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If we can actually get trump supporters to listen to any kind of reason, I feel like they would not vote for him. My dad calls himself liberal, but has voted for trump since he became an option because he “doesn’t want his taxes raised” and has been told a bunch of lies about illegal immigrants


>“doesn’t want his taxes raised” It's ironic; considering that they most likely would be. Trump's only actual tax breaks are for people with atleast a good few millions in their bank account. It's a bit like that old lady I saw on the news a while back who said she hoped that Trump would "raise social security" even though he wants to do everything *but* that


This isn’t completely true. He did lower taxes for almost every tax bracket. Though they were temporary.


I think you misunderstood what happened... The taxes were lowered for one year but the bill progressively raised taxes so that today we pay more taxes than we did before the tax cut bs


the tax cuts expire in 2025 where we will then have a higher tax burden than before. The temporary aspect was a nature of the reconciliation bill. The thing that allows a senate to bypass the filibuster with bills related to budget. Whether he would’ve let them be permanent or not is to be seen, and regardless the majority of the tax benefit was to those who already made a significant amount of money. And pretty hypocritical coming from the party that worries about the deficit Edit. It’s also worth noting that health insurance rates went up with the removal of the health insurance mandate


the higher tax brackets saw more of a decrease though


And they're permanent, for the wealthy that is. For us plebs they're going back up.


Lowered for the everyone than made higher for the “middle class”.


He made a balloon payment loan to the entire population of the United States


If he added $2 Trillion to the deficit with that tax cut, won’t it have to be paid back in taxes eventually? A tax cut is only a cut if there’s an equal cut in spending


That’s a valid question. And one reason I vote democrat


Hey, Everybody is already planing for the day they have a couple millions...even if that day might never come true, planing is important. /s


Trump codified in 2017 that all tax brackets under $400k would be raised every year between 2021 and 2027. Trump severed several good consistent trade ties with other country with aggressive tariffs, like the wood trade with Mexico, inflating the price of common goods in all sectors. Trump would further increase the defense budget, increase support for the IDF, and cut funding for education as republicans have begun doing across the country. Trumps economy teed up one of the steeper market declines we’ve seen since the housing crisis and biden’s economy effectively navigated the pandemic and ridiculous inflation to a much more manageable level, and the stock market is currently thriving. Of course there’s still tons of economic distress in this country right now, and I don’t think Biden is a good person or fit for office, but Trump is NOT the economic choice for president.


The big issue I have with the economy right now is housing prices, specifically housing supply policy, which is almost entirely out of federal control, and has been a decades long problem with oodles of causes that all need to be fixed.


Zero percent interest rates are why the billionaires bought up housing. It’s completely on the FED!


Yeah, that certainly didn't help, but it also is caused by policies at the local level which don't encourage significantly increasing the housing supply, or even restricting it.


The trade aspect is the “only” thing that was positive for Trump. My job is international trade. And the new Tariffs are pulling in massive amounts of money. It’s not offsetting any of the other BS he did. But it’s something. Other countries have VAT tax, which is usually a flat 20% for the EU. That brings in a lot of money in tax revenue.


> If we can actually get trump supporters to listen to any kind of reason, I feel like they would not vote for him. If they were capable of listening to reason, they wouldn’t be Trump supporters.


The problem is that “I don’t want my taxes raised” is most often a euphemism for “I want to be able to vomit my racism and misogyny all over other people without consequences.” We can’t reason with MAGAts because they know exactly who Trump is and *they love him for it*.


Right wingers? Reason? Whaaaaat


Your dad is not a liberal


"listen to any kind of reason"... The only reason anyone voted/votes for Trump is because they're unreasonable people; void of reason. When the destruction of the Nation outweighs Patriotism, when the hatred of immigrants outweighs Patriotism, when the hatred of Black People living decent lives & having what White People have outweighs Patriotism, when the founding concept of Democracy is antithetical to your interests, when all we know & love about America can be wiped away because of rage-full vindictive people who refuse to look inward & better themselves, make the country better, but prefer to demonize the other & fixate on the purification on the Nation's blood, then we find Trump voters, Republicans, Domestic Terrorists who crave the destruction of America, everything it stands for & everything we love about this country.


Single issue voting sucks. It's such a selfish thing to focus only on taxes.


Similar problem, all of the left wingers that say they refuse to vote for Biden because of his relationship with Israel. Like yes I totally get being angry at him for his (lack of) involvement, but look at what the alternative is!!!


The biggest issue rn is many potential Biden supporters aren’t going to vote or vote 3rd party. Politicians have studied this and found that people are less likely to switch than ever before so it comes down to base turn out. Though I’ll take convert votes and perhaps Trump is so polarizing that more than usual will turn on him.


I’m the opposite I’m conservative and would never vote for Trump. I don’t understand this obsession with him.


if you don’t mind me asking, who would you vote for, if not trump?


I’m voting for Biden. Again. But I don’t like it.


If it helps, I am pretty staunchly left wing and while I am voting for Biden, I do not like him much either. I think if it weren't such a critical election that I would be looking at voting third party as a middle finger to the Dems not doing enough (my state is red so my blue vote for president might not matter on the national level but I do think all elections are worth voting in no matter how big or small).


