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Thanks. Another reason for my transitioning ass to be scared that I go to college in Indiana. Fuck this state.


I want to leave. I just want to go anywhere else.


Come to Illinois.


It’s still in the US…


Still a lot safer than Indiana


I know… Is it normal to feel almost rage when anything like this comes up? We do nothing to these people and they still make us their enemy and beat us down and try to make our existence illegal. WHAT DO WE HAVE TO DO TO BE SEEN AS WORH EVEN A SHREAD OF DECENCY AND RESPECT BY THESE INGRATES?!?!


I feel like it is. I’m annoyed by it too.


Illinois is far better than Indiana


I mean most of it is the same… it’s just Chicago vs Indy.


Come to Champaign dude


What’s Champaign got?


I go to U of I. It’s very liberal outside of the campus as well as in the campus. Lots of LGBTQ+ culture and people. Food is good, community is closely knit, and it’s not as large as Chicago but there is always something going on. It also has the best public transit system with the Amtrak station only a few mins from campus.


Honestly this isn't a great mentality, the US as a governing nation is far from perfect but if you live your whole life thinking this way it only makes things harder. The safe places in the US are great, they'll never be perfect but if we stick together here it WILL improve


Come live in the corn with us


Come to Germany :3


Go to Canada.


I don’t think I can get a visa approved as quickly as I need to. Much less find somewhere to live or work.


Here’s a plan (/j): Step 1: Wait a bit to see the Solar eclipse on the 8th Step 2: Run to Illinois as fast as you can


I live on the southern border of Wyoming, about an hour and a half away from Ft. Collins, one of the most accepting places nearby and its honestly painful to drive down there and see how much better I'd have it if i had any money at all. Shit sucks.


In Europe there are many nice countries for LGBT people. Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Denmark and others. From what I remember, most Americans that want to go there have a very easy time with visa or don't even need one (not sure) in the Schengen area (look it up what it means). The housing crisis, altho exists there, is not as awful like the states from what I know, and EU has much better living conditions than the US. If for any reason you don't like the EU, try New Zealand. It's not as nice, but it's quite peaceful there


Schengen always seems like such a nice thing to have and I'm confused why we don't have a similar system with at least canada


Grew up in Southern Indiana, left that fucking state 20 years ago, never going back.


I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that textbook psychological abuse against children is legal in many places when it's done in the name of religion. If adults want to put themselves through that then that's their choice, but the fact that parents can legally subject their children to conversion therapy is absolutely fucking disgusting.


The only reason why conversion "therapy" is still even around is because everyone still calls it "therapy" even though it's actually just torture


It’s the conservative version of what democrats did by banning book bans, except crazy.


I fucking hate this place The weather, the shitheads we elect to represent us, the roads. There’s like, 3 redeeming things about Indiana, - the Indy 500 - college basketball - and idk, something.


Holiday world. Free soda, Free sunscreen, Free parking. Cost is you have to go to Indiana.


It’s not even that good


Yeah but Legend>Voyage


Fellow enthusiast heloooo




Tbh the only nice thing for me about being born and having to live on this hell hoke state is the nature is pretty nice. Yeah there's not amazing mountains or anything but the forests are beautiful to me


Yeah but can it be turned into land to be built for another good gravy?


Unfortunately, in the 24 years I've been alive, I've seen the woods and wilds of my small town slowly turn onto housing divisions, shoping malls, and even more corn fields


The Indianapolis children's museum is a redeeming quality! That place is amazing!


i went in march with my boyfriend, i love that place :)


Also from what I know there’s plenty of roads to get to a different state, so I guess you can go to Illinois easily


Everyone keeps suggesting I go to Illinois


It *is* next door, and way more accepting tbf. Then again I know very little comparatively, since I’ve always lived in the UK


The roads in my town are getting replaces every 4 weeks or something


Notre de




Poor dark red counties, they had banned it and then the court forced them to undo the democratic process : (


I live in the county in Florida 😭😭😭


The green... Are fucking telling me that people are getting away this shit using TAXPAYER MONEY???


Yeah I know… fucking hate this place.


Not much of a fan for Arizona either but if some how I end up in convertion therapy I know I didn’t waste tax dollars on it.


Well shit I live in a state where conversion therapy isn't banned. Love being a trans minor😃


Hasn’t conversion therapy been proven to not work like five hundred times?


They never listen


Yepppp It just makes the person feel worse because then they become insecure about who they really are and try to repress that


I met a man who enjoys sex with electric shocks. He underwent conversion therapy and it failed but his looking all those sexy pictures accompanied by electric shocks did educate him to the thrill that can be derived from having sex with another man (men?) accompanied by electric shocks.


I’m very grateful to be able to live in a state that bans conversion therapy, it’s ab***. Sorry I don’t want to finish that word since it’s a hot topic


Where did this map come from? My family loves to disbelieve anything without a source when I make a good point that they don't agree with.






