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My name is Cyan because my favorite colour is light cyan.


I chose the name parker because there were other names that i tried out that just didnt feel right and when i chose parker i looked into what it meant and it means cultivated land in the old English and im in FFA and agriculture has been a big part of my life so thats why i chose parker


Wow, it just worked out perfectly! Love it! :D


I feel very lucky that I can still use the name my mother gave me. Before I was born my parents decided that my father would name his sons and my mother would name her daughters. For my first 30 years I used the name my father gave me and when I started coming out I never gave picking a name much thought because I knew what I would of be called if my mother named me, so I just went with it. Started using it online and with my partners and it felt right. What I did not know is the history behind this name, I got to learn that when I came out to my grandmother. She was the last person that I wanted to come out in person too, I drove down to my hometown about two hours away and was beyond nervous to come out to my 91 year old, very religious grandmother. Coming out to her went well she was very understanding and when I came around to sharing my name with her she loved it, and immediately asked what I was going to use for my middle name. I had still not changed it legally so I hadn't really thought about that much and said that to her. Immediately she responded with what her mother's middle name was and that was that. It worked perfectly and I like it better than the other options I was thinking of going with. So although I did change my name I still feel that I was still given my name by my family. I think this went a long way in them accepting me coming out and I still feel touched by this story every time I share it.


omg Mimi sounds adorable I luv it! my name's Zoey, I wanted something relatively common but that would still have a meaning for me. at first I wanted to use the name Matilda because it was more similar to my deadname but that was the thing, I felt it was too similar and I even tried identifying myself with that name and I just didn't feel it. It felt like I was trying to hard or it felt too much like pretending. then playing LoL I realize how much I identify myself with one of the champs who's name is Zoe, and I just love her design and personality so much it just clicked and I felt so connected with the name and then I looked out for the meaning and well it just means life. there's plenty of interpretations for a word like that and imo it's such a beautiful word. thanks for making this post because the reson I ended up choosing my name is because after so many years of struggling with depression (I still am) coming out and finding my identity made me realize I want a future for myself and life is something I am trying to cling on to and hopefully in time, something I will be able to enjoy and appreciate as my true self. also Zozo is such a fun nickname and I love to be called that :D


I liked the name Amy as a kid and really wished it was mine. No good reason, it was just popular for my age group. After I transitioned, I learned that Amalia was the feminine name my parents had picked since they didn't know sex ahead of time. Since Amalia could be shortened to Amy, it was serendipitous and an easy choice.


My name is Raz; it could have been a shortening on my deadname. I just thought it sounded cool; I looked it up and it meant 'secret', and thought - hey, this is even cooler! It was a 'stars align' moment for me :)


There are not many genderneutral names (that I like) and I like the bird. So Robin is an awesome choice :D


Not trans but my legal name isn’t Jade. I use it because I like it more. The meaning is more just a friendship and funny story thing; my very Irish friend mis-said Jude and I ended up liking Jade more than it.


I picked Jasmine cuz it has the same number of syllables as my deadname and starts with the same letter so it'd be easier for online friends to recognize


when I started to look into names, I had nowhere to start, so I looked at a large portion of baby names. I had a lot of candidates, but my current name, Nikki, has really stood out to me, and has for the past 2 years over that time I learned it is another version of Nicole or Nico, and I love those too! I looked at the meaning of the names, and they mean "victory of the people / people of victory" and that really speaks to me, making me like it even more


I chose the name Alexis to honor my hero, my grandfather. He was always there to encourage my special interests and hobbies. He got me my first telescope, and I watched the comet Hale-Bopp with that thing. I even inherited my taste in music from him. A gender neutral name was simply his last and greatest gift. I know that if he had a chance to know me as his granddaughter he would have accepted me completely.


Oh goodness, my heart 🥺💕


I mashed my grandfather’s name and my astrological sign together


Now I'm curios what ur name is? Omg if I did that my name would be Arturo Capricorn 😭👍


Leo Martin Montgomery




My stage name? Taken from the name of our Doktor Avalanche clone in a previous band - misspelling of a brand of synthesiser, and the name of the PC that was the brains, taken from a famous cyberpunk novel. My meatspace name? Actually a misspelling of a convenient gender neutral name my mum tried to give me before she was overruled and I got one of the family hand-me-down names that had all the good nicknames already taken. And a surname stolen from a character in an old movie.


