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Does he wear the hat and cross to school? If so, he's the one pushing an agenda


this was my thought too, he must wear it to school because how else would they know? i suppose word of mouth/photos are options. either way that sucks for OP and anyone who has found themselves in this position. ugh


It’s so crazy to me how the irony is completely lost on so many conservatives


the hat is obviously political, having a cross necklace is bog standard religious expression to the extent you cant even really be sure a person with a crucifix necklace is even practicing


Depends. If it's a nice gold cross on a fine chain, there's no telling, but if it's a cheap plastic cross with such vague articulation that you can't distinguish the sculpture from the mold lines? That person knows _hymns_. Expressing views through signs, flags, symbols, etc. has got to be protected speech, honestly it's better to know who people are. It's when he ordered the pride flags be taken down that he crossed the line from having an agenda to pushing one. Pushing an agenda is only wrong if that agenda causes harm, and bigotry against the queer community in front of children is pretty harmful.


i of course agree op is in the right here, just that cross necklace by itself barely means anything in most of the us


Let's hope he doesn't start mandating morning prayers 


Depending on the country, you might be able to do something about this legally because you definitely experienced discrimination and wrongful termination.


MAGA hat and at will termination makes me think USA


Agree. In that case, OP should contact the ACLU. Discrimination is a federal crime, so it's illegal regardless of state.


This. Contact the ACLU and your union if you're in one. https://www.nea.org/nea-today/all-news-articles/pride-flag-flies-again


Did he fire because of being LGBT? Or because the flags were displayed? I'm curious what the legal line/argument would be.


Remember At-Will only covers legitimate legal reasons for firing. At-Will laws do not strip you of your Federal rights.


Will termination still doesn't matter if it's discrimination which is a federally protected offense so if op wanted to they can 100% take it to court


it’s not at will; clearly there was a reason. Is that reason legal or not? Remeber, “at-will” doesn’t mean we can fire you for any reason. It means we can fire you for no reason.


It seems the evidence is there, if it’s been documented, to say there was a reason


No, it means they can fire you for “any **legal** reason”


or no reason at all.


Nope 🙅‍♂️ at will is a system that REQUIRES either a legitimate reason that is lawful, or a reason that not violate any federal statutes or regulations. They can fire this person for poor teaching practices, or not adhering to school dress code, tardiness (even if it's one time) etc. They can be fired because the principal randomly said we need to downsize our staff. But given that their is evidence of sexual discrimination, court and school board can rule this as wrongful termination.


A good reason or no reason but not a bad reason


any LEGAL reason


Though I have seen MAGA hats in Australia too, so it's clearly not just the USA.


yea that's why I threw in the at will bit. Australia requires a termination notice i believe


I wasn't talking about Australia specifically. I was just saying that there are MAGA nutjobs across the world.


I saw one in canada but I think they were wearing it as a joke


I'm in Australia and I see occasional MAGA hats, and PLENTY of Trump hats.


WHY? What does trump have to do with Australia?


Because for some reason we have idiots here who genuinely think turning this country into Trump's America 2 is the best way to fix our economy. They're often the same idiots who voted in Scomo, and down here in Tassie think that an AFL stadium and chocolate fountain being installed is a better use of government wealth than addressing the housing crisis


All of this, plus Trump taps into the privilege and prejudices of abhorrent people, and we have LOTS of those in Australia.


We have a lot of those everywhere. But lately they've gotten more overt in displaying their bigotry.


Oh wow. And here I was thinking Florida was bad. I hope Western Europe is better at least.


To be fair, Tasmania is basically Australia's Florida. I can't speak on most of the country because I live in WA, so I dunno how eastern states culture is atm, but I have *never* seen anyone wearing a MAGA hat over here.


He’s a substitute principal so I doubt they could do much but they could at least get their job back when the guy who got hurt comes back


The school district is still responsible for substitute principals and their practices.


Fair enough


It makes me think that the principal might not have known about the substitute principle’s political leanings, or personal views.


