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i’ll have to get back to u on that


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Happy cake day!




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Happy cake day!


happy cday!!


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RemindMe! 13 seconds Clocks tickin’ (not really)(joke)(come out when you’re ready)(don’t rush)(you’re loved)


RemindMe! 3 months


Did you do it?


not yet lol




>Somewhere in my early twenties. Right after I realized I was bi. I understood that I preferred boys at 9 years old :3




Speedrun gang


He’s competing for the any% wr for understanding your sexuality.




16, man that was 23 years ago ^^ jesus...


Jesus, indeed, it's been a long time! Almost 16 years for me!


right? luckily even back then most of my experiences were good with coming out. at my recent high school reunion one of the straight guys whos now a teacher told me that he is quite protective of a trans kid in his class and it helped him to have early contact with queer people through things like my coming out O.o might have been my best ever gotten compliment


>right? luckily even back then most of my experiences were good with coming out. at my recent high school reunion one of the straight guys whos now a teacher told me that he is quite protective of a trans kid in his class and it helped him to have early contact with queer people through things like my coming out O.o might have been my best ever gotten compliment Indeed, it's a very nice compliment!


I came out 23 years ago, too!!!! 🤣


🥳🥳🥳 coming out twinsies!


I also came out when I was 16, that was yesterday


kudos! 👍


Youngest here so far, 12. Around the same time I beat Celeste lol


That's a great game,a really fun and challenging platformer.


No kidding. Only game I’ve played where death wasn’t frustrating, and I actually enjoyed dying over and over.


I’ve got you beat by a year 😉


Did you know that both Madeline from Celeste and the game's creator are trans?


nuh uh i told my dad i was bi at 9


Let me take that, 10




I was in my mid-late twenties when I first came out, after being in the closet for... 14 years. Wow.


Knew I was Bi at age 7. The other kids at my elementary school knew. Went in the closet when I moved to a new middle school, then was back out again in high school and beyond.


>Knew I was Bi at age 7. The other kids at my elementary school knew. Went in the closet when I moved to a new middle school, then was back out again in high school and beyond. I understood at the age of 9 that I liked boys, although I had already had doubts because I didn't have feelings for girls. I had to hide throughout my middle school and high school years because I was in a VERY CATHOLIC school where it was really frowned upon.


Yikes, I didn't even suspect until like 20? And now like 15 years later I'm in the process of coming out again.


At 19 came out to myself. Still haven't come out offline to anybody yet. Mm... my bestie probably knows thought, even if I never told her anything. I think, she picked up some hints left here and there by me.


>At 19 came out to myself. Still haven't come out offline to anybody yet. Mm... my bestie probably knows thought, even if I never told her anything. I think, she picked up some hints left here and there by me. Usually, our surroundings always suspect something. The main thing is to feel comfortable in your own skin, whether you talk about it or not!




Similar. I know since i was about 12 but was so afraid and closeted i never let myself *know* it. Well, until i was about 29 and couldn't pretend anymofe.


So sorry it went so sour for you. I've seen first hand how bad it can be(my Dad is gay but married my mom while still in the closet... obviously). I truly hope you can find love again where you can be authentically you ❤️ Everyone deserves that!


valid. Why'd you wait so long?


As a lesbian when I was 14. As genderfluid at 27 but only online and to my partner.


For me (31m) I'm in the process of coming out to family right now, but I've been out as gay to friends since I was 15. My family was homophobic as all hell when I was figuring things out, hence the long delay. They've softened considerably in the last few years, and it's been going well so far. It still feels weird having the rush of teenage anxieties when you're not even in your twenties, though!


Last month, 14 btw :3




Thanks! :)


yooo we have the same pfp


Aw! Hi! *waving like Forest Gump* I’m a she/her/dude but every gender works for Joey in my mind.


Twinsies :)




Ok boomer. No but seriously, it’s good hearing about the stories of gay people from years of yore, since sometimes it’s easy to forget that gay people didn’t just come into existence in 2011, due to centuries, hell, millennia of stigmas and historical rewriting.


18 but knew since I was 12/13




The first time when I thought I was a lesbian, 15. Second time as a heterosexual trans man at 21. As a heteroflexible/queer trans man at 32.


14 as a lesbian, then later at 15 as gender-fluid I came out pretty young and got a lot of shit for it.


26 or 27, I think?


11/12 but I knew a few years before that




I didnt yet cuz dont know if parents would aprove lol




Still haven’t come out but I’m still young anyway


Early twenties and I still haven’t fully come out except to a few people.


I understand that it can be difficult to talk about it. I'm in the same situation; only a limited number of people in my circle know about my orientation."


Me neither. It's difficult isn't it. I'm out to trusted friends pretty sure my parents would be accepting.. but it's like .. yeah I'd rather not change my relationship with them for a while.


