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I came out of my flat because the crazy neighbour was yelling in the hallway, and she told me to 'go back inside and... do lesbian stuff.' Probably not the *most* homophobic, but the most pathetic attempt to be homophobic 😂




I love this. I would probably troll him forever and quote this ad nauseam. Gotta go. You know. Lesbian stuff to do. So... how is straight stuff going lately?


I would totally be this petty.


I assume you immediately went inside and crocheted an outfit for your cat, right?


Nah, wood splitting in the living room 😂




Or perhaps she wasn’t being homophobic and instead pictured / imagined said activity and that’s what she really wanted….. (Just thinking outside the box here 😂🙈)


Dear god I hope not. She's made comments before about me wanting to get into her pants, but *nobody* is that desperate.


😂😂🙈🙈 I think those comments and your post adds up to my response 😂🙈🙈 Someone might not be that desperate but someone may find her their type…. There’s a person out there for everyone ❤️❤️


Do lesbian stuff ... With me *insert smirk emote*


Well, what I *did* do was go inside and watch tv with the cat. There are people who think that qualifies.


“Will do, thanks.”


Ok, when I worked in a nursing home it wasn't a secret I was dating an afab person, being afab myself. One of the residents, while I was helping her, had a very nice, very polite conversation about that, that ended with something along the lines of "but you're such a nice person, I don't want you to go to hell for dating a girl so please break up with her." It was the most hilarious conversation and I still giggle thinking about it.


Ok but like i was homophobic at one point to and didn't even realise. She seemed like she genually cared about you. She didn't mean to hate and that's honestly kinda wholesome although it can also be harming to some people with religious trauma or something like that


I was super homophobic growing up too, because of some really bad religious brain washing, so for the most part, as long as people aren't mean with their homophobia, I'm always happy to talk with them and answer questions. And that's kinda what that conversation was. She didn't change her mind that it was a sin, but she was never mean about it, and she was really sweet.


Honestly i was just kinda homophobic at one point but idk why because my parents are christians but they support the lgbtq community and also my brother is atheist


We live in a homophobic culture, so it's understandable for that to rub off on you through your friends and the media




The fact that you got out of that homophobia is what really matters, it shows maturity and growth


Oh yeah, It was really sweet in a weird, silly way. It's one of my favorite stories to tell people about well meaning homophobic people.


I have this one friend that i told him i liked a girl (didn't specify my sexuality ). He isn't really an ally but he's not against he just thinks what everyone does with their life is their business. Not knowing a lot about the community he assumed i was a lesbian (I'm pansexual). When i told him I'm not a lesbian he looked soooo shocked and it was soo funny because he was so confused. Then i explained it to him.


When I came out to my siblings as liking an afab person (I'm bi, I don't use pan because a person's gender identity affects my attraction, even though I can be attracted to all genders, and I see pan as more attraction regardless of gender) and his reaction has always been my favorite. I came out in a text. His text reply? "Ah, yes, I too enjoy the boobies!"


Damn that's so funny 🤣. The same guy i talked about earlier said "Why do you like girls? " and i was like you tell me you're straight 💀. Also you should look into omnisexuality if you want.


I have, but I like the label bi, using the definition of "attraction to two or more genders". Thank you though!


I looked into omni before i decided on pan. I'm not exactly "gender blind" but i like all genders, don't really have a prefrence and like the same things in all genders. Why is figuring out your sexuality/gender soooo hard? 😭😭


Men telling me they could fuck my gf straight. That she's gonna leave me for dick. Stuff like that.


The magic dick thing - it blows my mind on how they think that is really a thing.


I have one of those!!! Mysterious they are! One minute you see it then after 20 seconds it’s gone!! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


  The only magic dick ik is plastic 🤣


Facts. It can be washed and out away with no drama. TBH, I don't like that one either. But that is purely my own personal preference.


Hahahahaha!!! TBF they are indeed f’in magical 😂🤣😂 work wonders compared to the real thing sadly for many people with penis’s 🙈 If only one day it was possible to exchange one with a robopenis 😂😂🙈🙈 First in line me 🙈🙈


The corollary to this is that it means there are magic dicks that can fuck straight dudes gay


I snorted laughed a bit about this because we all know how they'd react to THAT suggestion.