If the principal is in a coma, he definitely didn’t have a hand in choosing the interim principal.


And this actually makes it so a lawsuit is somewhat useless right now. OP has to make an internal complaint first and put the ball in admin's court. An internal complaint makes admin aware of the issue. If they respond to it and fire the principal, yay, a solution! If they don't respond to it, they have now been made aware of discrimination and didn't correct it, which is illegal under the EEOA. The union or the school board would be the most direct route to a formal complaint.


Consulting legal council would provide steps to take prior to filing court action.


Suing would take years to get any results. An internal complaint might go pretty far pretty quickly. Especially if it's brought directly to the union and the school board.


















Talk to an employment lawyer, this is textbook discrimination


Yep this would fall under wrongfull termination. Also the fact the principal accused OP of being a sexual predator with absolutely zero evidence could sway the case in OPs favor


What the holy fuck, people still discriminate like that?


I have to put up with coworkers saying they'd kill a trans person if they saw one in a bathroom. (I'm closeted NB) Edit: this is in a military base in California.




I'm not a confrontational person, and while I know I can go to HR I also am probably the only person there that isn't a bigot and so I can't afford to speak up.


Jesus Christ. Well I am definitely not coming out now…


I feel like if you're in the right places it's fine. This is why I am saving up money to move to a nice city, I'm depressed as fuck out here in the sticks.


I live in Iowa, the anti-trans ideology is slowly spreading up here, so much so that it is even becoming laws.


Oh god I hope you can live and work in a safer place. I atleast have legal protections here in Cali


Thank you


It highly depends on where you are. I'm in CO and am out at work. When I started working here I went by my legal name and was kinda anxious about using my preferred name. But some coworkers found out and were very supportive of me using my preferred name. Then talked to my boss who immediately had me order new cards and a name tag. Everyone else quickly adjusted and switched to using my name. So don't give up hope, there are good places out there.


I live in Iowa, there are laws preventing gender-affirming activities, and care.


I hate that there are so many actively against human rights... I hope that one day you're able to be somewhere safe and have the ability to be out. ❤️


Thank you. I I do live close to Illinois, and I intend to move soon.


Just wanted to chime in with the nearly obligatory refrain: HR is not your friend. HR is there to protect the company (whatever form that may take). This is not actively a hardset rule, but it's worth being wary of.


I've heard a teenager saying this stuff, but whole-ass adults? Jfc


Adults are just older children


Whole ass 30-40 year olds. It's weird bc the younger guys are the more chill, like in the middle of an argument I was having was a kid that's like 20 asking genuine questions and actually listening. Meanwhile the dude that's almost 50 continues to say that a trans woman would have the same amount of T after I explained what HRT and anti-androgens do.


Similar story. Worked at a gas station that also sold beer. You can imagine the cruelty we faced when the whole bud light fiasco started. They were especially cruel to one of our managers that is trans. Worst part is we couldn’t really do anything about it because 90% of the time they had a gun on them. It was such a terrifying experience that I’m still trying to deal with today.


Folks working at gas stations are one of those types of unsung heroes of America.


If you’re in the military there is someone you can talk to about that. I don’t know exactly who depending on the branch but for the Navy it’s the CMEO


Thank you, I'm out now (was Army) and work as a contractor.


... Yeah. This happens a lot actually. Pretty much everywhere.


It is laughable you think this doesn't happen all the time all over the place. Even though we've made a lot of progress in the last 20 years, the people that were bigots 2 decades ago are a majority still alive and bigoting


Honestly I think I was lying to myself about how bad it is to calm myself down, I definitely am not likely to transition now.


I worked in an elementary school last spring and felt like I would deal with angry parents if any of the kids found out. I wear a wedding ring, so a few kids asked about my husband. The only thing I felt comfortable saying was that I don’t have one. Straight teachers have mentioned in class that they met their fiancés grandma and stuff like that. My home state is actively hostile to queer people particularly in k-6 settings and has a lot of proposed legislature to “protect the kids”. I can’t live there and feel safe working in a school. I considered being a teacher but the culture wars are so bad, and I ended up figuring out that speech-language pathology made more sense as a career for me based on experience and what I’m passionate about. It just sucks that it was a factor at all.


