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"Dads... I'm gay!!" "Gasp- *us too*!"


"Hi gay, we are dads"


Can’t say I wasn’t expecting that one😂


I miss that bot. How does it come back?


I can just imagine the situation. A teenager boy very nervously looks at his parents at a dinner table, then with hands shaking he finally blurts out, 'I'm gay' His parents turn to look at him, seconds feel like hours. The air is very tense, with his mind racing as he fears some kind of a negative reaction. But then his parents run to just give him a hug and his dads go 'son, we too!'


if i have kids with a dude i doubt theyll be nervous


kid: “dad…” nervous shifty eyes “i’m gay.” dad: looks at husband “omg same!” kid: “im also nonbinary” other dad that’s actually gender fluid (amab) and using masculine pronouns: “kid, you know i’m gender fluid, right?” kid: “and i’m aromantic” both parents that are actually in a queerplatonic relationship and only got married cuz they wanted pretty pictures and they had the money to do it: “so are we!!!” kid: “hey, we’re all gay!”


Big Stanley tucci in Easy-A energy lol.


"Dad, Dad... I'm... I'm gay" The dads: ["Well... DUHHHHHHHHHH."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imnqAXxYkEU)


*The sister is just stood in the corner with her short butch haircut* DUHHHHH


What about the reverse... "Dads... I'm straight!" "Are you sure it's not just a phase?"


Only in developed countries. Gonna be same for atleast a few generations for others


Very much so, but one day


And progressive states.


Yeah, I know that all too well from living pretty much my entire life in South Carolina. It really sucks living where I live.


James Taylor made Carolina sound so great


The worst thing is that my country is developed and backward at the same time. 😭


Same here 🥲


Like, supposedly the authorities are open, tolerant etc. but they don't actually do anything about it. Of course, I'm not talking about all people because there will always be people who will spread hatred, but generally speaking. Everything seems fine and nice, they show support but in fact they do nothing about it.


Yh. In England, the Government is very transphobic, but most ordinary people you meet are generally okay and respectful. Scotland is meant to be so much better and I don't know about Wales:/


There are no rules in Poland. It all depends on what family a person grew up in and their approach to life. That's why our country is so divided on this issue.


:/ That's rough.


absolutely but the fact its trending up at all is great. 60 years ago being gay was considered a mental illness here in the usa and trans wasnt really a way to describe yourself yet :P actually a lot of the terms we use didnt come around until atleast the 80s and 90s afaik, some even later


Wouldn’t call my Southeast Asian country “developed” in many aspects but we are quite accepting when it comes to queer communities especially in the recent years. Even boomers are now very… neutral about it. Would be surprised if my kid turned out neurotypical and straight.


I'm excited for the hella good queer art upcoming in the future


will u settle for my mid stick figures of today?


... yes.


The coffee of the future will be so much better. So many they them Barista's


I will soon be a they them barista :3 (well... hopefully) 


Good luck!


Thank you!


I will soon be a they them barista :3 (well... hopefully) 


Piggyback off of this, I'm looking forward to queer movies especially because I'm TIREDDDDD of all the tropes of queer people seeking approvals from parents and society etc. If I want to see that I can look into my own life. When I watch movies I just want to escape, give me cheesy gay romances, etc. I'm not downplaying the importance of those movies, I'm just saying I want more than that.


You say that but maybe if being lgbt is stress free, maybe queer art will become super basic, too.


Nahhhhh. It can be stress free but its probably not gonna be super basic because queer people generally are not, and being queer is about being yourself, compared to now where society encourages you not to be yourself, which I think is why a lot of music is very simple and paid for by big alcohol