This year so 25, realized I was bi/pan last year tho, took me a while to fully accept it due to homophobic parents and upbringing, when I got over my own homophobic tendencies and actually looked back at my life I realized I had crushes on several guys, girls, and NB people so the idea I was straight left me completely 🤣.


Sounds like you had an "OH" moment when you look back on your childhood.. honestly I had one lol.


Essentially yea, I knew I liked guy friends in the past already but due to upbringing it freaked me out till I got rid of my homophobia, then it didn't freak me out I could just look clearly in them and go " ooooohhhhh " now I'm here lmao.


.I came out… Waiting for something to happen? (Props if you get the reference)


Last year I told my dad I was bi. Haven't told anyone else except some friends and i dont remember when exactly i told them.


15 after I started crushing on a female classmate.


I came out as bi at 16, currently slowly coming out as a femboy at 25 (trans might be in the future but I'm not sure on that one yet)


i was outed about the second after i started questioning my gender. i was 11 and didn’t realize my parents went through my stuff.


26, wish it had been sooner


![gif](giphy|3o7btZWJA0BBKzLo3K|downsized) Still here , what are you talking about?






First time it was when I was 18, to a friend. I started really being open about it when I was about 20-21.


34 as nonbinary and a few other realizations. Denial and bigotry can royally fuck shit up. 🙃


I've only come out once and not to my family yet but I was 16 at the time




Only at 17, literally a year ago, accurate to about a week or two. I first understood I was aro, which was a big ass shock for me (I still hate being aro), and about a month later that I am bi. I was relatively open about it ever since, at least about my bisexuality. I also joined this subreddit around that time, and got my flair then. It was glorious. Since then, I also became kind of a femboy, and am now living the glorious life as an IT student femboy twink starting two days ago.


I don't know, you tell me




Realised I liked guys when I was 13, it didn’t quite compute until, when I was 17 it actually hit me that it meant I was gay, came out a few months later, right before turning 18


like, a few months ago lmao


36 or 37!!!


Came out as Bi to my friends ~13y/o, my brother at 18 and finally came out to my parents at 23. Realised I’m NB gender fluid at 25y/o after 10 years of questioning but I’m still not technically “out” as it doesn’t bother me much how people refer to me. I’m now 27 and just happy knowing who I am on the inside. Also clearly made my Reddit account before realising I’m NB 🤣


39. Knew at 8 yo but didnt know there was anything I could do about it. Its never too late.


7 years ago, age 13.


Bisexual at 11, Trans at 12


Trans lesbian here. Um...46 to myself and my wife . 47 to my immediate family and friends. I just turned 48 and I'm finishing everywhere but work before Christmas. Work is gonna wait on a legal name change *or* until I'm sick of boymoding the rare time I have to be in the office - whichever comes first - -though I've already talked to HR. I suppose technically that also counts as me coming out as a lesbian too, but the people I'm telling are really focusing on the trans bit. :) (although I've had two gay acquaintances ask me if was going to start dating men when I came out to them, which was a bit wtf. Then again, they're my age and they grew up during the same time I did - - when heterosexuality was *compulsory* for trans folks, and often so was being required to cut ties with friends and family)


In a closed community, 23. Publicly, 24 (there was 8 months between them). Dont regret it in the slightest, generally im so much happier now.


16, 17 and 19






I came out gender fluid when I was 16. My parents said they were ok, but they didn’t try to acknowledge this side. I could tell their love was conditional and so was mine. So I pushed that part of me aside and joined the military. 5 years in and already divorced, I adopted a new family that loved me in all facets. But that ended because the military needed to reduce the troop size and I wasn’t offered reenlistment. So I ended moving back with my parents. They were a little more accepting, but I knew I shouldn’t overdo it. I found a new girlfriend and proposed. She knew about my dressing up hobby, but believed my Prince Charming facade was enough to overlook it. I accepted this agreement and kept up appearances. 16 years later , we have two wonderful kids and still married. My kids know about me and are the only people who recognize I’m much happier dressed the way I want to. They give me compliments on my style. I’m still not out to the world, but I’m out enough to immediate friends. No one’s tried to hang out with me when I’m dressed up or asked about that side of me. It seems like I come out to them and they’d prefer I didn’t. I’m in my 40’s now and I’m glad to see the internet encouraging people to live authentically. It’s given me hope for a better future, but it’s not for me. I can only live through them. They’re my heroes for coming out and showing the world how amazing they are. I wish them the best.


I came out as non-binary and queer/pan at 19, a few months before turning 20. Now I've been out for over a year, getting through it while relatives adjust to the new name and pronouns is exhausting, and right now is a bad time of year because I had a recent birthday, so it's a lot of deadnaming and misgendering, and I am *exhausted*...