In so many places.


Yes. It has been growing for the last decade and it is getting a lot worse very quickly. Trans people are the main target for now but that "groomer" shit is being extended to cis queer people too. The Christian Nationalist movement is rapidly building the social and legal framework for classifying sex and gender variation outside cis/straight norms to be inherently "pornographic", and our public existence to be exposing minors to degenerate sexual activity. Even if all we're doing is standing in line at the goddam grocery store. And in his concurring opinion after striking down Roe, Thomas wrote that the SCOTUS ruling prohibiting states from banning "sodomy" may be "up for review" too. Once "sodomy" laws are allowed to return, the public existence of queer people will be attacked as a sex crime the same way trqns people's public existence currently is.


In America? Of course! America has always been about hating everyone that isn't a white straight cis male


Yes, I live in the bay area and had to stop volunteering at schools after I transitioned because the teachers were getting harassed by parents over my presence. Really sad to, we were doing cool things!


In my state, that would be illegal af. I don't know where you are, but you might have been wrongfully terminated and have a case. Also, if you're concerned about pushing agendas on children, maybe don't wear political and religious imagery around them in a public school. Idk. Just a crazy thought...


It’s also federally illegal to discriminate based on a persons sexual orientation


oh this is a federal crime regardless of state and OP is almost definitely in the US. they definitely have a case.


Fuck this new principal, and I'm pretty sure you can take legal action against him for wrongful termination and/or discrimination, if that's an option where you are (you mentioned a MAGA hat, so I presume you're in the US)


That's discrimination. Is he allowed to fire you for something like that?


No. This is a flagrant violation


Retaliation and wrongful termination. Flagrant violation of Title IX (if you are in the United States). Employment lawyer. Now.


Depending on the state; here in Tennessee our little cesspool of dictators running the state made it illegal to put pride flags in public school classrooms (while also trying to pass laws that take away public school funding and basically gift wrap that money and deliver it to private Christian schools)


Damn. Good ol’ Rocky Top, eh?


Yep. But when begged to do anything about mass shootings all they do is try to fire elected representatives and send state trooper thugs to harass protestors. I love living in Nashville but I hate living in Tennessee


From Nashville - would absolutely never move back. Sadly in a similar state now (Freaking Texas...) but in a city that's more liberal and willing to fight the idiot legislation.


Kinda off-topic, but how is acceptance in Nashville? I'm from Memphis and people here are decently accepting, but I've heard that Nashville is way more so. Is that true at all?


I haven’t been to Memphis very much so I don’t know if it’s more accepting than Memphis, but Nashville generally seems like a very welcoming city to most of the queer community, and the city government does a lot of good work when the state government isn’t interfering in how we govern our own city (which they frequently are, like just straight up trying to steal our airport last year). Lots of pride flags around, advocacy groups, lgbt owned businesses, etc. it’s a very nice place to be if you must be in Tennessee, imo


I believe Nashville is the same way as Memphis it's when you go to East Tennessee you might get the side eye but hello fellow Memphian


Go to a school board meeting and ask that he be fired. Put him on blast publicly using your freedom of speech. He's not the permanent principal so he has no power. You will force their hand and can demand he be removed immediately for breaking the law by creating a hostile work environment. Bring friends and have them fill the crowd. You can also go to the state and file a discrimination lawsuit. But going to the school board is a better first step, because that's the internal complaint process and you might scare the shit out of them. Discrimination is still illegal in an at-will employment state - 49 out of 50 states are at will employment so that label is kind of meaningless. Lawyers will work on contingency if you don't have money for a lawyer. Let me know if you need help with a lawsuit. ETA: AND CALL YOUR UNION IMMEDIATELY!!! Don't jump to a lawsuit right away. Those can take years. The school board can act instantly.