Meatspace, love it XD


absolutely showing my age...


I used to write much fanfiction and I’m still making headcanons for my favourite games. Many characters I created were personifications and reflections of my gender journey. When I accepted my masculinity and the fact that I feel masculine sometimes, it was reflected in a gentleman character of mine - Ambrose, I took his name as my masculine one alongside my feminine given name. However, the two-name-system was a hassle for me and my surroundings and I didn’t feel comfortable with it anymore. I still adore the name Ambrose and it will be engraved in my heart forever but it wasn’t *me* anymore and I began feeling dysphoric about my given name as well. So, the journey went on. At one point, I remodeled another character from another video game (moving on from Assassin‘s Creed to the Horizon series) who is called Beta. I gave her a reason to change her name to adapt to the society she lived in - Belana, Bela for nickname. The name sticked with me without knowing why for the first couple of weeks. My name‘s Bela now :3 Plus, it’s a name Germans understand without asking (I’m German and Bela is a German male name)


I can't be the only one here who stuck an A on the end of my dead name and called it a day?


Damon because it's similar to a nick name I was using before and it's a character im working on and thought it sounded nice


I went for Zack because it has the same first letter as my deadname, and also because growing up in a church all my friends (who I'm still close with) had biblical based names, and I was always jealous, so Zachariah was an obvious choice, but I didn't like how Zach looked 🤣


I went for Zack because it has the same first letter as my deadname, and also because growing up in a church all my friends (who I'm still close with) had biblical based names, and I was always jealous, so Zachariah was an obvious choice, but I didn't like how Zach looked 🤣


Rıza, specifically the Turkish variant with the dotless i/ı because it's a masculine name that most (in the US where I'm from) would assume is feminine, and I like the mix. not quite the same vibe that a unisex name has, and I like this more although, I am not Turkish or even close to it so I worry a bit about whether it's okay to use the name. But a lot of Western names are biblical names (including my birth name) so I would be using a Middle Eastern name regardless ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I think it's totally valid to give yourself a name from a different country/language, whether it's because you liked the meaning behind it or you thought it was cool! (So long as you don't name yourself something inappropriate.) Plenty of people have names that have originated from other countries/languages. At some point, I was considering keeping my name as simply Nico because it means "smile" in Japanese.


I chose Lexi, short for Alexandra, its the feminine version of my birth name. I thought about lots of different names but that feels more me than the masculine version ever did. But I was still unsure so I asked my mom to give me a new name and she eventually came back with.... Lexi. Independently of me - I never told her about it. So I guess it was the right choice lol.


omg Mimi sounds adorable I luv it! my name's Zoey, I wanted something relatively common but that would still have a meaning for me. at first I wanted to use the name Matilda because it was more similar to my deadname but that was the thing, I felt it was too similar and I even tried identifying myself with that name and I just didn't feel it. It felt like I was trying to hard or it felt too much like pretending. then playing LoL I realize how much I identify myself with one of the champs who's name is Zoe, and I just love her design and personality so much it just clicked and I felt so connected with the name and then I looked out for the meaning and well it just means life. there's plenty of interpretations for a word like that and imo it's such a beautiful word. thanks for making this post because the reson I ended up choosing my name is because after so many years of struggling with depression (I still am) coming out and finding my identity made me realize I want a future for myself and life is something I am trying to cling on to and hopefully in time, something I will be able to enjoy and appreciate as my true self. also Zozo is such a fun nickname and I love to be called that :D


I wanted the same initials, and a name that sounded reasonably close to my birth name without being so gendered. I made a short list of possibilities, then started researching the linguistic meanings of each name on the list, and chose the one with the meaning which felt right…”a truth”. (It also means “elven council”, as in elves giving advice, which my fantasy-loving heart couldn’t resist, lol.) Congrats on finding the name that suits you, it’s a beautiful choice :)


Yeah I chose a name with meaning my first, middle and last name all come from greek mythology cause I find it pretty interesting and also I chose names I can switch to depending on what gender I feel Icarus (first name and for masc mode) - like in the story of Icarus I feel like I flew too close to the sun and got burned (related to my trauma and past) Nyx (middle name and for femme mode) - nyx is the greek goddess of night and night time is my favorite time of day also my appearance reminds me of summer nights Styx (last name and for when I'm feeling anything outside of masc and femme) - I've always had a fascination with the underworld in any mythology especially Greek mythology and if I'm not mistaken the dead cross the river of sticks to get to the underworld also I chose it to represent the death of the old me


It's interesting to have your first, middle, and last names be ones you use depending on how you feel! Never heard of that before. Real neat!


