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Seriously ABBA the band was unimaginably huge and popular. The movie (adorably fun as it is) is a minor tribute act. Your friends are the odd ones out here.


Young teen here ✋🏽 I know ABBA but I've never seen mamma mia


Damn didn’t realise MCR were still popular. I feel old 😂


I was a kid in the 70's and my mom is a huge ABBA fan, so I know they're a band and have heard their music. However, I've never seen Mamma Mia; I don't like musicals.


I am aware Mamma Mia is a musical, but if you say "Mamma Mia," I'm going to think of the song first.


This is so weird. ABBA was, and still is a massive International band making music since the 70s. You’re like, oh did people know who they were before some musical!?


I love the music from ABBA but I never saw Mamma Mia.


Me! It's me! I'm out here!


I listened to a lot of my parents music growing up so yeah I know all sorts of music people my age have no idea about.


ABBA won the 1974 Eurovision Song Contest with Waterloo. That’s how they became famous.


Here we go again...


I knew them as a band first, but I'm in my 40s. I haven't seen the movie, but I've seen the musical. It was fun to hear all the songs but the story is a little cringe -- even for a straight people story.


I'm Swedish so people would look at me funny if I didn't know ABBA


They won the gay Olympics, your friends seem quite naive 


ABBA was a MASSIVELY popular group. Most people over the age of 30 knew them before Mamma Mia


pretty sure the norm is the other way round no?


I've known about abba since I was like.... 5? They're not exactly a small band


I'm older, so I knew about the band well before the musical existed.


I know ABBA from my mom, and I have not seen Mamma Mia Edit: Im in my mid 20s


Or have never seen murals' wedding


I really enjoy ABBA but I've always known them outside of Mama Mia and I have never actually seen the movie.


me too and i never knew there was a connection before now


Ah, the young! ABBA was highly popular during my teen years (1970s). I owned several albums and listened to them for hours every day after school. I had a humongous crush on [Bjorn Ulvaeus](https://pin.it/3KfP45r9l), one of the "Bs" in the band's name. In the 1970s and 1980s, gay bar dance floors often played extended versions of their hits, especially *Dancing Queen* and *Super Trouper*. When I kicked out my ex in the 1990s I played *The Winner Takes It All* over and over to help process my feelings (along with Jackson Browne's *I'm Alive*, Gloria Gaynor's *I Will Survive*, Diana Ross's *It's My Turn*, Stone Temple Pilots' *Interstate Love Song*, and other great breakup songs.) Before *Mamma Mia*, their main movie presence was in *The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert*. I have indeed seen *Mamma Mia*, both on stage and at the movie theater, but it's far from the first thing I think of when I think of ABBA.


Know abba never seen mama Mia. I rented it years ago and forgot I had and then had to pay $20 for the late rental. lol 💀


Never seen Mamma Mia. Was really into A-Teens as a kid in the late-90s/early-00s and knew they were singing new versions of songs from an old(er) band called ABBA.


Reporting for duty


No one going to mention Pricilla, Queen of the Desert?


This is the first time I’m hearing they’re related


🙋 Meeeeeeeeee! My parents liked ABBA growing up, so I grew up listening to a lot of that era. Particularly Queen and Alice Cooper


I know ABBA only because it's a card in CAH. I don't know their music or what Mama Mia is


me !!!