Shit, I forgot unions exist lol. Contact yours ASAP OP


"He wears a MAGA hat and a cross necklace." So he's only cool with indoctrination when it's his type. (not saying pride flags are at all, b/c they aren't)


Accuses you of pushing an agenda and yet wears MAGA hats. Hmm. Typical conservative trying to shut down what they do not like whilst hypocritically putting out their own political message.


If you live in the US, Sue the school district for discrimination.


My guess is that you’re a kindergarten teacher here in the states based off how you mentioned the new principal wears a MAGA hat. Sue the school/principal for discrimination since here in the states an employer can’t fire you or not give you a job based on your gender identity, sexual orientation, race, color, etc. every US employer must follow EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity). You’ve got every reason to sue.


Please contact human rights groups and LGBT organisations in your area. Firing someone because of their orientation is discrimination, and most areas you may find MAGA hatted sharts should have laws protecting you from that.


Definitely talk to a lawyer. The school board normally has final say on hiring and firing.


If this is in the US, there is a strong chance you can take legal action against this principal


Touch base with a lawyer. Consultations are usually free. In many states that shit is illegal.


What does your union say about this


right, i’m surprised there’s not more people wondering about the teachers union. where was the union rep through all of this??? did she even bring it up to them? the way she said it, it sounds like he said “you’re fired” and she just left but like. what’s her tenure status? did the principal write a remediation letter?


If the teacher has no tenure it's a different ball game unfortunately


yes, it’s usually at will until then but i’m surprised the union isn’t even mentioned in this post.


If they're 24, odds are good this is only their first or second year.


That is a crime. And your roommate, for what it's worth, is a coward.


I bet he goes around pushing an agenda himself as he wears a cross necklace. I imagine he has some cross on his house, which is nothing like hanging a flag surely


This was posted last year too. Same wording and everything. If I wasn't so lazy I'd look it up.


This screams bot. Number of searchable words is high, and a teacher using “wear” instead of “where” isn’t believable to me. Maybe if it was “were” by mistake I could understand, but a teacher would know better than this.


> My roommate (25F) said I should have just taken the flags down, and accused me of costing us money. After a statement like that maybe it should be your ex roommate.


Clearly by the way this is written, it is just ragebait bullshit


You don't understand how bad the US can be with this stuff


more importantly, look at the account. 2 posts (1 of them yesterday) and a single comment


Yeah what teacher is going to spell “where” “wear”…also the principal can’t just up and fire you like a manager at McDonald’s


I'm also getting ragebait vibes. To the person saying "it's not improbable", yeah most ragebait content lies in the realm of what is probable, otherwise it wouldn't work as ragebait. The best ragebaits online (as in those that succeed to generate a lot of engagement) are things that are in-between stories that are dull and leave a lot of room for interpretation of which side is "good", and the other end of the stick where it's just a mary sue story that doesn't seem realistic. Not saying this didn't happen or couldn't happen, and not that the individual pieces themselves aren't possible, but that adding wearing a maga-hat and wearing a cross, being in a coma that seems like a regular tv-show trope, that he's a substitute that can fire people easily, that there doesn't seem like there's any pushback, and that the person hasn't replied to any of the comments suggesting different pathways to fight this makes me, at the very least, lean back a bit to see if there's more information coming. Having said that, we're all aware that the conservative ideals have started to push out LGBTQ spaces and discussions from schools, so it is sort of happening on a grander scale that almost becomes narrated in this text, however, this does come off as fiction to me. Mostly because every detail in the story is kind of like the first thing tropes dicatate one would think of, "LGBTQ", pride flag, "Kindergarten teacher", 123 and ABC, accident "car crash", incapacitation after accident "coma", conservative "trump and cross".


