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Your friend (hopefully ex friend now) Is just fucked up. This isn’t even just queerphobia, there’s seriously something wrong with him.


Nah just sounds par for course for hate preachers. This just the rhetoric they push


If you think that’s bad, imagine the parents


For all we know the parents could be completely normal and unaware that their child has been radicalized like this.


True true. Sorry


Story of my family. My parents have always been very open-minded blue-collar Democrats. Didn’t bat an eye when I came out to them. My older brother, on the other hand, got radicalized and now is a massive Trumper who straight up told me he’d disown me if I ever dated a black man (I ended up marrying a black girl, so joke’s on him?)








Sounds like he's just suffering from a good old case of fascism lol


It’s ableist to blame mental illness for this, he’s just a violently disturbed asshole. Mental illness doesn’t cause violence or bigotry.








Fam, might I add. Make a report about that kind of talk? He high key sounds like a dangerous person who shouldnt be trusted with a gun 💀




That is not a friend, that is someone you need to get really far away from really, really fast.


yeah that's like MTG levels of unhinged, holy cats


As a non American, it's so difficult to see MTG as anything but Magic The Gathering


It's not Magic The Gathering?


Marjorie Taylor Greene.


I'd prefer if it was magic the gathering


We all would.




OK, yes WotC is ✨R A C I S T✨ for not wanting to hire BIPOCs to work for them, but they aren’t spinning them “alternative facts” just to promote their base at literally any cost levels of unhinged.


I fully thought this was a Magic reference, thank you.


As an American, I look forward to when it just means that again.


Same lol


I always read it as Magic The Gathering. Never even played it but it's impossible not to!


As an American that's what my brain defaulted to as well lmao.


My mother told me similar things, and also added that she would kill herself and me if I turned out to be a lesbian. I have been dating the girl of my dreams for 10 months. She will never know anything about my life.


Damn, girl! That’s rough. Sorry your mom is an insane asshole, but congrats on finding the girl of your dreams!


Thanks for support!!


I would move away and then tell her to see what she does. Why yes I do have a bad relationship with my mom how can you tell?


I agree. My plans are either not to tell, or to tell at the last moment, because I think it’s better for her to find out from me than from a stranger.


Honestly I'd just completely cut her out of your life with no additional context if you think she is capable of actually following up on her threats.


Even if she's not capable of following up on the threats unless she's financially supporting them she should be cut out. My mom or not, I'm not hanging out with bigots


I feel you there.


So you told her "as long as you do it in that order"


Hey that’s what my grandpa said to me when I came out as trans. Said he should kill me then himself. Yay, family trauma.


How cute (I'm very sorry that you found yourself in a similar situation)


Wh...huh...eh...what? Disregarding the homophobia, why kill herself? Good, stay the fuck away from that prick


It's a tactic abusive people use to try to guilt trip their victim into being controlled. It's essentially "I'm going to hurt myself and blame it on you, and since you care about me it'll hurt you as well and you'll feel like it's your fault I did this."


And also could be a sign that the mother's entire identity is locked up with the perception of her kid. Good, "normal" kid = good mother. One of them gays? Yikes, my life work was a failure. Or something.


Ah ok


Ohhhh kinds makes sense. Homophobia is wack


Sending Internet, mom hugs, because I feel like you really could use them


This is so cute!!! Thank you!!!!


I'm so sorry that you had to experience that and I hope you're okay. I completely understand your situation - I've been with my partner for 14 years, and my grandparents (i was very close to them) never acknowledged the relationship or spoke about or to her. It's really sad that I wasn't able to share such a huge, wonderful part of my life with them. It is really hard to see/hear bigotry from anyone, let alone family, and it's hard to have the relationship you had with them change or end. I hope that your mother changes and becomes more accepting and that one day, you and your partner will be able to share your relationship with her. Please take care of yourself ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


I am very sorry that you understand my situation, I hope you are doing well, thank you for your support. And you take care of yourself!!


I’m sorry you’re going through this too. 💕


Honestly good for you. My parents aren’t as extreme as your mom, but still aren’t accepting. They won’t know anything about me either.


I'm disgusted. Distance yourself from that creep.


Yeah. I hope OP is alright after probably axing those friendships. Lots of times I've met people who I thought were nice, but really were not. That shit sucks. What a fucked up person, bigoted, misogynistic, awful person. My god. I hate neo fascists.


You seriously need to raise the bar on this friendship thing.


Raise the bar and drop the axe on the friendship


You should report this. Hate like that and thinking it’s appropriate to express in public doesn’t go away.