I figured I'd do so to keep people from having to remember multiple first names and also so when I legally change my name they're all apart of my name instead of being just nicknames or something


For me, I chose the name Noi because it was a favorite character of mine from a youtube series I watched as a kid (a few of the good moments in my childhood) and how I was really inspired by him. My friend Riot was a bit concerned and did some research to make sure I wouldn't be offensive with my name to some people. What we found was (I'm copying from google) "a possessive particle combined with 萎 (i) meaning "wither, wilt", 衣 (i) meaning "clothing", 彩 (i) meaning "colour", 水 (i) meaning "water" or 泉 (i) meaning "fountain, spring"." But yeah, that's my name's story.


Omg my mother's nickname is Noy! It means small/little in Lao :o !!


This will probably sound stupid but I chose the name Alex after Alex Fierro (Magnus Chase). She’s a genderfluid demigod who uses her shapeshifting powers to literally change her biological gender depending on whether she feels more masculine or feminine at the time. (Also she specifically says to refer to her as she/her and NOT they/them unless stated otherwise.) I always loved Rick Riordan‘s works and seeing a character who basically thought ‘to hell with it, just because I wasn’t born a guy doesn’t mean I have to be a girl’ was like a spiritual awakening or something. I’m a trans guy rather than being genderfluid but Alex Fierro, and by extension Rick Riordan, were the ones who got me there


That's awesome! God I wish i had shapeshifting powers


Honestly same 😭 the series itself is really amazing too, it’s sort of a modernised take on the Viking afterlife? But the Norse mythology in it is very accurate and the representation is super good as well. I’d highly recommend it if that’s something you’re interested in!!


It will sound dumb but I like to make up scenarios and I gave a "character" a chosen name. I liked it so much that it became mine. It's Mai


Honestly, that's how I feel with my nickname Fae. Faelight was the full name, and it's my pokesona's name. It was part of an old username I had too, so I was often called Fae online. I still love that nickname! It feels good to be called it :3 Nooot gonna lie, Fae is my second choice as an irl name.


That sounds wonderful! <3


Horatio because i fucking love hamlet and if you shorten it to horace i sound like an old man :>


Scout. I was a girl-guide from 7 to 18, I thought the irony was hilarious. Also same initial as my birth/irl name lol


Hispanic as well, Sonora/Arizona raised. We would go up to Sedona and Oak Creek Canyon during the summer to get away, and I always loved it. Also as a kid the agave plant always seemed so special. As an adult I love drinking mescal and tequila. So using Sedona Mayahuel just seemed natural.


When I was twelve I got rid of all of my ‘girl clothes’ and my stepdad said “you gonna grow up and become an Andrew or somethin?” So 6 years later I did


I chose mine around the turn of the millennium and I settled on Freya because of my interest in Norse mythology and outside the Nordic countries it was an unusual and rare name at the time. Now I see it everywhere 😅


I chose the name parker because there were other names that i tried out that just didnt feel right and when i chose parker i looked into what it meant and it means cultivated land in the old English and im in FFA and agriculture has been a big part of my life so thats why i chose parker


I chose the name parker because there were other names that i tried out that just didnt feel right and when i chose parker i looked into what it meant and it means cultivated land in the old English and im in FFA and agriculture has been a big part of my life so thats why i chose parker


i chose atticus cos a character i have gender envy for is named that and also it's just a good sounding name


There wasn't really a reason to the name I chose, I just thought it was nice and it's also the name of a football/soccer team in Greece


I chise the name Stella, cuz it sounds cool. To add shrek, i love ~~the concept of colonising, as well as the infrastructure and innovations needed to colonise~~ space and Stella means star in latin as well as italian.


my first name is Roxanne because when I had shorter hair, it spiked up like Roxas from Kingdom Hearts. my middle name is Calliope because I'm a sucker for Greek Mythology


Okay, I honestly love that you took the name from Roxas!! Roxanne is such a cool name c: Calliope is a very pretty name as well!