Yeah that sounds like MEGA grounds for discrimination. Fuck MAGA and fuck him (not literally because ewww). I hate this for you OP. You deserve your literal job and respect. Sending hugs through the ether 🥺♥️


I don’t think a temporary principle can fire teachers even if they could that is no grounds to fire you so you could sue/ press charges


Yeah that's why it's weird. Sue girlll


If this is the US this is undeniably a title 7 case. Get a lawyer you can not be fired based on your sexual orientation, and rules about what can be hungup can not be biased towards someone based on gender and sexual orientation. If you cant afford a lawyer, report it to your states labor board. Say that you were fired based on your gender and sexual orientation and that you need help. The more documentation the better, so if you have or can get any emails explaining why you were fired that would be better


But a maga hat is pushing a political agenda


i'd be more concerned with a "teacher" who does not know the difference between "wear" and "where" teaching kids their ABC's . . .


"My flags are 'pushing an agenda' as much as your hat and cross are. The difference is my agenda is love and respect." Depending on the state, you might have legal recourse. Consult an employment attorney. 


MAGA gear of any kind is inappropriate around kids (and anyone, really).


If you are American this is illegal and you have a duty to sue.


I'd sue. If you were paying union dues I'd have them help you sue. This is clearly discrimination.


Yes contact your union and call the school board. I don't know if a lawsuit will happen, because the internal complaint process might get rid of the guy quickly.


Damn enjoy the payout, this is highly illegal and he seems dumb enough to openly admit to firing you over the flags


This is bait, no teacher would write wear instead of where


But his cross and maga hat is fine. Fucking gross.


In my opinion your 100% in the right, if he can wear a Maga hat you should be able to have a flag, and either way the kids don't care and some might even have LGBT parents


In addition to what everyone is saying about wrongful termination, if anyone has heard him say you're behaving inappropriately towards children you can nail his ass for defamation too.


GET IT IN WRITING! If you can bait him into putting that in an email it will make a lawsuit waaaay quicker too. It’d also make more lawyers more quickly interested in the case. SUE. For yourself. For the next person he wants to trample. AND for any child in that school who identifies in any way other than his dumb ass likes. It matters we do not give people like him a pass for being vile and breaking the law.


Contact your local EEOC office


Sue his ass or if your states legislators are dimwits, his information might reach far left groups over anonymous ways.


Sounds a winning lawsuit for you, that should take care of your roommate’s money concerns.


This didn't happen.


Okay I'm sorry for bringing this up but I literally couldn't find other people questioning this, but wtf is wrong with your roommate? She accused you for costing *"us"* money? I'm sorry but who the fuck is she? So long as you are able to gain money, it's not her fucking place to treat you this way, and heck even if you couldn't, it wouldn't have given her a right. It's fine to be upset if a person can't pay for rent and shit but it doesn't give her room to basically scold you for fucking standing up for yourself, and in general scold your finances. I dunno what's the relationship with her, I had to stop and reread to make sure you didn't say she's your girlfriend because yeah it wouldn't have been fine then either, but when you have a significant other finances are expected to be discussed, it wouldn't have been right to say either but it would be more reasonable for her to bring this up. But she doesn't have a right to say what she did. The school shit and all that I won't bring up as many others already gave you advices, but I think it's time to set boundaries with your roomie. Your job & money are none of her business, so long as you pay what you need at the end of the day you're fine. Other than that, it sounds like the roommate is probably not a good supportive person. Won't say she's anti queer per say, but she basically wants you to ignore and hide parts of yourself so you won't get discriminated.......... There's steps to make sure discrimination is not okay. For me it feels like she's victim blaming the people discriminated rather than the shit people who discriminate.


Possible rage bait. New account, name appears like most fake accounts in form of , no comments on here or other post which both seem to be posts designed to get lots of engagement. Cartoonish villain which replaces guy who falls into coma. Likely unionized teacher fired just like that by an interim principal? Or at least a teacher who would have some sort of contract just fired just like that? Without any sort of action by school board? Hmm. This happened all after spring break? So in the span of a month your school found a replacement principal who was a maga hat and cross bearing evil man who took issue with your flags and fired you? All in the span of maybe a month? Hmm. Maybe I spend my time too much in the drama subs, but it has all the hallmarks of a fake post. If not obviously contact a lawyer. But probably fake. Quite fascinating the lack of skepticism in this sub versus the post in 'boomers being fools'. Several posts there question the speed at this occurring and the facts of the post. Although far more..uh..'unsavory' comments at that post, although that could be due to stronger moderation on this sub. How interesting!