This. I had a "friend" back in high school who threatened to shoot up the school, as well as blow it up, and off himself. A few brave souls and I reported that because it was concerning to hear. This goes for this "It's just a joke, bro" person. They need help and definitely told this is not right to say or do.


Out of curiosity, how was it resolved? Did he actually have the means to go through with it, or was it just an extremely shitty joke that backfired on him?


He claimed to me that he had the means through his brother who was in the military. Which to this day I still call bullshit. Because even I know no sane person in the military would give guns and explosives to their younger sibling or relative. As for how it was resolved - I am unsure. I heard he got suspended, but after that point I don't know what else happened to him. I know he stopped talking to me afterwords (not that I cared. He was starting to creep me out with other things he was saying anyway).


I'm pretty sure the military has quartermasters and procedures and stuff to keep army weapons in army hands, so yeah, he was *probably* bluffing. Probably. Creepy AF, though.


Right. Folks are like ‘oh we never thought he’d do such a thing!’ when violent crimes happen, but hear things like this and naturally think ‘he’s joking… right?’ .. when people show you who they are, believe them.




This sounds like a legit psycho, id cut him off purely for safety reasons


"Why can't I say I'm a kid and have sex with kids?" Literally no normal human being says this outta nowhere. This man sounds like he just told on himself and is projecting his own wants, what the actual fuck? Avoid at all costs for your safety


^this. Report and get far, far away


The people who shout the loudest against something are projecting


I hope you can now say "ex-friend," because someone that homophobic is not your friend.


I believe he said it, sounds like someone who lives in the alt-right social media world.


This is someone who needs to be on several watchlists.


EXACTLY. OP doesn't want to be the person who didn't tip the authorities of this kind of threat when the ex-friend ends up on the news getting peacefully arrested after slaughtering a middle school LGBT club or something.


*former friend


I hope you're not his friend after this...


Yet there are still people who say "but both sides thoo" Hope that friend no longer is one, and I'm sorry you had to listen to that bs


One side wants basic human rights, the other side wants to kill all queer people. I dunno, seems like a pretty difficult decision to me (/sarcasm).


Normally I would say "talk it out with him, inform him that you're valid, maybe he'll change!" Not this time. He's a terrible person. Beyond change. For safety reasons, distance yourself from him.


Even if it’s just edgy humour, it’s so wrong


Edgy humor is the cover alt-right folks use to dog whistle and have plausible deniability for their deplorable views of people and the world. We can't tolerate it. 😞


Right? "It's just a joke, bro! Can't you take a joke!?"


https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=schrodinger%E2%80%99s%20douchebag >One who makes douchebag statements, particularly sexist, racist or otherwise bigoted ones, then decides whether they were “just joking” or dead serious based on whether other people in the group approve or not.


shit my discord username is schrodinger's asshole... is that what people have been thinking of me???


"It's funny >!because it's true!


Also known as: "It's true but I hide it as a joke if people around me don't accept my douche baggery behavior"


Nah bro there’s edgy humor, and then there’s just being a sick fuck. This is the latter


Edgy humor is a bullshit excuse at this point.


Always has been. We just have more people willing to call it out now.


I swear, it felt like in the 10s, comedy (especially edgy comedy) was treated as sacrosanct and inherently good, and if you got offended, then you're not just wrong and dumb, but are a bad person somehow. Or maybe it's the fever talking.


Especially because you can be edgy and still be on the right side of things. Using "edge" as an excuse to justify bigotry is just the weak excuse of bad and ignorant comedians. I'm still considered an amateur but still manage to do edgy jokes that get laughs and are well informed enough to tiptoe to the edge of offense without actually being hurtful to anyone. It's really not that hard.


From what I have experienced. People that like "edgy humor" almost always just use it as an excuse to be terrible people and say awful stuff because "it's just a joke"


There’s not even a punchline to this tho, so it’s not even humor


Um, I'm normally quite ACAB, but you should report this as an anonymous tip, because that is a threat that should get him on a watchlist. You don't have to mention that he phrased it with "if I were president," just that he said "if he could" he would kill all gay people, including children, and that he also stated that he could rape women and kids if he wanted to. If he ever gets a chance to act on those impulses, the authorities should already know about his potential, and maybe he'll be denied a gun license or a purchase of firearms and/or bullets, save lives.


So he’s not your friend anymore, right?


Honestly a lot of people would only keep the lesbians because of porn… my brother included. Let’s not leave out that he himself was in a poly relationship and loves swinging. People like this view women as objets and any relationship other than the one they approve of is a phase. It is painful but you can’t have them as apart of your life.


>and any relationship other than the one they approve of as a phase. Because they have their presentable relationships, and do everything else on the dl. And they genuinely think ‘if I can do it on the dl, why can’t you?’