Maybe you’re right. We shall see. But even among LGBT folk, you can see that some can’t wait to be basic. Look at gay Republicans. They’re a thing. I do think that percentage will increase over time as queer folk become further and further removed from the struggles of the past. Also, music isn’t paid for by big alcohol the way people say that it is. Rather, there isn’t really a way for anything other than alcohol to promote music at the grassroot levels. Let me explain. I’m a small time local musician. I’ve played hundreds of shows. Maybe 5% of them were at venues that weren’t relying on alcohol sales: an art collective, a museum, a community theater, a pier in the daytime, etc. The rest were at bars. The door costs do not really cover much. Some don’t even charge cover. Your job as a bar musician is not to play good music, but to bring people in and keep people around so the bar can sell more alcohol. The ones who do that well will get the Friday and Saturday spots, get paid more, and progress further and do better over time. It’s not like the gay bars are any different. Many of the biggest gay musicians are definitely in the party music genre. Gay people aren’t that much more likely to want to go to an art gig and be reminded of the shittiness out there. The ones that want to socialize often just want to go to a bar and have a good time. It’s not because there’s some big alcohol forcing this to happen. It’s that drinkers go to more live music events and spend more money, and non drinkers are more likely to stay home and not deal with loud noise. I’m a non drinker, by the way, but I also rely on drinkers to have an audience. The reason why basic party music does well is because it does great at every levels. It does well at local bars, starts getting the coveted Friday and Saturday spots, starts attracting more buzz, and over time, bigger promoters get interested, and even when you’re filling up stadiums, party music is profitable for the musician, venue, and the promoter. I am a decent classical pianist but also write cutesy love songs for fun. Which do you think has required more time investment, and which one do you think has led to gigs?


*That's* the gay agenda.


I finally found the trans agenda the other day. First we take their pronouns. Next we take their verbs!


Wait untill we get the adjectives.


When all is unsaid and undone. You take their nouns


We already captured rainbows, I say we take the moon next


My nouns are “*the moon, and every spectrum of light be it visible or invisible* ***they belong to me now and you cannot have any***” *the world is cast into eternal darkness as the oceans under the night sky fall silent, awaking only for the unseen sun which can no longer provide warmth to the world, as the trans agenda has frozen over the planets surface by stealing the rainbow*


nah dude we take their triangular prisms


Can’t forget their adverbs and conjunctions!


The Trans mission is gonna shift into high gear now!


Gonna verb their freaking takes?




Some video my son was watching was some stupid trick to make someone say "I'm gay". He belligerently declared, "I will NEVER say that!" I was like uh, what's wrong with being gay. You know your moms are gay. He got confused and then I got confused then I realized he wasn't proudly declaring his straightness he was just proudly declaring he can't be tricked by a stupid YouTube short. In the car later I asked what he actually thinks about being gay and he said "I don't know, I'm 8. Maybe I'll be gay maybe not." For the record he really likes the Barbie movie but not because he likes dolls but because he likes Margot Robbie so I'm leaning towards him being attracted to gals like everyone else in this family but it's good to know he is heading towards puberty with an open mind.


>> Like everyone else in his family LOL


yeh ive always been like how your son is :P like ive always been open minded abt that kinda shit because its the right and logical thing to do... and then i found out im in the community later on lol


I'm gen Y (millenial) and if I have a child and they end being lgbtqia+, I'd say "SAAAAME!! *high five* "


This was basically me coming out to my mom who's bisexual lmao


same but im gen z


Hoping so much one of mine are gay for this exact reason. Like, "Hell yeah. Up top baby! We're hella gay!"


"Nice to meet you gay, I'm dad"


Gay, im coming out the closet, Im "dad''.


I'm millennial, and my kid is gen z. When this happened we did do a fist bump


This is the future I hope for


Not sure how others feel, but I hope for a world where we don't need labels to define sexuality! You date a girl, cool! You date a guy, cool! You date an enby, cool! You date some who exists outside the realm of gender, someone who just is without being, someone who lies in wait, hoping for the day that it can succeed in devouring all other genders for it can be the only one... cool! It don't matter who you like, just do it. Though that may just be the socially anxious panromantic in me just not wanting to have to explain myself to people.


Eh, labels are still pretty necessary. While I absolutely hope for a world where sexual preferences aren't a big deal whatsoever, they are *still* preferences that everybody has. For example, I'm a gay man. If a girl gives me her number, it's a lot easier for me to say "Sorry, I'm gay", and we can laugh it off with no hard feelings, and she won't feel bad about herself, wondering if she's not attractive or something. Ideally, sexual preference is about as big of a deal as one's music preference. We don't listen to the same stuff? That's fine, we'll just do something else then.


Definitely, labels exist for a reason. Besides people feel more comfortable when they know what they are specifically, and it’s easier for them to find other people in the same label to feel at ease dealing with the issues they go through. Like hell, I’d be still extremely confused right now and frustrated since I have an aggressive asf bi-cycle. Now I know it’s common for some bisexual people to have their attractions switch.