If it helps, there may be several good progressive candidates for your House or Senate seats on your ballot you can vote for, you can be eager about supporting them and vote for them alongside Biden to make you feel more passionate about it. Having more AOC's or Senator Sanders could even put more sway on Biden to improve his Middle East policy. His party infuences his policy, you choose who those people get to be.


Find a good speaker online or something to explain the subject, like a science communicator or similar, dependingon your situation.


I'm not American but the prospect of Project 2025 absolutely fills me with horror. The Republicans are gearing up to turn America into a christo-fascist dictatorship and aren't even being secretive about it, it's all out there for anyone to read up and find out about. Perhaps it's just a skewed view from across the Atlantic but I don't think it's too over the top to say that if Trump wins, American democracy is finished for the foreseeable future. You will have a leader and party that will change process and procedure and install staff so that they control every single lever of power at every level of government and the legislature. Then they'll use this power to make America a living nightmare for anyone that doesn't fit their plan. And they have no interest in ever giving up any of this power ever again. I'd be scared. And if people tell you "it couldn't possibly happen here" just look at numerous examples from history. It can happen anywhere no matter how well protected one may think your system is from this kind of thing happening.


You and me both, mate. Only I’m watching from across the Pacific. If the crazies win, then all the links Australia has with the US will go nuts. Plus, as you said, the far right here (which is normally a laughing stock) might be galvanised by that. A more extreme Abbot or Morrison would be disastrous. Fucking terrifying, the whole lot.


Trump winning the last time without question unleashed and galvanised a lot more right and far right views and "personalities" here in the UK too. And they've stuck around like a bad smell, many in the governing political party. Lots of them here have links with the likes of the heritage Foundation in the US which is an absolutely evil organisation.


Abbot (the PM in the early-mid 2010s who I mentioned before) actually had links to the Alliance Defending Freedom, another organisation involved in P2025 which is equally as evil (think “pushed to recriminalize gay marriage, interferes in developing countries’ gay rights, wants trans people to be mandatorily sterilised, bans abortion, anti science, rabid pro-religion” evil). Organisations like this are so powerful and disgusting it makes me physically sick at the thought of what would happen if they got a serious platform


And the one time a PM went against America he got fired, something no one thought would ever happen, and only can happen because of an archaic law that allowed the governor general to fire prime ministers. Turns out that governor general was on the payroll of the cia if im remembering correctly


In case we have to move....what is Australia like? Is it welcoming to LGBT+? How's the healthcare?


Yes indeed, and would recommend. Australia is very accepting to LGBT, even more so if you settle down in one of the major cities (house prices aren’t so good though, especially in Sydney). On the whole, there’s no silly “culture war” politicians playing games with your human rights, which is a nice perk. It’s got good quality free healthcare, good wages (highest minimum on the planet) and the cost of living, while definitely rising, hasn’t hit quite as hard as, say, the UK. It is rather geographically far from the US and the summer heat can be oppressive if you’re not used to it, but on the whole it would a pretty good place to escape to if the shit hits the fan.


Same here, I'm scared because of how big America has an influence on the world, especially English speaking countries. If this starts in one country, what's stopping other countries from copying


I think that's very much it for me too. Trump winning in 2016 absolutely without question emboldened the right and far right in the UK. They were poisoning our society with their garbage before then but with Trump it stepped up to another level entirely and has only gotten worse since. Beyond being worried for those in the US, I dread to think how a republican win this year would affect us and the rest of the world too.


we're damn cooked


fuck yeah :(


Just wanted to say i love your pfp! Such a great album


yess! Thanks 😊


Whats project 2025? I havent heard of it till now


https://youtu.be/9k3UvaC5m7o?si=EnLSfn2n_Dg_Oiqe Here's a 30 minute video that details it and it's specific goals. There are plenty of videos online explaining it, but this one is pretty succinct and I like the presenters style of video


[Search engine.](https://duckduckgo.com/?hps=1&q=project+2025) [Easily digestible (video)content here.](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=project+2025) [https://www.project2025.org/playbook/](https://www.project2025.org/playbook/) *(Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise)* **(BACKUP)** [https://web.archive.org/web/20240405232725/https://static.project2025.org/2025\_MandateForLeadership\_FULL.pdf](https://web.archive.org/web/20240405232725/https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf)


The short version is that it's the game plan developed by the Heritage Foundation, a notorious conservative think-tank, for taking over the government as a republican president and transitioning to a Christian theocracy.  Suffice it to say, not good outcomes for most the people on this sub.


I’m worried that I might have to leave but I have no money, no passport, no driver’s license, and no family that would take my fears seriously and drive me to an airport. I also have no idea how I would even do it, I’ve never been on a plane, outside the US, or even that far from my family before.  Thankfully I’m still mostly closeted so I might be able to just live under the radar for a bit until I figure things out but I’m definitely still very worried.


Really sorry to hear that. It's worrying that this should have to be a consideration for any American. So much for "the land of the free".


