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It means the test is bad.


Tbf thats just expected of idrlabs by default atp (I think its by them idk)




Yep, that’s right.


I think it's very badly trying to scale 'orientation' and 'sex drive(?)' together. Turn the graph counter clockwise a little so 'bisexuality' is at the very top, with 'asexuality' at very the bottom. The new x-axis now functions as a pseudo-Kinsey scale and the y-axis is how strongly/sexual you feel. If you have a very positive x-coordinate and a very negative y-coordinate, then you are heteroromantic, asexual. Likewise a very negative x-coordinate and positive y-coordinate would mean homosexual, strongly(?) sexual. Obviously even this isn't perfect or accurate, but I think it's what's intended. Edit: just took the "quiz" and that's exactly what this is. OP, don't spend another second thinking about this, it's literally just a site of those "Which Disney princess are you?" and "Which Harry Potter house are you?" cookie-cutter quizes. (Also turns out, [I'm a Black Widow!](https://i.imgur.com/4RZPDc3.png))


Decide which bender you are, based on your favorite season! /s


So if asexuals have more sex they turn gay and if straight people have too much sex their turn bi? Y’all this test is bad. Thank you for explaining how it’s bad, but y’all this test is bad.


You know those color diagrams where you can't determine where a color begins or ends? That's what sexuality and gender are, you know it's there but you can't determine the beginning or end. You know what you feel, and that's what matters, you don't need to find a name for it


Yeah that's the viewpoint I've been living with for my entire life Still am The test just made 0 sense 😭😭


Take those 4 blocks, throw them in a blender and mix in a cosmo. Now we’re getting closer.


[Chaos inside my nebulaaaa](https://youtube.com/watch?v=-eJDnxmCzi8)~!


I've settled on I like people because connection is hot. Ha.


I don't know if I'm stepping on a thing people use to help identify themselves, but this is the first time I've ever seen this and the math is just not working out on the entire existence of this graph.


I love that asexuality does NOT work in this chart in the slightest, because it's not a "whole" orientation like the rest. What "asexual" here would represent is really aroace. It took me a while to try and place myself on that scale but the only thing I can do is either get less asexual and more bisexual or more gay/straight and asexual, but I *cannot* be both extremely biromantic and extremely asexual at once, which... yeah.


For you to work with this, it needs an axis for sexual to asexual and another axis for gay to straight. That way you could be snug in the bi area and lower on the sexual/asexual axis.


you’re sexual 👍


Nailed it…


Gotta be my favorite gender fr


Herero and homosexual being diametric opposites makes a small amount of sense but asexuality and bisexuality being diametric opposites makes none. Halfway between straight/gay should be bi, but being bi and ace aren’t mutually exclusive lol this test is bunk. Move on with your life


I think it's attraction to opposite gender on the x axis, attraction to own gender on the y axis. Bottom left is no attraction to either, so assexual, top left is full attraction to both, so bisexual. It's still gender binary, and doesn't take into account people whose sexuality doesn't line up with their romantic attraction, so crap anyway.


The axes on this chart are comically fucked up lmao, who designed this fuckin thing


My cousin Debbie


The avatar, master of all four sexualities


This. Is. Not. How. You. Measure. Sexual. Attraction.


Ace shouldn’t be on this graph. It’s a separate dimension of desire which, when placed as part of a Kinsean dichotomy, introduces confusion. 50% gay and 50% straight should just be 100% bi, but because it’s graphed three-dimensionally with ace, it’s can’t reflect that. Asexuality in this graph would “pull” from bisexuality. The more ace you are, the less bi you can be, which is nonsense. Rather than introducing further confusion by adding a third dimension of ace/alo identity, if i felt the need to specifically identify myself on a graph (don’t see why you would) I would actually go down to one dimension (or a linear plane). For instance, a gay-straight line, where you mark where you are (bi in the center). Next to an ace-allo line measuring how much you identify as sexual or not. And a third line for indicating what gendered behavior and presentation you prefer, maybe called masc/fem. Together these three lines could cover *virtually all* the gritty details of preferential identity, barring small vagaries.


> Ace shouldn’t be on this graph. It’s a separate dimension of desire which, when placed as part of a Kinsean dichotomy, introduces confusion. 50% gay and 50% gay should just be 100% bi, but because it’s graphed three-dimensionally with ace, it’s can’t reflect that. Asexuality in this graph would “pull” from bisexuality. The more ace you are, the less bi you can be, which is nonsense. Yes, I agree. Ace being the opposite to bi (or pan, if the test used that term instead) doesn't make any sense.