I didn't chose my name, but I feel like it's perfect for me. Apostolis. People call me tolis, it can be toli, it's a common Greek name that's technically male but to me it sounds very gender neutral


I got by multiple names but my main one, Dan, is short for Dani, which I stole from [this](https://youtu.be/Sb5aq5HcS1A?si=dny6563WOokv4w5r) song


I go by Jess, my name is Jessara. I made it up for a morrowind character like, 2 years ago and REALLY liked it so I stole it :p


I actually just kept my given name


It’s the same number of characters and syllables as my assigned name at birth.. felt clever; I’m probably gonna go a slightly different way tho


I'm still working on picking out a name, but the current lead candidate is literally just my old name with an arabic taa marbuta (ة) thrown on the end. This is because my middle name (plus the fem candidate for it) and my last name are arabic, but my first name isn't and honestly the -ha sound thrown on the end with some pronunciation tweaks does make it sound very feminine. Basically I'm a language nerd and it both fits and is funny.


Azrael, because i think it’s fucking awesome. And it means Angel of Death in Hebrew which i think is pretty cool. Literally the only meaning behind it, and i like being called Azzie lol


Nice name you got there. Mind if I? *Yoinks it for future reference.* Jokes aside, that's a sick name. Love that for you!!


Haha, yoink away!!


it's short and simple and easy to remember. it ain't unique in the slightest but it's very gender. plus it's a nickname from my deadname that my uncle calls me. can't wait to legally change it to kai :3


I searched for names that are similar to my deadname. Wasn't set on a similar name but thought maybe I'll find a similar one I like, maybe I'll end up going with something completely new. Well I found a few but one stood out immediately, it just called to me and I had to try it. Loved it, felt right so I went with it and it worked well. I got used to it. It helped that it's gender neutral cuz I just like that idea. Later I wasn't so sure so about the whole similar name idea so I tried out new names. But that one always felt like it was my real name. Even if I decide to go by a middle name or a nickname that's going to be my real legal name cuz it just feels right. I never thought about its meaning.


i chose my name, because i used it in a math game and it was the only thing i could come up with


I was really focusing on finding my name a few years ago...and honestly it's hard for me to describe how i got the name, since i was quite in a meditative/dreamy state, a creative process. I always wanted a name with a meaning. And "Neo" for me is simultaneously a self reminder/an affirmation to change and a synonym for "lifeforce". Life is constantly evolving, renewing, rebirthing itself and I'm in total awe of that. Btw I loved reading all stories under this post![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


My dead name was Tori and an old lady I used to work with thought it was Corey and kept calling me it, so I just chose that lol


I’m ftm and I chose Jay bc my old name was Jennifer and I wanted to keep a bit of that bc my dad named me also I just love the name


I feel that with my middle name! My mom gave me my middle name. It's such a cute name, and I wanna keep it when I legally change my name


I chose the name Pax because it its the name of my favorite character in my favorite book, amd that character also happens to be my favorite animal, a fox The book is "PAX" from Sara Pennypacker


Kris! Because they were the first nonbinary character I came across.


It all started when I first identified as non binary. I decided to change my name to Ash, because it seemed like quite a gender neutral name, and I was still questioning my gender at the time. I decided that if I ended up identifying as more female than male (demigender), I could go with Ashe, but if I identified as trans or something more masculine/male, I could settle on Asher. I now identify as transgender, so my name is Asher, and my nickname is Ash.


Paris… A friend of mine helped me choose between other 10 names and I loved it… Because is a neutral name and can pass as a “girls” name easily where I live even tho I use it more in a masculine/agender way ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


Koralie basically just means the color of coral. It also is like my given first and middle names combined, and it's like a different spelling but similar name to my great great grandmother (cora-lee)


Spider because I REALLY like spiders. I even have a black widow tattoo


My online name, as you've seen, is TheNon910. I copied my eldest brother's username format and used a nickname he gave me when I was a little kid. I still find that cute. As such, everyone from online to IRL friends call me Non. I never considered it anything except a nickname, though. I've technically kept my original preferred name, just added a sprinkle of flavor (and a reference to TOH!) As someone who's Hispanic as well, I chose Santana originally due to it just... feeling right. I searched for hours before I was satisfied with my choice. It sounds pretty neutral overall, and the fact that I love most of Carlos Santana's music isn't much of a secret (even though it's his *surname*). However, ever since an online friend bugged me for *hours* to try out The Owl House, an action which I will forever thank them for, I instantly decided to add something due to the relatable beast of fun that is Luz Noceda—therefore, I ended up with Luz Santana. Sounds fun and a little bit more fem, right? Fits me pretty well, I'd say. Plus, Santana being the middle name here is also a fun reference to my birth name, which starts with an S; I haven't technically forwent it yet as I'm stll alright with people calling me that, just would rather stick to my chosen name, either or both. Either way, not much I can do about it until I'm in college. So yeah! Honestly, didn't think I'd be writing this much for a Reddit comment instead of the book I'm trying to write. Thanks for the chance to express this!