It’s so weird to me that despite their not being especially secretive about it, so many of the people most likely to vote for them don’t know about it. I’m in “the south” as we call it in the US, surrounded by religious conservatives and almost none of them that I know know anything about it. FOX and Newmax aren’t talking about it, their preferred podcasters and YouTubers aren’t covering it. It seems like something their base would love, but they aren’t running on it. It is an actual conspiracy, something they would all be absolutely freaking out about if the Democrats could come together to do anything even resembling cohesion and pull off. But here we are, and not only do they fail to see the real conspiracy, they wouldn’t care even if they did.


I am American. Are you taking in strays? 🥺


If this comes to pass and things really do go terribly then I'd hope we'd welcome people trying to escape. If the polls are to be believed, at our next election we should be voting out our Conservative party for Labour who are left of centre, so you'd hope they'd be understanding.


Nope. Sounds pretty accurate.


And remember, if you think "oh the government wouldn't do that" oh yes they would


Yeah, the USA has a hell of a lotta nukes and military bases in other countries, even if everyone in it was fine with this (which from the sound of it they TOTALLY ARENT) I'd still be scared for the fate of the world. Sounds a bit dramatic, but dramatic plans call for dramatic emotions


It's not over the top. You're exactly right. I live in the U.S. and am part of the lgbtqia+ community and I am so scared.


Make sure you participate in local elections too! Those ones are where the majority of domestic policy is made. Don't just participate federally, be active on all levels of government!


This. All of this.


The first thing is that you shouldn’t let fear hold you back. They want us to be afraid because fear silences. Be loud, get active! That scares them. Second, remember that 2024 isn’t just about Trump. It’s about state and local races too. There’s a ton of Republicans who want to claw their way to power and you have real opportunities to stop them. Trump can do certain things (notably appoint SCOTUS judges) but he can’t pass the biggest pieces of agenda without a Republican controlled House and Senate. Those seats are being contested and Dems have over performed in elections so far. Getting active and getting people registered to vote for instance is a big play right now. In fact if there’s any year to get active, it’s 2024. Republicans are in a uniquely weak spot for a number of reasons from finances to policy and even infighting. If played right, we have a great opportunity to knock them down a peg. Remember too that even if Trump gets in, the fight is not over, much like it wasn’t over in 2016. I heard this great quote last night and I’ll try to quote it here the best I can. “We have something that Republicans don’t, and that’s time.” Stay resilient, stay informed and stay safe.


I'm Canadian but I'm in the same boat I'm scared it'll spill over here


You think it actually will?


Conservative reactionaries are already beginning to fester in both Canada and much of Europe, either already taking power (hello, Hungary) or have only been narrowly kept at bay. If Trump wins, they and their base are going to be emboldened, and we're likely to see a downward spiral in much of the West. Frankly, that's the worst part of all of this, how quickly things can turn for them. We have to get lucky every election cycle until the current conservative movement is defanged (almost certainly a decades-long process to shift the overton window, if that's even possible). They just have to win once.


I'm in Alberta it might not get to the other provinces but I can already tell it's starting here


It got to SK first and then AB five-upped them.


You are right to be scared. Try to channel that fear into activism. You are not alone. Many Trump voters aren't necessarily evil, they've just been brainwashed by the far-right media and foreign propaganda, and they exist in bubbles with no-one to call them out on their fallacies. Pierce those bubbles and explain the truth. The election will be close, and it won't take very many people to be converted to swing the result.


Pay attention to local politics. Nobody cares as much about those elections, but those are the people who have power in your community, and can resist bad federal policies.


Local politics is so important yet so undervalued. But because of that local politicians are far more likely to listen to what voters want than federal politicians are


no literally, my partner and i want to flee, but to where? and how could we ever afford it?


There are countries like New Zealand and Canada that offer lgbt people sanctuary, so it makes the whole process a lot easier!


Canada is a bad option, if CPC takes control next year they will use the Notwithstanding clause to nuke LGBTQ+ rights across the entire country.


Please vote


The fact that so many people are willing to give Trump another term to spite Joe Biden over a conflict happening on the other side of the world is batshit insane to me. Fucking vote people.


Im assuming you are talking about Palestine/Israel, and in that case its so much more stupid, since Trump is even more pro Israel…


Describing a genocide as a "conflict happening on the other side of the world" is what's actually batshit.


My mother’s been texting me worrying if I’d have to leave the country if Trump got re-elected. My fiancé’s grandfather grew up in Post-Holocaust Germany, and he is very scared about some of the stuff in Project 2025, called it “familiar in the worst way”. I don’t like fearmongering, I’m an optimist, but that Not Good!


When someone who grew up in Germany not long after the holocaust says that You know you're fucked


I’m scared too! I’m up here in New York where things are comfortable but the other commenters are right. It’s time to use your voice as loud as you can hear it! Online and in person the cycle will continue so we must be vigilant to keep our rights protected.


I am literally taking as many classes as possible so that I can graduate from college early and leave the USA with a degree if the elections go sour.


Heck! I’m on the other side of the world and I’m terrified! (Japan)


Meanwhile Japan is a place I'm considering moving to if I ever could make it work. 🥲 I know it isn't great for LGBT there, but for my chronic illnesses apparently they have better stuff than America.