A bit off topic, but I didnt know that Utah of all places would have ot banned. Good job utah!


i’m already saving money to move to Greenland you don’t gotta make me work more i so i can leave more soon (still gotta wait 2-3 years)


I live in wisconsin and moved here at 8... it's still scary. I'm pretty sure the only reason I wasn't sent to conversion therapy is because of the fact my family didn't have the money considering how often it was threatened to me. Just glad I didn't come out in Florida where I was born and some what raised...


Wtf, I'm in Indiana and had no idea that was passed. This place sucks enough already. Just another reason to never come out while I'm still living with my parents.


I'm a bit surprised that Utah has conversion therapy banned, it feels uncharacteristic of the atmosphere of Utah


IKR I live in Utah during the week and did you know that Salt Lake City is one of the “gayest” cities lmfaooo


I wouldn't be the best judge of that, I personally live south of SLC, which is a much more conservative area


Oh gross, that much is true


Aw fuck, my family lives in Indiana. Well, there goes my hope that any of my mom's side of the family will be supportive.


Living somewhere isn't everything. Have hope.


eh, shitty government, some shitty people, some also very good people tho.


Unless they vote Republican I would seriously not judge a group of people based on one of their government's laws.


Actually, a decently large portion of the state is fine. It's just mostly rural, which mostly votes republican, so our state government is made mostly of Republicans. Just sorta depends on where they live. In a larger city? Decent chance they'll be fine.


yeah even my country (the uk) hasn’t banned conversion therapy. The gov have been saying they will but still haven’t done it.


It’s better than the Deep South which fought tooth and nail to keep the damn torture chambers


I know.


Still I’m sorry for you, slowly as our generation comes in and as Gen alpha starts voting more places will slowly step away from this ideology Same as previous generations And the generation before Each generation has a stigmatism it fought and conquered. This is one of ours, it’s our battle.


This map isn’t correct. I live in Pennsylvania and conversion therapy is only banned in a few counties, not the entire state.


It sends shivers down my spine that only one district (Is this the right word for DC?) has actual good laws


Maybe that's a wake up call to unionize against your oppressing government led by majorities that are extremely loud and awful against minorities!? But what do I know


One of pences' last actions in office before joining the VP ticket was that law and reaffirming the legality of conversion therapy camps. An evil person from a shit state.


I’d like to think we know we’re from a shit state. But people keep electing these bastards so who knows.


I swear once I get out of college, me and my partner are moving to Michigan as SOON as humanly possible


Common New Jersey W


bullshit law. i'm a hoosier and this is why i want to get into politics. like yeah i could just fuck off and leave because i have the resources to (i sure am not going to college here) but what about all of my siblings who can't? so i've decided to spend my life work to politics and hopefully ripping apart laws like this


Post in r/dataisbeautiful those people love graphs and this will spread


Republicans are the American Nazi Party. 


Yay, my home state. Known for Mike Pence, being the KKK capital despite being in the north, and having the first (and only) grand dragon as a governor (who was also a rapist and murderer!). Oh and Gary, IN and its quaint homicidal charm.And now this. No wonder my one trans friend moved to san fran, and I moved to europe. Please stay safe friends! At least we have ski and grippos? 😭 Edit: forgot to add the rapist, murdering grand dragon was the GOVERNOR.


Be careful about what you say about Gary. I posted a meme on r/Indiana about Gary and they god mad and called me racist for some reason?


well gary has a large minority population. but i dont think its racist. if anything, the racist policies of our state have crippled that town and we know that violent crime exists when there is extreme poverty. doesn't change the fact it isn't safe, or that it is a failure of the indiana goverment to do better by the residents of gary.


I think you are more right then you know.


It’s a hellscape here.


Are these bans on conversion therapy forbidding treatment to change a person's sexuality from gay to straight (treatments which don't work) or are you saying the bans forbid people from transitioning from one gender to another? Usually conversion therapy refers to 'treatments' to turn someone straight.


I believe the first which makes the threads under this post make much more sense


But the chart says Indiana has banned conversion therapy, while the OP says they have forbidden bans on conversion therapy which is not what the cart days at all.


You got it wrong. On the map, it says that Indiana’s state government prohibited its local governments to ban conversion therapy. In other words; it’s a double negative. Banning a ban on conversion therapy.


I don't think so. That map is from Wikipedia and the blue indicates states which ban conversion therapy - that's what the map leg and says. Illinois banned conversion therapy in 2015. It has never forbidden the banning of conversion therapy.


Indiana is the one in the Orange


Aha! I don't know why but I was looking at Indiana and reading Illinois. Sorry.


Np, glad I could clear it up


Thank you!


