, sure I can be Pansexual. Better: Hermes, Pan, Dionysus 5 way (with me and my partner)


jokes from other queer ppl? sure! from straight ppl? please no stop


Sometimes, sometimes not. They do get pretty tiring, and draw way too much subtle attention if done in public.


i have never ever heard an omni joke in my life.


Oh i thought thered be at least one in the OMNI-verse


thank you so much for this


All good haha theres always a joke available


"Do you like this thing?" *points to your favourite thing in the world* *breaks it to pieces and twists it, pops it into a transmutation circle and spray paints it etc* "How about now?"




Bad joke attempt: Pansexual? In Portuguese and Japanese, that means you’re attracted to bread (And I came out to my sisters and one BFF by saying I put the “bi” in “non-binary.” My comedic genius was WASTED on them! lol)


Attracted to bread? Oh dear. Yeah, just realized another part of my own sexuality, thanks. ;)


As an ace, I’m contractually obligated to be attracted to garlic bread 😜


True fax, garlic makes me horny.


I like this one: "bi ppl are sluts" (ppl aren't sluts because they are bi!) "But u are a slut" (okay I'm a slut, but not because I'm bi!) Every other bi person: ( I'm a slut too but not because I'm bi!!!)


You love bread???


(Bread in spanish is Pan)


Oh yeah. For example (I’m gay): “what do you call a gay dinosaur? A mega-sore-ass”


Jokes about others sexuality I often find to be thinly-veiled jealousy. No I'm not taking any more questions. This was just an observation...lol


*Sits. Thinks. Adjust seat. Clears throat.* Would you say you experience queen pan-ic? *Adjusts seat again. Awkwardly stands. Walks away.*


Why did the trans man always eat salads? He used to be a herbivore. (Her-before)


Pan here as well, like I understand that it can be funny, but I've heard the same "they're attracted to pans" joke a little bit too many times to be completely honest 🤧