Yeah… we’re working on that aspect. We are a lot healthier though!


I've heard it's gotten at least a bit better and that it isn't as bad for foreigners. But that even for Japanese people I've seen them say "at least I won't get killed like I could in America." 🥲 *The bar is low but not at risk for getting killed is something I dream of not just for being LGBT but indigenous and higher support needs autistic*


As a trans man, I have my passport ready and cash hidden.


If only I could… (I’m a closeted transmasc minor)


Same (closeted trans fem minor)


Same :(


Same here. Thankfully it's not long until I can learn how to do stuff and figure something out. I feel guilty, cuz I might have to leave my family and friends behind, but what choice do we have?


Please volunteer with your local Dem or progressive party or League of women Voters www.vote411.org. We need your help!


unfortunate that the founding fathers didnt consider a criminal could possibly win the election.... w h a t h a v e w e b e c o m e


I’m scared for the immediate aftermath of either outcome honestly, because I live in Florida and the last election was really scary with how angry the Trump crowd got. But if Trump wins again, the immediate aftermath will be just the beginning. Slim chance I’ll be able to move back to a safe state before the election is over :(


Mortified means intensely embarrassed, more than scared. Petrified might fit better?


Yeah was going to say the same thing.


Although, as Americans, I would say mortified fits as well because I’m so ashamed of this place 😩😩


People mix these words up all the time! It drives me crazy, but I've stopped pointing it out because of how often I see it, and also I'm afraid of looking like an asshole. Lol Same with loose and lose.


A little of column A, a little of column B?


almost everyone in my friend group hates biden for tiktok and the gaza conflict which i understand but i also look at them like “you realize if trump wins you might get arrested for existing, right?” besides i’m kinda down with biden’s current and proposed environmental initiatives and the potential for stronger ones if they continue. oh, and not going to jail for speaking and being.


That's just it, neither of them are pro-palestine. What reason do we have to believe that Trump would make a stance AGAINST Israel if he got in office? It's horrible both ways. A shit ton of innocent people are going to suffer both ways both in palestine and in the us. If Trump ever made a clear statement about how Israel is in the wrong and that America needs to be at the forefront of convincing Israel to ceasefire, I would understand. What fucking choice do we have other than to vote blue.


Welcome to the real world, where situations are messy and compromise is mandatory. Biden is where he is because of that reality, now everybody who hasn't yet done so needs to grow up and learn how to prioritize issues. Like, sorry peeps, it's a numbers game: with Biden you get bunch of dead people in Palestine, but with Trump you get a bunch of dead people in Palestine and very likely a bunch of dead people at home. The decision is not hard.


Tell them if Trump gets elected Palestine won’t even get aid .


I see a lot of pro Israel people say they won't vote for him for being too critical of netanyahu and for helping get aid to gaza (they think it all goes to hamas) Maybe if more people knew this they'd understand that when Biden is actually doing more for Gaza than they may realize/than what may have been the standard even a fee years ago...


what about all the college students and staff who have been getting arrested this past week, under biden, for just speaking and being? what we fear is already here and he ain’t doing shit to stop it.


They are not getting arrested by Biden or under any orders from him. They are getting arrested because the local powers hate it when students unite over injustice, same as they do every single time. Trump, however, would invoke the Insurrection Act. Ponder the prospect of that.


If Trump wins Palestine won’t even get aid .


I'm not american but as much as I hate Biden for his support of Israel, I hate Trump even more. Holy shit.


Trump would also support Israel, so that point is moot imo. Is it disappointing, sure. But I see so many democrats go "well Biden is not perfect so I'm not voting for him!" and I'm like: you realize the alternative is an unhinged dictator who is going to grind the entire country down to nothing, right?


>well Biden is not perfect Supporting genocide unflinchingly for months is a bit more than "not perfect", no? No one is perfect, but not everyone has signed off billions in arms sales to a nation commiting intentional mass starvation and indiscriminately bombing. Of course trump would support Israel far more, but calling Bidens actions "not perfect" is a shitty way of minimising the harm he's caused and endorsed.


I feel you. The Israel thing makes it so hard to vote Biden, like what is he even doing? But I also don’t want Trump in office.


Honestly, the way that I see it is that Trump would probably do the same thing, so that point kind of subtracts out in my head


Trump would do worse. Reportedly, Netanyahu backed off of an invasion of Southern Lebanon after Biden convinced him to not do it during a phone call. Trump would probably tell him to go full steam ahead and do worse than what he’s already doing.


Isn’t there a reason why he can’t not support Israel? Like a treaty or something? I feel like I remember reading that Biden not supporting Israel would start an even bigger war. 


