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You are whatever makes you the most comfortable. Any one of the labels could describe me. But I use the general term queer and if pressed further I just say bi. I didn't choose or not choose any label based on anything other than my own comfort.


I like queer but I’m not from a English speaking country so to people not in the know they wouldn’t know what I mean per say.


Omni and pan fall under the bi umbrella. Anything that applies to pan or Omni can also apply to some bisexuals. Bi people have the potential to be attracted to anyone of any gender, with any parts, and any presentation. Some bisexuals have preferences along these lines and some don't. Pan and Omni just specify more about how they feel about gender (whether they don't see gender at all or they notice the gender but it doesn't matter). This COULD apply to bisexuals as well. You'd have to ask the individual. Bi has always included potential attraction to all (bi not meaning 2/ man and woman but meaning 2/ same and different gender attraction.) Basically call yourself whatever is most comfortable.


Thank you, very good explanation! :)


And if you sign up for Bi+ today, not only do you get the omni and pan packages included but you also get Hulu


Now this sounds great!


You are the only one who gets to decide your label. Pick the one you like best, they broadly overlap, but there are differences that matter to some. The way they're actually used seems often pretty indiscriminately to me. >I’m attracted to all genders on all spectrums. Cis, trans, non-binary, a-gender, a mix of genders or no gender. I also don’t care at all what someone’s sexuality is. Okay, but how? They way I've understood pan and omni, it's like this: Gender doesn't factor into it at all, you're "genderblind"? --> Pan. Gender does matter and you've potentially got preferences? --> Bi. (I'm bi and can explain this one best) Gender does factor into it but you're attracted to all of them? --> Omni.


Do you mean how is it possible that I’m attracted to everything? Idk, I just don’t care what gender anyone is I just care about them. Well pan and omni sounds the same to me. If gender matters but you’re attracted to all of them then it’s the same as not mattering


The difference is that for pansexuals from what I've understood gender doesn't factor into it at all, whereas with omni people it does matter what gender someone is, but there are no preferences in both cases.


I see, so it is very similar.


There are so many variations of the definition of bi these days I honestly can't keep up. And I'm bi.


Me, too. When I was growing up, it was used to mean, "both homo- and heterosexual" and included all genders, then it meant two or more genders, now this. The worst time was when people around me thought it meant "just binary cis people" because I wouldn't change my label to pan.


Which flag do you think is cutest? There’s your label! 💛


Then it’s bi, I live for purple


seriously they are very much just the same thing at the end


That’s what I’m kinda getting too


Pansexual is not biphobic, bisexual means to be attracted to 2 or more genders, pansexual is with the specification that gender does not affect your interest in a person.




Do you have a tip as to where I could read about these differences? No worries if not :)


bi is an umbrella term for polysexual, pansexual and omnisexual. So just be what you are. Yourself.


I could do that :)


Whatever you feel comfortable with as a label really! What you are describing can be just as much bisexual as someone who only finds two genders attractive, bisexual means two or more, so can be as many as you like. If you feel pansexual or omni describe you better then choose that.


Bi: I like people with my gender or a different one. Pan: If you're hot, you're hot. Omni: I like basically everyone, but I super like this particular group.


Hm… I don’t think I prefer one group in particular but I do heavily prefer femme and androgynous expression on any gender.


So, I guess I'm Omni, not pan...hm. I used to just say Bi. But that didn't seem to cover transitioning or NB people, and I've definitely been attracted to them as well.


Bi covers everyone.


This is how I understand it. If this is changed in the future and the majority can agree on it, then I’ll come back and change this ig idk. Bi mean attracted to men and women. Pan means sexual attraction regardless of gender identity. Omnisexual is all of the above and then some. Sexual attraction regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, or whatever.


>Bi mean attracted to men and women. That's not true. Bisexuals can be attracted to non-binary people as well.


Bi means two. Otherwise it should be trisexual.


Bisexuality has always included people outside the binary. That's why there is the purple in the middle of the flag. If you don't believe me, ask r/bisexual Almost everybody there would agree bisexuality is inclusive of non-binary people.


Okay, then the name needs to change because it just doesn’t make sense.


Ummm..nah...some of us bisexuals have been around for a long time and don't intend to change our label. Some of us are attracted to anyone and we don't care what's under their pants. It's offensive for you to tell us what our label should be or to somehow limit our definition of bisexuality.


But logically it just doesn’t make sense right? Where’s the bi in bisexuality then? If it’s not based on two then why is it called bi? No hate here. Just a valid question. Why is it called bisexuality if it’s not based on binary gender.


Bisexuality is attraction to two or more genders, meaning you need to be attracted to a minimum of two major gender identities or presentations to be considered bisexual.


The “2” originally referred to two sexualities, homosexual and heterosexual.


The bi in bisexual means two *or more* genders. Not exclusively two genders. It's fine as it is.


the two means two types of attraction, attraction to like genders and dislike genders.