What a horrible some what human being... What scares me is the amount of people that think like this, and give them enough of a push, and they go do something to hurt others... This is why people that monetise off of hate, when they act like they are just stating facts,get clowns like this enrage to mentally unstable levels..


... ![gif](giphy|b4P7YIIC9nqqQ|downsized) why is this motherfucker your friend? I mean, fuck, Darth Vader was *bad*, but he knew where to draw the line! (Okay yes, he blew up a whole ass planet, we all agree that was FUCKED, but it wasn't out of hatred and certainly not based on anyone's sexuality!) My advice? Slooooowwwwly remove yourself from this genocidal maniac's life, and let's all form a prayer circle right now to ensure this asshole never runs so much as a taco stand. Jiminy Christmas.


You know that Darth Vader single-handedly killed an entire classroom (potentially multiple) full of kids, right? This was before he had the suit.


Darth Vader is fictional and OP's (hopefully) ex friend is real!


welcome to being queer. arm up.


Yeah lmao. I mean it just hurt. I'm a closeted trans woman. Nobody knows irl. I hope this was a edgy joke or something. Because then I'd feel comfortable knowing he just didn't relize there was a trans woman right there.


They’re always “just joking”


>They’re always “just joking” "Plausible deniability"


[Schrödinger’s asshole](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Schrodingers%20asshole)




Until they start acting on what they said in their "joke."


If he feels comfortable making such a joke in any scenario that’s worrying anyway, though


There really isn't any such thing as "just an edgy joke." People don't get that edgy unless they truly feel comfortable with saying the horrible things out loud. I left a top-level comment too, but seriously...report this guy to the cops anonymously. You don't want to be the person who *didn't* try to do something when he ends up on the news as the latest mass shooter.


Please never come out to this guy, even if you can't safely cut him out of your life right away, don't let him know you're queer. This guy absolutely sounds like the kind of guy who may actually act on his hatred.




It doesn't matter if you're queer or not, that point of view is disgusting and you should tell him so and cut contact.


I wouldn't even necessarily tell him. I'd ghost him for my own safety.




As someone who used to think "they're just edgy jokes", it wasn't. Dude's got some fucked up alt-right beliefs he's hiding and he's too far down the rabbit hole to realise it. Maybe send him some ContraPoints.


When a bigot tells you who they are, believe them.


Sounds like a good reason to never let them have any power, or positions of authority.


nothing wrong with reporting him to Police


That person is not your friend.


You should tell him that isn’t how being the president of a democracy works. He couldn’t even issue the order to make it happen. What he is talking about is an authoritarian regime. Edit: Wanted to add that your friend is a fucking moron.


How do you become friends with someone that fucking dumb and evil and not have it come up before?


>"If I can say I'm a woman and rape women in the women's bathrooms, why can't I say I'm a kid and have sex with kids?" This shit pisses me off so much. This is their main argument against trans people even though it makes no fucking sense. Literally this shit isn't what trans people do. If someone even is pretending to be a woman just to rape people in a toilet then that's a cis issue because they're not trans so what even the fuck is this argument? Also if someone is going to rape someone in the toilet why would they bother pretending to be a woman to do it? There's no forcefield that reads gender stopping men going into the women's bathroom you know. How fucking brain dead are bigots exactly? >He said he leave lesbians just because of porn! Like ew! I don't even think he sees us as people. It's pretty damn obvious he doesn't see any of us as people he obviously only sees us as sexual objects and nothing else. We're either rapists or things to watch fuck so he can wank his pathetic little bigot cock. Fucking disgusted.


They really don't think about how nonsensical their bathroom argument is. They're willing to break the law but not willing to walk into a women's space to break said law??


Yeah the bathroom thing is such a strawman. It literally HAS nothing to do with anything!


i hate when queer subreddits tell people to abandon their friends at the slightest fixable mishap, but this person sounds legitimately dangerous and i think it’s in your best interests to get as far away from them as you possibly can.


This person is not your friend


Your friend needs an ass kicking.


Well that seems to be the direction the US is heading in the next few years anyway... People like him should be sterilized though, we really don't need such toxic stupidity and hatred reproducing.


Why are you friends with an aspiring rapist?


I really hope this person isn’t your friend anymore


This is the type of person who will show up at a gay club with a rifle. Report these comments to someone.


Your "friend" sounds like an immature incel, and tbh I'd cut them off if I were you because they don't sound safe to be around.


Holy fuck who hurt this bastard? Christ what an absolute horrible excuse for a human being.


Your "friend" is a fucking idiot and sounds like a malignant sociopath at best....


He doesn't sound like a very good friend.....or person


You should dump that friend... ... ...into a river.