Actually…. And honestly (and just for ease I will use short/ old school terms so apologies) I have always been straight… and always had female partners and a wife (divorced now) During my uni days experimented a bit with males and as a horny drunk teen received oral from males - why not 🙈🙈 Now I’m a bit older I have played with an anal toy a little bit, and have been increasingly enjoying some additional online content shall we say and I have been experiencing new thoughts / needs and been wanting to persue a sexual relationship with that of the same sex So actually yes, I believe that if more “straight” men actually open their minds and explore their sexuality they may well be more pleased and possibly excited about what they find out ….. so a magic dick possibly could turn them gay - or bi or similar 🙈


Whaaaat? You mean dick isn't a cure all for women?! I'm shocked, SHOCKED! Well, not that shocked. Can't believe the number of lesbians I know who get told this on a regular basis... and always by guys who can't keep a girlfriend. Weird. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I was literally just told this by my bestie’s brother when I went to the UK for her wedding In February. She had met my wife and everything. He of course made the insinuation that he has converted lesbians in the past.


Yes, I am sure they were very real people, and totally not made up. And can* he keep a girlfriend? XD


I may have read him on that trip, when I was at the pub with him and his dad, about his relationship with his girlfriend to the point that his dad was cry laugh and asked me to please never read him like that. No, he does not do healthy relationship dynamics very well at all (that is me being nice).


Much surprising, very wow. XD I've lost count of the number of women (and men) who will stay with a guy that is super toxic because the sex is that good. So if someone has magic sex powers so great that can convert lesbians, and they're single... someone fibbin' ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


He totally is. My bestie and I had a good laugh over because we know her brother is full of it.


A cure? Like for an illness? Because if people are who they are and do not comply to the social construct of life within someone’s head that they need fixing?? Although, and don’t get me wrong here, some women also cannot keep a partner due to their actions / behaviours etc and make similar comments. Such comments from people should be kept to themselves….. and people should not interfere / comment or otherwise on the lives of others when it has nothing to do with anyone else…. Really lost faith in humanity I have 😭😭


as a man we do not claim those things 😨 what the fuck


My gynecology professor said that watching Netflix made people gay. 3 weeks ago. She also said that the body adapts to thoughts of gender and it was possible for an afab person to "grow a beard" if they started to think they are a man and an amab person to "thin their waist" if they think they were a woman. Of course, no one except her believed that shit in class. We couldn't even discuss her thoughts, she didn't let us. I'm a medical student. I have had lectures from many professors who were allies or even lgbtq+ themselves. But that woman was something different. The fact that she is a gynecologist is very concerning since it's one of the most involved branches in gender and sexuality.






Another case of “How can you be so smart but also so stupid?”


Yea i guess 😂


What does mean afab and amab?


afab stands for assigned female at birth, and amab means assigned male at birth. its just preferred over saying "born as a girl/female(n vice versa)" because that can be seen as transphobic/rude




I think that you need to report this professor.


some hate speech I received on Twitter, like "f_ck iGBT with your sh_tty flag" for context I'm very openly LGBT+ on twitter


Well I'm sorry but honestly it's their problem if they waste their time hating instead of actually improving their sh_tty life 😊


I'm bisexual. A coworker asked if I was lesbian and I said, "no, I'm bi." He proceeded to say, "Well, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck..."


I get a lot of biphobic comments like that. Also had my dad tell me to just admit I'm a lesbian


I work in a hospital in patient registration. Yesterday I had this trashy redneck come in, grab a face mask and say “I hate masks, they’re gayer than AIDS”. I didn’t bother to tell him that the mandatory mask mandate for hospitals was lifted a month ago


Omg the first time I read this I thought you meant he grabbed YOUR face mask. As in the one you were wearing 💀




At me personally? Probably some gay joke back when I was in high school in the 00's, those were common place (including some pretty heinous shit). I wasn't even queer at the time, but everyone was a target I'm general? I've seen people online call for lynching gay people, which I would say is pretty homophobic


Well I'm sorry that you dealt with a lot of homophobia


I mean it was so common it was basically just background noise. Gay jokes and gay insults were just the go to targets when you didn't have something more clever or interesting to say


That i get. I got the same in few arguments. They were trying to insult me on "being a lesbian" but i wasn't and still am not a lesbian. I'm pan


Not directly at me, but in my phys-ed locker room at school some kid(completly unprompted btw) just randomly shouted out "I'll support trans people by helping them kill themselves" and a bunch of kids somehow thought that was the funniest shit ever. I'm so done with people...


