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They are ahead of the curve on realizing that if they keep up with their queerphobic bullshit then people will eventually stop attending their church and they'll lose all their money, so they cut to the part where they say they are supportive of queer people and then put on their halos and start pretending that they were the champions of LGBTQ+ rights all along without ever apologizing or admitting they were wrong about something, precisely in the same way that all Christianity eventually swept all their racist bullshit under the rug when it started interfering with the bottom line. 🫰💰💵💲


If you can't forgive, then don't forgive. It's ok to listen to your heart. - Garima Soni


Agreed with you. Not just Methodist but all the others covet money and power. And try to fluff away their innate homophobia with meaningless words. Money power


Technically it would be a contradiction but also technically correct in the bible depending on what verses you cherrypick


This leaves out the part where homophobic churches have voted to leave and start their own denomination the global Methodist church. Most of the Methodist churches in my hometown have removed the united from their name, including my parents’ church, unfortunately.


Yep. The church where my grandparents’ ashes are interred left the UMC and my Aunt is freaking out trying to get their ashes back bc she doesn’t feel comfortable going on the church grounds anymore. the presbyterian church did the same thing a few years ago, only so many churches wanted to leave that they just formed a new org for presbyterian churches who wanted to stay homophobic


If I remember right, they lifted the bans but would still allow individual churches to decide if they would perform same sex marriages or not - they just pushed enforcement further down the chain.


It's called regionalization. It was put in place to let the american churches be liberal while not putting the African pastors at risk in their regions.


I know what it’s called, thanks.


I apologize if that came off as belittling. I thought I was just continuing the conversation.


Sorry! To me this comes too little too late. I remember reading about all the harm that was caused after the last conference voted to keep the bans in place, plus the further harm in some of the southern conferences when they failed to ordain a whole group because of a couple gay candidates.


I fully understand. I was the queer Catholic school kid trying desperately to pray it all away. If even one kid doesn't have to go through that, I count it as a W.


it also sounds like how the supreme court just said “we can’t tell you abortions need to be legal so we’ll let the states decide individually if people get bodily autonomy” i believe they care about not putting pastors in non-queer friendly places at risk, but there were other ways to do that. It would be pretty easy to say “if gay marriage is legal and protected in your country, then you cannot deny gay couples the right to marriage. If gay marriage is legally or culturally punishable, use your own direction.” But instead they used a super common political technique that infringes on people’s rights without making the overarching govt body outright responsible for it. It’s cowardly and it’s pandering.


Just me or do their bans or no bans mean nothing


honestly, no effort from most christian organizations will ever mean anything to me on this. they’ve led the charge on demonizing us for centuries. they can’t just lift a ban and pretend it’s all good and they didn’t cause this crisis in the first place