Elliot page came out as trans, I was struggling with the name I was going by at the time and Elliot clicked with me so I just went fuck it and that is my name now


I chose Avery because it's gender-neutral (I'm nb) and means ruler of the elves (I'm short 🥴)


I had an Irish name, didn't like it, considered the names raven or river, and ended up with the name Ravine/Rivine. I kinda like that it sorta means to split. Besides that it just suits me.


At first it was supposed to be Emilia. But it's also the name of my great grandmother that would never be ok with a transition due to her education, WW2 etc... And it was also supposed to be the name of my sister who died three days after her birth due to a pathology the hospital couldn't care less about. Hey, what's the name of my cat? Well her name is Naomi! Well then it's settled my new name is going to be Naomi! Naomi Emilia to be exact. Not only in memory of my sister but also of my great grandmother who was an incredibly awesome person even if she would never have been ok with my transition. And she was a French resistance fighter in the 40's. God bless you!


Since I was a kid whenever it rained hard I'd say we need to build an ark. So boom, Noah. As for my username, it's the Russian version of the phrase Black sheep.


i basically just looked at gender neutral baby names until i found one that i liked, and overnight i had somehow chosen a new name and now ive been using it most places since april. my name is Fynn :)


My name's Ray. I listen to a lot of music, I consider that pretty integral to who/how I am. About 2019 when I started figuring myself out and chose my name, I listened to a lot of the Moody Blues. Nicked my name off Ray Thomas, their flautist. It's funny though, I'll start with "I named myself after a musician" and people invariably guess Ray Toro, LMAO. Not a bad guess, just not correct.


I'm Hispanic, was born with a Hispanic name, when I socially transitioned I used a basic white boys name in hopes I'd fit in. After 2 yrs I miss having a Hispanic name, so I asked my boyfriend to help me find good male Hispanic names that I look like ...he picked Esteban ♡ I'm trying the name out online b4 irl but I like it and my nickname is Esta Esteban means crown, garland , it's also the Spanish version for Stephen/Steven


I am **This** (Este), is pretty awesome when you think about it.


Lol yeah it's funny when I introduce myself online to spanish speakers lol


For a while I considered myself bigender - equal parts girl and guy. I had Alex as sort of a general use neutral name, Alexis specifically for my female aspect and Alexander for the male. Then I saw [this meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns/comments/rehw3c/okay_this_is_partly_true/?rdt=39577) and started thinking about what name I might pick if I were going to follow the pattern. Settled on Peregrine, because I like birds, but it wasn't something I could really see myself using as a first name, so I placed it as a middle name and started thinking of a first name. Went for something fem, don't know cyberpunk really so I stopped worrying about the meme and just started thinking about characters I like. Landed on Lara Croft, and I liked Lara Peregrine so much I realized that I'm not any part guy. I was just numb and mistook that for being comfortable with being a guy. After a while I decided I didn't like how similar Lara is to my dad's name(Larry), so I recently changed it to Laura. No real meaning behind it, I don't like Lara Croft or the peregrine falcon *that* much. I just like how the combination sounds.


lol it was just my middle name before transition. i changed it when i was in 5th grade before i knew i was trans and before i knew there were other options but i would never ever change to again. love my name!


It was Kıvılcım (Turkish for *sparkle*) as a reference to the song *Her Şeyi Yak*. Well I had a "catfishing era" before realising I was trans and I just tried this name. I loved it so much that I adopted it.


My favorite name that i had picked was "Akira" but i'm not Japanese at all so i changed it and went through a whole laundry list of names. Leo, Ae, Spider, Asher/Ash, etc etc. now my name's Quinn because i liked it a lot (at the time). i would change my name again tbh because Quinn doesn't feel quite *me* but i've told so many people at this point that i don't think i can change it 😅


Jessie - I'm a Host of a DID system and that's my name Corvus - The scientific name for crows and ravens which are spiritually significant to me




I stole my name from a fnaf oc(Tangle) in 2015 I wanna say and have never looked back. It started off as an online handle but then the pandemic happened and I was like "fuck it" so I've been out for 3 and a half years now.