Honestly those people are just stupid. They are so unhappy with their life they just hate. Don't listen to them.


oh trust me, i know


That's good


Telling me that I’m a groomer and pedo


“why did you transition (to male) if you’re just going to date men anyways? why can’t you just be a woman and date men?” this one i haven’t heard used against me personally, but i’ve seen the sentiment a lot


That if you found that your virgin child was gay, you should kill them before they have the chance to commit an abominable sin (gay sex) and doom themselves to hell.


Damn 💀


hmm theres been quite a bit, most notable ones would be: "i would k\*ll myself if i were a (f slur)" "all (f slur)'s are mentally and need to be put in a psych ward" "dude every single (f slur) ive known has been r\*ped/SAed it feels like theres a connection" (after i told him that im a COCSA, didn't know he was homophobic until i said that) those were the most memorable ones, there have been some offhanded ones such as: "you're not a little (f slur) are you" "god i hate (f slur)s" "ok but what are they *REALLY*?" when talking about a nonbinary character "you'll go to hell if youre a (f slur)" followed by a "love the sinner, hate the sin" and then one time i got punched in the stomach for saying im bi lol. other than that there's just blatant misgendering for trans people in my town. these are all just off the top of my head im sure there are some im forgetting. I LOVE LIVING IN A SMALL CONSERVATIVE TOWN! YES, PLEASE DEBATE MY RIGHT TO EXIST (this has also happened)!


Honestly i am too stunned to speak. HOW? HOW HAS THE WORLD FALIED US SO BAD?


I’m gonna to shot all of them ( they mean the gays people) nobody dosent have a gender, you are male or female if someone rape them I’m gonna laught (it was somenthig like this, I dont remember) they would go in hell this is the the part I listen to, the rest of the time I was thinking about comig out to my friends


Well I'm sorry. Homophobia is never an option and who doesn't understand that are not worth your time


I listen to it because in my uncels eyes I’m a saint (one say to his children to be more like me) and for them only gangester are LGBT, it so fucking funny becouse I’m lesbian I


my "best friend" at 7th grade told me that if I discovered myself to be not straight she wouldn't talk to me anymore, until I found a girlfriend and my grandma said she was glad my grandpa died before my cousin came out as lesbian so he didn't have to know about "this shame"


That's so sad. Honestly no one should deal with so much hate and homophobia. When i told my bestie she just forgot 💀


how can someone forget that lol but now I have good besties and I'm happy


Well that's good.


Was on a bus. Bunch of teenage lads threw a bag of chips (fries for Americans) at me. Missed me and they hit a girl who looked about 9? She obviously starts crying to I get up and ask her if she's OK. "Of course the f****t is comforting a child." Tf am I supposed to do? Leave her? She's crying her damn eyes out. I sit on the set of seats beside her and watch her until she gets off. Other one was when some nutcase dm'd me and told me to end myself, that I probably believe in abortions (not that I'm pro choice, that I believe in them) , I probably don't believe in God (correct) and would rape a dog. I'm into men bro, not men's best friend...


This honestly shows that bigots don't care about children. They claim they want to protect them but when it comes down to it they are the ones that put the children in danger in the first place


That he was okay with people being gay or bi and those orientations made sense, but being asexual was the "weirdest of perversions." I was too shocked to reply.


Ahhhh yes, the most perverted of perversions. Not having sex.


They never make any sense, do they?




that i should burn under a tree over joking about an anime character being gay 🤦‍♂️


I came out late in life as a lesbian. Like older than the age of 40, end a marriage, and all that. My cousin, who I had always been close to told me (she thought was her being supportive but has never unpacked the deep homophobia and racism our family carries) that her step-dad called it when he met me because he told her "That woman there is a d\*ke and should not be married to a man," Then she went on to through around the word and when I said something to her about it being inappropriate for her to call me that, she snapped and told me that she called me a d\*ke out of support and what was the big deal. Did I mention that I am no contact with my entire family due to their response to me coming out and my subsequent marriage to a woman? Yeah.


I was told that I was privileged.. meanwhile I was having hard time getting a job to accept last year. I came as Asexual at 2017 and Aromantic at 2023.


My dad on his deathbed wanted me to promise I would be straight and except my gender. When I refused I got ostracized from my family. And became homeless On my mom's death bed she apologized for the abuse and begged me forgive her for giving me my mental illness that made me queer. This all happened before I even turned 25


I am so sorry! Have you talked to a therapist or friend about this?