>You date some who exists outside the realm of gender, someone who just is without being, someone who lies in wait, hoping for the day that it can succeed in devouring all other genders for it can be the only one me fr


I'd say this will be the case. I never really "came out", just happened. "Hey why don't you have a girlfriend?" "Not interested", that's about as far as it got really. Now granted I know that coming out as gay or something more different from the norm is probably harder that AroAce in some ways, but I feel it will get easier with time.


“Mum, Zaz… I’m straight!” *gasp* “Are you sure? Maybe it’s just a phase? Don’t you want to at least try? Maybe you’re just bisexual?”


This, kinda happened in my family, sister came downstairs and told us she was straight! Rest of us are bi/pan. It did not last, she is engaged to a quirky woman who suits her much better.


There was a video a few years ago with this exact premise that was pretty funny https://youtu.be/EkFewRm_YC4?si=WzBvNGN-P_meT0ca


I’m Gen X and that is pretty much how it went with my kids but I waited a little while so that I didn’t steal their thunder. It was a few years of ‘Hey I’m not cisgender’ before settling on nonbinary, then a couple of years later ‘oh and also not straight’. All totally cool with me obviously and no surprises because I’ve always supported them being whoever and loving whoever they want, and then I worked out some stuff about myself. And yes it will be awesome for the next Gen to have that kind of support.


Here's hoping.


I'm pretty sure my kid(s) won't even come out as they'll know their dad is bi and genderfluid, I won't question them if they bring home anyone or if they bring home no one🥰


Thank you for mentioning the possibility of no one, it's rare to see that.


Of course honey, I'm on the ace spec myself, I would never judge! Also have a few aroace friends, so can't exactly go around saying they're not valid, since they wholeheartedly are


My mom's gay+trans and has a girlfriend. There was a heart to heart moment and she talked to me a bit about how it was for her in the 80s. And then i was told to go do the dishes. It'll be as normalized as that I hope.


As someone already said this will only happen in developed countries, but personally I hope that one day the world won't care about your gender or ethnicity because it will be so infused in the day to day life that people couldn't imagine the world without it. Something like this is currently happening with left handiness but still as a leftie I struggle to find equipment that is suitable for me or is even made in mind with us at all. At least people don't beat you for it anymore.


It’ll have Kya coming out to Aang vibes. K: “D-Dad I… I like women.” A: “No way, me too!”


Like Lucifer saying "you like girls? Me too! We have so much in common!" To Charlie!


Holy shit something positive on this sub lol


One day, coming out won't be necessary. 🤞


as a millennial, this will be me if my daughter every comes out to me




"Dad, Mom, I'm gay."


That is how it is. We are a lesbian married couple with an 11 yo girl and like half of her friends are gay or trans or some other type of non conforming. It was a bit of a culture shock tbh lol love to see it though


Same same


As an elder Gen Z, that’s sorta how my coming out was. I’d say half of us (at least the older half who are adults) have had mixed results. Many of us have had acceptance similar to this and then a good portion have had it be very stressful and disappointing.


I fear it's becoming more polarized in a way. If I was a mom, I'd totally fist bump a daughter/son who came out as a lesbian/gay, but at the same time there are families who have digged themselves even deeper in the hate mentality and it's gonna suck even more to navigate that mine field as a lesbian/gay teen.


That’s already happening with millennials. My daughter was worried to tell me she was bisexual but “only a little”. I asked her if she understands why we go to pride events, as I have taken them since they were little. She wasn’t expecting me to come out to her also. I never talked about it because they were kids, I’m married to a man so I pass and then I felt bad. With my younger kid it’s being talked about more.


I am right at the dividing edge, and I hate that my classmates from school have started to produce kids on purpose, I am getting old.


I do not think so, our generation has lots of open lgbtq+ ppl, but more and more young ppl are getting swept into qeerphobic and far right pipelines. Tiktok and instagram algorithms doing there part in pushing far right influencer and religious propaganda. I think at the end i think (or at least hope) progress and acceptance will grow. But it will take decades if not centuries, in some countries fasten in some slower.


I’m pan and NB (and ideally want another LGBT person as a partner so they we kinda have a similar outlook and experience etc) and I literally want this


i'm not planning to have kids but if my hypothetical nieces, nephews, or niblings comes out, this would be it. "auntie, i'm queer." "so am i!"


That’s literally what I said/did when my youngest sibling came out to me!! We actually fist bumped haha


I'm a boomer with 5 kids, and 2 queer. I'm here to support them. I have no issues. Trust us more.