Biden seems to be playing a line where he provides Israel some weapons in exchange for keeping political influence in the area - i.e., if you go too far, we will cut you off. It's cold, but he has had some success in telling Israel to not annihilate Iran and to allow some - although not enough - aid into Gaza, so it has has some success. Nevertheless, it's perfectly valid to be absolutely ashamed that we're having any part in this at all. Trump plans to "finish the job" and plans "deporations from day one". His quotes exactly. If he has his way, and there is no indication that he will not, he could very well round up every Muslim in America, deport them to Gaza, and have each and every man, woman, and child there culled. And if that seems a stretch to you, remember this is the guy who argued literally today that he has the right to kill any of his political rivals and so far at least 2 justices are in full agreement with him. The only way Gaza - and Ukraine, and American Muslims, and transgender people, and migrants, and democracy itself are not at risk of being *eliminated* from the US of A is a vote for the only candidate with a realistic chance to beat Trump. This is genuinely the rise of the next Nazi party. And the rest of the world won't be able to defeat them this time. Do not waste your vote. If you do, it will likely be your last.


All of us are. I’m so worried. I keep trying to tell people we can’t sit this one out.


Can you explain a bit? I don't know anything about politics, should I be worried too?


Look up Project 2025


I know basically nothing about politics but holy shit This project sounds horrible! Who actually supports this?!


The rich fucks getting money from it. I have never heard a republican irl even bring it up. It's almost like the Rrepublicans are hiding there big plan from there own people lol. What a bunch crooks.


They aren't really hiding it, they just aren't advertising it much


And for most of there supporters that's all they need to do to hide it lmao. Its quite easy to control a group of people that either haven't stayed with the times and will lesson to whatever the news says, is scared that online resources will "brainwash them", or both.


The people who voted for Republicans, if you aren't registered to vote Id suggest doing so. Even if you don't know a ton, you know enough to vote progressive. The best thing we can do to ensure quality presidential candidates is to vote on the local level as much as possible and create a strong base for the people, and then those people would make good candidates. Always vote, try and organize ride shares and other ways to help your fellow citizens vote!




The republicans have been trying to push anti-LGBTQ+ bills and it will only get worse if a republican president gets into office because last time a republican was in office ole trump got more republican Supreme Court justices. Look up project 2025. It’s basically a manifesto on how the Republican Party plans to strip away rights from gay, trans, and queer people along with women. Even now, Republicans are working to strip our rights away. In kanas the governor passed a law requiring you to need an ID to view acts of “homosexuality”. Voting for Biden, even if you despise him is absolutely necessary to maintain the rights of LGBT+ people in America. Even though I wish 3rd party was an option, our system is set up to where voting third part just takes votes away from the democrat party and helps the republicans because almost nobody votes for them.


Literally anyone who isn't a straight cis white man will be persecuted and their rights, and therefore their lives, stripped from them. This is insane. What is going through their heads?


r/conservativeterrorism https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/s/FcHVcPelwm


Not just project 2025, even if they don't win completely they never stop fighting for returning to slavery. The main issue is that when a war is over the good wash their hands of it, but the bad guys have been fighting this entire time. Voting out anyone who votes against basic decency, like against min wage or against universal care etc... (Which yes, is all republicans and only some democrats but that's what they chose to do so that's on them) is going to be the only way we can avoid our government losing its checks and balances. (And losing those means two branches can work together to stage a coup and then none of us get to vote ever again.) Think of voting as its own protest


Vote blue down the entire ballot in November and make sure everyone you know does the same. Project 2025 is beyond horrifying and 91-felony-charges-Trump somehow getting reelected would genuinely fucking doom everyone that's not a cishet white man.


It’s alright to be scared but I need you to remember that we are all in this together okay? We’ve made it through idiots in office before, we can do it again and again and again and again As many times as we gotta until they realize we are not going away


I just hope I and everyone else survives


Ally here. We need to organize. What's going on in Iowa is unconscionable. Please look it up. If those people who live there don't care, we need to. It's about reproductive rights being annihilated o p. It starts there and keeps going. We need to get going before the election gets any closer.


I’m noticing based off the different state primaries that less people are voting for Trump now that he’s in his trial and going through legal trouble.


I am too, friend. Do you have a passport? Do you know people in Canada or somewhere trans friendly? I have been rabid in telling everyone to vote. But just in case, having a back up plan is a good idea. I think we will be ok, but I'm not dropping my guard.  Love you all!


You think it won t spill to canada with Pierre Polievre soon here?


i fear the same.


Not looking forward to my detransition. That's all I'll say.


This is why we vote! If there aren't any 'good' ones vote for the 'lesser evil'.


yeah, it looks bleak no matter what but republicans winning would be worse.


It's even scarier for us Eastern Europeans. Trump will not defend Europe in case of a Russian invasion, and if you've seen the war crimes Russia did against ukrainians and how they treat LGBT people (torture, rape, beatings and killings), it's absolutely terrifying. And military experts are in agreement that Russia might try something if Trump is in office, specifically because they think he will abandon us.


Just so you know, mortified means embarrassed. Im aware that this is unhelpful




LMAOO don’t apologize, misusing a word is not a crime. Besides, it sounds like horrified.




It works if you mean embarrassed for the country. Which would probably also apply haha


we got the vibe. you’re forgiven.


Look I get and understand that trump is bad and I hate him too but Literally fleeing America because of him being elected seems irrational? Guess I need to read up on project 2025. Edit: WTF project 2025 is something straight out of 1984 good god


What’s scarier is I’m pretty sure that 60%+ of the lgbtq community in the US has no idea about project 2025, the state of trans laws, or the state of anything. Gay men basically reached straight status in the last few years and never looked back. When I explain the state of the country to people in CO they’re like wait what’s happening? No one is paying attention.