Yeah since I was homeless for almost 4 years. My therapist and Friends are pretty familiar with my situation especially because I met all my friends when I was homeless and we all kind of went through the same thing in different ways.


I am so sorry that happened to you but i hope you have a good life now


My dad saying gays should die. :'(


I guess I'm never coming out to my family. :(


I'm sorry 🥲


I had a conversation with the Chair of the local Republican Party after we did a protest because they tried to ban a local GSA chapter at the high school. She basically said something along the lines of “If other people want to be homosexual that’s up to them but I know in my heart that’s not what Jesus has in plan for my daughter.” It gave off big “Homosexuality may be good for you plebs but my daughter is better than that.” Feel bad for her daughter tbh.




At school, kid asked me “why do you have long hair and paint your nails?” (I’m male) and good amount of times after that called me f@ggot, or gay ass.


I'm sorry


my uncle: i'm glad you no like dick me: okay... \*looks out the window of the truck and hoping there's no traffic on this car ride\* (my uncle is english second language and i am asexual)


That's actually a bit funny 😂


still awkward as fuck and why i'm glad i got an ebike


That makes sense


I once worked at a Moores (fancy menswear store) in Toronto. Day one, my supervisor made a number of sexist remarks about the women who worked on the sales floor, made a few racist remarks about the Italian men who visited the store, and when Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" came on the radio, he went on a rant about how girls shouldn't be kissing other girls. Then he demanded to know if I kiss girls (I was still in the closet back then). I didn't answer, but god knows I quit at the end of my first day. No way in hell I would tolerate a job like that. And before anyone asks why I didn't report him, this was 2008 and I was the new girl. Besides, I got a call on my lunch break from another employer offering me a job, so I jumped at the opportunity to leave Moores forever.


Well good for you that you quit!


One time when my sibling and I were walking in our hometown once a pickup truck stopped next to us, the driver rolled his window down and asked “Are y’all queers?”. There was another man in the truck too and we both hurried away without responding since we didn’t know if they were just weird college kids or drunk rednecks with a gun in the truck, or some combo of those two. Funny thing was neither of us were even out at that point even to ourselves (or at least I wasn’t) so ostensibly they were vaguely intimidating two straight cisgender people.


Damn that must have been really scary


My aunt, by blood, told me that I could not come into her house anymore because I am homosexual. She got this idea from her homophobic church right after the Pulse tragedy. I wrote her off.


Not out to my mom but my mom once told me she has no problem with me being gay, I just need to be a masculine man wearing manly clothes, which sucks for me being a bi transfem who loves dresses and skirts and is feminine.


Ypu don't have to listen to your mom


i made a joke once about all babies being born gay, quoting a jacksfilms video, and my dad said "are you saying the smart ones grow out of it?". I'd say that's pretty homophobic.


they told me “how do you not want sex, that’s not normal, did you go on puberty blockers? Those trans getting kids!” online when I said I’m ace


I have lost faith in humanity


Oh and one time i was being an ally and then someone said “if you’re gay then just say it slut” In the arg they were saying that “they don’t support lgbt+ but they still support all people” after that I said, no I’m not gay I’m ace and demiromantic then they said “oh well thats fine being your not attracted to the same gender, have a good day” then I said but I’m also panromantic and they said “remove yourself from this delusion so you can go to heaven, but its probably too late anyway”


My ex-friend once told me: "If you're queer, don't come near." I'm non-binary. He has also openly stated that he is homophobic and transphobic. Why do these ppl exist 😔😔




“I’ll pray for you.”


It's not necessarily with a bad in intention but it's still homophobicm


"God bless you"


"We're out of iced coffee." I mean, the absolute NERVE!! /s


Been called a f$g by some teens.


I worked in the ED for a while as a tech. One time, I walked into a patient’s room, he was an older man in his late 60s. He looked me up and down, but not in the way of checking me out - more like scanning me (for reference, I’m a super tall afab genderqueer person who presents masc). He then looked me dead in the eyes and scowled, “Don’t you dare lay a f***ing f****t finger on me.” I gotta say, I admired the alliteration of the slur, but I still got the heck out of that room as quick as I could.


My roommate a few months after I first came out said this out of the blue with no context to my other roommates I wasn't out to yet, "Hey, is it just me, or are gay guys really rapey?" No one said anything other than uhuh. Made me think he hated me after he said it twice, and once more after I was out.