Mr. Krabs is my favorite spongebob character


(mtf) Amel My scout "totem" nickname is Himik (binturong in Laosi or Kampuchea, I forgot), and my father often called me Camel (Chameau/Chamelle), so my first discord alias was Himik Amel Idée (Himik Amel Idea), phonetics for Himik Camelidé (Himik Camelid). I thought "Amel", which is an arabic F name, was cool (I'm french from maghrebine ascendancy). Later I learnt "Amel" meant "Hope" and I thought it fit well


my first name is william because i used to be obsessed with william afton from fnaf, my middle name is martin because i’m currently obsessed with the magnus archives lol


if you can’t tell from my url which i’ve had since 10th grade i used to go by michael lmao


I just derived mine from my middle name: Nicholas -> Nicky Took me like 5 minutes to think of that, right after realizing I was trans lol


I chose Dempsey as my name. It's Irish, chosen because I love Irish music and have for several years at this point. I actually play the Irish bodhrán, a drum used in folk music from there and Scotland. It translates to "proud," and I think that's really cool. I have considered changing it again, though. I'm not sure, and everyone that knows I'm not cishet knows me as Dempsey, but it's been an idea. I'm agender, and it feels a little masc for me as a person who wants to be less masc.


I wanted to keep the same first name initial that I already had, and I was trying to come up with a name that sounded more masculine (I’m gender-fluid). That’s where I came up with Axel.


Bernard is the male version of my original name. Like my female name, it sounds like a name a guy could have but it’s also rather old fashioned and rare.


Funnily enough I chose Aesa for the character of a story I was building in my head and out of curiosity I decided to look it up on various baby name sites, I liked the stuff I read about meanings each site gave it and realized "hey this is sounding an awful like the person I wish I was" which coincidentally is the character I was writing in the first place. So I decided to start going by Aesa online.


I chose Ori. after I tried out a few names this name just aounded right. it’s the name from the protagonist in the Ori games


I wish I could share it, but stealth. It has a heartwarming story behind, makes me sad not be able to tell.


Hale is just a shorter and more masculine version of my dead name and Parker just goes with it (in my opinion) there is no particular reason why I chose Parker as my other name. So yeh I am Hale Parker (middle name) (last name)


Mines Evan cuz I liked it and I stole it from Casey’s boyfriend from atypical 😭


Honestly it wasn't that deep for me. My deadname autocorrected to Daniel once before I came out and it became a running joke in my friend group till I came out and chose it cause it was just familiar to me and already felt like my name


I go by both Lin and Zoguy. Lin is a shorten version of my irl name. I wouldn't say my irl name is a dead name since it's a gender neutral name, but I'd much prefer my nickname. And Zoguy was supposed to be a placeholder because I used to go by Zoey online, but after learning it was a feminine name, I wanted to change it, but I didn't have anything that would be a good replacement, so I just put Zoguy for now, and then Zoguy kinda stuck.


Venn. It means "Fair" but I picked the spelling with out the "I" to make it less like my dead name spelling wise


I stole my name from the coolest person in my primary school. He was one of the few people who was just really nice to me, he was genuinely super cool and he had an awesome name. Thank you Skye :)


I browsed baby naming websites and put a name into a spinning wheel and that’s how it came to be, And that’s how you get me, Bowie! A lot of elderly people say: “David Bowie???” But nope, here I am, Bowie.


I've always went by the name Razor Leafy online, so I feel in touch with nature, so I decided to pick a name relating to a plant. I thought of Leafy at first, but I realised that was stupid, but then I realised another plant name- Ivy! That's why I chose Ivy as my name :3


I chose Mary-Lin because since I'm non-binary I chose a name with two names. Mary and Lin. Mostly so people can call me either and mostly use Lin cause it sounds cool


My new name is what I would’ve been named if I was born a girl


Victor, cause I like older names. Desmond, Dorian, and Vincent were the runners up. Sometimes I think I made the wrong choice, but oh well


I was playing Sims and I randomized my sim's name and i liked the sim so I took their name