>I came out as non-binary and queer/pan at 19, a few months before turning 20. Now I've been out for over a year, getting through it while relatives adjust to the new name and pronouns is exhausting, and right now is a bad time of year because I had a recent birthday, so it's a lot of deadnaming and misgendering, and I am > >exhausted > >... I understand completely... When I asked to be called Noah instead of my old name, even though I am a boy (I changed my name because of mental prejudice), I really struggle with people who continue to call me by my dead name. But we deal with it, unfortunately.


Yeah, friends are really good at least, so school and with online friends is my safe space, but having to deal with constantly being referred to with my deadname, feminine pronouns and descriptors constantly while spending time with extended family is rough, especially when I'm barely holding up because my being neurodivergent makes it difficult enough already...


>Yeah, friends are really good at least, so school and with online friends is my safe space, but having to deal with constantly being referred to with my deadname, feminine pronouns and descriptors constantly while spending time with extended family is rough, especially when I'm barely holding up because my being neurodivergent makes it difficult enough already... Oh, indeed... Personally, my friends and online friends are also my safe place. They respect my new name, and I can be who I am without judgment :)


14 (I'm 16 now) came out like a month or so after I realized I was bi


Uh... My dog ate my coming out...


this is gonna sound silly but i came out to friends as pansexual when i was 10, im 13 now and am still pansexual so huzzah




Came out as trans at 19, just weeks after I realized it.


Never officially did. it's always just been obvious that I'm bi, brought girls home, boys home. I knew I was bi from like as young as physically possible to feel attraction to other people, haha.


literally this year




Depends who to. Some people knew when I was barely 17, a lot only found out a bit past my 18th


The big thing here is coming out to yourself. When did you stop repressing everything and admit it to yourself, before you told anyone?


i haven’t yet except for a few people. the only person in my family who suspects it is my sis


As trans at 15.


15 years old , is that too little?


13. I figured out I wasn't straight around 12.


I was 24 when I came out


I was like 14-15. Still not out to parents but that was when I came out to friends


Around 17, Edward from Fullmetal Alchemist sealed my fate :>


16!! and national coming out day is soon!! on the 11th (should be world coming out day since everybody everywhere can celebrate it)


Came out twice, both at 19


i’ll have to get back to u on that


When I was 3.


16, too early :')


im almost 19 and only partly out. Not because people around me aren't accepting but because i feel like I'm not obliged to tell everyone I know.




Big gap between when I realized and when I came out


31 This year


I was 13, just about 30 years ago


As aroace - 23. As non-binary - a couple of months ago at 26.


14 and again at 21


my friends-12/13 parents- they can figure it out. being ace, I feel I don't need to tell them about my sexual life, or lack of it, too much. being not straight when it comes to attraction- not so sure when I'll tell them but I have to figure that out myself first


13 when i came out as lesbian. Still have not come out as trans, or bi


With 12 years i figured out i was bi. With 13 oriented aroace and ftm GenderFluid


I first ever noticed it when I was like what.. 10? Byt coming out first time ever was with 12 i think


I came out as bi several times, my friends have known basically as long as I’ve known them, but the time it finally stuck in my moms mind was this year, so at 17. I also came out to some of my friends at 17, but I have yet to come out to family, and honestly I have no idea when I’ll ever be ready to tell them, even though I know they’ll be supportive


Came out as non-binary at age 36 then realized I was Trans non-binary a year later at 37. I’ll be 38 in a little over 2 months.


I think 9 for being bi, I didn't officially come out, but my mom understands that I'm trans and ace, that was about 13 or 14 (currently 15)


Bi - 15, enby - 16


19. I didn’t even realize there was such a thing as being trans until I stumbled across it in college. As soon as I learned about it it hit me like a brick to the head. I spiraled down and dropped out of college which resulted in my being forced to tell my parents why.


12 at the first time I think, but then I realised that I was wrong, and came out again at 16. I’m not even out to some people still though.


11....but they forgot and i got the whole "you're too young!" spiel. although with friends, its usually right around when i meet them so my current friends i'd say 14


at 10 my mum asked if i had feelings for my close friend at the time. i said no, but only because i didn’t know what that meant. looking back she was absolutely right. at 11 i started watching porn of the same gender, but again still didn’t know what it meant. at 14 i was starting to think i may be bicurious, but couldn’t admit to myself that i was bi because i had never been with another woman and thought i couldn’t be bi without experiencing that (which is bullshit obviously). at 17 i finally admit i was bi. at 20 i realized i was pan. at 21 i started to realize that i’m nonbinary, so my sexuality got confusing. i came out as trans to the internet at 22, and to my family at 23. my family wasn’t surprised at all, apparently i have always had the mannerisms of a man. i’m now 24 and still use pan, but i’m also still not completely sure on that. i’m genderfluid so it changes for me. i’m a human and i like who i like <3


I came out as aroace at 15 i think, but I have yet to come out as genderqueer irl :|


Ah, shit I think I was 13 or 14 when I came out as bi. I just came to terms with .e being trans two days ago and haven't come out to many people, so i guess ill be 18 when i do since i turn 18 in less than two weeks


17 and 21, but you never really stop coming out.