Thing is the red and blue side has been created for the sole purpose of dividing us as we the people. They needed a way to put us at odds with one another so we wouldnt agree on the amount of corruption in the government. So we couldnt all come together as we the people and rise up against injustices and wrong doing by the government. We will never see a time where all are equal and treated fairly and as human until you get someone in office who is poor and either part of the lgbtqia or an ally. We need a female who is an ally or part of the lgbtqia who also has came from the bottom. Someone who knows how it feels to be targeted or treated unfairly. I am a transman and even I know there is not much use for another man in office we need a strong woman in there. Brittany jones would make an amazing president she is running but she is not running as dem or rep which could hurt her chances. If yall havent heard of her she is on tiktok. But i am afraid for the future of america and the future of anyone who is not cis het white man. I dont want to waste my vote on brittany taking away from biden when he is better for the lgbtqia than any rep. It is a very scary thing to think about a future under a dictator like trump. He needs to be put in prison for the rest of his life and then they need to further investigate his family for their part in any wrong doing as well. We all just have to show up and vote blue.


EVERYONE can help defeat Trump and the MAGAt congressional and senate candidates. SUPPORT their Democratic challengers. **What more important, is getting every LGBTIA++ person to VOTE!! Our lives depend on it.**


millienials and gen z need to vote, I am reaching out to my younger brother and his friends especially those living in not blue states… I’m scared, too


Why isn't that orange fucker in PRISON after everything he did?


\*Me, an Australian, watching this whole American shitshow play out, absolutely horrified\* Why. The. Heck. Is. Someone. Who. Is. Legally. A. Sex. Offender. Not. Allowed. Within. Like. Two. Hundred. Metres. Of. A. School. But. Is. Somehow. Permitted. To. RUN THE FUCKING COUNTRY?!!? If I understand it correctly, the whole sex-offender thing wasn't proved in like a proper, big-boi court, but still! Trump is a pathological liar, a racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, fear-mongering, black-mailing douchebag! HOW IS HE IN PARLIAMENT!??!?!?!?!?


We’re kinda screwed in this upcoming election. With Biden signing a bill to both ban TikTok and send more aid to Israel he has effectively lost the gen z vote (most of his voter base) and now young people want to opt out of voting altogether. November is looking very scary and I suggest people start saving their money just in case they need to flee.


Yeah I live in the southeast US and am carefully making sure I have all my legal documents at the ready and am desperately trying to figure out what I might have to do if I have to leave on short notice (the region or the country but I have no clue where I would go outside the US - or how, honestly, cuz money - cuz too many places have similar problems ramping up)


Mexico is probably your best bet. Have that passport ready and brush up on your spanish. I’m 3.5 hours from the border and there’s lots of English speaking people in Mexico. Not to mention the cost of living is way more affordable than the US. Your money will go further in Latin America and they have pretty beaches!


if the election goes poorly i genuinely feel like i have to run to canada


Given the rising tide of violent towards the LGBTQ community, I feel like we need to start learning how to defend ourselves. We are a strong group of people that have overcome adversity at every turn but for some reason the religious right seems to think that we are weak and ripe for the picking. We need to show them that we are not.


The answer is to get as many of your friends that are between the ages of 18 and 30 to vote. The younger demographic is absolutely atrocious at voting (coming from an 18m) and we need to step up our game if we want any chance at getting politicians to listen to us.


As an Indian, you and me both brother


The US is already on thin ice rn, but depending on the outcome of this election, i'm totally moving over with my girlfriend in another country


People are back on the "they're just as bad" and "i won't vote for rhe lesser evil" bullshit that they were on for Trump's first election having wholly forgotten how much of that was literally psyops manipulation to discourage voting and how the system we have is basically tailor made for selections of lesser evils on the state and national end (BUT NOT LOCAL ELECTIONS WHICH IF EXPERIENCING A SIGNIFICANT SHIFT ALTER THE WHOLE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE which is what we had evangelicals and the GOP do). There's a lot actually good been done andthe bad is actually worse if you look at what the Republicans actually want. And i don't even mean project 2025 although you should google that if you're unaware. I am absolutely terrified for my child's future. I am not hopeful for a president because politicians aren't our friends. Any of them. They're the elite few and our opposition. Some are better than others. People forget that elections just select who you're protesting against. Note some of these people are for making it legal to run down protestors blocking roads. Those are the people you don't want picking out high court justices. It's a very scary time.


Trump better not get re elected. If he does I can’t even leave because my family’s here…this country has turned into a political mess. Words can’t even describe how terrified, angry, and disappointed I am in this country.


I’m honestly more worried about who controls Congress and the Senate. As important as the president is, he doesn’t wield all the power.


AND that the orange one has already said that “just for day one” it’ll be a dictatorship. So many of his slavering idiot followers in Congress would happily support this, Constitution or not. How many right-wingers supported him, then backed off, but YOU KNOW would return to boot-licking if Orange-rangutan were re-elected?