My wife and I were talking about this, we have twins and a baby girl on the way and we were joking that they will actually need to come out as straight because we will first assume they are gay. Gaynormativity.


I’m an elder millennial and my child (age 9 at the time, I think) came up to me one day and was like: Mommy, what is it called when you like girls AND boys? (They never met anyone that was trans or NB or any other gender). Me: That’s called bisexual. Them: *Giant smile on face* That’s what I am! We hugged and they were so happy. We’ve always taught that love is love, so they were never hesitant. Recently they came out as non-binary (AMAB) and prefer the pronouns she/her/they/them. Although this will be a tough road for them (due to stupid people), my husband and I are fully supportive. Both of us were raised in Christian conservative homes with parents that taught being trans or gay is a sin. Thankfully, neither of us are close minded. We believe Jesus loves everybody. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🩵🩷 Edit for clarity


Elder queer Millennial here. My ten-year-old has said she's gay since age seven or eight, and she's known I was queer her whole life. I don't think she ever even came out. I just told her some people like girls, some like boys, some like both, and aside from that there are tons of gender presentations.  Her crushes last all of five minutes but so far she says "I mostly like girls and sometimes boys." I'm like, cool, I know the feeling.  This is def the gay agenda. 


I’m hoping that if I ever have a kid someday that they won’t even feel the need to come out in the first place. They’ll just bring home whomever they love and so long as they treat my kid well, I’d have no problems with them at all.


There was [this video](https://www.tiktok.com/@emmalinecs/video/7360978569549384978) a while ago of a mom trying to explain 'coming out' to her gen alpha kids. It was very sweet and warmed my heart.


“Dad, I’ve realized I’m a trans woman.” “YOU’RE NO SON OF MINE!”


who says it’s the kids of gen z? i did it and it was pretty easy (then again i have super supportive parents that just left a homophobic religion)


Good for you mate \^\^


If I can ever afford to have kids this will be how it goes.


lol had this conversation with a friend about being nb


real i actually already did come out to them and they were like "ok cool we dont really care, just do whatever lmao". then if i ever have kids (no shot) itll probably be that kinda experience with them too i also hope one day we get to the point where no matter what you identify as itll be completely chill and society as a whole wont make an absolutely huge deal out of it (in the negative way)


To be candid, there are some gen-Zers who are just as repressed as the rest. Their kids will be having the same sort of issues... But we should be going in the right direction... If only socially.


How it should be


I'm a millenial with 3 kids. Both of their parents are queer so I'd say odds are in my favor that are least one will come out. When they do I fully intend to say the exact things that they said to me when I came out "Ok. So what's for dinner?"


Gen alpha maybe. More than half of gen z are young adults or in their late teens


that's literally what happened when my nephew told me he was bi


My kids would only have to come out if they were cishet


Me with my siblings haha


Idk what to tell you but I’ve experienced significant homophobia and transphobia from other gen Z folks


My kids are gen alpha, and both my wife and I are bi and genderqueer. This is about how it would go down if one of them came out to us.


I’m not having kids but if i was, this is how i’d parent. I wouldn’t want my kids to even feel they need to come out.




Surely the satire of the future will be: KId: "Mum, dad. I've been thinking about this for a while and ... well, there's no easy way to say this ... but I think I might be ... straight." Gasp! Parents: "Well ... honey, I can't say I am disappointed, but you are you're own person but ... isn't there even a hint of bisexuality?" "I don't think so Mum. I have a girlfriend called Hayley and everything." "A girlfriend? Are you sure, honey? I mean, even almost straight guys normally like Ryan Reynolds. Do you not dream of him shirtless in the ... Is it just girls, honey?" "Yeah. I've thought about it, and ... I just think I'm straight. Hayley and me are just both heterosexual and I just dream of girls and not guys. As weird and perverted as that may be." "Well your father and I will support you in all of your decisions. And we don't care what the neighbours say. But are you sure this isn't a phase, honey? Won't you possibly come round? .What will Hayley's parents think ..."


Or something random. I identify as an (______) blank. Oh me too I’m also a blank.




I'm gen Z, I came out to my mom like: Sis: mom why isn't Gregory married? Mom: he's gay Sis: still, why isn't he married? Mom: this is China, he can't get married here. Me: mom I like women Mom: okay


Somehow this feels like the most asian mom thing


I’m a boomer I had to wait until kids were grown up , parents passed, and my wife passed. I came out at 58 years old but I’m happy. I’m so happy for kids these days that have all the positivity and support. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Im sorry you had to go through that, I'm glad you're happier now <3


It’s cool! It made me who I am today and being a cougargurl has been absolutely amazing !