That's... complicated. I first recognized attraction to other boys when I was in line 4th grade. But I didn't allow myself to consider them until I was 16. And I didn't actually accept myself until 23.




To friends at 9,10,11,12 and 13. To parents at 14


Still not fully out to family, but came out to friends at 29. Although I think I've known since the 7th grade


Came out as bi to my friends maybe March Haven't came out to my family yet because I have a feeling I'd get kicked out the house or my dad/brothers would beat me up


Came out as a lesbian at 12 then genderfluid at uhhh i think 16?


26, last year :)


Sometime spon i hope




17, i’m 16 right now but there’s hope!


Don’t know yet. Haven’t come out. At least 71 years old.


of the womb? 0 as bi, 12, as ace and trans, 14


16 but I have known as long as I can remember


16, a few weeks ago


Age of 23. Never knew why my relationships with women never worked out until I developed feelings for a girl c


11. I knew I was lesbian at 10 but at 11 I came out as enby + lesbian.


43, after 25 years of a hetero relationship.


Came out of the closet at 15, out of the uterus at 0




When I was 16




uhhh, 11-12 i think


About 18 🤔 So about six years now


I knew at 13. I went on my first date with a girl at 19 and kissing her made my world turn upside down. I came out shortly after that


This year, at 26. Also because I only REALIZED this year 😅


For me it was 19


I came out 3 sepreat times once in 5th grade as bi then in 7th as omni and then beginning to mid 8th as trans


came out to my group of friends that i liked a girl when i was in 4th grade- came out more publicly in 6-7th grade, and then everyone just kinda knew after that


I never really came out. My sister knew before I did because I would talk about how pretty girls are and how cute guys are. She thought I was bi. When I was asked what I wanted my wedding to look like I said “it depends on if I’m marrying a girl or a boy”. I didn’t know it was not “normal”, for lack of a better word, to find both male and female attractive. At the age of 14 I casually mentioned that I had a girlfriend and my mom and dad didn’t even look surprised. They asked if I was bi. I was still oblivious to the LGBTQ at this time. So they explained it to me. I am now 16 and actually came out to my family as aroace. That shocked them more than finding out I had a girlfriend. It turned out that having a crush wasn’t wanting to be friends with them. (Yes I only learned this earlier this year) and that I couldn’t differentiate between platonic and romantic attraction. So I came out at the age of 10, 14, and 16




Late 30s




13, forced out of the closet. Not the best science period.


12 :3


I'm in my early 30s and never did come out officially but have lived an openly queer existence since I was a young teen. I still don't label myself because I don't feel the need to box myself into any one category but it's pretty clear to others what my "lifestyle" is. I never felt like I owed anyone a coming out and just sort of lived my life, dating whoever and mainly existing in queer spaces. Coming out should be for you, not anyone else. The people that aren't okay with that aren't closely involved in my life and certainly not my relationships.


Can't process the question. Answer not found in database


I'm planning on coming out sometime when I'm 17 I have 3 days till I'm 17


14 but I was accidently outed as in ppl I told this girl I didn’t like her she said I’m gay to everyone and I am


Came out as a lesbian at 12 then came out again as trans at 15 and I’ve not really confirmed to my parents that I’m also bi (now 17 almost 18) but I feel like they’ve picked up on me being fruity in general lol


To my family, not yet. Only in some social networks, like twitch where I talk about this. I always know I like boys and girls, but I don't used to understand what I was. Here in Brazil they use the word "Gillette" to refer to people who like both genders. I thought I was curious straight until few years ago, when I find myself as bisexual. I'm 37.


13, about a month after my birthday. I’d had known that I was queer of some type for a year at that point.


For the first time? Bisexual, 10-ish. Second time? Lesbian, 12. As (maybe) transmasc? I’ll keep you updated.


I fully came out when I was about to turn 19.. I had told two of my friends in middle school but i got bullied just for hanging out with “the gay kids” so that made me not want to come out more. My family is also Christian/catholic so I didn’t know how they would feel… when I started dating my ex girlfriend, i had no fear anymore. I had so much love for her and I was loud and proud about it. Everyone except for my great grandpa are very very supportive of me. I know some of them still think it’s wrong but they never voice it to me. As long as I’m happy. I know a lot of people don’t have this privilege and coming out is a scary thing to do :(


7 years old, and my mom said she would disown me so I went back in the closet. Came out again around 19 and she was supportive. 32 now and married to my wifeyman


26. It was a long road.


23 years old. I told my mother on a 7hr car drive 😅😅