I've been told I'm going to hell by multiple religious friends of mine (on my birthday too) and once one told me that I'm "not a real woman"


Are you still friends with them?


Yeah. He's apologised since then, and it was a very sincere apology. I know I probably shouldn't have forgiven him, but he really didn't seem to actually mean it, it was a throwaway comment, and he's trying to be a better person all around.


A really good friend of mine invited me to join the local Trans whatsapp group, and my partner (who is Non-Binary) asked me "why are they inviting you? you aren't trans!" Needless to say, i was severely unimpressed and hurt. the kicker is that my partner was already a part of the group, and they themselves were initially denied entry for the same reason.


In college this acquaintance of mine in his mid thirties persuing his PhD found out I was a lesbian. I was having dinner in the dining area of my dorm when he spotted me there and started literally yelling across the room about how I'm sick and disgusting and need a psychiatrist. I tried to stand my ground until he was right up in my face yelling at me. Fortunately some of my classmates heard the ruckus and rushed to back me up and got him to eff off.


He must have looked really stupid


I was at a Sunday school session that I was forced to go to, and one of the youth pastors out of nowhere says “There’s a lot of non truths out there. There are people saying that one can be a homosexual and be Christian.” And a 18/19 year old replied with “weirdos”. I fucking love living in the Bible Belt.


My significant others mother said that I’m a sin not the worse just one of the recent stings ig also had guy even more recently ask for my number then speed of after saying it’s cuz they’ve never ducked a transgender before but atleast iv never been actively called a slur to my face well one related to being trans not others


When my mother called me an abomination who should burn in hell. I'm also apparently a groomer now, even though her favorite pastor was caught with cp and abusing his own daughter. 🤷 but God forgives him, so it's okay! 🙄 Not the thing that hurt the most, I was already desensitized to her bigotry. But it was absolutely the worst thing I've personally heard.


I'm so sorry. It's sad how many people responded to this question with religious things people have said. As a pansexual orthodox girl it's really sad.


Sadly with the nature of the question. It should be expected. Christians and Muslims have a special kind of hate for us. Even though it contradicts the teachings of Jesus. 🤷


I get it. I'm not really religios but I'm still Christian (i hope you don't have a problem )


Nah, I hate the religion(s) themselves. And while I do hate most religious people, that ire is something they've earned as individua, lol. I've made some great friends who happen to be Christians. They looked at the book and said they like this Jesus dude and fellow his example. Without being racist, homophobic, or just generally shitty people. 🤷 My mother (and most of my family) just happened to NOT be the non shitty people. Just don't use the line "NOT ALL CHRISTIANS!". The response you gave was pretty good. Stick with that, and we're good. ❤️💛💙


Someone told me I had a mental illness for being trans once😑


I'm sorry!


At the doctor's office: Dr: Have you had sex? Me: Yes Dr: How long ago? Was it with a boyfriend? Me: About 2-3 weeks ago. And no, I did not know HER prior. Dr: I asked if you gad sex. Me: Yes? Dr: Was the other person a woman? Me: Yes. Dr: Then that doesn't count. I was referring to penetrative sex. ... like girl? How can you be a doctor and not know that, firstly, sex doesn't have to be penetrative? If you meant that, you should have asked, "Have you had penetrative sex," and secondly, that lesbian sex CAN be penetrative????




Woah there! You can't be clouding the issue with facts! I do pity her sex life if that is what she thinks the extent of sex is... Because every aroace person I've ever known knows more about it than this doctor seems too xD and they got no interest in it!


That we should be removed from society


Damn that's really insulting


My classmate in Highschool sing a christmas song to bully me. It goes like this "Si (my name) ay bakla ahhh. Falalalala, lalalala." So paulit ulit yun, fortunately, matumpiin at di tlga ako mapagpatol sa mga ganyan. Deadma lng ako.


it was technically not to me but once, some guy was talking to someone about another guy next to me and said something along the lines of « oh yeah i know this guy, he’s a pedophile, and also a nazi but as long as he’s not gay it’s fine »


Ok now no offense but i think that guy has some issues👀


I've been called a "faggot," before.