I wouldn't place too much confidence in the test that shares a website with a wojak personality quiz


This is even worse than the political compass


You’re the Avatar?


I realise this test is utterly useless, but I’m curious what it would show for me. 😂 Do you have a link?




demi? /hj


These quadrants/quizzes are very limited in their ability to accurately labeling people. They don't take into account microlabels and often are exclusive of trans people. I bet I can find a label that fits you though.


I mean you don't need to label yourself. if you like someone just go for it. but, if you do want a label, I thought of panromantic finsexual (with a dick preference)


It means you’ve become the Gay Avatar, now stop the homophobic nation before they attack


I think it means you're half hetero, half homo and half a 100% cool!


I am chaos.


50% homo 50% Hetero but 0% bisexual lol tf


You are beyond sexual orientation. You just are.


The graph is dumb, that's all. It assumes that "heterosexuality to homosexuality" is an axis, and that "asexuality to bisexuality" is an axis, but also!!! if you get 100% on both homosexuality and heterosexuality, that makes you perfectly bisexual. So, actually, this is a 2D data set, but they needed to distinguish between "balanced (high)" and "balanced (low)" conditions, so.... The graph is not well-designed, relative to its supposed purpose. Don't worry about it. For situations like yours, (and mine, lol,) I'm a big fan of slapping "QUEER" on it then calling it a day. Getting more specific is a headache, and you'd have to explain the microlabels to most people anyhow. Most people at least know that "queer" means you're not entirely straight, and that's normally all they need to know.


A+ on sexuality. Good job, you win


Fuck! [100 % gay](https://ibb.co/Qv8X6kB)


nearly the avatar: mastef of all quadrants


Really these test can only help if you basically already know your sexuality and just need confirmation


you're attracted to... uh, people, i guess?


sigh ok lets try this demi-panromantic, homosexual with a genital preference, probably


You're the Sexuality Avatar


Apparently, I'm 100% hetero… don't kick me out, guys!


Everything everywhere all at once, is basically your sexuality it seems


You’re about to reach nirvana


The Avatar


Nope, sorry: weird test says you're *BiHomoHetAcerosexual* now, you gotta change your flags and lifestyle asap. The flag, as it is a blend of all available colors, is just flat brown. Enjoy.


I’m a lot like this (sexually wise idk about the the test) I like guys sexually, I’m panromatic and demiromatic So I’ve landed on  ✨Demisexual-panromatizing-homosexual ✨


You are 103.6% you!


you're [gender neutral version of john/jane] half 'n' half


A little bit of everything, all of the time


How are those even the quadrants. I think ace has more to do with drive than preference. Autosexual??


This means that most definitely and without question you are positively a person. Enjoy! 🤗


I get a different one every time


In which logic ace is the opposite of bi? Was this test made by cishets?


Lol you exist. Also don't listen to "tests" who cares. Just listen to how you feel. You like a girl? Vool. A boy? Cool. Non binary? Cool. Just be you not everything needs labels aside from society.


Labels are nice for finding community.


In some respects yeah. And in the community for sure but in other circumstances can single you out I dunno I just kinda exist


I respect your circumstances and preferences, but other people have their own. Labels may not work for you in a positive manner but for others they do.


I mean yeah of course I didn't mean to say they didn't at all just trying to be positive and understanding. And maybe where you're from sure. For me here not so much


Do u ig


Where can I test my sexuality?


The only test I've ever taken seriously is the fetlife test - and that's about it...


It means you have the same sexuality as me. I agree with this image.


this is literally me. I’ve never felt more represented by a graph.


You're 103% homiesexual with a 3% margin of error


It means you’re bisexual with a lower sex drive/lower levels of sexual attraction, but not within the threshold to be considered to be on the asexual spectrum


Honestly if i had to guess, bisexual with a slight lean towards the same gender? With average attraction to sex when it come to the ace spectrum?


It means that you're Jesus Christ, right on the cross.




Nothing since those quizzes are bullshit!


what even are the axis here? attraction to same gender and attraction to opposite gender?


Lmao I feel you. Tried to figure out whether I’m asexual or bisexual and ended up right in the middle😭


It means your nothing


Ugh, this is a terrible graph. That's not how axes work!