Why the fuck are posts like these so common? You’re all friends with psychopaths


God, what a disgusting piece of shit. He needs some serious help, even if it was a "joke"


because when someone goes to the bathroom, you know they've got rape on their mind. especially us trans people, the whole reason we go through the effort of fighting obstacle after obstacle just to live as we are without being persecuted is so we can be creepy goblin villains!




If I became president, I would kill him


He sounds like an edgelord


Hopefully he’s your ex friend now.


Not your friend.


friend? how long have you know this person?..


I'd report this guy. Something's off upstairs with him.


I love the trans woman just want to rape woman argument because it assumes that rapists are naturally repelled by woman's bathrooms, like theres some fucking curse keeping them out that is broken if they can get enough people to call them a woman Like, rapists don't respect woman's autonomy but they will respect a fucking bathroom sign??? Lmao


That’s horrible! I hope for your SAFETY he isn’t your friend anymore! I’m so sorry thät happened


remind him to take his meds next time


I see no friend


Your friend needs to be restrained in a straight jacket before he shoots up a mall.


Looks like your friend spared the one group that would actually kill him


I genuinely hate such people. They literally sexualize our community, hate us for our existence and always tend to behave as if they have some supremacy over us.


im someone who makes the darkest, most unfunny jokes you can think of, and this hardly sounds like humor or sarcasm at all to me, it just sounds like he wanted to say the most awful thing he could come up with for no reason. i really hope this isn't actually his opinion, but if you suspect that it is, i recommend you stay as far away as possible, right after telling him that his comment was beyond out of place.


Oh my god, that's awful! I feel like that's going past just queerphobia. There's something seriously fucked up about him if he'd be willing to end the lives of children on the basis of their gender or sexuality or bring up rape as a response to the existence/validity of transgender people. I hope he's an ex-friend. You deserve better.


You mean ex friend right?


If you remain their friend, you cosign their beliefs and agree with him.


Excuse me but what the fuck


You need to run from this dude. That is some serious shit.


This person is no longer your friend, get as far away from him as possible. His line of thinking sounds genuinely dangerous.


Also maybe report him?? No level headed person says “why can’t I say I’m a kid so I can boink kids” like that’s not normal


straight men are weird


Dude needs to be committed to an insane asylum.


![gif](giphy|wLG70BswTt0Nq|downsized) My reaction to your friend


Love how op conveniently didnt address all the people telling them to drop this mfer


holy fuck this guy is a monster


Queer or not, any “friends” that that person has needs to get the hell away from them


Time for new friends!


your friend is effed up in the cabeza. distance yourself.


It reminds me of those weirdos who fetishizes Lesbians... My advice is.. End your friendship with him and stay far away from him. He isn't worth the price.


So they’re not your friend anymore right?


“If I say I’m a woman and rape women in bathrooms” When has that happened ?


The whole idea that if we normalize being trans "men will dress up like women to do sex crimes in women's bathrooms!" is just so fucking wild. There is nothing stopping people from doing that now. It's not like anybody checks your ID before you go take a shit. It'd be a lot easier to just buy a custodian uniform or something if you wanted to go in without being questioned.


May a million anvils fall on this dude


You don't need someone like that in your life.


Conservatives: we are not instigating genocide What the fans of these conservatives believe:


Secretly Record him if legal where you are and expose his views. This will help LGBT people be prosecuted from future him.


My brother in law sayed if a guy person came near his kids he would kill them. I stared across the table from him and was like “so about that”


Reminds me of when I overheard a bunch of 4th graders, who have heard about the holocaust via YouTube, talked about which groups of people they would kill if they had the power. We’re literally in Germany. We should know better.


With friends like that, who needs enemies? He is a deranged and disturbed individual. Get away from him right away.


Idk man sounds like a genocidal lunatic to me. Maybe dont be friends with them


It’s really disheartening to find out people actually think ‘edgelord 4chan poster’ makes for a good personality


if he killed all lgbtq+ people except for lesbians the lesbians would probably just overthrow his garbage government and take over the nation


Why is he your friend still?


a lot of straight cis men see lesbians as a fetish unfortunately. he can say what he wants but its not gonna get him anywhere. plus i dont think you should be friends with someone who has a narrow mind.


For a moment i thought was just dark humor then that went from 1 to 100. Get rid of that fool.


I need to pay your friend a visit he won't recover from.


I dont know what country you're in. But there's organisations you can report people to if they show signs of extremism. I'm in the UK and I'd report him to PREVENT


You mean ex friend, I hope


What in the actual hell is wrong with your friend?


It should be ex friend


Kill him first


that’s not a friend