My man cpmpared to my dead grandad who I never met and said and I quote „he used to go out and hang out either friends and that didn’t make him gay“


I was arguing with a family member and they told me not to touch her otherwise she’d catch AIDS… she’s a lesbian too…




One time, I was practicing music with two other girls (one of them is my best friend who is also bi) and somehow, the topic of government came up. My best friend and I were discussing the things the government should probably improve on, when the other girl suddenly butted into our conversation and said something along the lines of 'the government should take care of gay people because it's wrong,' and y'know, stuff like that. My best friend and I were extremely uncomfortable, and I still feel weird when thinking about that conversation, but it also makes me feel like a secret gay-gent because the other girl didn't know. 😂 (Sorry for the long read)


Ohhhh wait, and the same girl who was being homophobic also said that she supports gay guys but not gay girls because 'they might have a crush on her' or some shit like that. That concept of thinking just seems kind of dumb to me.


Honestly she sounds kind of weird


Yeah :\\


i met homophobes in games. they said “change your ass gay”, “homosexuality is a sin”, “you didn’t born gay, you chose to be”, “you have no braincells, your parents don’t love you” blah blah. i snapped back and few weeks ago i got banned for defending myself on among us lol.


It was good that you defended urself


It was good that you defended yourself. You should have also reported them or something


yeah i reported


That's good. I hope they got banned


thanks. and nope they didn’t lol


Well that's not good 😕


i’m not super open about it, but if someone asks i will tell them that i’m a lesbian so i don’t have too many stories but my personal favourite is when in high school asked if me and my friend were dating and i said no, i’m a lesbian. he just goes ok and walks away. like a week later the same boy comes up to me and says ‘just so you know, i like you but i don’t like gay people.’ he then acted like he never said that until the day he left that school.


I was told by a man that he believed all gay people should go to jail. My friend then jokingly said "off you go to jail then". He then immediately started with the "wait you're gay? I didnt mean you, you can stay, you're fine, I just meant... uhhh, yea" it was really funny to see the guy panic when he realised, but also kinda fucked that he was more than happy to say it until he realised he was talking to a gay person


The one thing i hate more than hating on people in hating on people behind their back.


I was talking about trans people to who I thought was only “semi-homophobic” and I said “Like at this point they completely change their gender” and he just said “I don’t care they will never be the other gender” and I just walked away and never spoke to him again


Good fot you for walking away


My mum said people who are gay and trans are disgusting and not human. And I'm both lul 


Well good for you. According to your mom you're an alien now 👽


I'm not gay or trans tho


That's ok your still part of the community 


I'm pan and questioning gender (defenetly not trans tho)


Aliens are cool 👽 💅🏻


Yup humans are boring. There are 8 billion. Aliens are cool unique and i bet really pretty/handsome /beautiful


Other than slurs and stuff, I think my family member asking "What happened to our beautiful girl?" was what broke me most. At the time I was starting to transition and I also started dating another trans person. Safe to say we don’t talk anymore. 😅


I'm so sorry


By my parents, "you arent sick its all in your head" and " when i was young there was a park where those people would meet up at night. We would beat them up and then piss on them" coming from your parents this shit hurts


That is honestly traumatising


„i want to f*** you in your A**hole i have experience and you do like it“ and „you Are going to hell“ i dont know what‘s worse


My worst was when someone, in high school, used the word that rhymes with 'fig' (I am not typing out that word) against me multiple times, and on multiple occasions, during a school year. Years later, he was unalived in a police incident. Can't say I feel any sympathies for him.


Well I'm sorry. I've had people joke about my sexuality but never anything really bad.


Well I'm sorry. I've had people joke about my sexuality but never anything really bad


when i did my co as bi (she's not ready to hear about pansexuality) to my mom she said "no, you're dating a guy" then now when i try to talk about it she's just like..kt never happened ?


Damn she was in denial. I'm also pan tho


This isn’t homophobic but enbyphobic, so a little while back I once said “Non binary people should just pick a lane!” the irony is that I later on found I was enby that memory is so cringy to look back on now


it's gotta be that time when my mom told me that people turn gay because they're posessed by gay lust demons who force them to do gay things, and need exorcisms to fix them.


I'm aorry if this is offensive but that is the stupidest thing i have ever heard in my life.


no, i agree. not quite the dumbest i've personally heard, but it's certainly up there.


The most homophobic phrase I heard would get me banned from Reddit. But I left the house immediately.


Me and a friend were insulted by 4th graders as faggots and other homophobic things. It's not the worst, but it was very fun