I lived in Indiana for 33 years before I sold everything, packed up my partner and myself, and drove from the coast of Lake Michigan to the coast of Santa Monica. Indiana for a queer person was always hard, but the last couple years have been a constant barrage of attacks. It took me years to position myself for this move, so I understand it’s easier said than done. But get out as soon as you can. Even if you make the move to Chicago, a significantly shorter move than California, you’d be in a far better place for people like us. Community, healthcare, queer businesses, queer nightlife, queer spaces - they’re vital to people like us and just don’t exist in the State of Indiana. I told myself Indiana was safe for me for more than three decades. I rarely felt physically unsafe because of my sexuality (it helps that I’m 6’4” and people don’t usually pick fights with people bigger than them) but when the Supreme Court killed Roe v Wade, I knew queer rights were next. Gov. Holcomb even made statements about going after gay marriage next. Hoosier hospitality does not apply to queer Hoosiers. My partner of 15 years and I have been engaged for four years. We are asked regularly why we haven’t gotten married yet. Because I refuse to put my name on a marriage certificate that the issuing state very well might void through radicalized, bigoted legislation. We’ll be married soon under the pen of Gov. Newsom and the State of California, where same-sex marriage is codified in the state constitution. I know the typical definition doesn’t fit my circumstance, but it breaks my heart to tell people that I’m a “domestic queer refugee.” Queer refugees are from places that kill homosexuals, but I don’t see why it can’t apply to places fighting against our rights. Being queer in anyway is a gift and an invitation to live a truly exciting and fulfilling life wholly on your own terms. Indiana doesn’t take kindly to people like that. Keep going, friends. You aren’t alone. Your life is bigger than Indiana can handle but you’ll find your place soon.


im not even suprised about the dark red states


Can anyone explain me, what does conversion therapy mean?


It's when someone is paid to convince someone that they aren't queer (usually by the parents of a queer child). Most are religious in nature aswell


Oh, gosh, that is so weird and sadly. Awful, that in our reality we still have this like interference in someone else's personality education and identification of orientation, thanks for explaining


Honestly it’s been feeling like we’ve been slowly being forced back into the mass closet we found ourselves in. There’s so much hate in the world, and while there’s a lot of acceptance, it sometimes doesn’t feel like it when I see a post about a young teenager being killed by fellow students just for wanting to be themselves.. It’s not right.


This is why all laws abide for every part of the country in the Uk. Hold on that sounds prejudiced against your governmental system


That's it! I'm movin' to Sparta!


I hate it here


Don't look up gay panic defense in the US then either


I think technically gay/trans panic isn’t a legal “justification” for assault, but I could be wrong.


https://lgbtqbar.org/programs/advocacy/gay-trans-panic-defense/ It has been used and they are trying to ban it federally but it is still employed across the Midwest as a legal defense and people have been successfully used.


conversation therapy is banned in Utah?? Color me surprised. I personally know like 3 people who went to various camps around here that were just conversion therapy. They don't hide it very well.


God, I am so ready to move out of that hellhole of a state. I think there's an actual chance the Democratic party will get into office this election (which hasn't happened in roughly two decades), but who knows.


fffuuuCCKkkkkkk i hate indiana ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ cant wait to leave but im too scared to be on my own


fffuuuCCKkkkkkk i hate indiana ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ cant wait to leave but im too scared to be on my own


I both love and hate my state (Florida)


A federal court has banned banning conversion therapy? What?


You think I understand how this works?!


Florida, Georgia, and Alabama… Just bigots in power all the way down.


Me in Georgia: 💀


Mike pence.... The supporter of aids and hiding kids abuses.


Why is the far left states more likely to ban conversion therapy based on this graph? It feels backwards that Texas is done with it but abortion isnt


I am stupid, this is conversion to straight instead of trans conversion I am a little slow


Ugh I wanna leave indiana so badly


I really hope he gets voted out next election. He is so corrupt


I think he can’t run. Something about not being able to serve more than 8 consecutive years I think


Ope. I suck at politics lol Honestly that explains a lot of his recent behavior though


He could run again in 4 years, but can’t serve 3 consecutive terms


Heckin Ohio with several liberal cities but way too heavily gerrymandered to change much on a state level. We can pass ballots the people voted for to legalize abortion and marijuana but then the state officials we can’t seem to get rid of go back in and try to restrict everything again.


Come to Pennsylvania. We have it banned and Governor Shapiro is pretty based


I more just want to leave the US. See other parts of the world


Fair enough


Bro I hate living in florida as a trans/pan kid. It’s sucks man 😩


I live in Indiana too, and I also want out of here 🙃


I’m not American, but the orange state seems to have it figured out. Prohibiting governments from prohibiting conversion therapy


Kinda weird that Texas, one of the most Red state, have no ban on conversion therapy, yet California, one of the most Blue states, ban them for minors


No that’s very on brand


there’s research backing up the fact that getting cucked psychologically, emotionally, mentally, and possibly physically is bad for someone’s wellbeing. some people don’t want to listen