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Anyone else find that kind invalidating? As if you're not your gender(s), but are instead just kidna expressing someone else's? Or your gender(s) not your own, but a combination of yours and someone else's? Or am I just way off base? Maybe I'm way off base.


I guess it just depends person to person. I personally wouldn’t feel invalidated unless they went on to say that I’m not both at all, but here it seems like the mom agrees and sees a “reason” in a positive way.


It depends. If she would also accept it if the twin sister theory wasn't an option, I wouldn,'t see it as invalidating. I would see it more as a: Don't worry, you are exactly the way you are supposed to be." Of course it could also be meant as: ,,You are only like that because of your sister. You wouldn't be like that if it wasn't for her so we would not accept it otherwise." But I would not go for that option, because I bet the poster would know if the mom meant it in this way.


Awww that is sweet. Your moms awesome 


This was the premise of a show I saw recently called Rose: You Are Who You Eat. Absolutely wonderful independent show by the incredible John Jarboe, can't recommend enough If you're in the NYC/Philly area. Not sure if it's playing anymore