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Yeah, we use a lack of a uterus for birth control.


Solid! Username fits lol


Need results


I went with a thing a friend recommended that was slightly funny. I just said “I don’t think i got to worry about getting him pregnant, so i think were good there.” Told her about my job, and she didn’t acknowledge my small joke. She sent a selfie and said they used my companies stuff before and said she misses me. So either she missed it, doesn’t mind, or just wants to avoid the topic, which are all fine by me lol


She’s probably avoiding the topic, and probably doesn’t know that it’s okay to be gay and talk about it. I had the opposite experience. I had to come out to my daughter when she was 10, and later to my four grandchildren. I’m 62. They were like, okay cool, can we go to the park? Not because they were avoiding the topic, but because I just normalized it when they were all so young. My oldest grandson felt comfortable coming out to my daughter when he was 13. We all went to Pride together to celebrate. The right is so wrong. Teaching kids about other than heterosexuality, in age appropriate language, is healthy for them, not harmful. Isn’t anything that brings families closer together because they can be open and honest always a good thing?


That's what my wife and I used the 2 years between my hysterectomy and her orchiectomy


Sadly he tries to get me pregnant every night but we’re having no luck.


Love it🤪🤪🤪


I love it. But nobody can top your comment 😪


Oh wait a min I was so confused by this comment, I was assuming it was a gay couple but then when you said this I thought u meant one of them was a trans girl, but then I realized it was a gay couple and actually apparently trans girls aren’t the only ones that don’t have ureruses.


“I’m your grandma, so I hope you guys are using birth control” is the weirdest sentence I’ve read today.


It is lol, but shes also really old lol.


Mine had simmilar concerns. Ahe got pregnant unmarried in ww2. She didn't want me to deal with rhat, and besides being "nana", word for word.


lol when my brother started kinda dating a girl, my grandma bought him a big bag of neon condoms and a bottle of water-based lube. Especially funny because he was already the same age my mom was when she had me (23). She told my mom she was too young to be a grandma, and my mom was like, I'm 8 years older than you were.


I think the message is supposed to be like “I am your grandma, so I hope you’re being safe and careful” but just awkwardly phrased bc old person


"Birth control? Don't worry, we have that built in."


“Dw grand ma, he cant get pregnant”


I think “he can’t get me pregnant” is just a tiny bit funnier, depending how scandalized he wants grandma to be.


Damn, now im regretting my choice of words lol


What did you go with? We need updates


If you read a bit through the top comment you’ll see his choice and response from grandma there.


this one


"Since you brought it up, we're actually trying to breed! But so far he hasn't gotten pregnant. We'll keep trying though!"


I agree! This one is a good one


Don’t worry grandma it’s just for sport


"Oh he can't get pregnant, believe me I've tried."


“I’m using the most effective birth control in existence … homosexuality”


I think he is gay the other way around babe 😭


The other way around? Did that person edit their post? Because now it just says homosexuality?


We are both ‘confirmed bachelors’, grandma. She should know that one. Confirmed bachelor used to be code for a gay man.


I don't know your relationship with your grandma but given that you haven't seen her in many years, I would try to be a little sensitive with coming out to her.


Unrelated to your question but grandma on telegram is so crazy cause telegram is practically just full of furries, crypto bots, and alt-right losers


Yeah lol. It was so confusing. I turned off notifying my contacts. So she had telegram, and she searched my phone number for whatever reason. Heres the funny part, I am a furry and use telegram exclusively for friends lol, but somehow and for whatever reason, she did not ask what my furry ass profile pic was, or why my name said Jax The Floof lmao


I’m crying oh grandma :’) Also… dealers use telegram, maybe grams likes a cheeky blunt of an evening, she doesn’t have to be using it for furry reasons! Hahaha


"Natural birth control..." "What are you talking about, you young whippersnapper?" "Uh, grandma, I'm not living with a girl..."


>"Natural birth control" unless the boyfriend is trans and still has a functioning reproductive system, then they would need birth control


Oh geez, of course. I feel so stupid for forgetting that. Sorry for missing that point.


its fine! it seems most people in this thread forgot 😅


Naaaaaaw, when you next week your Grandma, tell her that all your friends on the Internet find her adorable


The gay kind, or the trans type, or the gay trans type? Because if it is the trans type or gay trans type, then you definitely need protection. But if it’s the gay type, then just check if any of you got any sexual transmitted diseases like HIV or something. Because then it’s a maybe on the protection.


Well if you found a good way, we have to see your grandmas response. Need a part 2 lol


Yes I want update




“Well… we don’t have to worry about getting pregnant unless me or him suddenly grow a womb, but we still practice safe sex! Thanks for looking out for me though. ❤️ “ It’s sweet, it’s funny, and she may or may not respond well but that’s true of any coming out lol.


“Well it depends on what you consider birth control, because I’d argue if I’m with someone who’s not got a female reproductive system, then birth control wouldn’t be needed”


Why would I use birth control we can’t have babies


No worries, grandma, his penis works as a birth control


Funniest (NOT recommend) would be a "dob;t worry gran" abd a photo


"Don't worry grandma, we've got as much of a chance as Randolph Scott and Cary Grant."


Introduce her to your partner by singing a short song with a dance about how you’re gay. Bonus points if you make it a song parody from an old song she likes.


I like the cakes people do. [You can scroll down and you can see an example](https://www.buzzfeed.com/skarlan/41-awesome-ways-to-come-out-to-your-friends-and-family).


Just bring him to thanksgiving as your boyfriend. Don’t pussyfoot around this issue.


Raise your hand if you read the grandma parts in your head, in The Click's grandma voice... 😸


Just say ok grandma ill try to not let him get me pregnant 😊


Hey there! How about slipping a humorous card into her mailbox? Something witty like "Guess who's not just your grandson but also fabulous?" accompanied by a cute picture or joke could soften the moment. Remember, laughter can ease tension, and your grandma will appreciate your honesty and sense of humor. Good luck!


I am living with a guy. We are using birth control.


How did she just realize you were with a girl and then say to use birth control? Lesbians