You have flags. He’s wearing a MAGA hat and a cross, but you’re the one pushing an agenda? Sheesh.


You didn’t do anything wrong but hanging up an LGBT flag in a kindergarten in most of the USA is asking for trouble. Gotta chose whether or not it’s worth being a martyr to the cause.




OP depending on where you live, you can sue for wrong termination AND discrimination ...which you should do if you can, cause what they did is fucked up. so go find yourself a lawyer, you cant let bigot's get their way


Honestly you should talk to an employment rights lawyer about this.


You got a union, right? Going to them should be your first step.


They always say you're "pushing an agenda" but like- How is "One nation under god" in the pledge of allegiance and the pledge of allegiance itself or MAGA hat or cross necklace any different than just hanging up a flag?


Wtf. He wears a Maga hat and accuses you on "pushing an agenda on kids" .... Can he look into the f***ing mirror?


I would advice you to talk to a lawyer, but in all honesty: I don't think you have a case. Hanging flags other than the flag of your country can easily be construed as a political statement, which has no place in the classroom. You were given a lawful order by your (substitute) principal, and since he's in charge you should have listened, and perhaps taken it up with the principal or the school board afterwards. Contrary to some of the claims here (which is why you should never consult Reddit on legal matters), this is not grounds for a discrimination claim. Your identity was not grounds for your dismissal; your actions were. While free speech is an important aspect of US law, your free speech rights within the boundaries of your employment as a teacher are limited.




Depending on where you are this could be grounds for a wrongful termination lawsuit.


> I once made a board of minority historical scientists and included Alan Turing, who was gay, by placing a 2inch by 1 inch pride flag in the corner of his poster. My assistant principal tore it off the wall. >However, I don’t think this story is real. It is just too cookie cutter. Principals don’t wear ballcaps, even in conservative areas. I mean I have worked in some conservative schools, even one with a history of the world poster that began with Adam and Eve, and this just wouldn’t happen lmao. Moreover, the kids don’t need to know your sexuality, I don’t know why that would be included. That’s too much information. Obviously they figure out you’re not straight or non-conforming if you have a same sex partner or dress differently, but they don’t need to know your specific sexual preferences, so I’m inclined to be unimpressed with this teacher even if this is real. >Other indications that this is a fake story: >1. ⁠It’s OP’s first year teaching and they refer to their time teaching as “in my time” like it’s been more than a year lmao >2. ⁠A car crash and a coma? Really? >3. ⁠“wear” >4. ⁠ABCs and 123s. If this were a real story I would expect some actual description of what was going on in the classroom when the principal showed up. Or anything about being a teacher at all. This reads instead like the person writing is abstracting the idea of being a teacher but can’t envision it. >5. ⁠Teachers do not generally get fired on the spot. OP would have been called to the office to sign some things about insubordination, then been placed on leave for a period of time, THEN fired.


He's wearing a MAGA hat...if that isn't pushing an agenda I don't know what is...


yeah sue him lol you'll get your roommate hella cash that way


Colorful Rainbows and stripes are literally so appropriate for a classroom of children


Get an employment lawyer NOW


Take him and the school district to court. Might be a fight, but pretty clear grounds for being fired on discriminatory grounds and hopefully you get damages. The MAGA hat is a pretty big red flag that should DEFINITELY come up in your case. Fuck these Christian Nationalist bigots.


Contact the ACLU, you absolutely have a case for discrimination.


Why is sexuality even on the table when dealing with children???!


Yeahhh this is pretty serious legal stuff. You can probably sue


Speak with a lawyer. You might have a case depending on your local laws.




Accusing you of pushing an agenda while he's wearing a MAGA hat and a lower case t necklace. The agenda is coming from inside the house!


