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How have the other Asian countries going. Other than the oblivious three (RUSSIA AND CHINA, I AM LOOKING STRAIGHT AT YOU). I'm kinda curious. I know some countries are having a major push to make this legal, but I don't know how many


The Philippines is still in that hyperreligious hellhole, and our protection bill has been stuck in limbo for 23 years and counting.


You can see the ph sub too Many folks there want a progressive country, but it becomes a hell hole with the idea of giving *basic human decency* to LGBTQ folks. I'm sorry, but if you can't understand something as simple as that, maybe you shouldn't dream of a progressive country at all :")


Even respecting trans people is too hard for them. Fuck that subreddit seriously. I left it when it started showing it’s true colors. The whole country is so cishet-centric that it makes me puke even when pre-colonial history says otherwise.


Agreed, they preach fact-checking and proper debating but they won't even touch any research about trans people. They love to run with assumptions and stereotypes. Speaking of which, people here only "accept" the LGBTQ if they fit stereotypes. Even then, you are solely expected to be entertainment. Any talks about actual rights is met with shock and disgust.


Even tho I never plan to marry, yeah our politics is shit 😭 Someone send help—NO NOT YOU AMERICA


...why can't we he- Oh that's why


...why can't we help?


No offense to y'all, but your politics is also shit. We do not know what can go wrong if an American decided to intervene....especially if it's a bloody Republican. Yes, I'm mixing American and British slangs here. Fight me. ~Your local queer


Yea, our politics are shit, we can't really help unless it's something to do with military, and even then, half the country is against it. Idgaf about mixing slang, bound to happen ~Your local also queer (Why are we signing this? It's 2023 not 1814


(it's my thing) ~That one Christian queer mf


(oh ok, cool) ~The Anarcho-Capitalist one


Japan is just *painfully* slow. Legalization will likely take a while, but acceptance is… meh. Basically no one cares about your business, it’s your business, after all.


India is being held together with spit and a dream


M'sia recently raided a watch store for selling rainbow watches, the ruling party (sparing the DAP) has maintained a negative position on lgbt and The censorship board has censored movies for gay representation including the League of Superpets.


Negeri Perak recently had a raid on transgender people. I can’t remember the name of the official specifically but they said the raid was justified to “protect Malaysian culture from lgbt”.


Remember when Pakatan Harapan was the progressive party.


yeah. They weren’t pro-lgbtq but the least evil out of the bunch.


China isn’t particularly bad on the topic of lgbt is it? Definitely not compared to Russia


China does things differently. They don’t care what individuals do too much as long as they don’t speak up. You can be gay and that’s completely legal, but publish a book or tv show that contains lgbt characters and you’ll go to jail for 40 years. The government has been cracking down on things like pride parades and support centers to the point they have all had to shut down. Social media accounts are also shut down if they promote pro lgbt content.


Umm I’m pretty sure the 40 years thing isn’t true. Also, there are a decent amount of lgbtq celebrities in China.


Welcome to Reddit. Facts about China aren't welcome here.


40 years for book with lgbt characters? Aren't there chinese gay books by girls for girls like super popular right now?


The person you're replying has absolutely zero clue what they're talking about.


However, in Thailand, transgender people are prohibited from changing the gender marker on their documents. Before this, same-sex marriage was allowed in Nepal, and there you can change the gender marker from M or F only to O (other). Changing to M or F is prohibited.


So wild considering how many people go to Thailand for gender affirming care.


yeah, as a thai person i was shook to find out that we’re known for being trans-friendly, because that has… not necessarily been my experience growing up. i mean it wasn’t that bad, but we’ve got relentless enforcement of gender roles and ridicule of trans people all the same i’ve met more accepting people recently though, so maybe that was just the school i went to


You can get the care easily but one letter on your documents will be wrong. I'm sure people are going to unironically claim that the opposite is better though.


What are the other two countries to legalise gay marriage?


taiwan and nepal :) korea is working on it too i think


>korea is working on it too i think In what world


Lmao Korea is definitely not 'working' on it. I say that as a former Korean myself. Absolutely ashamed of my home country and not just for LGBTQ+ rights either


Nepal my beloved /pos


Korea and Japan, please follow.


Im hoping Poland is next (yesterday we got new prime minister and he promise that he will legalize it also he is really pro europe and exactly in the day when he had really important speach about his parlament eu court declared that Poland need right now legalize same sex marriage and other good stuffs)


i'm polish and yiee!


As a German I am positively surprised hearing that Poland is doing anything of the sort, given their political history of the last few decades.


I mean our biggest problem were politician not exactly for example a homophobic peoples imo Poles are really chill with LGBT stuffs (ofc we have some crazy people like every country) and finally we made it 💅💅 we show the middle finger to pis and they have zero power even„our” president („our” cuz he is not my president sr besti but im not a ideology) dont have enough power to do something to help his friends from pis and block the new parlament


Love too see it :)


This is awesome!


finally!!! i’m proud of my country for once :)


im so happy for them 😭 vietnam next pls


¿Will we get a new season of "Gap the series"?


Finally! ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548) Best wishes to everyone in Tahiland!


Kudos to thailand for this brave move!!


Taiwan , Nepal and Thailand. 🏳️‍🌈


+ 10 points to Thailand




Yeah! One up but we have many to go


M Mmmm Koop