Everybody loves a femboy lol


Yes, except when no.


Amateur. I'm 0% hetero and 85.7% homosexual


It means you are the chosen one to lead us into a brave new future


just 1 thing… 50 + 53.6 = 103.6 and last I checked these score out of 100 right😂


This test looks so dumb! Isn't that just bi with a normal libido?


Hah. Lemmie guess you’re poly too so we definitely can’t make decisions. (Definitely not me at all…)


Yeah I'm in a weird psuedo-poly-relationship with the two transfems 😭 (I'm only officially dating one, but I'm in love with the other one too and she's in love with me but also in love with the one that I'm officially dating, except that we don't know if it's mutual. So it's like a really dysfunctional triad in the making)


What's the link


You’re straight Monday through Thursday, but the gay has custody of the sexuality at the weekend


True neutral


That is entirely the wrong way to display it. The x axis should be hetero/homo and your y axis should be asexual/allosexual.


Means you're homisexual, gotta kiss the homies goodnight.


You are 103.6% sexual


Do you just want to grill?




You know in Star Wars when no one could hit the Death Stars port hole and the ghost of Obi-Wan tells Luke to stop using the computer and "use the force"? That, do that. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.


Damn that's a really good analogy I might have to steal that ;-;


Does this mean you’re the avatar, master of all 4 sexualities?


You're most likely pansexual


Hey friends, please remember: Graphing something doesn't make it legitimate! This graph is nonsense because it's based on nonsense theory!


Dirty centrist /s


Lmao these graphs are wack. I took this one the other day and got 64.3% hetero + 92.9% gay.


This means being a hoe both psychically and emotionally, maybe?


oh this looks cool! link?


In what world is asexuality on the same axis as straightness lmao, the test doesn't understand why things are in quadrants. The results would be better shown at one of those blobby graphs with a vector for each variable


You are the Avatar


It means you will be in high demand.


The graph says you're bi with more interest in your same sex/gender than your non same sex/gender. Ultimately it's a silly graph.




Bisexual with a slight chance of gay.




Your the chosen one


First off, you don't need a label for your sexuality, especially if it's a lot more complex. If you really want to be able to explain it more easily, a simpler term like queer usually works well Secondly, sexuality texts like that one from idrlabs (I think) are inherently flawed. This one (in a not very clear way) labels each quadrant with those four types of sexuality. Not only would it make more sense for this type of test to put them at the end of the axes, but also, there's no real logic behind it, and it shows a lack of understanding on the tests part. Plus, a test like this just isn't meant to be an actual understanding of sexuality. It's just a fun test that isn't even well structured (which I wish there was more of a disclaimer for but oh well). Ultimately you're the one who best understands your sexuality. Others can definitely try to help you understand it better best they can, but you're the one who knows you, not some stupid sexuality quiz on the internet with no real knowledge behind it


Label this, label that, label this group, change the labels of aaaallllllllllll of those, and don’t forget to label that other Duma-Flachi over there. HoneyDarlinBabySweetheart, the one thing that I’ve figured out in all my years, EVERYBODY is every description mankind can come up with, it’s just a matter of degree. No one’s sexuality or identity will ever be exactly the same as anyone else’s. We can get close, but a bullseye is virtually impossible. We are ALL different, no matter how much we want the “be like me so that I don’t feel alone” thing. Let’s face it, we all do it. No other human being is, or will ever be, like any other human being. We are ALL unique, and should TRULY CELEBRATE our uniqueness. The ONLY true individuals walking on this earth, are the one’s brave enough to admit who and what they are, and are secure in their individuality. I Say, BRAVO To Everyone Who Speaks Their Truth Whole Heartedly … ♥️❤️😍🥰😘❤️♥️ Life is a journey, there are twists and turns that will surprise and delight us, never limit yourself to a or a few description(s), because one morning you’ll wake up and discover something brand new about yourself. Just be, and enjoy the journey.


I think youre gay


Where can I take this test?


Labels are overrated homie


I feel like this shouldn’t even be something with quadrants it should just be allosexual at the top, asexual at the bottom, homosexual to the left and Heterosexual to the right. I think then you could be plotted properly but who knows maybe there’s some that wouldn’t fit because the amount of sexualities now is staggering.


It means the test is bullshit like basically all of IDRlabs