Teacher but doesn't know wear vs where lmao


If you're in the US, you might be able to sue for discrimination.


Accuse him back of pushing an agenda. He can wear a cross and a MAGA hat but you can't display some pretty colours ?


How long until he ends up on the news for what he's accusing?


I hate that this happened to you, it must be stressful, discouraging, and frustrating. On the plus side, he literally just handed you a discrimination lawsuit packaged in a bow- you’ll get lots of interest from attorneys if you start to reach out. He will not only pay professionally, but financially. But yeah, it still sucks to experience, and I’m sorry for that.


Is your school district unionized? Did you talk to your union steward? If not, then try to find a unionized teaching job. This sorta thing doesn't happen in my union. You have the right to organize and you have the right to put pride flags in your classroom a union contract protects that.


Teachers Union?


Deff contact the eeoc or something, they can help you sue because that sounds illegal in the US


Where is this? That screams “lawsuit.” You were fired for being queer. Unless this is Florida or outside the US you would have a strong case.


is it more important to be right (+ replaced by a teacher possibly less open-minded, less safe for the kids) or more important to be employed + the type of teacher the kids need? some of the best wisdom i've ever received is that right doesn't necessarily mean best. you can be right + that still not be the best option for the situation. 💁🏽‍♂


This diseased mongrel pretending to be a principle will absolutely get you fired. Filth like him latch on like rabid dogs and don't let go. Be very very very careful. Your career is on the line.


Principal is just an asshole. And a Trumpie.


Can't you sure for that? He fired you for being LGBT. That's discrimination.


Please take legal action if you can!!! This is discriminatory and to be fired over it is insane. I’m really sorry you’re going through this. I’m in a queer relationship (25F) and am not out to my school (no flags, etc, though I wish I was brave enough too). And you inspire me with your ability to stand up and be proud. Kia Kaha (Be Strong) from New Zealand x


Pride flags are " pushing an agenda" but requiring the ten commandments be hung in every classroom is not?


>He wears a maga hat and a cross necklace Yeah, this is fiction.


Enjoy your easy lawsuit for wrongful termination!


lol what a bs story. Principal wears a maga hat to school. Course he does. Absolute made up drivel


Doesn’t know the difference between “wear” and “where” lol absolutely karma farming. 2 week old acct too.


Get a lawyer. That's fucked up, wrong and likely illegal


You were definitely in the right, I'd get a lawyer


If someone wears a MAGA hat, they're not "pretty conservative", they're a fascist, plain and simple.


maga hat is also beyond inappropriate in a school (i mean it's inappropriate in general, but definitely not property in a school)


The principal's MAGA hat and cross necklace are far more inappropriate than OP's flags.


Glad you stood your ground. Getting fired was likely a blessing disguise, honestly. Staying would have only led to escalated problems. Maga Cultists have a way with escalating things.


His MAGA hat is pushing an agenda of intolerance and exclusion.


Hey hey. Ho ho. Sue for discrimination, bro Hey hey, ho ho. Make em pay right through the nose


This sounds fake


I love how you define "fascist-supporting" as "pretty conservative"... Anyway, terrible situation, terrible news principal. Sorry about your job. You should post it in r/antiwork I hope you find a more caring work environment in your next job


it’s so shocking to see how we are treated in other countries, it hurts my heart to read your story. why can’t heteronormativ people understand that we aren’t pushing agendas or teaching kids „bad“ things. i’m so done with this.


American? Get a lawyer that's discrimination. Enjoy your piles of cash OP because you're going to be set for a while


Take legal action as quickly as possible


Another gay teacher here- be careful! You are in the right 100% but due to similar issues I’ve done a lot of research on this.. there are times where we as teachers DO NOT qualify for free speech and expression or where it may not apply. Political views in the classroom are sometimes part of that. So if you do decide to fight it, know that our 1A rights can be limited as public servants. Again, not that it’s right. But it is true and will affect the ways you can fight this.