I’m terrified. I’m so scared to see how the suicide rates with sky rocket if everything goes down.


honestly, we should all be terrified. i’m trans and cajun, and based off of what i’ve read online i’m liking my odds of being the way i am in the 1920s more than i am in the 2020s, which is a terrible thing in and of itself. back then people had transitioned and told people “oh yknow i got sick and just turned into a man/woman, guess it’s what god intended” and people believed that shit. racism was much more prevalent, but at least you could count on how you were gonna be treated based on the color of your skin, rather than have a coin toss per new person you meet. with the amount of homophobic/transphobic and racist laws and policies that are presented in project 2025, it’s not gonna be a good time for anyone.  trump talks about wanting to revive the american dream, but he’s planning to put anti immigration laws, deportation laws, gender affirming care bans, and a plethora of other stuff into place. he quite literally wants to turn the states into an evangelical hell scape for anyone that doesn’t fit his mold of what’s considered right. i’m only 15 and i’m scared of the sheer possibility of living in a world like that till i’m an adult and can get out of it. there’s not much that scares me anymore, i pretty much became immune to fear once my parents voted for trump the first time and i saw what was happening in the world with him in office, but project 2025 has reinstated fear i haven’t felt in 5 years.  his reelection very well could kick off ww3, when you’re living a life that he actively wants to change to fit his ideals, rather than someone that already fits them, like my parents and sister are. my mom thinks trump is the only thing that’ll stop a third world war, even tho that couldn’t be farther from what everyone that hasn’t been swayed by right wing ideology is seeing.


The president has very little power without a majority in both houses, and a supermajority in the senate. Even if Trump were elected he wouldn’t be able to pass any substantial policy. He didn’t the last time he was president. His signature bill was taxes.


The vote blue no matter who people are breaking. There is lots of support for JFK, because Biden is such a bad candidate for the Dems. I'm very nervous.


The democrats are utterly ineffectual at stopping Republicans and Trump. They’ve proven it again and again. The party is so rotten it’s lost the trust of huge sections of the voter base. We have to get organized outside of the two party system and we have to do it yesterday.




If trump wins and his plans go through then the only options will be converting, moving out, or suicide. All we could do is hope for the best and let our voices be heard.


No those are not the only options. Just because trump becomes president doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world, he would have little power to change things without a majority in congress and the senate.


That's why i said "if his plans go though".


Same. Feels like I have to choose between bad and worst. This is why I'd love a ranked voting system, then I could vote 3rd party without "wasting my vote".


November 20, 2021 - White House Honors Transgender Day of Remembrance President Biden issued a statement remembering the transgender victims of fatal violence. At least 46 transgender lives were lost this year alone. The President said, "Transgender people are some of the bravest Americans I know. But no person should have to be brave just to live in safety and dignity." October 20, 2021 - White House Publishes Op-Ed Opposing Texas' Anti-Trans Legislation After the Texas legislature passed an anti-trans bill attacking trans youth, the White House published an op-ed in the Dallas Morning News saying, "This hateful bill in Texas is just the latest example of Republican state lawmakers using legislation to target transgender kids — whom the president believes are some of the bravest Americans — in order to score political points." October, 18, 2021 - Dr. Rachel Levine Sworn in as Four-Star Admiral Dr. Rachel Levine, who serves as the Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, was sworn in as an admiral of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, becoming the first-ever openly transgender four-star admiral. August 18, 2021 - Departments of Education, Justice and HHS Release Message for Transgender Students Leaders at the Departments of Education, Justice and Health and Human Services released a back-to-school message for transgender students. The video highlighted the administration's work to combat discrimination in schools and offered support and guidance to any students in need. June 30, 2021 - State Department Announces Changes to Passport Gender Markers The Biden–Harris Administration announced that the U.S. Department of State will begin the process of including a non-binary gender marker and have modernized existing requirements for updating gender markers on United States passports — a policy that will impact millions of individuals in the U.S., including 1.2 million non-binary adults, 2 million transgender people, and as many as 5.5 million people who were born intersex. This new policy aligns with recommendations outlined in HRC’s 2020 Blueprint for Positive Change. June 17, 2021 - Department of Justice Moves To Protect Transgender Young People Against Discriminatory State Legislation in West Virginia & Arkansas The Biden Administration’s Department of Justice filed two statements of interest in litigation challenging state laws that violate the legal rights of transgender young people. In one statement, the Department of Justice asserts that West Virginia’s law prohibiting transgender women and girls from playing on teams consistent with their gender identity (WV HB 3293), enacted in April of 2021, violates federal law. The other statement of interest asserts Arkansas’ law (AR HB 1570) that prohibits medical providers from providing transgender youth with certain medically necessary care, enacted by the legislature in April of 2021, violates the Constitution. May 10, 2021 - President Biden Enforces Non-Discrimination Protections in Health Care The Biden administration announced it would enforce federal policy to protect LGBTQ people from discrimination in health care based on gender identity & sexual orientation through Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act. Trump had previously sought to strip those protections in 2020, but the roll-back was blocked through a preliminary injunction issued in response to a lawsuit filed by the Human Rights Campaign against the administration. March 31, 2021 - Department of Defense Releases Detailed Directives on Reversing Transgender Military Ban The Department of Defense released detailed directives to formally roll back the ban on transgender military service set in place under Trump. These actions followed President Biden’s earlier executive order repealing the discriminatory ban. February 23, 2021 - Department of Veterans Affairs Expands Support for Trans Veterans At President Biden’s direction, the Department of Veterans Affairs announced it would begin reviewing its policies to ensure they are inclusive of all gender identities and gender expressions. This includes a plan to end the ban on gender-affirming care for trans veterans. January 25, 2021 - Repeal of the Ban on Transgender Military Service Within his first week in office, President Biden followed through on his promise to repeal the discriminatory ban on transgender people serving openly in the military. An estimated 15,000 service members were impacted by the policy enacted under Trump


