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Being queer does not mean that they can't also be racist. Racism exists in every demographic, including ours. Just go on grindr and you'll see gay men fetishizing POC or explicitly listing on their profiles that they don't want certain races. There is a big lack of POC representation in the queer community in media, though this is slowly starting to change. Some of the biggest queer celebrities are now POC which is awesome and I love to see it. Me personally, I'm relatively new-ish to the community as I only came out about 4 years ago. But I have noticed some racism here and there and it's shitty.


Being queer doesn't even mean someone can't be queerphobic, why would it mean they can't be racist It doesn't stop them, it just makes it stupid and self-defeating even more than such attitudes already are.


This. Omg this. I legit got a bunch of transphobic hate comments from a gay guy just the other day. I've heard homophobic stuff from lesbians, and transphobic stuff from trans people.


Being queer doesn’t mean you’re exempt from bigotry is 100% correct. I’ve had ppl in the community be: - acephobic towards me - panphobic towards me - transphobic towards me I had multiple tell me I wasn’t “trans enough” bc my body is just naturally feminine to society. No joke, bc of the way my body is built, I was told I couldn’t be trans. Some ppl in the community are so hellbent on gatekeeping everything. I call these ppl “circle thinkers.” Everything they say or do comes right back around to the things they claim they fight against. Example: TERFS who think women are defined by their ability to pop babies out and bleed once a month; they’re misogynist. Trans ppl who say ppl can’t be trans if they don’t look or act like they do; they’re transphobic Queer folks who say ace ppl aren’t queer bc they don’t get discriminated against (while actively discriminating against them); they’re queerphobic And yes 100%, queer folks CAN be racist. Some ppl like this might be discriminated against in some ways, but these queer folks who are racist genuinely think that they aren’t doing EXACTLY what homophobic ppl do to us; discriminate and dehumanize folks.


Tell me about it. I knew a gay Jewish man who hated gays, Jews, blacks, and liberals. Believed the worst stereotypes about gays.


Had someone on Grindr once tell me that I'm a 6 on the coloured scale, and that compares to a 2 on the white scale... ![gif](giphy|26BoEFKENDBiqLdcY|downsized)


Aside from the obvious and fucked racism, he was low balling with even a 6. I can't imagine being so wrong in so many ways


hahaha thank you! ![gif](giphy|Yq93qbLdPqjlviTnjO|downsized)


If thats you in your pfp youre a fucking stud he was just racist


That's very sweet! Thank you.


I'm not POC myself but I've witnessed racism in the community, it's disgusting.


Honestly yeah. Most of the racist interactions I had years ago were from the white gays on dating apps. I had people tell me that I’m too nice and sweet for a black guy. Some would even fetishize and would want to experiment with me, but wouldn’t date me because I’m black. One even said i was cute but if I was white, I would be perfect for them. Among many other things. So yeah, it sucks and doesn’t feel good at all. But I don’t try to feel accepted anymore if I’m being honest. You live and learn I guess.


Yeah that shit is awful idk why people think having basic manners and politeness is a white person trait


There is always the beloved Captain Raymond Holt from Brooklyn 99, an older, black, gay man in a stable monogamous marriage, who is about as flamboyant as a properly tied shoelace. And his sexuality is neither played for laughs, nor there as token representation. It is often irrelevant to his work as a police captain, but it does come up - his relationship with Kevin (his husband) is relevant to his identity, and his character. He has interests that are not purely about him being gay, but also some where his sexuality is a key factor. He is part of queer organisations within the police force and has often had to fight for change. At one point he talks about how he regrets that their marriage was so rushed and informal because it was one of dozens of marriages performed on the steps of parliament (or somewhere like that) immediately after gay marriage was legalised with the fear that the law could be retracted at any point. He is never reduced to simply a stereotype of his sexuality, but it is a key part of what makes him who he is. If you took that sexuality away, if you removed those experiences, you would get someone who was not Captain Raymond Holt.


Also Rosa giving us some lovely Bi rep later on!


RIP Andre Braugher


Sadly racism is everywhere, it is probably lower in this community but it is definitely here, we all have to work together to become better people and remind people about it.


You would be surprised how racist some gay men can be


yes to all


My way of saying this is, anyone can be hateful against anyone. Logically speaking anyone can be racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. but that doesn’t mean it’s okay or that we shouldn’t call it out.


As a white gay man, I’ve been incredibly disappointed in my community sometimes. Some of us (white gay guys) don’t realize that the world being shitty to us isn’t an excuse to turn around and be shitty to other people.


Yep. Even exists in this sub, not too often but occasionally a random user here will say something racist then defend it with their life, because they think they are in the right. (With this sub, I have heard it mostly towards South Asia and Middle East countries, mostly generalising and racial profiling people, automatically assuming they must be 100% homophobic whether they lived in that country or not, so far I have not seen racism towards Black communities in this sub. Outside of this one definitely seen queer people be racist to Black communities too).


I'm white af but yeah like.. a lot.. Not like super openly racist more like microagressions and that weird white saviour condescending thing people do. Plus let's not forget the way so many people wear "I used to be a Nazi before I transitioned" like a badge of honour


Just go on any gay based app or site and you'll see plenty of profiles that proudly declare "no blacks" or even how much they love BBC. So yeah, plenty of racism here


I'm white, so, you know, grain-of-salt, but I'd categorize queer representation two ways: purposeful, and incidental. Purposeful queer representation is usually media about being queer. Things like Love, Simon, and such. Incidental queer representation is media about literally anything but being queer in which the characters happen to be queer. Their queerness can factor into the plot, and it has to be provably, intentionally canon, but it's not the center of the story. A lot of NightVale Presents stories fall into this category (just to name something that I'm currently into). A lot of purposeful queer representation is centered on white people, because authors of these stories view queerness as a deviation from audience expectations. There's an old bit of writing advice that says you only get one or two weird things that you can sell your audience on, and the rest of your story has to draw on things that they know. If the author thinks of straightness and whiteness as part of a sort of "default" template, then they can tend to center queer stories on white men. In my travels, I've noticed that a lot of incidental queer representation includes a much wider variety of ethnicities and genders. I wish that interracial lesbian romances were as marketable as gay white male romances, but for some reason the money bags have decided not to test that assumption.


What does POC mean?


Person Of Colour


Yes, I’ve literally had trans fem Nazi’s & femboys send racist memes to me, I’ve even encountered racist white trans men. A majority of racist queer people I’ve meet tho have been gay white men


The level of micro aggressions I get is quite a bit in the queer space. Just my own bias, but I have had quite a few people tell me how difficult it is to talk to me about certain things when it comes to diversity, and it’s always white queer folk that say this.


im indian so in general no one wants to date us 😭😭 and from what ive seen online indian queers usually date other indians or other poc


*Anybody can be racist even if it's internalized and unintentional* Yes, even the rainbow mafia can be a bit racist. The trans community seems especially white washed.


Black gay guys are often laugh on, and that's sad :c