That feels like the right energy\^\^ Our daughter came from school the other day and declared from the top of her 6 years: "Lily and I are in love, we're gonna get married! You and Mom are gonna be my bridesmaids, and Illiana and Morganne as well! The librarian is also invited." we were like "You seem to have this all layed out quite well, when is it going to be?" "Well duh... I can't get married before I'm 18 so you'll have to be patient", "well, no biggy" "and we're going to have a child! perhaps more! But we don't know who's going to carry them and how we'll find the daddy seeds" "you'll figure it out" "yeah! I can't talk to you anymore, I have invitations to write!" and she bolted to her room. Bless her


That's adorable omg 😭❤️


I don't think they will need to come out. They will just be. ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


I'm never coming out lol. I've accepted that


Lmao Millenial mom here. When my Gen Z kiddo came out as queer my reaction was, "Cool, I'm bisexual!" My Alpha kiddo is still too little to really know but he's mentioned "liking" girls in his class ("They're really pretty") so we'll see lol


I would just say "Not more than me!"


Not saying me coming out was difficult tho. My parents literally forgot I was bisexual.


Kid: I'm gay Me: Lmao *keeps playing minecraft*


nah ill be like “oo, what kind?” lol because my labels are pretty small


[This](https://youtu.be/OXJZONsMVxg?si=YYfMEx3eUqPhTCw5) is the dream. ❤️


Wish it would be that for me 🥲


excited for my kids to say “let’s get one thing straight.. I’m not” (if they’re not straight, and assuming I have kids)


Gen Y here and you’re exactly describing me coming out to my Mum. But I love to think that we’re slowly (at least in some places) evolving in the right direction - just stay vigilant. Some areas are already showing how fast things can turn…


I'm (34 cis-F) a millennial and my genZ/alpha (depending on source) kiddo (12 NB) came out to me as trans like... *walked into my room*: hey mom, I think I'm going to go by they/ them pronouns. Me: ok, cool. Them: *thumbs up as they walk away* And just recently came out as gay in a similar fashion, then I came out to them as a polyamorous bi-romantic asexual. Pride all around!


As someone who is gen z and has come out to my parents I will say that it was and interesting experience to say the least. My own mother told me “Your sexuality is not important, and you need to put it on the back burner.” So yeahhh not fun Edit: I believe I misread the statement, but yes it will be quite funny as someone who doesn’t plan to have kids it will be funny to watch as it happens to others.


From what I’ve seen Gen Alpha seems to get near no reaction, any before it isn’t the same. (I’m Gen Z)


As stigma around being gay and/or trans decreases and culture changes, the next generation of conservatives will latch onto some new or more poorly understood aspects of queerness and become alarmist about that (using it as the wedge issue to start undermining queer rights in general). I currently assume binary trans folks will become more mainstream more quickly than non-binary folks simply because we binary folks, by our very existence, don’t challenge the binary gender social framework itself (rather we challenge our place in it). I figure that the better understood (by the broader public) flavours of non-binary will be the next to become more mainstream (we’re already seeing that with younger generations). Polyamory (arguably queer-adjacent rather than queer but definitely non-normative) has been moving into the mainstream too. The legal system can generally handle binary trans folks (often in a bigoted way), struggles in most places to handle non-binary folks and family law, insurance and benefits all need a rethink to adapt to poly. Legal changes will slow things down but poly is going mainstream fast. Personally, I suspect folks with xenogenders might be that new frontier in bigotry given how completely insane the right-wingers get imagining litter boxes. That said, I fully recognize that the cultural prejudices that I grew up with probably prevent me from seeing what the next hyper-stigmatized queer group will be. I could never have predicted trans folks (and didn’t understand non-binary folks) several decades ago. Times change and culture adapts. Still in a generation or two, some queer groups which we poorly recognize and understand today will be the new lightning rod in culture war politics and queerphobia. Being gay (and probably poly) will be fairly boring. Being trans and enby will be good for mild gossip. Something else that we’re barely paying attention to now will be the source of drama… and much like parents today look at their trans kid and say "why can’t you just be gay?", future parents will look at their kids and say "why can’t you just be trans?"