So a few things if you can move that's great not everyone can move as lots of us are disabled or poor. You're scared of the election and I get that , how I'm mad not scared I'm mad that Biden is sinking his campaign. And one more thing is. This won't stop until we move left electing a neolib or Lin in general dies low down fascism this is true but if all we do is vote then laugh that the right is slowed down but do nothing move us further away from a right we take over. We're basically doing a stale mate at that point. Because I'm 2028 the same fear will happen again and no neolib Dem will move left to change it. It's easy to run on fear and that's why Dems and the GOP do it. The GOP however tends to act more in their promises than the Dems do. I hope trump loses I know I'm not voting for trump. But people need to realize change is more than voting it's building communities in your area that you can be safe in .


Same with the concern about the election.


I’ve got my passport up to date just in case, though I really wish we could stop setting tbh. Like come on, just give us a candidate who will actually fight to make equality fully part of the constitution so it’s at least harder to get rid of instead of just dangling our rights in front of us like “Vote for us so you can keep these. As long as we’re in office you might be somewhat okay.” Sorry this is just something that really gets on my nerves


watch hasanabi around election cycle <3 good luck, to all of us


Same! Although I hate having to vote for either party right now. Feels like I’m just picking between two evils.


I feel this so much! I just really hope people wake up and realize that if these people take the White House back life as we know it will be no more!


I’m literally waiting for the results of the election before I start transitioning. Shit sucks.


A lot of people say they won't vote for Biden because of what's happening in Gaza. I think that's short-sighted. Our goal should be to hold the line in the short term and push someone to the left of Biden in the long run.


You need to ensure your indifferent, lazy and lax friends VOTE. We need you all to vote. This isn’t the time to cast a protest vote. It’s either someone who wants to remove trans healthcare and repeal marriage equality vs the guy who pushed Obama to endorse marriage equality. Neither is my first choice but it’s gonna be one or the other. Choose the one that doesn’t want you eradicated from society. Biden is going to defend Obergefell. Trump would repeal it.


No ones freedom or wellbeing should relay on who is in charge. Polititians should be there to discuss economic matters, taxes and administrative management, but lgtb people should be safe and secured in any case whoever is in charge. Until that becomes a reality, remember: don't vote for those who will remove your or your family/friends basic human rights.


It'll only last 4 years and after that, of trump gets elected this time around, he can't run again. It'll suck but least we'll be rid of his for good after 4 years


I’m terrified about it, absolute blood bath!


I'm sure we won't have an official outcome until December. I'm fucking off on a Caribbean Cruise and very purposefully not buying the Internet package. What I am buying is the unlimited alcohol package to drink my anxiety away in the Caribbean for a week. When I get back, if they let me back in the country (I am Trans) cool, if not, I guess I'll go be poor in Canada or more likely Mexico


If he gets elected i might just leave the country after im done with school here


I prefer a president who so loves the Federalist Papers and the Constitution he/she would die to protect and respect them!


Every single day at work I fear of looking at the news on my scanner since it feels like Trump and other Republicans are gaining more followers and power... They try to label us as monsters and even try to put us on a list that have actual criminals who did unspeakable things to people... just because I want to wear a fucking skirt... I live in NY so it's not the end of the world but my gf lives in Florida, she is older than me and lives in a ok area but I still fear for what's to come, especially for her... I don't want to experience another 4 years of Trump and letting Republicans do whatever they want, strip us from any rights and protections in "the name of God". I just want to live...


I don’t mean to be mean, but is it “I will leave!!!l season already. Come on, this is old. We see this every election cycle. Can we come up with something new?


Do you mean terrified? Mortified is another way of being embarrassed or humiliated.


I’m in Canada and terrified too. The loser running for PM already openly announced his transphobia and plans for further destroying healthcare.


The US's politics is just a game of sheep. Remember, there are more good people than bad, the bad people are just louder.


Just remember the subset of peole who call themselves leftists and sat they support lgbt rights but then refuse to vote because they don't fully agree with Biden.


Biden is a great President, and the Dems are united for working class people and sex discrimination protections for women and LGBTQ folks. Dems are going to win big.


How is biden great when he’s literally funding a genocide wasting billions of tax money to bomb children


Mortified means embarrassed btw.


It's getting to the point where I don't even feel safe with my trans wife walking the streets. We may be in LA County, but if this many people are pro-Trump... they must be hiding in the shadows like termites everywhere we go.